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Spa of Tickles


TMF Expert
Feb 27, 2006
Hope you enjoy, this one is acutually by request from a pretty woman in South East Asia.

Although it was a fresh glorious afternoon in Manhattan one local business woman was feeling the heat from her cross the street competition.

“Why oh why did that Super Spa have to set up right next to mine?” Anna shook her head in disapproval.
She sat on one of the soft empty seats in her pedicure department, “Look at this place! It’s empty…” She said in disgust. She watched as her employees mulled around gossiping, mostly about leaving to join The Super Spa. Ever since The Super Spa had opened up Anna’s Beauty Spa had dwindled in business.

It wasn’t that her place lacked style, as a matter of fact the chairs were new and so was the 36 inch LCD television that was mounted on the wall. Tall potted plants helped liven the place and add color to an already colorful décor. Her problem was advertising. Unfortunately for Anna her rival Christina was from a wealthy home so money poured into making sure her business flourished. Christina didn’t have to work if she didn’t want to, but feeling the need to run something, she had her parents open up a spa and salon. From the minute Super Spa opened newspaper and television ads ignited all over.

Anna’s ears picked up an uncommon sound coming from the lobby, “what was that?” She stood up and straitened out. “Oh yeah that’s the door bell silly,” thought Anna.

A chunky Hispanic woman dressed in tight blue jeans, a polyester black blouse and four inch heels appeared from the reception desk, “Hello? Are you guys open?” her voice echoed the nearly silent building.

“Yes, yes come in! Have a seat.” Anna waved her towards the seat she had just arisen from.
Her heels clicked as she approached the tinny Anna, “Slow day?” The woman asked as she looked around at the emptiness.

“Um, yeah, but it’s only Monday, things usually pick up in the middle of the week.” Anna replied.

“Really? Because I noticed Super Spa across the street buzzing with business.” The woman plopped down onto the seat compressing the cushion with her robust figure.

Anna shyly lowered her head, “Um, you don’t have to rub it in.”

“Oh, sorry hun. So is someone gonna give me a pedicure or what?” The woman asked.

Anna ushered two of her girls over to attend the client’s thick feet then excused herself to her office.
It was a small square office no more than nine feet wide. Her small metal desk was cluttered with past due documents from her landlord and pending payments on the television and new seats. Around the desk lay boxed manicure and hair equipment. The office doubled as a storage room. Behind the desk a battered motivational poster was tacked to the wall. In orange letters it said, “BELIEVE”.

“Why? Why? I… I hate CHRISTINA!” Anna pounded her fist on an open piece of desk, “Ouch!” She rubbed her now aching hand and sat in her coffee stained swivel chair.

She held her head in her hands and began to sob. She caught her tears into the sleeves of her blue and black form fitting sweater. “My God, what am I going to do?” She thought. “Maybe it’s time to throw in the towel…” She questioned to herself.

Calming herself the only way she knew how, Anna pulled out her favorite brush and began stroking her short black hair. Each stroke helped ease her tension as slowly she started to loosen up and stop crying. Wiping her round green eyes she stood from her chair. “This is the only way… I just cannot keep up with Christina…” Adjusting her black leggings she walked out of her office and out to the parking lot.

A dingy white mini van was parked out front. Anna could only assume it belonged to the Hispanic lady since her employees parked out back to save room for customers. Across the street high class vehicles were parked by the dozen all attending The Super Spa. Anna shuffled her tiny feet across the street to talk to her rival.
The marquee was huge. Flashing lights all around it were visible, even during the day. It was unlike any other spa Anna had ever seen. Inside the walls were blinding white. Huge posters of famous actors and actresses hung from the ceiling. Already petite Anna felt even more like a munchkin amid such a tall building. Anna stood inside the reception area waiting to be summoned like any other customer. Through a window she could see her rival Christina barking up and down towards her employees shooting menacing stares while throwing her arms in the air.

Her view was interrupted by the Spa’s voluptuous host Dee Dee who was familiar with Anna, “Hi Miss Anna. Is there something I can help you with?” She asked in a kind voice.

“Um… yes. Can I please have a word with Christina?” Anna asked.

“Sure Miss. I will get her right away.” Dee Dee replied. Although she worked for The Super Spa, Dee Dee had mutual respect for Anna and was always proper and polite when addressing her.

