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Thank you "Tickle de Mayo" NEST Ticklefans!!


Apr 22, 2001
It was an inevitable success with the amount of planning and dedication how could it not be?

I personally wanted to express my deepest appreciation for all the hard work of the main people responsible for the event:

Dungeon Masters (the original Eight)
and all the ticklefans that were able to attend.

We even had ticklfans who made the journey across the Atlantic to be the, let alone those who made their way from Canada and our very own US of A. It wouldn't be far-fetched to believe that most of the States were represented at this event. From what I've heard, it has been the largest NEST gathering thus far! I'm sure the officials, Max or QB would have an exact number of attendees.

So I just want to say Thank You for making such a wonderful event possible! It was great meeting you all and being a part of Tickle De Mayo!!!:D

I'll have to right a more detailed perspective at a later date....but I can tell you this...I got the bejesus tickled out of me by two relentless ticklers!!! One being my Husband and the other...??? (you'll have to wait and see) ;) :D
what goes on...?

To all those interested, like...me, what exactly goes on at a NEST gathering, and what is a NEST gathering, anyway? I've heard a lot about them, but don't actually KNOW anything about them. Where are they held, how many people go...is it like a backyard party, or in some dungeuon looking place, or huge mansion?
I Am SO Jealous

I don't fantasize much. But Mia is my fantasy Ticklee. Hell I already have THAT session planned out :)

Be Safe

I'm sorry I couldn't attend this one, but I hope to see some of you in July in CT and again for SBG II. Glad you all had a good time!:cool:

A huge thank you to all who orangised and took part in the Nest. As a first timer I was more than thrilled... giggle. Special thanks to QB and Max and an extra hug to John. Hope to see you all again soon. Naughty Nell
Drew and I would like to add in our praises for Max, Jan, Pete and all the rest who made this a wonderful experience. As first time gathering attendees (outside of our own private little fun fests), we only knew what we'd heard from others...not that we didn't believe them! ;) Having now been a part of NEST, we can say with no reservations that it's a wonderful experience. We had a great time. We met a lot of wonderful people. The only thing we DIDN'T do much of was sleep! lol

There were some people who I'd expected to meet who I missed getting to see. I was rather "tied up" most of the afternoon. Hopeflly next time guys! But, for those I DID get to meet...hehehe...(sings) You didn't brake me! ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'm sure I'll pay for that! Any of you who are attendig CAT...there's talk of securing me to the rack and just leaving me there all day with an open invitation/challenge to all takers. Maybe that will give you time!? Talk about a SAM! :devil:

To Max...thanks for the hospitlity and all the hard work. I'm not quite sure what I expected you to be like. But, you topped anything I could have imagined. It was a real pleasure!

To QB...we need to talk my lady! You are sooo cool! 5 minutes after meeting you, I felt as if we'd known one another for years. It was great getting to team up with you (and others) to put Andy through his paces...and help him to recuperate! Thanks for all of your hard work as well.

To SensuDom...You get the award for sticking with me the longest of anyone outide of Drew in trying to break me. You nearly succeded too! Those nimble fingers of yours....! *shudder!* It was a pleasure finally getting to meet you after so long.

To TTD...What can I say? All those threats and you hardly laid a hand on me. Could it be that you were afraid of my revenge?...or were you just afraid of not being able to break me? :p

To TickleChicago...It isn't often that I have a guy falling at my feet (so to speak). It was cool playing with you...and seeing you finally open yor eyes agin. ;)

To Kwildoctor...It was wonderful seeing you again after so long, my friend! Though we never did get a chance to play, it was good to visit and catch up a bit.

I could go on forever! To EVERYONE that came...thanks for having the courage to say "This is who I am and what I love." I hope to see you all again real soon!

Now, it's time for me to go fall down somewhere!

um... wow !

Stunning success. Drove home this afternoon, with some after party
after glow, and thinking of how to assemble notes, thoughts, impressions, smiles, and memories of our second and most terrific
--NEST-- experience.

I'll be putting together further scribbles [a lot more!] tomorrow to add, well, many many addtional thanks of my own to share and spread around.

Spenser (posting for both of us this evening, Spens and M)
Tickle di Mayo

Well, it's been a day since the latest NEST gathering and i'm still basking in the glow of getting together with all of my old friends, and meeting new ticklephiles. This was the biggest NEST yet...Max, QB, Mr. Hyde, MKeemer and the whole gang have totally outdone themselves. This was the most attended one with a great location, lots of food, and of course, lots of tickling action. How can they top this? well, i'm sure Max and Co. will find a way!!

