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My Strange Dream Part 2


TMF Poster
Aug 2, 2010
To even try to make sense of this story..I recommend you please read part one (again)...thanks !

(contains sexual content...M/M F/F M/F nylon and bare tickling)

My Strange Dream part 2

It's been almost a week since I had that weird dream, you know the one in which I found myself in that
strange house with all those long winding corridors and walls that seemed to narrow and widen as you pass.
That same crazy dream that left me stripped naked and tickled into ejaculation by a pair of sadistic pensioners.

I can still recall so vividly the dizzy nauseating feeling I felt, and that awful feeling of walls spinning and
being unable to hear properly, due to the echoing whirling sounds in my head.
Oh I remember that dream alright, but most of all the feeling of being tickled, tickled into total submission, it
felt so darn real, the sensations were like nothing I've felt before and that feeling of complete and utter
helplessness was an experience I never want to have again...ever !

Later that same evening..much later.

It's a little after eleven pm and I've set the alarm to wake me for work at seven in the morning, Ive not
slept too good for the past few nights so I decide to take two strong sleeping pills, a cup of warm milk and
read a book for twenty minutes or so.
Less than fifteen minutes later I begin to feel the pills kicking in, I close the book, turn off the lamp and settle
down to a good nights sleep.
My eyes feel heavy and I begin to DRIFT OFF...and drift..and drift..and drift

I slowly begin to open my eyes, oh I feel so tired, so drained, and as I look up I see a figure hovering over me.
Shit ! I suddenly realize I'm completely naked, and immediately bring my knees up to my chest to try and
cover-up my groin area, placing both hands over my genitalia in a vain attempt to cover up my embarrassment.

As I look up, I notice the figure standing over me is none other than my Aunt..my Aunt Violet..or Vi as I've
affectionately called her for the past thirty something years of my life.

Her face is bright red, matching my own complexion, and she quickly turns sideways, before picking
up a garment off the floor and dropping it on my waist.

"Here Ben, cover yourself up"

I quickly recognize the rolled-up garment as the bodystocking I wore when I was last here...
Shit ! I'm here again, I'm lying on that same thick carpet, those same narrow walls and low ceiling, it
can't be...it can't be...I've returned back !

With my Aunt facing sideways I slowly climb to my feet and begin to slip back in to that same sheer black nylon stocking.
I dip my toes deep into the one leg, pulling it up as far as my knee, I then repeat the same with the other
leg, pulling it up over my large powerful thighs, I tug it further up my torso before running my hands
down through the arms of the sheer nylon one-piece.

I notice the neck is torn and laddered, I then recall the force in which it was removed, I shudder
and go cold at the thought.

I then remembered the tiny thonged pouch I wore last time, if the stocking was here then the briefs had to be as well !.
I scan the floor, searching, hoping to catch sight of them...but they'd gone...vanished, and with it my dignity.

"Are you done Ben ?"

My Aunt turns to face me, still red faced and trying to keep her focus above my waist.

"Eh,,yeah...I guess ! "

My reply is far from convincing, sure my Aunt's seen me naked before, but that was thirty odd years ago
when I was but an infant, and dressed in this outfit I could conceal nothing...and I mean nothing.

"I think we need to get out of here and get you dressed"

She turns and starts to walk down the corridor, it stretches as far as the eye can see, on and on
we trudge, my big nylon feet rubbing through the carpet, following my Aunt's every step.

I felt so relieved seeing my Aunt again, not dressed like this and certainly not under these circumstances but
knowing how alone and vulnerable I felt last time I was here...yeah it felt great having her here, it really did.

Aunt Violet or Vi as I've always called her, is a local councilor and former teacher, she's a lady who
doesn't suffer fools gladly, so what the hell she must of made of me dressed like this I can only imagine.

Aunt Vi is my Dad's Sister and the brains of the family, and her attire suited her personality, plain and smart.
Vi was dressed in a plain white blouse, a long black pleated skirt, that all but covered her legs, allowing
just a few inches of leg to be seen, just a few inches of dark brown nylon was just visible above the ankle.

Aunt Vi's shiny black leather slip-ons creaked on the thick carpeted floor as she strides out in front of me.

"Keep up Ben..come on, you want to get out of here don't you ?"

