My wife. We met at a trauma support group 5 years ago and got married last year. When our friendship grew closer, we often had movie nights and dinner nights with a group of friends at her house. I was almost always barefoot and I personally pedicure my feet to make sure the soles are super soft and smooth and my nails look perfect. Keeping my feet nice usually gets me random tickles. I did my usual practice of placing my feet out somewhere that would earn them a tickle from friends or potentially another tickle lover. I'd been fishing with my feet for another tickle fetishist for years. My dear friend (now my wife) always took the bait, and when she realized I enjoyed every second of her tickling, she frequently took to pinning my feet down and tickling for minutes at a time. At first I attributed this to just purely fun affection because I didn't have my hope up of finding a tickle friend or even a tickling future spouse. Later in our friendship, a romance began blooming a bit and through weeks of silly texting and flirting and a whole lot of bravery, I had her over for dinner. Just her. We are and talked and sat on the couch and I was barefoot and had my blue jeans rolled up a little for easy ankle grabbing and we began flirting and tickling again and in the middle of the tickling she wound up on top of me trying to get my armpits and I was holding her hands back and she had a big smile on her face and I switched from holding her hands back to just holding her hands and I got the balls to say, "I'm falling in love with you."
And then boom! We were dating. She said she was falling in love with me too. But I confirmed that she had a real tickling fetish about two weeks into dating. We were flirting and tickling and she joked that she just needed to roll me up in a blanket so I couldn't move and I agreed. She wrapped me up like a burrito on the living room floor and tickled my bare feet for 45 minutes. Our previous tickles were always around 5 minutes long or so. This was different. It was tickle torture. And as I laid there, helpless and wrapped up with my soft, sensitive size 11.5 feet being tickled relentlessly, it dawned on me that she didn't just like tickling me. She LOVED tickling me. After she let me up her face was a little flushed and she seemed slightly embarrassed and I hugged her and said, "I'm so glad you love tickling me like that."
After I encouraged her, she admitted she'd like to tickle me longer but she was scared of hurting my feelings or pushing me too far.
And now pushing me past my limits is the normal!
I've met a few people who have foot fetishes by dangling my feet about. But my wife is the only confirmed one who I know has a real tickling fetish.