I wanna say hi to Cbaker, TTD and Patti (they have STAMINA!!), Bellarisa, BeautyUK (what a great "victim"!), Lee, Sunriseticklee, Pete and his lovely wife, and everyone that helped make it a memorable weekend. Oh, and i finally found out what "pockets" mean...and so did a few other people!! <evil grin>


PS...Hey Neutron...i got to see Misstress Mia get tickled and it was great to see such a beautiful, heavenly angel put thru such a ticklish hell...believe me, i grinned enough for the both of us, brah! :blaugh: :evilha: :veryhappy
I'm suffering the post NEST blues

I'm suffering the Post NEST BLUES

This is a frequent affliction suffered by NEST attendees. It generally hits people the day after NEST with the knowledge that we all have to go home and back to our regularly scheduled lives and leave behind some incredible friends who have all worked themselves into our hearts!

I'm just home from Phili. I'm still exhausted and could probably sleep for a week but I'll always have that smile on my face each time I remember a part of the weekend.

Like... Braving a car ride with Max, Mike and Dan one night! A lady with those three.... Well it's just not safe I tell ya! LOL

Max teaching Affectionate Dan how to talk South Phili~! Those two were hysterical! Dan caught on way to easily! And now I know Dan will get into Max's site and read up! LOL... Max will NEVER let him live that down

Picking up everyone at the airport.... That's always fun to do.

Unplanned sleepovers! I went to sleep with a man and a woman in my bedroom and woke up with a man and woman in my room but it was a different women! LOL ok guys... when did you two switch? LOL

The nightly parties in our room. Those spontaneous get togethers are always just such a blast. POCKETS was the War Cry from the start! Kwildoctr and Lite started it with their first phone call and it carried over into every time we met! LOL

Silk City for Breakfast... That's always a blast. And the diner that we ate at Sunday morning did a GREAT job considering there were 36 of us there!

Thank you SO much to Sensudom who helped pick up all kinds of needed goodies like the soda pop, plates, silverware and Pizza and such for the cocktail party and the NEST itself. Frank you are amazing. Not only your organizational skills but your forethought on what needs to be done. You helped me SO much this weekend. I owe you big time... And Yes I know I'll pay big time! Gladly Love!

Italian Ice on Sunday night and some moments of quiet up on the roof at Max's just helped to cement in the feelings of how much fun I had this entire weekend.

One thing we didn't do was show our tickle invention to the gang. Everything was so busy that we just really didn't have time to do it so we'll have to show it next time.

But the highlight was that Andy passed out on us. We worked him over with just about everything in the place for just over two hours. Bella, Kimmie, Ann and I got him SO bad! Andy then asked me what it felt like to pass out. I told him about the dizziness and the little stars. We kinda got him relaxed but as soon as he sat up... he went out. From that point on we brought him around gently, water, juice and massages helped bring him out of his tickle induced stupor.

Ah Life is good!

So more later. I'm tired and need to get some dinner! Thanks to EVERYONE who came to the biggest and BEST NEST ever!

And Michele... .Hope you're toe is ok!
If I had known it was you squealing across the room, I would have given up my safeword and stopped my scene so Pete and I could have joined in. Next time. I promise. WEG.
Same goes for that sweet hubby of yours. I am not sure which side he wanted to be on this time, but I would definately lee or ler for him.

You WILL go down for us. The revenge tickle that I owe you for SBG will be delivered to you by Pete on my behalf. All I want to do is watch. TOAST!!!!!!!! *wiggles fingers in QB's face*

I covered you in the other NEST thread. Hugs and kisses for you and M.

I thought I was your fantasy lee. When are you coming to see me? You know where I am.

Ann, my pet. You will be broken. I have added you to my select list. muhahahahahahaha

We missed you. Hope everything is well.

Now, everyone get a good night's rest. We all need it.

I also want to say a big "THANK YOU" to MAx, QB and all of the others who helped make NEST an incredible success. This was my very first gathering and I felt a little nervous as I drove towards Philly from NY, not knowing what to expect. But as soon as I arrived and began meeting many of you, I felt totally at home...almost like being with family!

Ann and Drew, you guys are an incredible couple and it was a pleasure to meet you and have a few laughs.

And Deb...I hope you're reading this! Gigglemakr and I both agreed that you're one of the most incredibly ticklish women on the planet. Tickling you was an absolute BLAST. It was almost like a dream...and so are you!

My only disappointment was that the party had to end promptly at 6:30. The time went by MUCH too quickly. It always does when you're having a great time. Again, thanks for an awesome experience.

