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Operation Sacrifice


TMF Poster
Jun 29, 2001
Operation “Sacrifice”

In a remote farmhouse outside Beijing, China a woman prepares for her rendezvous at the shipyard. The woman is Secret agent Lisa, code name “Canary”. She stands by a fire reading documents and tossing them in the fire. The documents are coded messages detailing the US’s Nuclear Defense positions in reference to China and the former Soviet Union. The information was considered highly classified and must be delivered to the National Security Agency back in Washington in 3 days. Lisa memorizes each document and then burns the information. If China or any other nation got their hands on this information it would severely compromise the US’s defense.

Lisa was a young blonde with a slim athletic build; she had been working as a secret agent for only a couple of years. Her previous assignments weren't quite as dangerous as this one, but the agency knew she would be the only one that could pull it off. She gathered her things and made them ready to leave once night fell. She was to meet her foreign counter-part who had made all the arrangements for getting her safely back to the States. They were to meet at Dock 12 in the shipyard, from there she would be given further instructions.

Everything was ready, she had another hour before it would be safe for her to travel. She went out to the barn to check on the car that had been provided. The tank was full, she started it and everything worked fine. She returned to the house and decided to rest up for a while, she was going to need her rest. As she sat down and rested her thoughts drifted back to her home and of her daughter Tara who would be turning 18 in the next month. She knew that with the completion of this mission she would have at least a couple of months off that she and Tara could put to good use. She thought back to the time when Tara was 8 and it was raining, the two of them decided to play Hide and seek to pass the time since they couldn’t go out. Tara went and hid in Lisa’s bedroom closet, and then Lisa would look all through the house, even though she knew Tara’s favorite spot. Lisa would call out “I’m gonna find you” and Tara would just giggle. Lisa would then finally walk into her bedroom saying “I wonder where Tara is hiding”, again Tara giggled. She then walked over to the closet door, opened it quickly and Tara would jump and giggle. Lisa would say “I’m gong to get you!” then grab Tara and toss her on the big bed and start tickling Tara. Tara would lie there giggling and laughing the whole time. Lisa would stop and Tara would giggle and say “hehehe tickle me more”; Lisa just couldn’t resist it and would then toss Tara’s little shoes off and start wiggling her fingers up and down Tara’s soles. Tara would burst out with laughter and try to pull her feet away. Tara was an extremely ticklish child, something she had inherited from her mother.

Lisa was a very capable spy, but she did have her one weakness, a weakness even the Agency knew nothing about. You see, Lisa had a condition of being Hypersensitive; or as you and I would call it “Overly Extremely Ticklish”. A condition she had from her childhood when she was often made the tickle toy of her family, her father, brothers and even her Aunt’s and Uncles would come over and tickle her for hours at a time, she had they cutest little laugh and giggle when she was tickled. There was nothing worse to her now than being held down and tickled. Her worst fear as an agent was being captured and then tickle tortured; she could take any other form of torture from whipping to beating, but she would never be able to hold out if she were tickled. If the agency ever got word of her weakness, then that would be the end of her carrier, she would not be able to be trusted with information any longer.

Her vibrating alarm wristwatch snapped her back to reality, she checked it and it was time for her to leave. She grabbed her bag and headed out to the car. It was very dark out, no moon, only stars lit the night sky. She threw her bag in the back seat, started the car and headed out. She would have to use the back streets to avoid having to go through the city if she was going to make it to the shipyard safely and in time. As she drove she constantly would check her rear view mirror to make sure she wasn’t being followed. This late at night there were very few, if any, cars out on the road. As she made a left down a back road just outside the Downtown area she noticed that a car had just pulled out behind her. Her heart started to pound, she made a couple of quick lefts and then a right, but the car stayed with her.

She decided to take action, she made a hard left into a narrow road as she looked behind her the car passed, but when she turned back around a large truck had pulled out in front of her. She slammed on the brakes; she stopped just short of the truck that now blocked the entire road. She threw the car in reverse and started to back up, but another truck had moved in behind her blocking her escape. Several men came out of nowhere; she started to get out and make a run for it, but was struck by something or someone from behind her, knocking her unconscious. The Men picked her up and tossed her in the back of the truck that was behind her, then they drove off into the city. The other truck pulled up and her car was loaded in the back and then it took off as well.

Lisa began to wake up, as her head started to clear she opened her eyes but couldn’t see anything. She realized that she was blindfolded; she tried to move but couldn’t her hands had been chained above her head, her feet were locked in front of her, she was seated on a bench or chair of some kind. She felt a little chilly; this was because she had been stripped down to her modest cotton panties. She tested the strength of the chains holing her arms up, they didn’t budge, and she did likewise with her ankles. She had to face reality; she was caught and wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. She could hear a slow drip of water coming from around her, but couldn’t tell from where exactly. She kept quite, no need in alerting her captors that she was awake just yet. After a while she heard footsteps echoing down a hallway, they were getting closer, then she heard keys turning in a lock and a door opening. From the footsteps it sounded like 2 or 3 people, there was also a faint squeaking noise, but it was still kind of far away. Then she heard a voice.