“That sure is a nice authenticated uniform.” Anna admired the crème colored blazer and pants that Dee Dee and all the employees were required to wear. “I love her dirty blonde hair! And those heels!!” Anna stared down at her soft size four feet in thong sandals.
Anna could hear in the distance Christina approaching. She was arguing with Dee Dee over the fact that she (Dee Dee) should have scheduled an appointment for her (Anna).

Anna lifted her eyes as Christina walked into the reception area. Christina’s solid posture and defined figure now stood intimidating next to the soft physique of Anna’s.

“Oh my God!! Anna!” Christina gasped sarcastically and reached out to shake hands. For being Vietnamese her English was quite good and her accent masked.
Anna softly extended her hand to which Christina’s strong hands aggressively enveloped and squeezed, “How are you??!!! Looking for a job?” She mocked.

“Um well actually…” Anna was cut off.

“You know I can find you really nice spot for prepping feet for pedicures HAHA!!” She laughed slapping Anna on the shoulder knocking her off balance.

Even Anna’s mentality was intimidated as she could not muster any thoughts to come back at Christina.

“Hello down there?” Christina waved at a spaced out Anna.

Christina towered over Anna. Her thin oriental eyes seemed to pierce through Anna’s fragile face.

“Well? Answer me!!” Christina demanded.
Anna fearfully lowered her head, “Um… I’m sorry I wasted your time, I have to go now.” She said.

“Oh I see, have to get back to you customers right?” Christina peeked out across the street to the empty parking lot that was Anna’s, “Oh wait, you have NO customers he he he!!”

Anna just stood there still overwhelmed by Christina’s powerful demeanor.

Christina gave Anna a once over, “I mean look at you! You’re short and plump!” She teasingly prodded Anna’s soft belly, “You are nowhere near as physically capable as me.” She twirled her slim figure so Anna could see. Her leopard print silk cardigan shimmered under the bright lights while her black polyester skirt and nude pumps completed the outfit. “If you ever consider selling that fossil of a spa give me a call. I’ll be glad to tear it down. It makes this street look…trashy. Ta-Ta!!” Christina stomped off and retreated to her office.
Anna’s lip quivered as she turned around to walk away depressed and envious, “She’s so tall. Her body is sooo toned. And me? I’m just a stumpy, gushy nobody.” She humorously poked at her soft tummy.

Before she could take her first step out the door she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. She stifled her tears and slowly turned around. Dee Dee had stood by and heard the entire conversation.

“Don’t feel so bad dear. I know times are hard for you, but at least you don’t work for this witch. Don’t tell her I said that.” Dee Dee chuckled.

“Hu? What do you mean?” Anna pondered.

“Well you see the staff over there?” Dee Dee pointed towards the manicurist, “She works them like slaves. Day in and day out she barks at them and orders them around.”

“Oh, how terrible.” Anna’s eyes widened, “Well why don’t they like quit?”

“Well her entire staff, including me are under contract. It doesn’t expire for another two years.” Dee Dee explained.

“What happens if you break the contract?” Anna asked.

“Breaking the contract results in a hefty penalty. A penalty none of these women can pay. So we are stuck.” Dee Dee shrugged.

Anna couldn’t believe it, “What kind of penalty?”

“She straps us down and tickle tortures us. It’s a fetish of hers. That’s why we don’t misbehave. We’re just no match for the iron fist of Cristina.” Dee Dee looked down at her feet.

There was a mischievous grin on Anna’s round face as she rubbed her hands together, “a tickle fetish hu? I do believe I have a plan for this one.”

Dee Dee smiled and placed a hand on her hip, “Oh really? This I’ve got to see.”

All of a sudden Anna’s confidence grew. Perhaps the absence of her nemesis had sparked it, but whatever it was, she knew she had to execute.

“Tell you what, spread the word that whoever wants in on my idea, meet at my spa after work tonight.” Anna smiled.
Night had fallen on Manhattan and every prima donna customer from The Super Spa had all but gone home. Christina being the boss had excused herself hours ago leaving Dee Dee in charge to lock up. Once the floors had been swept and the mirrors cleaned, the entire Super Spa staff quickly strutted across the street into Anna’s Beauty Spa where the only illumination was a small neon sign that read “nails”.
Anna was amazed by the turn out. She counted sixteen heads. To her surprise most of them were young American girls unlike Christina.

“So, what’s this all about?” asked one girl.