I'm gald for all you guys that it was a great sucess. I'm only sorry I could'nt be there.:( :( :(

On a side note, I've heard that a few fellow brits were there. How many made it?
Just wanted to chime in with a monumental THANK YOU to everyone who made it happen again. Ecspecially Max for once again being the host with the most. More lifelong memories indelibly etched in my brain. Also wanted to apoligize for those I didn't get to say goodbye to in person. My ulcer was acting up (I wonder why) so I went to get some maalox around the corner and was going to return, but it was late and not only was my stomach churning but my whole body was aching thanks to my ordeal on the dreaded cross! So I decided discretion IS the better part of valor and hobbled home a wounded soldier...but I still couldn't get that smile off my face!!

Some quick memories-

Bella, Kim, Jan, and god knows who else working me over on the wooden cross. I've just got one word for you girls..BRUTAL! Remind me to join the gym NOW in order to get into training for the next nest.lol And a pox on all the houses of people who were further humiliating me by mimmicking my pitiful yelps saying I sounded like Curly from the stooges. Ok I guess I DO sound like him.lol nyuck nyuck nyuck.

Gang tickling on Max's bed. One girl..one hundred fingers. "oh my god...SHE'S GOT NAILS!" Beauty UK's armpits were cerimoniously introduced to the A-team. Japaneese gang tickling...I could go on.

TTD and his wife seemed like the went a full 15 rounds over the whole day. Was a winner ever declared guys?

Finally, never get into a tickle fight with a girl who is a weightlifter, martial arts expert, AND a wrestler. You WILL lose. Trust me on this one.lol

Take care all. And thanks again for EVERYTHING!


Ed (edv)
Well to answer a question above......

There were two Brits there. We also had at least one Canadian there... Kraftie.
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I just want to say thanks to Max, Jen, Dan, Kimmie, dvnc, Jen and Pete... oh heck, just everyone for making me feel welcome at my first gathering. It was definitely interesting and a fun weekend.

dvnc, Kwil, Pete, and Max... we gotta get the band started.
I'd like to add my voice to the chorus of those thanking the organizers and DMs who made everything work so well this past weekend. It was a terrific experience seeing so many familiar faces and making some new acquaintances.

Incidentally, Mia, Nightfall tells me you told her I looked at you as if you had three eyes when you first approached me. There's a reason for that -- not only was I busy trying not to drop the armful of tapes I was schlepping, when you poked me to get my attention you happened to hit a certain spot on my ribs. So I was naturally flustered -- I was thinking, "Who the heck is this and why did she just try to tickle me?" It was nice to meet you, though, once I figured out who you were, and I'm sorry we didn't get more of a chance to talk.
Oh EDV sweetie...

Hey little boy, wanna be in a movie?

Seriously, drop me a line if your interested, I got the rope and the film if you got the time :).


Bella, Kim, Jan, and god knows who else working me over on the wooden cross. I've just got one word for you girls..BRUTAL! Remind me to join the gym NOW in order to get into training for the next nest.lol And a pox on all the houses of people who were further humiliating me by mimmicking my pitiful yelps saying I sounded like Curly from the stooges. Ok I guess I DO sound like him.lol nyuck nyuck nyuck.

Gang tickling on Max's bed. One girl..one hundred fingers. "oh my god...SHE'S GOT NAILS!" Beauty UK's armpits were cerimoniously introduced to the A-team. Japaneese gang tickling...I could go on.

TTD and his wife seemed like the went a full 15 rounds over the whole day. Was a winner ever declared guys?

Finally, never get into a tickle fight with a girl who is a weightlifter, martial arts expert, AND a wrestler. You WILL lose. Trust me on this one.lol

Take care all. And thanks again for EVERYTHING!


Ed (edv) [/B][/QUOTE]:firedevil
Hey there Shem,

Here's what happened...
I was a bit nervous, since my Husband and I arrived there very late, I was actually desperately trying to look for a face or a name that was familiar to me. Being that I had just walked in the door, the first name my Husband pointed me to was you. He said "Oh look there's Shem the penman" so I did a quick turnaround and called out to you but couldn't get your attention. As a last resort, I reached out for you but I did not intend to tickle you. I'm terribly sorry for the misunderstanding. I am pleased to have met you and Nightfall, you both looked very much in love and my Husband and I wish you both the best on your upcoming nuptuals!!:D :D
A band? Sounds amusin' t'me. Say, I'm now curious as to whether there's any 'lees that play. I know a bunch of us 'lers that play, drum or sing, but no 'lees, of the top o' my head. All for that.

Jan, OneFunkyBassist's woman was from somewhere 'cross the pond, too.

Mia, I was sorry I didn't get the chance t'talk t'ya, OR t'see ya play. Such are the turns of workin' the first floor. ;) Glad t'see you enjoyed it. So far, I ain't seen where anyone didn't.


