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Odd questions thread

I regret not going to (old) Yankee Stadium for game 6 of the 1981 World Series and getting a ticket from a scalper. That was my best chance to see the Dodgers win a World Series in person until 2017 (when they were cheated out of it by the bastros.)

What's one thing that you are really glad that you did?
Turned my life around in my 20s (I struggled in my early 20s for any motivation/direction).
If you could spend 1 week anywhere in the world where would it be?
That depends on the time of year.
In the winter, at a beach resort in Curaçao.
In the summer, at a beach resort in Cape May, NJ.

Where would you live if you couldn't live in New York State?
I'd probably move south maybe Carolina/Georgia. If not then San Diego with my brother.
What's the one food you never get tired of?
Lasagna with meat sauce.

What is one food that you have tried but will never eat again?
I use a little of sunblock if I'm going to be out a lot in the sun or wear a hat sometimes.
What's better a hot day or a cold day?
I use a little of sunblock if I'm going to be out a lot in the sun or wear a hat sometimes.
What's better a hot day or a cold day?
To me, a hot day is preferable to a cold one. :shivering:

Which is the worst, hail, snow, or sleet?
Out of those 3 I'd say snow (but freezing rain is worse than all 3 of those).
What's better Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?
I like Jeopardy better, but I never actually watched either of them regularly.

What is your favorite TV game show of all time?
Deal or No Deal (but I really grew up watching game shows Price Is Right, Pyramid, etc...and try to keep the game show channel on now sometimes too).
Who's your favorite celebrity of all-time?
Kim Novak (who was also my first love at age 10)

What current celebrity do you dislike and never watch?
Sean Combs I find kind of annoying although I find a lot of celebrities annoying.
How many hours per day do you watch t.v.?
About 3 hours per day, unless I watch a baseball game and then it can be 6 hours.

What year did you get your first VCR?
Probably 1985 I'm thinking when I was a little kid.
Is the advance of technology a good or bad thing (or both)?
Both, because it gets used both by people with good intentions and by evil people.

Would you buy a cellphone with AI?
I would consider it yes.
What's one stock you wish you had bought many years ago and kept?
Alphabet, Inc. (parent company of Google)

Is there a stock that you wish you had never bought?
Alibaba (still waiting for it to come back).
What's the worst thing about summer?
High cost of electricity causing high cost of A/C.

What is the best thing about summer?
Living in shorts (except when I'm at work).
Do you consider summer to be Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend (even though technically it's not)?
Yes, that is our cultural summer season.
I leave it to astronomers to observe the technical definition of summer, from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox.

Did you ever have an interest in astronomy?
Yes, a little bit I'd say.
Do you think most people are bad drivers?
Yes, most of the drivers that I observe are careless.

Who taught you to drive and at what age?
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