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My experience with a fake tickle producer


Registered User
Aug 28, 2013
This happened a couple months ago and it's taken me some time to get over enough to talk about it objectively. Needless to say I've learned my lesson when it comes to things like this and I will be throwing more caution to the wind the next time I plan to meet up with someone.

Side note, I won't be naming who this person is. He doesn't deserve the recognition and it's not really my style to call people out publicly. If he reads this and decides to out himself, that's on him.

This whole ordeal happened over Memorial Day weekend. This person and I had been communicating back and forth through private messaging and emails for a couple months before we decided to pick a day to meet and film. I had never done a tickle video before, so I was very nervous but excited at the same time. He gave me an address to meet him at in NYC, which I assumed was his personal studio, and what time I should be there. I got directions and everything situated for the next day, the Sunday before Memorial Day, and set my alarm in time to leave.

Now, here's a couple red flags that I should have took caution to before I set out to do this:
1. This person did not have a cell phone or any other means of correspondence besides his email, which was the same as his avatar name here. He said it was for "safety reasons". I asked if anyone else in his crew had a cell phone or any number I could reach in case I got lost or something went wrong, and he said no, it wasn't his business to give out the numbers of his film crew. So it was email and email only.
2. This person did not have a picture. He asked for three of mine, to make sure I wasn't "fake", yet when I asked for a picture of him, he said he couldn't send me one, again for "safety reasons".
3. This person did not have any examples of his work, nor a website or a clipstore of his videos. This person claimed to be a "big time tickle producer", yet when I asked him for examples of his work, he said he couldn't give me any because of - you guessed it - "safety reasons". So I guess he had his customers sign a contract in blood before allowing them to see his videos.
4. This person had one reference, a "tickle model" that he had worked with previously. This model did not have any pictures of herself or links to any videos she'd done - even though she claimed to have done dozens of tickle videos - and she said she didn't feel comfortable sending that "personal information" to me for "safety reasons" - sound familiar?

Despite all of these warning signs, I caught the train into NYC the next day anyway, thinking positively. The train had huge delays, as it was a holiday weekend, and I got into the city later than the time this person and I agreed to. I emailed him a good number of times on the train, updating him on the delays and apologizing for being late. He did not answer me until I pulled into Penn Station. He said that he thought I was a no-show and he already booked another model to shoot with. He said I would have to wait until 3:00 now. I said sure, I could explore the city a little bit.

At 2:45, I emailed him to let him know I was on my way to the address. At 3:00 exactly, he emailed me and said he was stuck coming back from Queens and would have to meet me at 6:00. So I did some more exploring, killing time until then.

At 5:45, I emailed him and said I was making my way to the address. I got there exactly at 6:00 and rang the bell. No answer. I tried a couple more times and what sounded like a very angry old man screamed at me over the interbox. I freaked out and ran around the corner. I sent him an email explaining what happened and asked him if I was at the right address. He emailed me back saying he was sorry but a member of his crew got food poisoning and he was in the hospital. He said he'd hate to do this, but he had to reschedule for another day, unless I wanted to catch a train to Queens to meet him at his "other studio". I said no, I'd had enough and caught a train home.

The next day, Memorial Day, I had plans to meet with a friend I met here who was from Queens, who I'd told the entire story to. I told him that the tickle producer was trying to meet up with me again today and he said I should really test if this guy is fake and agree to meet up with him.

Needless to say, the day played out exactly like the day before.

The producer wanted me to meet him early in the morning, which I said no to. He said to meet him at 11:00am, so I hung out with my friend until then. At 11:00, the guy emailed me saying he'd booked "so many" models this morning that he and his crew were exhausted and needed to take a break. We rescheduled for 3:00pm. Sure enough, 3pm rolled around and I receive an email saying the camera broke and they needed to fix it. Another reschedule for 6pm. At 5:45, I left my friend's house and drove to the address of this person's "other studio". I parked outside and waited. At 6:30, I received an email. Sorry, it said, but he and his crew were stuck in Yonkers, waiting for the camera to be fixed. We'd have to reschedule for another day, unless I wanted to drive up to Yonkers and meet him there to go to his "third studio".

I politely told him to go fuck himself, among other things.

And what's craziest to me is that this guy is the one who calls me a fake, even though I sent him pictures of myself, gave him references of friends I made here who I've met up with in person, offered my phone number and gave him my first name. To this day, I still receive harassing emails from this person, saying I'm a fake, a flake, an unprofessional tickle model with no respect. I laugh at archive all of them while reporting him as spam.

In hindsight, I should have took caution to the warning signs and realized this guy was a fake. But I'm the kind of person who cuts her losses and regards every experience as a learning experience. I'll never agree to meet up with a person again unless telephone and picture correspondence are mutually received. I'll never go through this again and looking back, I can laugh at how ridiculous it all was.

Anyways, that's my experience. Thanks for reading :)
That was a really horrible experience for you. I'm not into videos or anything like that, but if I were, I'd definitely want to meet first in a public place like a Starbucks and get all the info first, size the guy up, etc. I'm glad the worst it got for you was just a waste of your time.
Wow, sounds terrible. As ticklishmrs said, I'd personally always want to meet up in person for food or something before arranging any further get-togethers. Glad you have something to laugh about after that ordeal.
Glad you can, after all , see the "ridiculous" humor from it.