Just wanted to thank everyone quick for an awesome weekend, Ann and I are still basking in the afterglow! Too many people to acknowledge, but looking foward to the next NEST so we can hang out with such a great group of people. Quick mentions go out to TTD and Shygirl, Kwil and Lite, TickleChicago and Onefunkybass, it was cool to meet and hang out. (Lite...you are EEEVIL!!)
Can't wait to hook up with our new friends at our July gathering.

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By the way, you'll know me as Frank (SensuDom)....ticklegud is my alias on TMF.

I just want to add my thanks to our organizers, Jan, Max and Pete, for working hard and giving us the largest and best NEST ever. Everything went really well ! And the "alternate" location worked superbly, when BTS wasn't available.

And thanks to all those who attended. I enjoyed meeting and talking to you all. I know we all look forward to the next NEST, which will be great....but it will be hard to beat the one just ended.

A special message to Ann (Tickling Duo): Thanks for your kind words about my stamina, but you're encouraging me.....I'll have to attend the CT meet on July 27, and give you even more! Hope Drew's OK with that.
lite and kwildoctor,
Haven't heard from you 2 yet. I hope you both got home ok and that your toe is going to be ok, lite.

It was great seeing you again and meeting kwil finally. You are indeed the perfect couple and I look forward to seeing you both in a few weeks.

Doo Wop all over again, [more NEST pt 1]

or Still Funky after all these years.

“Where do all the hippist meet? South Street, South Street”

Like the Orlon’s sang in 1963, South Street South Street. The street is cooler than anything I’ve seen in .. oh .. say almost 39 years. It’s more fun than Duvall Street in Key West, more ethnically diverse than Ste. Catherine in Montreal, more hip than M Street in Georgetown (DC) in 1970.

This place, running east west through central Philly that must be at least as funky, if not far more, and far deeper now than it was then. Strange store fronts, stranger store insides, and denizens, players, and hangers on. That neighborhood was like a hub around which much of our NEST weekend centered, sort of set the tone for the whole time.

At the announcements and raffle “break” in the madhouse tickle play action, Max opened a large map, showing where all the NEST’ers had traveled from (the overseas NEST’ers having to be imagined off scale). In Max’ own words “Oh My God!”

Net/Scene names can be cryptic, or sometimes a bit hard to remember ‘at first’, and it can be made harder when there are scores of names to retain all at once. But in one short weekend, that is of fetish gathering and play, it is amazing how close you get to feel to so many people, how very many of those cryptic names we can remember.

That’s what we did, starting with our Saturday night social hour. The one thing I remember wishing we’d done at the first NEST M and I attended, was to get a chance to at least have everyone introduce themselves around the room. We did this time with grace and honors, and much fun and mirth filled comment tossed in. A few I knew from last time, many more were new, but familiar names from this Forum, and now become NEST buddies.

I’m glad my Melinda wanted to sort of ‘go first’ or at least go early. We’ve done a lot of public play (in different venues), so we really aren’t that shy, but we haven’t had as much opportunity to do all that much public tickling play [as other kinds of play] in front of those who’d most appreciate it. So this made it fun. And from past times, we knew that once people heard those distinctive noises, it could shortly get contagious.

After M was “done”, she’s wiggling some post tickled toes and remarks teasingly, “I wonder where a girl could ever find a foot fetishist around here to get a foot rub?” About a dozen hands shot straight in the air!

Sometimes… just watching can be infectious enough to push one past that final shy barrier over into the recklessness of play. Just as M and I were finishing up, I remember looking over at a pretty lady [jeans, white peasant top?] sitting on a couch, who was gazing at the foot stocks with what seemed to be a little longing tinged with nervous trepidation. She seemed to really wish to “try them out”, at the same time very hesitant to ask. A little encouragement and she and her partner were at it within ten minutes! They both seemed to enjoy the experience tremendously.

And it is real --intoxicating-- . I’ve been to large “leather-sm” conventions, where there may be the cracks of impacts and the resulting moans, sometimes low gasps and perhaps even a yelp or two. And to tattoo conventions with the constant drone of two or three dozen tattoo guns going all day and into the evening, accompanied by a cacophony of music on small stereos.

It can be truly mood altering where the noises are both near and distant, the sounds of forced, yes even tortured laughter is filtered down through all the rooms and the floors. Hearing all that hysteria going on, just elevates what’s going on in your own ‘scenes’, multiplying continually as it goes on.