My head was still groggy but her no-nonsense approach was just what I needed.

As we continued along the corridor I sensed the ceiling was getting slightly lower, in fact the walls seemed to
be narrowing as well, suddenly my Aunt stopped in her tracks.

"Smell that" She began to sniff "Shh listen" She then pointed to a small vent in the wall.

"Hear it...hear it Ben ?....it's some sort of gas"

My sense of smell has never been great, my nostrils couldn't detect anything, but I could hear a very
faint hissing coming from the vent, so faint I probably wouldn't have noticed had it not been for Vi's acute senses.

"Hold your breath and follow me...quickly"

She immediately turned and headed back in the direction we came from, she held her nose and puffed her cheeks out.
I did the same, as we began to walk quicker..I noticed her stumble slightly, but she quickly regained her
balance and carried on a few seconds more until she stopped.

"All clear...phew that was close...made my head spin that...strewth"

Vi shook her head and bending forward placed both hands on her knees, she took deep breaths
before standing upright, straightening her back and observed: "Nearly had us then Ben, whoever it was.
.... they almost had us"

Suddenly the penny dropped..things began to make more sense, the dizziness I experienced last time,
the strange noises, the spinning room, closing walls...I'd been drugged, or more to the point GASSED !

Just at that moment two figures came into view, up ahead in the corridor...two figures that sent a shiver down my spine.

Two figures approached us, walking slowly, menacingly...it was that old couple..that same evil pair that
had assaulted, tickled, stripped and finally belittled me like never before.

I immediately froze on the spot, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets...I may be 6ft 3" and thirty
two years old but I was scared...on seeing their faces again I was shit scared !

They were staring right at me, I'd seen that look of wanton devilment before, and it sent a shiver down my spine.
My next instinct was to turn and run, but before I could react Aunt Vi stepped forward, facing them
full on, hands on hips and shouted "Hey..do you know anything about this gas ?"

The old couple stopped in their tracks, they stared at us for a few seconds more before whispering to each other.

Vi shouted again "I asked you a question...do you ?"

They now turned their attention to Vi, and fixed her with evil stares, before slowly retreating, and finally
disappearing around the long twisting corridor and out of site.

Aunt Vi looked at me with a frown on her face and said "Come on, they know far more about this, I can tell"

She continued.."Did you see the way they stared at me, come on..let's go after them, I'll get some answers out of them"

But just as she was about to charge off in their direction I grabbed her wrist, and pleaded with her to sit down.
There was something I needed to tell her, and I needed to tell her now....right now.

We sat on the carpeted floor, with our backs against the wall of the corridor and I began to tell her the
story..the whole story.
I told her about my argument with the couple, how I belittled them, and about my dizziness and helplessness,
I told her all about their assault on me, and how they finally tickled and stripped me into climactic submission.

Aunt Vi sat there stone faced, clasping my hand, a tear welled up in her eye as I spat out every last detail.
She couldn't believe it..her Nephew tickle tortured and abused, and for what..for standing up to two evil old
bullies who were picking on a young girl.

Vi quickly got to her feet and insisted that we would have justice, she demanded we gain revenge, and
nothing was going to stop her.

My story had clearly struck a chord with Aunt Vi, for she was intent on revenge and making
those responsible pay.

As we continued down this godforsaken corridor we passed several doors, each one locked, it
soon became apparent that the old couple were using these doors as exits, it also explained
how one minute they'd be ahead of us and the next minute appear behind us.

We'd discovered the gas filled vents and now the system of doors, we were on to them now
and I felt my old self confidence beginning to return.

Aunt Vi also decided not to venture any further, but to stay here, just sit down and wait, save
our energy for the battle to come.

It really did feel fantastic having Vi here with me, she was so darn organized and clever.
We sat with our backs against the wall and tried to relax as best we could, just sit tight and

I watched Vi undo a button under the collar of her blouse, I noticed a bead of sweat trickle down
from her forehead and run down her cheek, shit..it was getting warm in here, I too felt quite clammy.

Ten more minutes we stuck it out before Vi climbed to her feet again and walked toward a vent.

"Oh lord..oh my,"

"What is it Vi, what's up ?"