“Yeah!” exclaimed another.
Anna took a deep breath and exhaled her anxiety.

“Thank you all for coming out tonight. As Miss Dee Dee here has informed me, working under Christina has been hell. Well I’ve got a plan that will literally knock her socks off.” Anna’s eyes remained focused on those of her listeners, who didn’t seem to reactive to her words.

“Sure ya do!!” yelled out a staff member.

“No, no I really do have an idea!” Anna insisted.

“Even if you did have a plan, how are you going to go about it all on your own?” A little red headed girl perked up.

“Let me worry about that. I have a buddy who owes me a favor.” Anna said.

“So are you gonna let us in on the plan?” asked a girl.
Anna gave a reassuring nod to her audience, “thanks to Dee Dee here, I now know that Christina personally restocks all her products Tuesday nights, so in essence, tomorrow my plan will take effect and I want you all to witness it.”
After the meeting had come to a close and her shop emptied out. Anna flipped open her cell phone to secure the better half of her plan. She scrolled through her list of contacts till she reached the one she was looking for…. “Tony”.

Years ago when Anna’s Beauty Spa was booming with business her high spirits and success had kept her peppy and athletic. Until her recent downfall she had been a regular attendant of Flex Fitness where she met physical trainer Tony. During that span of time Tony had been more than open to her about his relationship troubles. While Anna was no expert she did offer him a woman’s touch of advice, ultimately saving his relationship.

She slouched into a chair and dialed his number. In her mind she recalled his last words to her, “Anna, I don’t know how to thank you. I feel so alive… if there is anything, anything I can do for you, name it!” She was about to cash in on that offer.

“Hello?” His familiar voice came over the speaker.

“Tony?” She asked, just to be sure.

“Anna! I’d recognize your sweet voice anywhere.” He smiled, “How long has it been?”

“Too long Tony, we need to catch up sometime, but maybe later. I was calling to ask you a favor.”

“Oh, yeah, I do owe you one don’t I?”

“Are you still keeping strong and building muscle??” She asked crossing the fingers of her free hand.

“What does that have to do with anything?” He asked in surprise.

“Um… I’ll explain later. So…” she urged.

“If you must know, I have been increasing my muscle mass ever so slightly. I think you’d be surprised.”

“Excellent! Would you meet me at my salon tomorrow night at nine? I’ll explain everything then.”
Without question Tony agreed. A satisfied Anna closed her phone and smiled as she pondered the following night’s events.
Tuesday night couldn’t come any faster, but once it did Anna’s plan was set in motion. From the small window of her spa she watched and waited for Christina to pull up for restocking night. Sure enough only moments later a small yellow sports car pulled up to the front doors of the salon followed immediately by a big white van that read, “Spa merchandize and accessories”. Anna watched intently as Christina bossed the poor delivery boy to unload a tall stack of supplies. He hurried in and rushed out in record time. Anna made sure he had driven off and turned the corner before she made the call to spring Tony into action.

The phone ran but once before his husky voice picked up, “Yes Anna?”

“Christina is in the building. I suggest you move.” Anna explained.

“O.K, I’m all over it.” He hung up.
Anna locked up her shop and briskly made her way across the street. Since it was a chilly night, she bundled up accordingly with her favorite blue and black striped sweater. The traffic was surprisingly dull as she entered in through the front door startling Christina.

“Who’s there!!?” Christina asked sounding slightly frightened. She put down the case of conditioner she had in her hands.

“Oh, sorry Christina, It’s me Anna. I was just taking a stroll down this familiar street one last time. I saw your sports car out front, and thought I’d drop in.” Anna kept as straight a face as any professional poker player might.

“What do you mean, “Last time”? Have you finally come to your senses? Gonna sell out to me?” Christina placed a hand on her heart and smiled victoriously.

“Well actually, I have other plans.” Anna spoke softly.

“Oh, like what?” asked a curious Christina.

“TONY!!!” Anna yelled as loud as her tiny lungs allowed.
A puzzled Christina cocked her head to one side, “What? Who’s Tony?” she asked unawares that Tony was sneaking up behind her.

“He’s Tony hehe!!” Anna giggled and pointed.
Christina turned to look behind her but before she could elude him his muscular arms were enveloped around her arms and waist rendering her immobile.

