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New member Hello Thread

Hey, my name's Mark and I'm 21. I've been a long time lurker and have never introduced myself. I've been a member of the UKTF under the same username for a few months now and having spoken to some really great people there, I reckon it's time to hopefully do the same here!
Insider Bill has been a member for awhile, Adam! His ID is MrLegacy!! 😀

And thanks for the compliment, btw. 😉

Ah, the things we learn. I was completely unaware, so thanks for clearing that up for me. And you're very welcome, by the way. 🙂

Hey, my name's Mark and I'm 21. I've been a long time lurker and have never introduced myself. I've been a member of the UKTF under the same username for a few months now and having spoken to some really great people there, I reckon it's time to hopefully do the same here!

Welcome to you, Mark. Happy to have you aboard!
Hey Everyone. I joined a couple hours ago. I'm Mistress Aura's son. Haha i was told to say that. Anyways hope to see what goes on here. I hear its a lot of fun. We'll see.

Heya J, welcome to the forum man! You are surrounded by good people in your house. Enjoy your time here bud. :rockon:
Hey Everyone. I joined a couple hours ago. I'm Mistress Aura's son. Haha i was told to say that. Anyways hope to see what goes on here. I hear its a lot of fun. We'll see.

Welcome. I'm sure you know all about it here lol.

Irishlad said:
Hey, my name's Mark and I'm 21. I've been a long time lurker and have never introduced myself. I've been a member of the UKTF under the same username for a few months now and having spoken to some really great people there, I reckon it's time to hopefully do the same here!

Welcome. Hope you enjoy it here as well. 🙂
Hey Everyone. I joined a couple hours ago. I'm Mistress Aura's son. Haha i was told to say that. Anyways hope to see what goes on here. I hear its a lot of fun. We'll see.

Welcome to the forum, JJ. Now if you could just get your mom to play L4D on the pc, we'll be all set.

The name's Dommelee, but I'll go by anything. Haha.

I'm not particularily new... I've been a member for a long time, but I lurk alot. I made my first post today and I've been a member for a few months, and I was just a "visitor" for a couple years prior- sad, eh? (Yes. I'm from Canada.)

I'm looking for some new friends who can help me be more open about this stuff.

So uh... yeah. Hi! ^_^''

The name's Dommelee, but I'll go by anything. Haha.

I'm not particularily new... I've been a member for a long time, but I lurk alot. I made my first post today and I've been a member for a few months, and I was just a "visitor" for a couple years prior- sad, eh? (Yes. I'm from Canada.)

I'm looking for some new friends who can help me be more open about this stuff.

So uh... yeah. Hi! ^_^''

Welcome out of the shadows. Hope you enjoy yourself with us here in the light. Don't worry. It'll stop burning eventually.

The name's Dommelee, but I'll go by anything. Haha.

I'm not particularily new... I've been a member for a long time, but I lurk alot. I made my first post today and I've been a member for a few months, and I was just a "visitor" for a couple years prior- sad, eh? (Yes. I'm from Canada.)

I'm looking for some new friends who can help me be more open about this stuff.

So uh... yeah. Hi! ^_^''

Welcome! Hope you are enjoying things here. 🙂
Hellooo everyone,

Help i'm new! lol
Thought i'd say a short hi in here before i find the right words for an intro-thread.

It's great to be a member of TMF!
Welcome to the TMF, sabyra, and congratulations on making your first post. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
Welcome to the TMF, TeenSockGirls, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
Welcome everyone. Enjoy it here, as this place is pretty nifty, not gonna lie.
hi! i'm jenn 🙂 look forward to meeting some new people. had a bit of a look around, like what i've seen so far! cheers!
Welcome Jenn. Great to see more people popping up in the middle of the country. I was afraid the East Coast/West Coast Crews were going to break the country in half and watch the two pieces float away while we sat on an island. :jester: Enjoy the forum!
KrazieDog - thanks for the welcome! it could still happen; i am but one person...and i've no lifeboat! you make me laugh 🙂

Musicroxmysox - thank you, and i do like it here so far!
hi! i'm jenn 🙂 look forward to meeting some new people. had a bit of a look around, like what i've seen so far! cheers!

Welcome to the TMF, jenn, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
*wave* Hi, i'm Rosie 🙂 This is my first post here! You all seem like a great bunch of people 🙂
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