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Question For Forum Members Who Work Out At Gyms..


Level of Coral Feather
Sep 9, 2002
I don't remember if I posted this in my blog or not..but.. I joined a gym about a month ago. I've been going.. two to three times a week, and doing walks on the treadmill.. 15 to 30 minutes. I've been doing a mile or a little more in distance.

My question is.. what type of workout on the treadmill is really helpful to stay in shape/sustain or lose weight, etc? Also.. how often should one go?

Youre supposed to get youre heart rate up at least 30 min a day I believe.
Gym person here. Ive been going to the gym on a constant basis(3-5 times a week) for about a year now. It really all depends on what you're trying to accomplish Mitch. Are you lifting weights as well or just doing cardio? Its obvious that the more that you go the better. If you can find it in yourself to go everyday during the week that's great, but initially you'll want some rest days in between to let your muscles relax. Normally there are programs in the treadmill and those are immensely helpful. Mostly it revolves around interval training, or a switch between high and low intensity. Based on your weight and age there are target heart rates that you need to accomplish, which vary whether you want to do high intensity cardio, or just some fat burning. Id follow the guidelines on the machine.
Ive stopped doing the presets on the machine and mostly just do high intensity cardio for 30-45 minutes. Seems boring but I just watch Netflix on my phone while doing it and it flies by. Ive lost 15 pounds in a year, which doesn't SOUND like much but keep in mind I lift weights for 45 minutes before hand. So that 15 pounds lost is a mixture of gaining muscle, as well as losing fat. Doing both makes it so you can have that lean muscle appearance, as opposed to just lighting weights and getting all bulky "I cant touch my back" look that I don't like.
If you can try the elliptical machines to get your heart rate up, they will be lower impact than a Treadmill.
But, for a treadmill short leisurely walks wont help you much if you are trying to loose weight.

But, if you want to stick with no running or jogging then you are going to need to do short bursts of speed walking and build up to longer bursts of speed walking. And if you can play with the incline of the treadmill even if you are only walking with speed walking a steep incline will help increase your heart rate. And if you are just starting to workout start slow! If you build up the intensity to fast you can easily injure yourself or make yourself to sore and loose interest in working out.

And if you can add some strength training to your workout.
Franky brings up some good points. Ive switched exclusively to the elliptical machine because its much much easier on the knees. Also starting slow is key. As you build up your cardio you'll find it easier to go harder/longer. with resistances and inclines and such.
Oh, and I just remember depending on your health you might find some useful workouts from Jessica Smith http://www.jessicasmithtv.com/ she has a lot of free workout videos of varying intensity levels so pay attention to the descriptions. And in quite a few of them she will show a lower intensity version of the workout then a higher intensity. It's usually more common in the cardio workouts for example the difference between doing a "step tap" versus a modified jumping jack.

And I know some of the workouts are geared more towards women, but plenty of the workouts are good for men to do too. You might want to check out the walking workouts she has. They are low intensity and if you follow them to the best of you abilities then I have no doubt that you will get your heart rate up.

Also, good luck with your workouts.

@ ISUMark, thanks and congratulations on your 15 pounds!
Watch the Chinese food too, for a bit. Otherwise your hard work's for naught.
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Forget the hamster wheel for losing fat, Mitch. You will have better results if you just eat what you like, but cut your portions down to a third, and eat more proteins and fat, cut down the carbs and sugars.
I workout at home and do my jogging outside. So far it worked relatively well for my health and I don't have to spend money by being a gym member. You can train a lot of muscles without having any kind of expensive equipment. Concerning weigh loss.... I'm a naturally skinny person, so I never had that kind of problem, but I think the best way to start losing weigh is by consulting a nutritionist.
To be honest I find running on treadmills quite a crazy idea. In my opinion it's best to jog outside: there you get to see nature, which apparently boosts your brain psychologically (and is also said to be a good way of treating depression) Don't know if it's true, but it certainly works better that way for me.
Reddit has a lot of information on nutrition and fitness. It's pretty frustrating how misleading food can be in some places, like the US.
Thanks, everyone.

Nooooo. (Evil Girl) j/king. "Cant give up Chinese food".

I have tried to watch what I eat, but today was bad. I had.. lox, and chicken fingers.