“Ahh!! Let go of me you bastard! Put me down now!!” He lifted her off the ground and proceeded to carry her wiggling body over to a custom massage table.
Her eyes widened as she realized it was in deed her custom bondage table which she had so often tortured many of her staff in the past.

Christina’s eyes widened even more as before the massage table sat an audience filled entirely of her own staff, “You idiots!! Don’t just sit there!! Get him off of me!!” Her yells did nothing but put smiles on all of their faces, some were even pointing and laughing at their distressed boss.

Equipped with overhead wrist straps, a waist strap and extended ankle straps the table was perfect for binding a dominant bitchy woman such as Christina. Although muscular herself, Christina’s body was nothing in comparison to that of Tony.
Her feet whiffed at air as her voice hollered aloud, “PUT ME DOWN!!”

Tony complied by forcefully slapping her down onto the table top weakening Christina’s body just enough to allow him to strap her ankles. As soon as her muscular legs were secure, the job became a piece of cake. Tony quickly slipped on the waist restraint and made quick work of each of her arms strapping them in one at a time.

“What do you think you are doing?!! I’ll see you go to prison for this! What kind of sick people are you?!!” She yammered.

Tony adjusted the table to where Christina was in a seated position facing her employees.

She looked around taking a mental picture of all in attendance, “Screw all of YOU!! Your all fired as of nooowww!! When I get out of here I’ll see to it you never find work again. Your families will STARVE!!” even in her bondage she was mentally tough. Then from behind her came the plot maker…

“ANNA!!!” Christina’s furious voice was almost enough to frighten Anna away…almost.

“Hi there miss bossy. Are you comfortable? Would you like a pillow?” She smiled at her captive.
Christina huffed, “Let me out now!! I’m warning you only once…” Anna shook her head “no”.

“All these months you’ve been badgering me, belittling me and putting me down.” Anna began to pace side to side, “And silently, I’ve put up with it. You mocked me; you even made fun of my soft body.” Anna pointed to herself.

“Well I am better than you! I have more wealth; I have a better body, a nicer salon!! The list goes on and on!!” Christina had finally calmed down a bit.

“Well I don’t like it! I don’t like your business or your money grubby stuck up attitude.” Anna’s confidence had peaked, “The way you treat us ends here and NOW!”

The small crowd cheered in approval.

“I suppose someone in here squealed to you about what I do to my workers in this thing. What are you gonna do now? Tickle me too?” She smiled.
Anna nodded in accordance, “Precisely. It’s time you had a taste of your own medicine doctor.”

“Well it just so happens, I’m not ticklish at all, so good luck breaking me. MMPH!” Christina pressed her lips tightly together.

On the surface, Christina looked confidant and poised, but she was always good at hiding her true emotions, in her mind thoughts burst, “Oh, boy… what are you gonna do Christi? You know you’re ticklish!”

Anna was by no means intimidated by a securely fastened Christina. Her moral was as high as it could get, “Oh, so you’re telling me, that I am wasting my time by doing this?” she asked.

“Yes, therefore you should let me go right now. If you do, I’ll see to it that your business profits.” Christina was attempting to use her business savvy to coordinate with her captor.

“Oh, you think your going to talk your way out of this? I think not.” Anna slowly approached Christina’s feet, “Wow Christina, you have some big feet! I would say they are…”

“Nines, I wear nines and those are four inch heels. Now release me and I will show you mercy.” Christina gave her adversary a stern look.

“I think you’re delusional girl.” Anna pointed.

“Delusional?” Christina was unfamiliar with the word.

“It means your coo coo; you’ve got it all backwards! Before I’m through with you, you’ll be the one asking ME to show mercy.” Anna stood at her captive’s side and button by button unfastened her leopard print cardigan. Underneath it was a sleeveless silk button down black blouse.

With her cardigan unfastened and her armpits exposed Christina confidence began to deteriorate, “Oh my God, she’s seriously going through do this!?” She thought.

“Ok everyone, its tickle time!” Anna joyfully yelled as she assumed her position right behind the table. Only her small arms were visible right underneath Christina’s underarms.

“Oh MY GOD I can’t see her! I can’t see her!” Christina thought. Christina took in a deep breath in anticipation of those tiny hands.

Anna couldn’t be more excited as she verbally taunted Christina while tenderly placing her fingers in position to tickle, “Are you ready? I’m sure you are. After all you’re not ticklish right?”