Even its some sort of mere consolation to you : at least this person had no real bad intention to you. He faked the whole set-up, which is bad enough... but I once knew someone who told me she experienced something totally else than the tickling which was planned. No need to say she never ever trusted a meeting with someone she doesn't know well enough.

But hopefully this single person doesn't affect your general trust so badly , that you can still meet a nice and trusting person to grant you a nice tickling experience.

And yes, as you said , you learn from good or either bad experiences. I really hope your next experience might be a very good one.

Before I met my gf , I've had a few really nice tickling "meetings" with nice girls. None of them was a fake or bad joke. But we always started with long e-mails and pm's (on a German tickle site though). And after a while we also gave phone numbers. Everything was well set and organised. With all of them I regularly write normal messages. Of course meeting to have a tickle date is not to be done anymore. But it's nice that we had this experiences and maintain good pen-pal friendship.

Take care and sorry to hear what happened to you.

Good luck with a possible next meet-up.
I hope he busts himself out. But I doubt he has the courage. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I'm so sorry that happened! But it's better than if you'd gone with him and ended up in a worse situation. Who knows who this guy could be?
You've learned from hindsight, which is good.

If you ever make it to Texas TwinFeather Studios will treat you fairly and will take good and professional care of you. Plus, you'll just love us!
Even its some sort of mere consolation to you : at least this person had no real bad intention to you. He faked the whole set-up, which is bad enough... but I once knew someone who told me she experienced something totally else than the tickling which was planned. No need to say she never ever trusted a meeting with someone she doesn't know well enough.

Actually, the individual attempted to direct the young women to New locations each time at the end of the day. Locations that she may not have been able to fully update people she was speaking with at home for security reasons. This sort of run around is often designed to get a model to a location, and then face pressure or even coercion to work, or otherwise.

Now that might not be the case here, as this sounds like 'Guy with a camera' or some asshat who just wanted to waste a models time. But it still has elements of danger that should not be dismissed.

The OP had it right in that the initial contacts were all red flags. No producer that has a real operation is going to play this 'for security' bull shit. They are going to be able to show you their work, their references are going to be able to show you their work. At the very least the should be able to point to people on THIS forum who have bought and seen their work. Lacking any of that, the feeling is scam, or dangerous person.

To the OP, drop me a PM if you are comfortable, I'd like to get a bit more information about this member operating on the forum, and using it for purposes that I don't think are cool. It would be appreciated.

Quite frankly, you're very lucky you never actually met up. He did you a favor. That sounds very shifty... and would you REALLY want be tied up and helpless with someone like that?

Consider it a lesson learned. You did the right thing refusing to go to an alternate location.
Sorry to hear about your experience. As Myriads indicated, hopefully you can direct the moderators of who this person is, since that sort of behavior is usually repetitive and he might do this to another female on TMF, and who knows, with much bigger consequences this time around.

On a different note, I hope this experience doesn't completely drive you away from attempting to meet with producers in the future for a shoot. There are plenty of producers on here with great reputations and a history of properly treating the models/girls they work with, whether in NYC or any other location.

I wish you better luck next time
Having had this hobby myself, I've never really had any problems with models, but I did have one asking for samples of my work, and after I sent them a few photos, just wrote back asking for more photos. I realized this was just some kid looking for free photos as we could never get around to talking about setting up an appointment. This could have been something like you experienced of someone just wanting to get photos and getting close to doing something they still didn't have the courage to go through with. Best to let that one go.

I've had a few experiences with models who got cold feet and just didn't show up at the coffee shop for an initial meeting, wouldn't answer their phone, and then the next day I''d get an e-mail explaining that an old friend just flew into town unannounced and they had to go to the airport to pick them up. I got that same story from three different models.

Then there was one local model named Jade who twice had set up an appointment and then just didn't show. Odd thing was she kept responding to my ad. After a while I called her out on it, and she tried to turn the tables on me saying I had canceled an appointment on her. My brother, being a narcissist, was good at trying to put things back on the victim, so I've learned to just not respond to these things anymore, and she wrote back the next day with a softer tone. Nope, I still wouldn't bite.

I hope this guy does get busted for being such a screwball. Not giving out his phone number for safety reasons just doesn't make any sense.
There are tons or real producers in NYC, why not reach out to one them to do a video?
what a douche.
I'd name him ...so he can't do the same to others.
I'd totally name him so he doesnt do that to others.

Sounds like you got a lucky escape!
what a douche.
I'd name him ...so he can't do the same to others.

It doesn't work that way, though. I named a fraudulent meet-up partner about 10 years ago; they told me to take it to PM and locked the thread.
Look at the bright sight - this is the kind of fake that makes you the lucky one. He could have been the kind of fake who shows up and does worse things to you than a tickling video.
It doesn't work that way, though. I named a fraudulent meet-up partner about 10 years ago; they told me to take it to PM and locked the thread.

