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1st Level Orange Feather
Jun 28, 2004
I've been here a while now as a participating member of the community and for a while longer as a lurking, leeching member of the community, and I have noticed that nobody likes me.

This is a cause of consternation for me, largely because I really do try hard to get people to like me. I'm just not very good at making friends. I never really have been, a problem (failing? whatever) that I blame on being raised around scumbags by militant left-wing parents. I don't really know how to correct this, so failing a proper solution I think maybe if I give you all something of an idea of where I'm coming from you might, I dunno, understand me a bit better?

When I was a kid I lived in a nice leafy suburb with two working parents, on a street with a few kids my own age. We moved there when I was three, and I sort of became a friend to the other kids by default because their parents forced them to play with me. By the time I was 10 most of them had moved away, and because I had problems fitting in I never really managed to make any friends in school. Away from friend type persons, I have two older half-brothers, neither of whom I had much of a relationship with because one joined the Army when I was 6 or 7 (and remains a Corporal to this day because he keeps failing his Sergeant's exams, lolol), and the other of whom could never seem to stay out of the clink long enough to do anything but borrow money off my dad for booze and weed and whatever the fuck else he was taking. My dad himself was a bit of an absentee father; he was always there in a physical sense and was on hand to administer kickings if I fucked up, however aside from that he didn't really give a shit about much else apart from football and money. My mum had problems of the mental health variety which were largely taken out on me because I was the oldest and a bit of a meek fucker. As a result of her mental health problems she didn't really give a shit either; well, she didn't give a shit about me, my two little sisters were her best mates. Basically I was pretty much on my own until the age of 13, aside from a couple of the smart girls in my primary school who sort of chummed around with me because we were in the top class together, and I could do handstands when none of the other boys could. I started kicking about with what we called a "crew" when I was 13, which was basically a load of lads my age who would go around fighting, smashing stuff up and generally causing trouble. Not long after I started kicking about with these fuckers I started drinking (White Lightning - the beverage of kings), then started smoking weed, then eventually taking coke. I think I was about 15 when I started snorting coke, which was quite a feat because unlike most of the other lads I didn't have a part-time job so I was always skint. So, when I say "started taking coke" I mean "started chapping the odd line or two off the lads who could afford to buy it". Yeah, anyway. Just before I got into the final year of secondary school (I was still 15, because we're only legally required to stay in school until the age of 16 in the United Kingdom, sirs) I got my first tug; assault and affray on some little shitbag who tried to mug me. The cheeky **** grabbed me as I was coming out of a shop and dragged me into an alleyway then started demanding money off me. I was fairly fit at this point, I'd been boxing for a year or two and had been playing as a goalie in the school footie team for a while as well, so instead of giving him his cash I fucking twatted him up and down the alley. After I'd smashed his head off a metal bin the wormy bastard managed to run off down the main street, flag down a police meat wagon, which he then brought to the health centre where me and my mates used to loiter and play footy. The bizzies got out of the meat-wagon and rounded us all up, going along the line asking our names, and when I gave mine they dragged me into the back of the van and took me to the station. It was around about this time that my mum got scared and said "you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air". I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought "Nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel Air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie "Yo homes, smell ya later!" I looked at my kingdom and was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air.
I loves ya', Brother Header!!! :wavingguy

When I first saw you posting here a coupla' years ago or something, I thought you were kind of an ass, but eventually I realized you were just more offbeat than most.

I think you confuse people though, and that causes a vibe they may be averse to looking beyond. For instance, ending your post above with the lyrics to "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" theme song -- for most folks, this sends signals that the rest of the above is a joke, and so, offering sincere sympathy in response may open them as a target for the joke.

For all I know, it could still be a joke of which I may be the butt, but at the same time, I know for myself that it is my sincerity that matters, and not what someone else chooses to make a punchline, so I have no concern in responding.