There was no response from Christina, who was too focused on blocking out the forthcoming sensations, “Oh my God, oh my God, her fingers are cold…” she told herself.

Anna began with slow tormenting strokes barely making contact with the skin. Her dark blue fingernails delicately scratched the surface of Christina’s armpits causing goose bumps in the surrounding area.

“Tickle tickle!” Anna taunted.

Her tiny fingers were producing slight twitches from Christina, but no laughter, “Oh my, she’s an amateur!” Christina thought.

Anna’s fingers continued to gently caress her captive’s smooth skin to no avail, “come on! Why aren’t you laughing yet?”

“I told you… I’m…not ticklish.” Christina grinned to herself, “This is too easy!” She said.

Anna’s inexperience was failing her and she was beginning to think, “Maybe she just isn’t ticklish.”
Anna was starting to lose hope as was just about give in when a voice from the crowd erupted, “Anna, dig deeper! Get your fingers into her hollows!!”

Christina’s jaw dropped, the person in the crowd was one she had recently tickled.

Anna heeded the onlooker’s advice and quickly tunneled her index and middle fingers wiggling deep towards the bone.

Christina’s poise was shook as she let out loud rapid giggles, “he-he-he-he hooo –he-he-he heee!!” Her arms pulled at the restraints simultaneously with each poke of Anna’s fingers.

The sweet sound of laughter boosted Anna’s assurance once more, “There it is! That’s the spot! I thought you weren’t ticklish?” she teased.

“Oh, hep pe he he he!! I’m he hoo ha ha ticklish!!” Christina shook her arms as much as the table allowed.
“You told me you weren’t ticklish! Did you lie?” Anna taunted.

“Yeee-he-he-hessss! Ha Ha sorrryyyy! I lie!! I li-ha-ha-ha!!” Christina’s laugh was music to the ears of her staff as they joyfully watched their bitchy leader get reduced to a giggling mess.

Anna’s fingers worked steadily on both armpits circulating deep into her victim’s soft hollows.

“Oh, ha-ha-ha oooo, oohhh, he he he!! My God! My God!” Christina wailed.

Anna’s fingers abandoned the armpits and quickly descended upon Christina’s rib cage.

“Are we ticklish….here?” Anna clawed her fingers wiggling them up and down her captive’s ribs.

“HEE!! Yes, oh boy, oh boy, we ticklish! He-he-he ha ha wheeeee!!!” The silk material only heightened her already ticklish skin.

Anna could feel the absence of a bra on her adversary and took advantage of feeling for hardened nipples, “Oh, what is this? Are we enjoying ourselves?” She laid her hands on slightly upraised nipples and gave them a quick scratch.

“Oh, please, not there!!” Christina pleaded.
Anna’s fingers found their way down towards Christina’s vulnerable midsection. Through the silk Anna could feel Christina’s tight abdominals, “Dam’n!” She thought enviously.

Anna slowly lifted Christina’s blouse exposing her flat stomach and perfectly round navel.

“Hey, hey! What are you doing? No, you can’t!” Christina protested.

“I can’t what? Do this?” Anna’s index finger wormed its way into Christina’s belly button.

“Ha Ha HA!! NOOO!! Not cool!! He-he-he heeee!!! Oh my God! Oh my God! St-st-op!!” Christina’s waist shifted left to right trying desperately to avoid anymore navel penetration, but Anna’s finger kept up.

“What’s the matter? Does that tickle? Tell me it tickles and maybe I’ll stop!” Anna mocked.

“That tickles!! HA Ha HA!! Heeee he he he!!” A tear ran down Christina’s cheek as her tormentor’s finger wiggled away.

“I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t understand you over all that laughing! Try not to laugh so much.” Only Anna’s hands were visible, but that was ok with her. It was Christina who was front and center tonight.
She fought hard to stifle her laughter, “IT TICKLES!” Christina said in a firm voice, “It tickles, it tickles!” To her relief Anna stopped.

“That’s better. Calm down you’re breathing way too heavy.” Anna walked around to take a look at the flustered face of her rival.

“Besides, I thought you liked a good workout.” She chimed in.

Through gasps of air a weakened Christina responded, “Too much… No fair… this is…no fair… I’m completely helpless…”

“What’s not fair is how you treat me AND your employees. They deserve just as much respect as your upscale clientele. Now do you want me to stop?” Anna asked.