"The heat, it's blowing from this vent...for heavens sake...strewth..I knew it was getting hotter"

She was on the case again, but what could we do..sit tight or leave...stick or twist ?

My mind was made up for me within seconds, Vi had decided we move..and move quick.

With the temperature rising quickly, we began to speed up, but the quicker we moved the more
we began to sweat.
I watched as Vi undid yet another button on her steaming white blouse.

"Oh my, I'm the wrong age for this Ben, I perspire enough as it is..oh shit.this is unbearable"

For the first time I began sense panic in her voice, she was burning up... and getting tired.

The temperature was soaring and Aunt Vi was out of breath, my nylon stocking felt more and
more uncomfortable by the minute.

Aunt Vi suddenly stopped and leaned against the wall, her head bowed, knees bent, and her
shoulders heaved up and down as she gasped in air.

"Oh..o..h..lor...d....ohhh...I..I..I'm...I'm d...done for B..Ben...ooooh shit"

At that very second the old couple appeared again, only this time they were stripped to
their underwear, the old guy wearing a large white vest and baggy briefs, and the old
Woman a thin white nightgown, which underneath barely concealed even baggier knickers, she
wore no bra, her small saggy breasts just visible through the gown.

Both were in bare feet, and both of them looked like they meant business.
Very slowly they walked toward us, staring, scanning, their hands kept low and their fingers
twitching as they neared.

The old Woman's Grey hair was worn down to her shoulders, they walked side by side like two
mean gunslingers, staring and watching our every move, hatred etched across their faces.

My Aunt then screamed at the top of her voice, letting out all her anger and frustration.
She reached down and quickly removed her shoes, throwing one, then the other at the advancing duo.
Each missed, one falling short, the other hitting the wall.

They just kept walking toward us, stepping over the shoes as they advanced.
Vi again punched the wall in utter frustration and started to scream at them to stop.
I then watched in awe as she moved toward them, fists clenched, ready for action.

Suddenly they stopped....glanced at each other and slowly turned back, the old girl picked up Vi's
shoes as she retreated, she glared at my Aunt Vi and my Aunt raised her fist in defiance.
You could really feel the tension between the two Women, the long stare-off continued just
a little while longer, and then within seconds they were gone, vanishing through another door.

We had managed to repel them yet again, or rather Aunt Vi had, although barely able to muster
any strength, she somehow managed to thwart them through sheer guts and fighting spirit, a fighting
spirit that left her big muscular nephew somewhat ashamed and embarrassed.

Wiping the sweat off my face I put my hand on her sodden wet shoulder and said,
"Come on Aunt Vi, sit down, start taking slow breaths and try and relax"

"Ohhh I..I..I'm gonna have...uhhh...uhhhh..to take this blouse...off...oooh..uhh..uhh. strewth..ooh"

She then removed the clingy wet garment, tossing it on the carpeted floor.

Dressed only in a long black skirt and white lace girdle, Aunt Vi trudged onward, her head slightly
bowed, and shuffling her narrow hosed feet across the carpet, every stride now an effort.
The heat pumping out of those vents began to intensify with every fucking step.

my bodystocking was clinging to me like glue, the small of my back was damp and the sweat was pumping
out of me.
If it was bad for me just imagine how unbearable it must be for poor Vi, with that thick skirt and hose on underneath, it had to be intolerable.

Just then and bang on cue, Aunt Vi stopped and unclasped her skirt, undoing the small zip and forcing
the object down her legs.
I had quite a shock as the skirt dropped around her ankles, my Aunt was wearing stockings.
A pair of Dark chocolate color stockings adorned her legs, held up by that white lace girdle, those
suspender clasps pulling the nylons high up the thigh.
My Aunt's long slender feet were certainly complimented by those reinforced toed nylons

"Oggghh..that's better..oohh..I am saturated...ohh ..shit"

What did we look like, me in a black see-through bodystocking and my Aunt stripped to her lingerie.

Vi was that drained she was using the wall to prop herself up..strong, tough, no-nonsense Aunt Vi was washed out.

Suddenly I was aware of something behind me, and as I span around and saw the old Man standing there.
My Nemesis, that evil old torturer was less than ten yards away..and closing.

Where was the hag..the old witch ?