If you are going to make a direct claim about another individual you can, if you back it up with solid proof, this would, in this case involve recordings of all the calls, data stamped copies of all IM, and PMs exchanged. The burden of proof is on the accuser, and "He said" doesn't cut it.

If you are making a serious accusation you need to back it with serious proof.

On the other hand, speaking in PM with people is allowable, as it's not a public accusation. It's a private conversation.

My own request for further information specified PM, and is based on a desire to see if this action matches past reported complaints about some other users. We attempt to establish violation patterns in behavior and then take action.

This is how young women (and men) disappear and wind up on milk cartons. You're a lucky young lady. Play safe and sane kids, and always have your street smarts turned on more than your fetish.

~ C.A.B.
At the time she stopped responding to my PMs and mostly dissaperqed from the forum, which was brought up in my original post.

As far as proof, I had hotel receipts, a credit card stamement, a rental car receipt - all pointing to my travels - as well as other e-mails and Yahoo PMs to and from her, before her disappearance, plus whatever PMs we'd sent to one another here on the TMF, which the mods have access to. Also, I met up with Max Speer on my travels - who knew about the situation. In addition, Josie The Ticklish Pussycat and The Recycler were aware of my situation and got in touch with the woman at a later time after she left the TMF completely - at least, under her original screen name.

None of this info was requested of me at the time by any mod, either in a PM or in the thread itself (like the request you made to the OP a few posts above), nor was any such requirement listed in the TMF FAQs/rules as being required so I didn't know at the time what to do with all this evidence. I presume all that is there now, though, from your assurance.

What happened was: I was a single guy mislead by a female on the TMF, tried to warn others who were interested in meeting with her, then was told by male TMF mods to go away as my thread shut down.

I don't know how it is now, but the TMF sure played by 2 sets of rules back then.

If you are going to make a direct claim about another individual you can, if you back it up with solid proof, this would, in this case involve recordings of all the calls, data stamped copies of all IM, and PMs exchanged. The burden of proof is on the accuser, and "He said" doesn't cut it.

If you are making a serious accusation you need to back it with serious proof.

On the other hand, speaking in PM with people is allowable, as it's not a public accusation. It's a private conversation.

My own request for further information specified PM, and is based on a desire to see if this action matches past reported complaints about some other users. We attempt to establish violation patterns in behavior and then take action.

It's really disappointing when this stuff happens as it has the potential to harm individuals and definitely harms the community. Perhaps people who know this industry in detail could write a short guide for prospective models that could become a sticky in the relevant forum? Some simple dos and don'ts and signs to watch for.

And yeah, I'd probably name him.
First of all I am glad you're safe. There are a lot of creeps out there that pretend to be producers/photographers.

I checked out your profile and noticed you had no pictures(Unless they are friends only). Posting one or two pictures might not be a bad idea if you really want to get into tickle videos. I'd post one full body, one foot picture, and one head shot. This will also help with the producers/photographers asking for pictures of you. I have a ton of pics posted, so when a photographer/producer asks me to send them pics I tell them that I have a ton already posted online. If they still insists it usually raises my red flag. It makes me feel they want personally copies to wank too.

Now if a producer/photographer wanted to work with me, but wouldn't give me a number to contact them if needed, I'd not work with them. That is really creepy and would make me wonder why don't they want to give a number to me? I wouldn't want to find out the answer to that question in real life.

This is some advice I'd like to give.
1) Before I work with someone I check to see if they have a website where their work has been uploaded. If I don't see a link I ask if they have one.
2) I check out their work and see if I can recognize any models(I researched before I got started to see who some of the big name fetish models were).
3) Model references are your friend and the more they can give the better(Even better if you can recognize some of the names). If you're unsure about the person hiring you send one of the models a message.
4) If they are totally brand new and just getting started I usually ask them if we could meet somewhere public first.
5) Be sure you have someone that will know what your doing, so you can give them the address of where the shoot will take place, the name of the producer/photographer, the name of their site if they have one, and the number they gave you.
6) You may also want to think about having an escort, but not every producer/photographer allows them and if they don't it doesn't necessarily mean they will rape murder you. Escorts can sometimes get in the way. If you want to bring an escort be sure you ask if bringing an escort is okay.
7) This is the most important one. If at any moment during a shoot you start to feel uneasy or even worse you feel your life may be in danger try to leave as soon as possible! No amount of money is worth the potential of being harmed and the money won't matter if you're dead.
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Well, I'm not a tickle producer, but if you want to come here and let me tickle you.... I do have pictures on my TMF profile so I'm a real person. :p

And I love what you put in your location spot... The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is my favorite TV show and Will Smith is my favorite music artist / actor. So you're cool.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. But like a couple other people said, it could have been worse. You could have actually met up and he could have been some creepy guy and did other stuff besides tickle you. I don't know why someone would say they want to meet up and then keep cancelling like that. That's stupid. Maybe he has a fetish for cancelling and rescheduling. Number 3 and 4 are just dumb. If you're a tickle producer, obviously you're going to have a website and have stuff filmed. Otherwise you're not a real producer. Tickle producers make films, put them on websites and sell them. And his one reference was probably him under another screen name...
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