“Yes… please…no more…” Christina hung her exhausted head.

“Ok, I’ll stop only on one condition.” Anna proceeded.

“What do you want from me?” Christina pondered.

“First of all, I want you to merge your business with mine.” Anna commented.
Christina lifted a disgusted look towards Anna.

“And secondly, you will treat all of your employees and ME with the proper respect.” Anna flashed thumbs up to the crowd.

“Hell no. That is not going to happen.” Christina protested.

The crowd booed in disgust. Through boos someone yelled, “Keep tickling her!!”

Anna slowly made her way down to Christina’s feet still incased in her nude heels. Her eyes were focused on the open toes.

“My, those are some nice heels Christina, I’m jealous, but your toes look so scrunched. Let me air them out for you.” Anna slowly began to unlatch each tiny buckle that held the shoe firmly in place.

Christina watched helplessly as her footwear unlocked and came loose. Her feet indeed had been tightly cooped up, but she would’ve been glad to leave them suffocating in comparison to what was next.
Anna savored the moment as she took her time removing each shoe at the same time Christina was trying desperately to keep her arches locked so Anna couldn’t remove them.

“Oh, let go now…” Anna teased as she wiggled the shoe off Christina’s milky white sole.

“Boy, Christina, you do take care of those feet!” Anna ran a finger up her arch, “Ooo, and they are smooth as silk! Someone has been taking advantage of the great pedicurist around here. They feel so soft. They must be ridiculously ticklish!” Anna teased.
Christina’s heart was thumping out of her chest as Anna’s fingers commenced to scratch the balls of her feet. She tugged uselessly at her restraints; her body was begging to be freed.

“Are you nervous?” Anna asked.
Christina, speechless at this point simply nodded her head.

“Awww, don’t be nervous. It’s not going to hurt silly goose!” Anna’s finger nails continued to scribble small figure eights on each foot.
Christina broke her silence to beg, “Please, please… my feet… too ticklish…my feet!” She curled her toes wrinkling her soles.

“You should have thought about taking my offer. Now, I’m going to HAVE to make you my tickle bitch.” Anna faked a smile; much like those Christina would often flash her in the past.

“No, I…I don’t want to! You can’t! I’m tied up! I can’t defend myself!” Christina’s face was one of distress as Anna’s slow tormenting fingers were starting to irritate the soft bottoms of her soles.

“tickle tickleee!!” Anna picked up the pace quickly scribbling with her fingers all over her captive’s soles.

“He-he-he, hoo-oh-oh!! My God! He-he-he, too much…too oh oh ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!” Christina’s head banged against the table.

Anna to notice of this and teased accordingly, “Careful with your head silly! I don’t want you to get hurt!”
Anna’s fingers continued to dominate working both feet. Her nails glided seamlessly up and down and all around Christina’s vulnerable arches.

Christina’s laughter resonated around the room bringing joy to the staff that was in attendance, “WHOO!! Ha-ha-ha, my ff-ee-feettt!! Please…Anna… ha-ha-ha-ha ehweee!! Anna…he-he-hehawww!! Oh God…Oh God, ANNA!!”

Anna moved to Christina’s left foot to give it undivided attention, “I love it when you scream my name hehe!! Say it again!” Anna taunted.

“Noo! Not my left!” Christina pleaded.

“What? You want me to tickle your left foot?” Anna asked playfully.

“NO! Please…” Christina cried.

“Ok, since you’re asking SOOO nicely…”

Without warning Christina felt Anna’s tiny right hand clamp hold of her left foot pulling back her toes, “Wait! Wait!”

Her words were dismissed as Anna’s free fingers started to scrape the tightly pulled skin.

Anna could feel Christina trying to pull away from her grip, “Don’t struggle now, you’ll only exhaust yourself!”
Anna’s index finger quickly circled the arch. All the while Christina’s free foot shook like a fish out of water.
Anna looked to her left and noticed Christina’s trembling right foot, “Oh, I’m sorry, does your right foot feel left out? Let me fix that! Just gimmie a second ok? Don’t go anywhere.” Anna’s comment merited a laugh from the crowd.

Anna continued her banter as she briskly walked behind the table, “Oh wait! You’re all tied up right?” She stepped back in front of her prisoner with one arm behind her back in a concealing manner.