I then glanced back over my shoulder and saw her, she was much further away and walking slowly, very
slowly, almost like an evil spirit in one of those horror films, again her long thin arms were
trailing low by her waist, but those fingers...oh those fingers twitched so much.

I retreated back toward my weary Aunt, who still stood head bowed, holding on to the wall and
was unaware of our unwanted company.

I faced the old Man, determined to hold my own and defend not just myself but my dear, brave,
strong and courageous Aunt Vi.

My dilemma was 'do I attack or watch my Aunt's back' shit ! decisions..decisions.

Cometh the hour..cometh the Man, this was my time, I wanted revenge bad...real bad.
As he came within five yards of me I decided to attack, and I leaped straight at him, throwing
my huge hulking frame against his skinny body.

Crack....we hit the floor with a heavy thud, I quickly gained the upper hand, overpowering
him with total ease.
This time I wasn't drugged, gassed or taken by surprise, neither was I double teamed.
Oh no..this time things would be different.

I straddled him and quickly tried to grab his wrists, those fingers were his only real
weapons, and boy what weapons they were.
He fought for all his might, trying to slam his bony knees into my sides, and biting my neck.
I managed to grab his one wrist but struggled to pin down the other, he dug his fingers into
my waist and tickled my sides with all his might, but with one hand pinned and my superior
weight on top of him, he was fighting a losing battle.

I pressed my heavier sheer nylon frame against his body, pushing down hard as I continued to
try and grab his other hand.

Oh..his tickling was strength sapping, even with one hand, but finally at long last I managed to
pin him.
As I shuffled on to his chest I looked up and noticed the hag approaching Aunt Vi.

"Vi..Vi....Vi, watch out !"

Aunt Vi staggered off the wall and turned to face her opponent, Vi was taller, younger and
a much much stronger Woman than the old witch, but she was still weak from our ordeal.

"Go on Vi..go on Vi...have her !"

Both myself and the old Man looked on willing our partners to victory, yet we both still had our
own struggle, I desperately tried to keep him pinned, while he fought to escape from under me.

The old witch, although frailer, took the initiative and moved in quick, catching Vi by surprise.
The hag screeched as she attacked, digging her fingers into my Aunt's sides and tickling away
like a wild cat.

My Aunt bent her knees and tried to fight back, she too went for the torso.
The old Woman was making horrendous noises, screeching and wailing as she tickled.

Meanwhile her partner began to buck and kick like a madman, clearly encouraged by the hag's tickling.

His face was engulfed with rage as he wriggled and bucked, up and down, right and left I swayed
back and fore as he kept up his fight.
Our bodies pressed together, my sheer bodystocking still hot and clammy from that stifling heat.

While I'd been struggling with my captive I'd taken my eyes off the Women, and on looking over
I noticed they were now on the floor, and it was Aunt Vi on top !

"Go..on...Vi...go....on.." I tried to shout encouragement as I struggled with this little fucker.

Aunt Vi was on all fours, with the old hag underneath her.
Like me, her tactic was to grab and pin the witch, stopping those probing fingers, but the old
Woman had gained a surprise tactical advantage.
By lying directly underneath my Aunt, she was able to reach down and attack the belly and
hips, I watched her dig those fingers into my Aunt's midriff and tickle like mad at her targets.

My Aunt began to laugh and screech out loud, kicking her legs and wriggling like a worm as the
old girl dug in.
Vi's laugh was almost operatic in tone, very very loud and quite soprano in pitch.
I looked on in shock as my Aunt wriggled and kicked, the witch threw her feet around the back
of Vi's nylon clad legs, trapping them and stopping them from kicking.

"OOOOOoooooooohhhhhhooooooooohOOOOOOOOOOOhhooooo, OoooooohhhhhooooOOO"

The noise of my Aunt's laugh was glass shattering.

Vi just wriggled helplessly as the old girl's fingers scampered all over her body.

The loud wails of laughter that the witch was producing from my Aunt began to stir the old man, and
he again started to fight with all his might to break free from my grasp,
It became harder and harder trying to pin his wrists to the carpeted floor, the tortured cries of
laughter coming from my Aunt's lungs didn't help, how could I concentrate while she was being

Meanwhile the old Woman moved her hands up higher and dug them under mt Aunt's armpits, bringing
even louder screams out of poor Vi, the laughing got louder and louder, if that was at all possible.