Not sure when I'm going back to the gym again. I went two days in a row. May rest tomorrow, and go Sunday. or go tomorrow again, and then not til Monday.
I went two days in a row. May rest tomorrow, and go Sunday. or go tomorrow again, and then not til Monday.

In my opinion you should try to keep as regular schedule as possible, without trying to overdo it one day and being lazy another. It's recommended to have at least half an hour of physical activity per day. I'm not saying you should absolutely run every day, but run regularly and when resting, go and take a walk at least.
I go at least three times a week.

I'll usually run on the treadmill for 30 minutes, going at about a quarter of the max speed with the resistance low at first, slowly building to something I can manage. Eventually, I want to get to max speed with the highest resistance, but smoking doesn't help my cause there.

I spend the rest of my time there, usually an hour to a couple of hours, focusing on ab machines, along with some arm toning machines and of course bench pressing. Sometimes, I do a few laps around the swimming pool, but it's just because I enjoy swimming and probably has very little to do with working out.

I'm not a fitness expert, by the way. I just do what works for me and has been proven to work for a bunch of people. I'm not trying to be a body builder, or even get in shape. It's just something I enjoy doing and feel better emotionally, and physically after I do it.

Keeping a consistent schedule is tough because of my job hours, so it's helpful that the place I go to is 24/7. As far as eating, I mostly eat out, so keeping track of my calorie intake and just generally what goes into me has been a pretty fun deal, actually. Chipotle, and other various restaurants actually taste better to me now with lettuce than they did when I was dumping cheese and random other things on them.
Thanks, TTT.

First, I'm just starting, so I don't do a half hour yet. I have high bp, so I have to build up. Also, I'm very physically sore, so I think I may skip today, and go early tomorrow morning.

Thanks for the advice, Leo. I'd have to build up to the levels you are talking about.,
I use the elliptical machine instead and I choose the weight loss mode. The weight loss mode last for 30 minutes. They say treadmills are bad for your knees. If you google search this topic you can find info on it.
Whatever your goal is, it needs to be something you work up to. Don't start off too heavy and accidentally hurt or wear yourself out.

I'm a swimmer myself, so I don't have much more advice to offer :)
Thanks, porceliandoll, I haven't tried that machine.

Thanks, Allie. I have been trying to go slowly. Actually, I went to the gym today, and increased my treadmill time a bit.. to close to a half hour. Now, my neck is a bit sore, so hopefully that will go away. I don't know if my neck is sore from working out.. or the fact that I spent so many hours at Citi Field watching the Metropolitans beat the Braves today. (14 innings and almost five hours worth there)
I don't remember if I posted this in my blog or not..but.. I joined a gym about a month ago. I've been going.. two to three times a week, and doing walks on the treadmill.. 15 to 30 minutes. I've been doing a mile or a little more in distance.

My question is.. what type of workout on the treadmill is really helpful to stay in shape/sustain or lose weight, etc? Also.. how often should one go?


If you're just going to do Cardio, yo can, and SHOULD, do it everyday. At Least one hour. Walk/Slow Jog as fast as you can for 1 hour. Anything less will no help you much.
If you're going to DO THIS, then DO IT RIGHT.

The next step from Cardio is CrossFit. Then Weight Training.
You should consult a Certified Trainer for a good workout program tailored to your abilities.
This will be 3-4X's a week and focus on specific muscle groups.
For example: Back Muscles and BiCeps one workout, then Chest and Triceps the next. Lats, Delts, CORE and LEG Day plus forearm, calf, neck & misc to make for a total-body workout.

If you're going to commit to this, don't give a 1/2 ass'd effort. You won't see any gains (results).

Good Luck.
Everyone needs to start somewhere, and this is a great choice for you!

I'm not gonna lie to you ... it will hurt. No pain, no gain.
But it's totally worth the effort if you can stick it out and get past the first few weeks.

I'm here to tell you you can't do it alone. Hire a trainer who puts you on a program and holds you to it.
You will hate it at first, but grow to love it.
If you're just going to do Cardio, yo can, and SHOULD, do it everyday. At Least one hour. Walk/Slow Jog as fast as you can for 1 hour.

Usually half an hour is considered to be enough. With that being said: it must depend on individuals anyway. We don't all exactly have the 100% same physiology, but I'd agree with you that regularity is the key.

