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New member Hello Thread

Welcome to the nuthatch. Hope you make lots of good friends here and have a blast.
I haven't visited this thread in a while. Welcome to all the new members. 🙂
*wave* Hi, i'm Rosie 🙂 This is my first post here! You all seem like a great bunch of people 🙂

Welcome to the TMF, chestnut, and congratulations on making your first post. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
I'm also new here. My name is Breygon.
Check out the post I made, and leave a comment.
Welcome to the TMF, Breygon, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
Welcome Breygon and Jake. Have a good time here. 🙂
[copied from Tickletheater post made earlier today]

Hey guys!
I've been a(n underage) lurker here for quite some time (since I was 16 I think)! I turned 18 on June 1st, so I figured I'd give myself a gift by finally becoming a member!

Anyway, I'm introducing myself as Jake (it's my middle name ). I'm 18, which is also my favourite number! Don't ask why, it just looks cool.

I, like most here, am extremely into tickling, and I am also yet another foot fetishist. But not in the normal way. I don't like kissing, licking or smelling feet. I just like the looks of them I guess! And of course, it's my favourite body part to tickle!

I prefer to be a ticker. I don't mind being the ticklee, but I haven't really been tickled by anyone experienced, so as far as I know, I'm not that ticklish.

Other interests? I love sports, especially hockey, and I'm pretty sure I can name at least 10 players on each NHL team. And of course, every player for my two favourite teams, New Jersey and Toronto!

Anyway, that's all I have to say about myself. Hope to see everybody around the forums!

Welcome, Jake. Seems rare to meet hardcore hockey fans these days, although hopefully the sport will get a shot in the arm after this great rematch final.

Hope you enjoy yourself here.
Welcome to the TMF, Jake18, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
I don't know where to start, so I'm going to say hello here. 🙂

Quite a while back (in the late 90s), I made some occasional posts to (and joined chats in) another tickling discussion/chatroom "forum" back in the days of not-so-sophisticated internet forums like today's vBulletin ones (yay for vBulletin, my favorite style of forum). Now I'm not even sure what or "where" that forum was, but it certainly seemed to be one of the predecessors to this one. Or maybe it WAS this one in its early form. :idunno:

I'm a guy in the Houston area and hoping to get to know (at least via forum discussion) people in my own area and elsewhere.

So, anyway....hello. 🙂
not really NEW member

im not really new, but im just starting to make friends and talk to people. anybody who wants to talk. aim= ticklemannn. im gonna get a yahoo one up soon.
Greetings all. I am Shade. Old to the forum, new to actually posting on it. Little more about me here.
Welcome to the TMF, ialwayseatsalmo, and congratulations on delurking and making your first post. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
Thank you for the welcomes, everybody. I hate saying this too many times because I feel like I'm being redundant....but a polite "welcome aboard" requires a polite "thank you"... 🙂
Welcome to the TMF, arush, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
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