Hearing all the noise I yet again glanced over in the direction of my Aunt, and that was a mistake, a
real careless mistake, for I suddenly felt a painful thud between my legs.
The old man had brought his knee up so quickly that it caught me totally off-guard, catching me clean
between the legs and straight in the crown jewels.

"Ohhhh....shiitt....Oooohhhhhh fuck..oooohhh"

I suddenly felt sick and in real pain, the blow had forced me to release my grip on his wrists
and he quickly followed that up with another identical blow.
I fell sideways and curled up into a fetus position, clutching my balls and moaning in agony.

He was on me before I knew it, he sat perched on my hips with his knees either side of me, digging
his fingers into my nylon clad torso, tickling my body with real intent and purpose.

Unknown to me, my Aunt had heard my loud groan and had caught a glance at him climbing on top of me.
My brave..brave Aunt who was being tickled out of her mind, suddenly pulled herself together and started
at long last to fight back.

On seeing me in trouble she somehow summoned up the strength and began to tickle back, surprising the
old girl in doing so, and by using both hands to grip the shoulders, she pushed as hard as her tired
arms would let her, forcing the witch off her and rolling free.

My battle with the old Man had taken a sudden and dramatic turn for the worst, from being in a
position of complete control, I was now on the receiving end of a most aggressive body tickling.
I bit my lip and tensed up as he continued his attack on my sides, belly and chest.

He seemed as shocked and surprised as myself by this sudden turnaround, he couldn't believe his
luck, the knee to the groin was just a wild shot in the dark by a desperate old man, but my, how it payed off.

I found myself being turned onto my back, and once in position he mounted me, just like before.
I began to fear the worst, and my fears soon became reality as he dug in under my arms, causing me to howl in protest.

He began to thrust himself against me, rubbing his crotch against mine, I felt his fingers dig in so
darn deep, oh shit..it tickled so bad.
My huge muscular arms flapped helplessly as he kept up his assault, his wriggling and sliding began
gaining momentum, he was thrusting hard into my nylon clad body, his fingers now started making
their way downward, gently but ticklishly gliding over my chest and sides.

Less than five yards away my Aunt had climbed to her feet and moved in to exact revenge on her
stunned opponent, who was slowly staggering to get up.

My Aunt grabbed the old Woman from behind and began tickling her rib cage.
The old Witch let out an almighty screech and began laughing uncontrollably, her laugh was so unlike
that of my Aunt's, they say 'A witch's cackle' but that's exactly what it was like, kinda throaty
and grating on the ears, quite horrible.

My Aunt smirked, managing to both tickle and hold her from behind at the same time, the old hag's
bony, frail and sagging body twisted and contorted as my Aunt dug those fingers in.
Vi's tickling was lifting this frail old Woman off her feet, and that hideous laugh was becoming more
and more unbearable by the second.

saliva ran down the mouth of this wretched old creature as she began to get a taste of her own medicine.
Vi suddenly stopped her tickling and released her grip on the old girl, as she did, the hag fell to
the floor, flopping like a rag doll as she landed.

Aunt Vi placed her long slender nylon clad foot over the witch's face, pressing down with force.
My Aunt then placed both hands on her hips, and with her left leg holding her steady, began to rub the
hags face from side to side, bringing quiet moans from her fallen rival.

"Feel this you nasty, evil little bitch, I guess you messed with the wrong Lady hey...hey !"

My Aunt then lowered herself onto the chest of her beaten prey, placing her stocking clad
thighs either side of the witch's head, whilst squatting victoriously on top.

"Right! you old cow, this is what you get for torturing my Nephew, you sadistic, evil old bitch"

And with that she stretched her arms back and ran them up under the witches nightgown and ticked.
Oh Aunt Vi...mighty Aunt Vi, was about to have her revenge.
That hideous screech filled the air again as my heroic Aunt tickled away.
The old hag kicked her skinny pale legs for all their might, but the much stronger Aunt Vi had very
little trouble keeping her pinned and laid.