I think you're frikkin' hilarious, truth be told. You're intelligent, witty, and remarkably nonsequitur, which I like, and you can be insightful and daringly honest, to boot. Admittedly, half the time I don't know what you're referencing or what the goal is ("Fishpope!" being a good example), but I find it funny nonetheless, and I always look forward to your posts, myself.
I loves ya', Brother Header!!! :wavingguy

When I first saw you posting here a coupla' years ago or something, I thought you were kind of an ass, but eventually I realized you were just more offbeat than most.

I think you confuse people though, and that causes a vibe they may be averse to looking beyond. For instance, ending your post above with the lyrics to "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" theme song -- for most folks, this sends signals that the rest of the above is a joke, and so, offering sincere sympathy in response may open them as a target for the joke.

For all I know, it could still be a joke of which I may be the butt, but at the same time, I know for myself that it is my sincerity that matters, and not what someone else chooses to make a punchline, so I have no concern in responding.

I think you're frikkin' hilarious, truth be told. You're intelligent, witty, and remarkably nonsequitur, which I like, and you can be insightful and daringly honest, to boot. Admittedly, half the time I don't know what you're referencing or what the goal is ("Fishpope!" being a good example), but I find it funny nonetheless, and I always look forward to your posts, myself.

Pretty much what Cap said.I've exchanged enough pms with you to know you're a decent bloke at heart.You have a friend here mate.:)


I think it's funny that everyone's afraid of you.

But I know the truth.

You're just a big softy.

*squishes you*
Never much had a qualm with you, Crabsnatch. You have a sense of humor that many have a hard time reading, or just don't understand.

I don't think it makes you a bad person. You've even tried to keep the peace in a few hostile threads, in your own way. You don't flame or pick fights with folks, and the few times we spoke you were a sweetheart.

I think underneath all that talking pear, fishpope, lawl youtube vidyas and sirs shite is a really decent guy.

But, I won't tell anyone.
How on earth did you get from here to California in a taxi?

White Lightning is indeed the beverage of kings. I personally prefer a bit of Buckfast in the bus shelter, or Diamond Shite on a special occasion.

Ok, actually, I didn't even realise you felt you had trouble making cyberfetishfriends around here. But hey, we all have attacks of insecurity, right?
Alright ASBO, calm down. Your posts always give me a giggle, thats more than enough for me ;)
LOL whats going on Snappy? :confused: You sure you're feeling alright? :)

If this isn't one of your joking moments, then I hope you're ok.

For me, I like reading your posts; you can be honest, in your face, sarcastic but above all I always end up smiling or friggin laughing at your posts. Sometimes even doing this :facepalm: whilst reading ;)

This place would be a bit quieter without you around.

Keep doing what it is you do, for you bring a lot of entertainment to the forum and I'd miss it if you didn't do it.

Take care of yourself mate.
LeeLee :cuddle:
i always had a feeling that The Fresh Prince was based on the story of a white dude from the UK......
Hey man, I seriously think you are cool. And hell, if I can see your coolness I know others will, because I'm generally not all that perceptive.

<a href="http://s367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/70drew70/?action=view&current=DREW70-small.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/70drew70/DREW70-small.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="http://drew70.thumblogger.com"><img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/70drew70/drew70piano.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/70drew70/?action=view&current=3dancers.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/70drew70/3dancers.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
If you require any further support, I'm told the answers to your problems can be found in this video by DJ Mujava:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0l5-zQlgoEE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/0l5-zQlgoEE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Headsnap, don't crap all over yourself. From what I've been able to tell, you're a good guy with a good sense of humor. If some people don't get you, that's their loss. Keep your chin up, dude.
Hell, I always thought you're fuckin' hilarious. Anybody who's a DK fan can't be all bad in my book.
You're right Headsnap, I do hate you. So much so, in fact, that I will now punt you.


Wait for it...