I could barely believe Jen, there in the middle of pleading, laughing, yelling, cursing, still and all, sassing her tormenters to do even their worst! Egging even more tickle torture upon herself. That girl is simply too much, and just what every tickle sadist could fantasize about in our wildest imaginings (and I was so happy I could be a part of it!). Even as hard as we were torturing Jen, we could hear other desperate tickling going on in the background. Made us even more determined.

And you know, … the noise at those bondage cons, even with four or five hundred perverts in a huge hotel ballroom, was ctually ‘quieter’ than our NEST’ers at their finest.

I would repeat my thanks with all the others for the hard work and efforts of all the organizers; Max, Jan, Pete Hyde, and those who jumped in to help on party weekend itself. There are several I wish I could have met and spent some more time with, several I would even wished to have perhaps solicited a tiny bit of “innocent” tickling with. But there will be more times and more parties.

As the party was winding down … we could hear Jan going from room to room, “five minutes to Pre-Grid”. Then I heard from one corner, “what the hell is she talking about?” I knew and I just smiled to m’self.

One afternoon is a warm-up. One weekend is too short, we oughta make this a lifetime, huh?

continuances (more NEST, pt. 2)

When we are tickling each other, we’re doing something that is in almost any context, just a little bit “intimate”. Social behaviors, that include just a little of this intimacy, or shared privacy, can be more quickly ‘bonding’ than other more distant social behaviors. It has always been my feeling and perception, that after some experience, a few times shared with others, that a comfort range, a feeling of openness and companionship is built that simplifies and makes playing with each other initiate more easily and more spontaneously. The combination of sharing some very quality face to face real time together, plus pre and post mortem net corresponding has allowed for this comfort and ease to take shape. Though NEST’ers may be wide-spread geographically, it’s nucleus “home” since the beginning is ‘round Philly.

There can be some real benefit to this spontaneity of play. The slight shyness of new friendships is easily overcome, many of us begin to see how each other play, and how much real fun we are having, and it makes it easier to join in, to ask to join, or to be asked. It allows for witnessing directly how we do play with each other, how we interact, how sensitive folks are, how hard or soft, how giggly, our play styles, our “aftercare”. Some may be watchers this time, or at this party, and avid “players” the next time. Even watching allows for the “learning” experience, an expanding accommodation of knowledge and techniques. I learn the most about play styles and techniques by watching others, then incorporate much of that into the way I like to play.

There is that great hurdle we all have to overcome the first time we want to or we attempt to shift from watcher/lurker to active play in a public “scene”, but as we know, once we’ve done it once it gets a little easier each time. If it had not been for these folks [NEST “founders”] starting this ball rolling a few years ago, the tickle community may have still been floundering to this day!

When folks attend a well run tickle gathering like NEST for the first time, there is a great relief in seeing and really “knowing” that the tickle bottoms true limitations can and are being pretty accurately read in a caring environment and by caring partners. Big and small fears are overcome like that. It’s also about being able to just finally open up, and even surrender to the overwhelming sensations that have always been dreamed and fantasized about, and now finally becoming reality.

Yes, tickle tops were there and tickle bottoms were there; there to do what we’ve always wanted to do. Knowing that you’re in a caring environment, yes though doing terribly deviant stuff to each other, is part of the feeling of assurance. Tickle bottoms could let go, with the assurance that their play tops were truly trying to meet them in that great sharing middle, where just the right amount of overwhelming stimulation would be applied, and just the right amount of delicious tickling could be experienced.

And that’s another thing. I feel I came into the ‘organized’ tickle community a bit later than most others. Granted Melinda and I had been in the “Leather” community for over a decade, and I’ve certainly harbored the tickle fetish for about as long as all my other fetishes, but I have felt that many others have ‘been around’ this tickle networking for far longer than I.

I hope this is a growing movement; that all those who’ve traveled so far, though meeting in the Mid-Atlantic, will go back to their own communities, and keep trying to initiate local, even if need be, smaller tickle parties and groups, using some of these same concepts, no-pressure consensual and convivial gatherings of like minded –‘lers and –‘lees. NEST can be a sort of core. The more we get to ‘know’ each other on a local and regional basis, the more easily it will be for us to come together on a national scale. NEST can be [as it seems to have become] a model for tickle gatherings on any scale. There are just some episodes, some events in life that are truly lasting. This party wasn’t a first and last, though, … and it will be ever ‘bigger and bigger’.

Thanks everybody.

Spenser and Melinda
What an incredible testiment. I could not have reflected better myself on the fabulous events of the weekend.

I can't say enough how much I enjoyed getting to know both you and Melinda and look forward to many future meetings.

Thanks also for what you said about our scene on Sunday. I really loved wanting to hate you. LOL

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