Aunt Violet seemed totally unaware of my plight as she continued to run her nails up and down the hag's body.
Behind her back and out of view I was receiving the tickling of a lifetime, my tormentor's nails brushed
against my belly, the feeling of warm, damp nylon against his fingers only encouraged him to stroke and
brush quicker.

I started to wilt, he pushed his pale matchstick thin legs against my big powerful nylon clad thighs and
rubbed harder and harder.
Oh..I could contain myself no longer...I let out that deep deep laugh, followed by shouts of surrender.

"Ho.o..ho..oo..ho..noooooo...ho..ho..ho..hooooooooo ...I..g..i..v...e........in...oh..ooooooo"

On hearing my cries of mercy he dropped his fingers even lower, tickling the tops of my thighs and inside
my legs.

It was my turn to buck and thrust, I was helpless...totally helpless.
His fingers crept further inside, he was now at my genitals....oh shit no..no..not again...please.
I threw my arms around him and held him in tight, oh..he'd got me !
His touch had parted my legs, like two great tree trunks they broke apart.

His eyes grew larger and more menacing on seeing my distress, he felt my body and saw my pain.


He began to close his eyes and swear, muttering filth to himself and calling me every name possible.
I could feel his erection pressing tight against me, and those devilish fingers working the nylon
against my flesh.

"Fuck..I can't take much more, I begin to break ..."Oh no..please..please..please..no.no more," I beg.

Just at that second a piercing scream filled the corridor, it was the old Woman...my Aunt must have found
her tender spot, and on-doing so had broken his concentration, he suddenly looked up and noticed my Aunt
sat aloft of his screaming partner, my Aunt had yet again unwittingly saved my ass..and in more ways than one.

He shimmied off me and climbed to his feet, he was about to sneak up on my Aunt from behind, but before I
could warn her he turned around and kicked me yet again between the legs.
I let out a muffled groan and curled back up in pain, with me taken care of he could now creep up on my
unsuspecting Aunt Vi.

Aunt Vi had more than done her part, she'd defeated the tickle witch and was well into the process of
teaching the old hag a lesson she'd never forget.
Vi squeezed the old Woman's head tightly between her stockinged thighs as she continued to tickle her
belly, the no nonsense local councilor was giving the old bag the tickling of her life.

"Feel this,...ooohh and feel that.....what! you don't like it ?...want me to stop..hey !"

The old Woman laughed and screamed as Vi's fingers scampered along her wrinkly old belly.
Vi's thumbs pressed in hard just above the hips, hitting a real tender spot.

"Ohh my, we are sensitive...you really did mess with the wrong Woman, didn't you"

The noise was awful...that thick throaty cackle was so god darn loud.

"That's right scream, just like you made poor Ben scream, you really thought you'd beat me ! you old fool"

The evil old bitch kicked her thin spindly legs and screamed for help.

"we'll settle this Woman to Woman..won't we ? Oh there's no one to help you now, it's just me and you, "

However my Aunt Vi couldn't have been more wrong, for my conqueror was stood directly over her shoulder.
Vi had no idea he was there, the last time she'd glanced over in our direction I was on top and winning
convincingly, she was so focused on making the old girl pay, that she forgot to check back.

I lay crumpled in a ball, unable to shout or warn her of her danger, I could only watch in agony as he
crept up behind her.

My mighty, victorious Aunt sat aloft and continued to both tickle and verbally scald her beaten rival.
Then, just as she was about to give another lecture, he attacked.
Oh the look of surprise on her face is something I'll never forget, she was caught cold, completely
off guard.

Vi let out a scream as the old Man's fingers dug into her ribs, I'd felt his tickle, so I knew exactly
what she must have felt.
So shocked was my Aunt, she just keeled over on to her back, allowing him to kneel beside her and tickle
away wildly.

He swore at Aunt Vi as he attacked, the fact she was a Lady seemed to make little difference to this
sadistic lowlife, he was so rough and aggressive, far worst than I've ever seen him.
His fingers attacked her waist, belly and ribs, darting all over her white lace girdle, causing her to
kick and scream like never before.
He dug his fingers in just below her breasts and gave her hell, that loud howling soprano laugh echoed
around the corridor once more.

