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New member Hello Thread

Hi everyone, I'm Stacey from Texas. I'm 22, got a wonderful boyfriend, and we love tickling each other to death!

Hey everyone! I'm Isabelle 🙂

I met the bay area group of ticklers last night, you are all a lot of fun.

I gave out my contact information to a few, but thought I'd join here as well.

tickling is an interesting fetish, one I enjoy under the umbrella of sensation play.

Welcome to the TMF, all three of you, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
Hello everyone!
Im here to defend myself to whatever Cavum says about me 😉
Its fun to see comments on his films and pics, and meet the people he knows in here. I hope to get to know you too 🙂

Welcome to the TMF, Absentia, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
Hello everyone!
Im here to defend myself to whatever Cavum says about me 😉
Its fun to see comments on his films and pics, and meet the people he knows in here. I hope to get to know you too 🙂


Yay! Another Scandinavian! Excellent! 😀

Welcome, welcome 🙂
Welcome, Absentia. Good to see you make your way to the TMF. 🙂
Hello everyone!
Im here to defend myself to whatever Cavum says about me 😉
Its fun to see comments on his films and pics, and meet the people he knows in here. I hope to get to know you too 🙂


Welcome! Glad you are enjoying it here. :bounce:
Welcome to all the new members! :redheart:

And absentia, you and Cavum are awesome. :bubbleheart:
I'm new here and I just wanted to say Hello to everyone! I've been lurking for a little while but feel like it was time to delurk. I even posted a story for everyone to read (not my best but it's a start)! Have a great day everyone :wave:
Welcome to the TMF, *persimmons*, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
I'm new here and I just wanted to say Hello to everyone! I've been lurking for a little while but feel like it was time to delurk. I even posted a story for everyone to read (not my best but it's a start)! Have a great day everyone :wave:

Welcome *persimmons*! Very cool name. Hope you enjoy it here. 🙂:chill:
Though this is my second post I do feel it necessary to introduce myself. Oddly enough I've been a member of this site for many years and yet until this day, I have never posted. Strange as this may sound it is a result of a multitude of lacks within my own character. Today I have filled one of them with a small amount of courage and thus here I am. Hopefully in the future I may be able to add something of value to these threads for I have taken so much and now feel compelled to give.
Though this is my second post I do feel it necessary to introduce myself. Oddly enough I've been a member of this site for many years and yet until this day, I have never posted. Strange as this may sound it is a result of a multitude of lacks within my own character. Today I have filled one of them with a small amount of courage and thus here I am. Hopefully in the future I may be able to add something of value to these threads for I have taken so much and now feel compelled to give.

Congratulations on posting! Hope you have some interesting things to say in the future.
Congratulations on posting! Hope you have some interesting things to say in the future.

perhaps ^_^ you never know until I say them...and even then you may not know until later. Unfortunately this is generaly the case of the written word, but I fear I am now rambling. Thanks for the warm welcome!
Congratulations on delurking and making your first posts, MGFox. 😀 The TMF is a wonderful place, have fun posting here.
Just wanted to say hello, long time reader here! I am very glad to find a place where I guess people "get it" and don't freak out when you mention your fetish, can't wait to get to know you all better!

Welcome! Hope you like it here. 🙂
Welcome to the TMF, lemoncake, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
I'm new here and I just wanted to say Hello to everyone! I've been lurking for a little while but feel like it was time to delurk. I even posted a story for everyone to read (not my best but it's a start)! Have a great day everyone :wave:

Though this is my second post I do feel it necessary to introduce myself. Oddly enough I've been a member of this site for many years and yet until this day, I have never posted. Strange as this may sound it is a result of a multitude of lacks within my own character. Today I have filled one of them with a small amount of courage and thus here I am. Hopefully in the future I may be able to add something of value to these threads for I have taken so much and now feel compelled to give.

Just wanted to say hello, long time reader here! I am very glad to find a place where I guess people "get it" and don't freak out when you mention your fetish, can't wait to get to know you all better!

Welcome to the forum all new users Have fun.
Just wanted to say hello, long time reader here! I am very glad to find a place where I guess people "get it" and don't freak out when you mention your fetish, can't wait to get to know you all better!

Welcome, lemoncake. Very cute screen name! It is my hope that you enjoy yourself here on the TMF. Lots of friendly people here to converse with. So having said that, have fun! 🙂
Last edited:
Extremely long time lurker here...a 'lee female from southern california...just trying to overcome my shy self here! Seems like a very friendly community here though 🙂
Extremely long time lurker here...a 'lee female from southern california...just trying to overcome my shy self here! Seems like a very friendly community here though 🙂

Congrats on delurking and posting I hope you have an awesome time contributing to the forum
Extremely long time lurker here...a 'lee female from southern california...just trying to overcome my shy self here! Seems like a very friendly community here though 🙂

You'd be correct about that. Lots of friendly people to chat with here, so it is my hope that you make some good friendships. Congrats on delurking! 🙂
Welcome to the TMF, islandgirl10, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
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