“Ah, I see we are awake”, said a male oriental voice.

“Yes, I am. And you are?” Lisa asked

Her blindfold was removed; as her eyes adjusted to the light she could see an average height Oriental gentleman in front of her dressed in a military uniform. To his right was a young oriental woman with her dark black hair pulled back in a bun, she was also dressed in a military uniform with a skirt and black knee high boots. To the mans left stood a guard holding a machine gun. The dripping water noise she heard was coming from a water pipe that passed through the room she was in.

“Since we already know who you are Agent Lisa, Code name “Canary” I will tell you who I am. I am General Chen, I am the head of international security and espionage for the Peoples Republic of China”, he said giving a short bow.

Lisa took notice of her surroundings; she was in a 20 by 20 room, plain white walls, kind of old. There were no windows, only a door, there were two lights that hung from the ceiling. She could now see the chains holding her wrists, they were short and bolted to the concrete wall above her. Her ankles were locked in a stock like device in front of her, it was part of the bench she was sitting on. She could see her feet, still had the pink polish on the toes. She was sitting about knee high off the ground. General Chen spoke again.

“We understand that you are in possession of your countries nuclear defense information. Our people haven’t been successful in getting that information yet. Perhaps we can come to some arrangement?” he said

“Your sources are mistaken General, I have no such information. Even if I did I would never turn it over to you!” Lisa replied.

“Hmmm, that’s not what your counter-part said, just before his accident in the shipyard.” The general said with an evil grin.

Lisa’s stomach dropped, the General knew about her assignment. There was no way she was going to bluff her way out of this now, she’d just have to hold out as best she could.

“Now, are you sure that we cannot come to some arrangement, agent Lisa?” the General said

“General, I am sorry to inform you that I cannot, nor will not give you the information. Even if I did the information is encrypted and you don’t have the means to break the code. The information would be useless to you.” She said

“My Dear Agent Lisa, we have broken your code long ago. How do you think we found out about your operation? Now, I grow tired of this. Are you going to give us the information we want, or not?” the General replied

Lisa was silent. She was not in anyway shape or form going to give them the information. She knew that in the event of her capture that the agency would deny she or the mission ever existed. She was on her own at this point. Her only hope was to escape somehow.

“I see, you are going to force us to use unpleasant means of gaining the information. But you should not fear. We have no intention of harming YOU.” He said with a sinister smile.

The General turned and motioned to the guard. The guard left and Lisa heard the squeaking noise again, this time it came closer and closer. Then she saw it, being pushed into the room was a hospital gurney (bed), and the wheels were doing the squeaking. On the bed was a body, but it was covered completely by a white sheet. Lisa could see the body shifting back and forth underneath, but had no idea who they had. The bed was positioned right in front of her feet, facing her.

“We have a surprise for you Lisa, we thought it would be nice to have a little family reunion if you will.” The General said

With that he pulled the sheet off the bed; Lisa was shocked to see who they had. It was her daughter Tara; her hands were cuffed to the top above her head and her ankles strapped to each corner. Tara had been gagged and blindfolded, she could neither move nor speak. To top it off they had put her in a skimpy two piece bikini with a mocking red, whit and blue Stars and stripes pattern.

They removed Tara’s gag, but kept her blindfold on.

“I think you two know each other.” The General said

“Tara, are you alright? General, I assure you if you harm her in anyway I will personally make you suffer!” Lisa stated

“Mom? Is that you? I’m…I’m ok, they haven’t hurt me. Where are we? The last thing I remember was being thrown in the back of a car and a cloth was put over my mouth and nose.” Tara said slightly frightened.

“Ladies, allow me to introduce Major Li, she is out top interrogator, I am going to leave you both in her capable hands as it were.” The General said

“Don’t worry Tara I’ll get us out of here. General, You’ll get nothing from me, Tara is not important let her go!” Lisa demanded.

“I’m afraid that since you refuse to cooperate we have no choice. Call me when she is ready to give us what we want.” The General said as he walked out of the room.

The Guard left and locked the door behind him. Major Li approached Lisa. She informed her that she has made people speak with little more than a gesture.