Under the breasts, then around to the ribs and back to the breasts again.
My Aunt had been a thorn in his side and he continued to verbally abuse her as he pawed around the breasts.
Dressed only in a vest and underpants, this twisted old Man suddenly threw his leg over and sat on my
Aunt's belly, he then stretched out his arms and began tickling under her arm pits.

My Aunt's shaved pits were clearly ultra sensitive and she tried to squeeze her arms together in a vain
attempt to stop the tickling, her nylon clad legs kicked for all their worth as she screamed and
begged for mercy.

The old Woman had managed to get to her knees, still weak from the tickling my Aunt had given her.
Tired she may have been, but that didn't stop her from crawling along the carpeted floor, her eyes fixed
firmly on my Aunts long slender nylon feet.

I urged Aunt Vi to fight back, she'd done it before...."Come on Vi, kick those legs, throw those arms and
push him off..quickly..quickly"

Vi was indeed trying to push him off, grabbing his shoulders and trying with all her might to unseat him.
Her fight and effort was to be commended, but his tickling was so intense and punishing.
Her head moved from side to side as she screamed and howled, still she kept trying to off-load him, but
he kept up his relentless assault on her pits, despite my Aunts knees catching him on the lower back as
her legs kicked for all their worth.

The old Woman was within inches of those kicking legs, crawling nearer and nearer, her eyes fixed
intensely on Vi's stockinged feet.

My Aunt kicked and fought like a tigress, she would not give in, she simply didn't know the meaning of
The old Man was tiring, his face was red and those fingers must of ached so bad, but he was about to
receive some much needed help.

I looked on, still groggy and weak from that sly blow I received, I watched the old Woman wrap her
thin spindly arms around my Aunts legs, she waited for them to stop kicking for a few seconds, before
seizing her chance and throwing herself around them.

I watched the sheer look of horror on Vi's face as she felt her legs being trapped, the old Man's
expression had also changed, his face lit up on realizing his partner had joined the affray,

The old Woman pulled my Aunt's tired legs together, wrapping them under her body and holding them
tight with her left arm, she then reached up with her right hand and began to tickle the tips of
Vi's reinforced nylon toes.

My Aunt's scream went up another octave as she felt her sensitive toes being teased.
The old man seemed rejuvenated by my Aunt's reaction, that tiredness seemed to vanish instantly
and he started to torture her pits with renewed energy.

On hearing my Aunt's deafening screams the old Woman unwrapped her arm from around Vi's legs and
attacked with both hands.
She shimmied up closer to the feet and gave my Aunt's toes everything she had, oh the noise was

As the old witch's fingers quickly moved to my Aunt's soles, her nails drew high piercing screams
with every touch, those sharp torturous nails glided so easily over the smooth silky brown nylon.
The old couple were relentless, they sensed she was on the ropes, and they were going for the kill.

The old Woman dribbled with excitement as she grabbed Aunt Vi's big toe and bent it right back,
lifting her foot off the ground and stroking up and down on the sole.
That high soprano laugh filled the air again as she punished Vi's feet over and over, forcing
her to hit that top note every time.

I couldn't believe my eyes.... the old Man began to unclasp my Aunts lace girdle, pushing the clips
together and then unclasping them, one by one.

"Oh shit, no..no..no..please no....not that...no"

The heavy whale bone and lace girdle was unclasped and ready to pull off.
My Aunt screamed and begged, but with the witch still at her feet she was to weak and helpless to
even try to resist.
I had to do something, and rose to my feet.

"Leave her alone..now!"

What a mistake that was, I'd given him warning instead of catching him by surprise.
As I got to my feet he shot up off my Aunt and lunged at my legs, throwing his arms around my knees
and knocking me clean off balance.

I landed awkwardly, and with my legs wide apart he made a grab for my testicles, he
remembered my Achilles heel, he knew my weak spot, and he went for the jugular.
He grabbed and lifted my balls with his left hand and tickled under my sacks with his right hand,
digging in with two of his fingers.

"NO...fuck no...not there...no....fuck..no..no..please..please..please ...no..not there, .no..no"

I gripped the carpet so hard and screamed, I screamed and screamed and screamed, but he dug in
so fucking hard, so viciously...oh..fuck...no..no......he had me !.