Generally speaking, it seems to me you take things a bit too fanatically. I've been working out without a trainer for the past two years, just by consulting friends and websites and I do get results. With a professional it would most likely be faster and maybe safer, but it's certainly not an obligation to gain muscles at least not at the point where I was when I started.
I have to discount what coldneck says. Considering his tone, mannerisms, and his history with me. It wouldn't surprise me if his "advice" was not well meant.

I'm not 18 years old anymore, coldneck, I'm a man in my early 40s with health issues. I'm looking to lose a few pounds, and stay in shape, not become Mr Universe.

Have you ever heard of something called "pacing yourself". In the major leagues of baseball they call it pitch counts. Rube Walker, former pitching coach for the New York Mets, started this in the late 60s. He coached a Hall of Famer named Tom Seaver for a long time. Bobby Cox and Leo Mazzone continued it in the 1990s with a team called the Atlanta Braves. Ever heard of them, coldneck? They have a few guys named Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine, and Bobby Cox, who will be going to something called the Baseball Hall of Fame this year. Their teammate, John Smoltz, should be joining them next year. They used this pretty successfully, to win a total of 873 major league games,, and save 154 more. That's 1000 major league games, coldneck, an exact figure. I'd say their system of pacing oneself works well.

Your condescending posts like you're the maven and expert on everything, to everyone in this forum,, is both laughable, and tiresome. I've seen how you stir things up in so many threads in this forum, both my threads, and others. You would do yourself better, to observe, and offer more really well meaning advice, that doesn't always piss people off.
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I went back to the gym today, and spoke to a trainer. He said I;m approaching this just right, with exercising every other day, and pacing myself.

I made progress today. I'm now up to 30 minutes on the treadmill, at between 3 and 4 miles per hour., I walked almost two miles on the treadmill today. I was tired after my workout, but not, exhausted. I have every reason to believe that I will continue to make positive strides.
Good to hear that you're taking measures for better health! Something to keep in mind as you get older, don't overexert yourself. I'm not dogging you about age, but when our bodies get older, it's more important that we are simply DOING the physical activities, and not so much the intensity. You can burn the same amount of calories walking three miles as you can by running them. It's all a matter of how quickly you wanna get done.

Also, keep plugging away and have patience for steady results. Many people get discouraged, because we've been mislead by countless 80s movies' montages, showing that we can get fast results if we work extra hard, really fast. Reality doesn't work that way. If you make it enough of a habit, you'll incorporate regular exercise into your life, and you'll commit to living a healthier life.

If you eventually feel that positive results are tapering off, vary up your cardio activities to keep your body from getting used to the motions. For now, though, all you really should worry about is staying committed to the routine.
Thanks, Flat.

Thanks, gluestick.

Thanks TTT. I appreciate it.
I went back to the gym today, and spoke to a trainer. He said I;m approaching this just right, with exercising every other day, and pacing myself.

I made progress today. I'm now up to 30 minutes on the treadmill, at between 3 and 4 miles per hour., I walked almost two miles on the treadmill today. I was tired after my workout, but not, exhausted. I have every reason to believe that I will continue to make positive strides.

I'm glad you consulted a trainer and that they were able to assure you that your workout schedule and your workout plan is right for you. Also, when you get a chance the next time you see your doctor you should ask for their advise for any special needs or concerns regarding any health issues you may have when working-out.

Also, if you haven't you should also stretch after you workout and you can even stretch on your off days. Depending on if it's the workout itself that is causing the soreness and not any health complications regular stretching can help reduce post workout soreness. And make sure that your stretch routine encompasses the whole body.

Also, when you get to that border of a fast walk and a slow jog pace try cutting back the speed and increase the incline a little to increase the difficulty of the walking pace. You should find this helpful when you are ready for the next challenge, but are not ready to start jogging.

And here are a few ideas for later if you are interested and when you are ready;
Try 10mins of cardio to include your initial warm-up and building up to medium intensity-ish. Then do some strength training like 2 or 3 weight machines or 2 or 3 different exercises involving either free weights or your own body weight like planks/squats/crunches/push-up/etc. Then do another 10 minutes of cardio and repeat as many times as you are comfortable with.

Or for just cardio
One day do a longer walk like 30+ minutes (when you get to that point) and the next day do a shorter (less than 30mins) higher intensity walk. So, basically one day you would focus more on duration and the next day more on intensity.

But, anyways I do highly recommend eventually adding some form of strength training to your workout routine.
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