“My techniques are somewhat different that what you might imagine Agent Lisa. You see I don’t like to inflict pain on another person, and it would be a shame to leave marks on such a young girl as Tara. Since we know you, being a trained spy, torture would not work on you, but your daughter may be a different story. What it does to a person to sit there and watch as their loved ones are tortured in front of them.” She said as she stood next to Tara

“Mom, I’m scared. What’s going on?” Tara said

“Leave her alone, she doesn’t know anything!” Lisa demanded

“Oh, She’s already told us quite a lot since she’s been here. We know how…sensitive she is.” The Major says looking at Lisa while beginning to wiggle her fingers in the air over Tara’s bare tummy.

“You Fiend! Don’t that’s torture!!” Lisa pleaded.

“Yes, hehehe it is”, the Major replied

The Major lowers her wiggling fingers towards Tara’s unsuspecting tummy. As her fingers make contact it’s as if Tara had been shocked. Tara squealed and let out a pleading giggle.

“EEEEHhehehahha No No Please not that again hehehe Pleeeease”.

Lisa could only sit and watch as the Major worked her evil magic on Tara. The Major danced just her fingernails across Tara’s tummy. She found that the best spot in this area was Tara’s sides just above the hip. She lingered there wiggling her nails but watching Lisa the whole time. This forced Tara into struggling convulsions and deep laughter as she lay there suffering.


“Stop? I couldn’t do that Dear. We are having too much fun. Aren’t we.” The Major taunted

The Major quickened her pace and started pinching and poking Tara’s now tender sides with her fingers. She worked both sides, first one then the other then both. Tara could only laugh as the torture continued.


“Kitchy Kitchy Kooo”, The Major taunted, with and occasional gazes at Lisa

Lisa tugged and pulled at the chains in a vain attempt to free herself. She could imagine the torture that Tara was going through. She feared that Major Li would grow tired of torturing Tara and turn to her, and then all would definitely be lost.

“Stop IT! You’ll Kill her; She’s nothing to you. I’m the one you want, ME!!, Lisa screamed, not realizing that she might be giving the Major the Idea of torturing her instead.

“You Know how to make this all stop agent Lisa, You are doing this to her. Just tell us what we want to know”. The Major said

The Major paused her tickling for a moment, just enough to give her fingers a rest and allow Tara to calm down just a bit. She didn’t want to take the chance that Tara would desensitize too quickly. The Major pondered where to torture next. She took her fingernails, placed them on Tara’s arm just below the elbow then lightly dragged them down. She grazed them past the armpit, down over the ribs, paused and wiggled them on the still sensitive sides. All the while Tara squirmed and wiggled trying to avoid the teasing touch. As she continued downward, she started to spider walk her fingers over the tops of Tara’s thigh.

“Oh Taraaaa, You have such cute little feet. Shall we play a game?” The Major teased.

Tara gasped and immediately curled her toes, knowing that was the one place that she was unbearably ticklish. Any other place she could tolerate for a short period, but her feet couldn’t take even the thought of being tickled.

“NOOOOOOOOO, Please don’t tickle my FEEEEEEEEEEEET!!! OOOOH NOOOOOOOO!” Tara pleaded.

“Perhaps your mother would like a closer look at how we are going to play our little game.” The Major says

The Major moves the bed closer to Lisa, positioning Tara’s feet just over the tops of Lisa’s feet. Tara’s feet are securely strapped to the bed; they can wiggle, but not much more. The Major then moves down beside Tara’s feet, the toes still curled waiting the torture that she knows is going to take place. The major takes her hand and runs it gently over the tops of Tara’s foot grasping it and then pulling it back to fully expose the soft sole. Again giving Lisa a sinister grin she glides her fingernails slowly up the sole from heel to toe. Tara let’s out a squeak and then let’s go with waves of giggles.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!! hehehehehehe hehehehehehe hehehehehehehe”

“You Sinister Witch”, Lisa says through her clenched teeth.

The Major repeated the foot tease with Tara’s other foot. Tara again squealed and laughed. She then took both hands, placing one on each foot, fingernails poised like talons and then rapidly wiggled them right on Tara’s arch. Tara almost went through the roof; she twisted and jerked like crazy. Her toes curled and turned in a futile attempt to avoid the Major’s expert fingers. The Major just continued her assault, all Tara could do was lie there and take the torment.


“Oh MY! We do have ticklish feet don’t we”, the Major teased

The Major adored ticklish feet, they have always been her favorite spot. Tara’s feet were going to be a real treat. She continued to torment with her nails, first one foot, slowly dragging them up and down, and then the other foot. Having warmed Tara’s feet up she thought it would be a good time for her to take a break, a break for her, not for Tara. The Major moved the bed back some then wheeled to electronic machines up to Tara’s helpless feet.

“All this tickling has given me an appetite, I’m going to take a little break ladies, but don’t worry Tara
I have a little something to keep you entertained hehehe while I’m away”.