YOU DESERVED THAT! With your scissors and your funny head and your pumpkin pies...
Don't worry about it. Soon enough you're gonna be in movies and have hit songs. Everything works out.
There are billions of people on Earth, and deep down we're all the same. There are times when each of us feel depressed, unwanted, gloomy, uncertain, etc. We're all on the same boat, so just know that you aren't alone. :)
Wow, dude, fair play for letting that out. Your aint a bad chap when it comes down to it, you do things your own way and that aint always a bad thing, No hard feelings from my way :)

Wow, dude, fair play for letting that out. Your aint a bad chap when it comes down to it, you do things your own way and that aint always a bad thing, No hard feelings from my way :)


Exactly, but he IS a bad seed, just like that Fonzie guy. And just like with Fonzie, I won't be swayed by his fancy AAAAAAAAAAAY!

That being said, bad seeds have something that could be nice inside too, you just have to get through the tough outer shell. Just...not with a hammer, because that would be messy.
I always thought you pretty fuckin' hilarious. You're kinda like the Internet version of my Grandfather. Bizzare, dry sense of humor that no one can ever tell is a joke or not.

Besides, you're a UKer....and UK people freakin' rock, man.

I tend to dig the phreaks, the bizzare, the outspoken and the people who keep others guessing. Be yourself, fuck everyone else.

And by that, I mean....fuck everyone else. Seriously. Go out, and just pull people over and fuck them. Keep doing this until you get to everyone.

Has worked for me. :triangle:

You seem pretty cool, Dude. Sounds like you've had a bit of a rough time.

However, if I can play the Devil's advocate for just a few seconds here, perhaps your trouble making friends may not be completely rooted in your upbringing?

If you are in constant conflict where you feel as though you can't fit in, and you're blaming it on an unsettled adolesence, then you're probably just gonna get stuck, eh? Cuz you can't change the past.

I reckon holding what's happened in the past responsible for your currently limited social circle will only make it harder to make friends. Holding a grudge on something you can't change will only help damage you, not help you. It's almost like a permanant dark cloud hanging over your head that just doesn't have to be there.. Cuz, I guess, in a fucking weird way it almost becomes a guard that you put up when you meet people, perhaps even without realising it. And what's even fucking weirder, bizarre even, is that it ends up being you not giving that potential friend a chance, instead of it being the other way round.

Fuck the past. Shit can't change. Get on with it. The person you were yesterday won't always be the person you are today, or will be tomorrow. And the general vibe here is that you're a decent bloke, so for the moment, go with that.


Are you kidding? I LOVE the 'Fish Pope':D

I always enjoy my dose of reality from youse 'snappy'
I hope you have a "Sally Field" type realization sometime soon:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IynQCmqvXZs&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IynQCmqvXZs&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>​
Don’t be too hard on yourself mate. Your story reminds me of our good friend little Alex here, who frequently dabbled in the dubious art of ultra-violence.


But as you can see he was persuaded to enter an experimental rehab program, and all’s well now. He has lots of friends here but does get a bit ill when attempting to post anything of a somewhat negative nature.


Perhaps you should consider the same program; I hear the facility is in your neck of the woods anyway. :eek:
How on earth did you get from here to California in a taxi?

Did you not read the post? "If anything I could say that this cab was rare". It was rare because it was a flying taxi. We never had "the soup" down south when I was a kid, but it's nice to see empty bottles of it lying around the bus stops on my Saturday morning jog. Also you appear to have forgotten the old MD 20/20. I liked the orange one, because it tasted like orange flavoured fire.

Srsly though this was a troll. Hence the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air stuff. Most of the preceding nonsense isn't true (apart from the bit where I got in one little fight, that DID happen although rather than being sent to LA I instead got cautioned for assault and affray at Huyton police station - long live the UK's wonderful self-defence laws :D ), but now I am in the awkward position that I actually feel quite bad because people responded so positively; troll's remorse is a bastard :(

Cheers for the messages and stuff though.
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