His fingers punished me through the sheer nylon, torturing and teasing me to humiliation.

I began to cry...cry and cry, I really began to sob my heart out, oh the humiliation !"

On seeing me cry, he released his grip and darted around behind my back.
I felt him pull me in tight, his legs wrapped around me and I could feel him push himself
against my buttocks.
I was sat facing my Aunt, legs wide apart, my head resting back slightly on his shoulder, while
his tiny feet slid up and down on my powerful nylon-ed legs.
He held me in tight with his left arm around my waist, while he grabbed my manhood tightly
with his right hand.

The evil little fuck was making me watch my Aunt, whilst at the same time allowing her to see
my humiliating, crushing defeat.

The old hag had stopped tickling mt Aunt's long slender feet and had now turned around and was
sat firmly on her belly.
I had to watch this cruel old witch remove my Aunt's girdle off her tired, helpless body.
He made me watch her unclasp the suspender straps that held up her sheer nylon stockings, then
look on helplessly as she removed the girdle.

My poor, brave Aunt Vi looked over and saw her Nephew being mastered right in front of her eyes.
It was all too much for her and she too began to cry, sobbing her heart out like a little girl.
The witch screamed and threw her arms aloft in triumph, my mighty Aunt Vi was hers.

Vi lay there sobbing as the witch removed my Aunt's panties, Vi didn't even bother to resist.
The old hag grabbed her stocking tops and rolled them down Vi's shapely thighs, until finally
she was stripped, stripped butt naked.

The old Man held me tighter, his breathing got heavier and he began to grunt.
The sight of my Aunt's humiliation, coupled with my own had aroused him to within breaking point.
His feet rubbed harder, up and down they slid on my powerful smooth nylon thighs.
Through the nylon he squeezed and stroked my cock, grunting and swearing as he stroked.
He taunted me, and the things he whispered in my ear were so vile and disgusting.

The old Woman had turned my Aunt around to face us, she mirrored what her partner had done, sitting
directly behind my Aunt, pulling her in real tight and placing one wrinkly hand on my Aunt's
breast and the other between her legs.

She too began to swear into my Aunt's ear, tickling Vi's breast and teasing her thick bush with
her fingers.
The old witch may have lost the battle but she'd won the war, and how she gloated.
My Aunt begged and sobbed louder and louder as the tickle witch began to have her fun.

I too was begging for all my might, there in front of me was my mighty Aunt Violet, breasts,
bush and bare soles directly in my line of sight.

Vi's shoulders shook as she cried, it was music to the ears of the Grey haired old hag and she
began to scream and cackle in Ecstasy, tickling and torturing harder.

The noise was deafening, our crying became hysterical, as he stroked faster with his right
hand, I felt him tickle that area under my sacks with his left.
No..not there, please anywhere but there....oh... he dug in and went for the kill.
He'd found my weak spot and he was going wild, tickling harder and stroking faster.

"Oh..no..no..oh fuck...mercy...please...please..no more..I beg you..no more"

I threw my head right back onto his shoulder, letting him take my weight, my big muscular
arms dropped to the floor, and I widened my legs even further, as wide as they could stretch,
and screamed.
I could hear my Aunt scream as well..the witch cupped and squeezed Vi's ample breasts and
her fingers slowly dissapeared deep into my Aunts thick bush, we were being mastered..
we were being fucking mastered....Ohhhhhhhh!

He mastered me into total and utter submission.

"No...Oooooohhhhh......ple..ase......nooo.....ohhhh hh .......god no....ooohh nooooo.."

She fingered and brushed and he stroked and stroked and stroked, "Oh nooooooooo
oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh Noooooooooooo"

Shit ! I shot bolt up in bed once more, where was I...Strewth that fucking dream again...wow !

I'd woken with the mother of all erections, and sprinted to the bathroom to relieve myself, just
five minutes later I climbed back into my bed, tired, exhausted but so so relieved !.
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Poor Aunt Vi, finished off by the old witch....glad you all liked it.
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Many thanks for all the PM's, will repost al the stories again.
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Anyone else like the idea of two elderly Females tickling the crap out of each other ?

Must say I sure do !
Amazing Story! Would love to see a rematch with the same outcome. LOL
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