The machines were small boxes; each had a hole on the top and a dial on the side. She first took Tara’s toes and tied them back to the bed. Keeping her feet immobile and totally exposing the tender soles and under toes. On the top of the boxes were two buttons; an on/off switch and another one that read “random” and “constant”. She checked the boxes position one last time, and then she pushed the ON button. The machines started to Hum. Out of the holes came long flexible rods; on the ends of the rods are little brushes.

“This should keep you amused for a while”, she says

The Major then puts the machine on random and then explains the machines as they being to do their work.

“These are little machines of my own design, I call them the magic fingers. You see the little rods have tiny brushes on them, the rods vibrate and wiggle causing the brushes to touch the skin. I have set it for random mode, this will cause the machine to go from a low setting to medium then to high then pause for a few moments and then start again. That way you won’t be tickled to death, and we can play more when I return”. Major Li says as she heads out the door.

The rods start to wiggle, like little fingers trying to feel for a light switch in the dark. At first Tara could only lay there and giggle, twisting her body form one side to the other. The poor thing her feet and toes were bound to well and no matter what they remained in place.

“hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe it tickles ehehehehehehehe aaaaaaahahahhahahahehheheheheheheheheh”

Then the machine moved into Medium, the brushes wiggled faster and harder on Tara’s soles. Occasionally finding their way underneath and in-between the toes. Tara’s giggles quickly turned to full laughter. Nothing she could do to make it stop. The machines had no ears or a conscience, they only knew to tickle. They wiggled and brushed, driving Tara crazy with laughter.


“Oh Tara, I can’t help. Please you have to holdout. I’ll try to think of something”, Lisa said

Lisa was actually starting to enjoy the spectacle; seeing Tara laugh and giggle from the tickling she knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t help it deep down. If she tried she probably could pull the chains out of the wall. She wanted to see how much Tara could take. She knew that if she gave the information to General Chen that they would just take and torture her as well, for pure amusement alone. Then after a few minutes the Machines kicked in to high gear, they wiggled and tickled faster and faster. Tara just fell into uncontrolled hysterics, she arched her back and laughed as the brushes did their damage.


High speed only lasted for a minute or two then the machine stopped; Tara fell limp on the bed giggling incoherently. Her poor feet tingled from the attack of the killer brushes, which was almost as much torture as the tickling since she couldn’t rub them or move them. Her body was starting to sweat her hair clung to her forehead and face from the perspiration and the tears that trickled down her cheeks. Though torturous as it was to her deep down there was a sense of pleasure she was getting from the whole ordeal. After about 5 minutes she heard the machines kick back into life, the low hum and then the light touch of the brushes started again. Her giggling returned in full force.

“heheheheheheeeeeeehehehehehehehheheheheeeeeehehehehheheheheheheheheheheeeeeehehhahhahahheehhehahahaahhahahhehehehehehehehehehehehheeha ohohooooh ahahahahahhahahah”

Now lost in ticklish euphoria Tara starts mumbling in between her laughter. She’s remembering being tickled as a little girl. The Machines move into Medium.


Lisa is confused and still mildly aroused at the whole scene. She knows that Tara will eventually go crazy. The Tickling lasts longer this time Tara’s feet and toes are worked over thoroughly Tara can hardly breath from all the laughing it feels like there are a million fingers tickling all at once.


Tara’s feet are literally tickled Pink, there’s no stopping the machine. Tara undergoes an hour of torture, off and on the machines work their magic. Tara is reduced to a laughing mass on the bed even when the machines pause she keeps laughing.


Lisa decides that she has no choice but to give up and tell the General what she knows, it’s the only way to save Tara. Her real fear is what they will do to her once she gives them the information. After a few minutes the machines move into high gear and Tara continues her hysterical laughter. Suddenly the door opens.

A Navy SEAL team enters the room. They drag the unconscious guard and Major Li behind them.

“We are here to rescue you hold on we’ll get you out.” The leader says to Lisa

They free Tara and Lisa, Lisa takes the Major’s Uniform and Tara wraps the bed sheet around her. Of course Lisa can’t resist a little pay back before they go. She quickly gags the major and straps her to the bed. Tying her toes back and putting the machines in place she gives the Major a little slap on the face to wake her up. The Major wakes up and is stunned when she sees what’s going to happen, she muffles a scream and shakes her head. Lisa leans down and giggles in the Major’s ear.

“Kitchy Kitchy Koooooooooo, have a few laughs on me an Tara Maj, hehehehe”

Lisa motions for Tara to hit the switch. Tara sets the machine for “Continuous” mode and puts it on HIGH. They laugh as they make their way out the door as the major Screams through her gag laughing desperately. Lisa, Tara and the SEAL team make it to the waiting helicopter and are taken to safety. The Coded information is delivered safely.

The End
Great work. There can never be too many spy tickle interrogation stories on here. It's a genre I am particularly fond of. :)
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