Christina had managed to catch her breath and now with her head up her thin eyes watched her captor’s every move. She could almost guess what Anna was hiding behind her back.

“I’m sure you’re dying to find out what I have behind me.” She slowly swung her arm around and made it visible, “tad a!” In her hand she held a nylon hairbrush.

Christina’s eyes widened in fright, “Oh God no! You can’t use that!”

Anna twirled the brush with the flick of her wrist, “Oh, but I can.”

“No!” Christina said.

“And why can’t I?” Anna questioned, looking playfully confused.

“Umm… it’s a HAIR brush… It’s not intended for feet.” Christina explained.

Anna smiled and nodded in agreement, “You make an interesting argument there Christy, BUT… someone told me, it makes a GOOOD tickling instrument, hehe!!”

“No, please! My feet…” Christina hung her head defeated.

Anna secured her prisoner’s right foot in one hand, completely immobilizing it and went to work on Christina’s sole brushing the nylon bristles up and down her silky arch.

The bristles on her foot sent shockwaves up her shaking leg, with her eyes to the sky she erupted in bubbles of laughter, “HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HOOO!! PLEASE!! Oh my God-oh my God! Whee-he-he-he-he-heeelllpppp!!”
Drunk with power Anna relentlessly circled the hair brush covering every inch of Christina’s sole, “Hey hoe! How does this tickle!!” She pulled back her toes tightening the ball of Christina’s foot; she violently brushed side to side producing heavenly laughter from her adversary.

“P-lea he-he-he HA Oh… No more!!” Christina coughed.
Anna eased up on her captive and stepped back to admire her handy work, “Aww, you look tired…”
Indeed Christina was exhausted. Her breath was heavy and her head was dizzying. Her back had begun to perspire from all the physical struggling of the pulling at her restraints.

“Are you ready to give into my demands? If not I can go all night. Can you?” Anna asked.

A beaten Christina sobbed and agreed, “Yes… I…surrender.”

“That’s a good girl.” Anna put down the brush and stepped back to allow Tony who had been excused earlier to untie her.

Her arms as soft as wet noodles fell to her sides as they were released. Her legs seemed paralyzed as Tony unlatched them. Even with her limbs free her body was too numb to budge, and although her body was in temporary paralysis her thoughts were, “I’ll sleep this off… when I wake up and am 100% I’ll have them all destroyed!.” Her thoughts were cut short as Anna approached.

Anna had to tip toe to breath words into Christina’s ear, “In case you’re planning to go back on your word, you see that glowing red light above us?”
In all the commotion Christina had forgotten about the semi hidden camera she used to film her own victims, and she mentally slapped herself on the forehead.
“If you betray us, I’ll see to it this recording gets out. You wouldn’t want that would you? The mighty Christina getting tickled and giggling like a little girl…” Anna knew she had her pegged.
Over the next week Christina’s Super Spa underwent accommodations to fit the needs of Anna and her staff. The explosive marquee out front was allowed to stay, but now Anna ran the show and Christina, well she was placed on a different detail…

Forgoing the traditional pen to paper sign in sheet in the waiting room, Anna had designers develop a Plexiglas display case big enough to house one ankle cuffed Christina facing the clients. With her feet restricted above a reception table, clients would now scribble their names on the bottoms of her feet. Anna thought of it as a way to cut back on paper cost, maybe save a tree. Whatever the case Christina’s soles were now the official sign in sheets of Super Spa.

should i echoed my ten reason ?

First, i should say this story is better ... nope ... more terrific than mine.

Second, the plot is classic but it's RARE!

Third, it's very2 detail. love it!

Fourth, entertaining tickling story

Fifth, the turnover flow from the beginning, climax and ending, work very flawless.

Sixth, powerful conversation between the tickler and the victim.

Seventh, the setting of place, time, and the character selection is excellent. the anchor news is a good choice.

Eight, have you ever hear, simply is elegant? that's your story

Ninth, the story is long enough, the reader must be satisfied.

Tenth, it's masterpiece.

i will add five things more:

Eleventh, Very2 original oriented. fantastic topic, fantastic execution!

Twelve, good ending. i mean clever ending

thirtheen, unique style of tickling spot confession

fourtheen, the composition was fantastic. the character looks alive

fiftheen, because you're the writer :aww::aww::aww::aww:
Last edited:
Thank you everyone! I will continue to write my own as well as requested peices.
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