BDSM/ Foot Tickling/ Master/slave/ Non consent/ Pain/ Humiliation
The Long Walk
Alone I waited at the new S&M club in town, "Incinerator".
It was a great mixture of seX and power. Power within the essences of the Dominant men and woman... sex between sore, bruised legs of their slaves kneeling beside them on the floor. Red walls with framed pictures of pale, naked women clutching enthorned, black roses in their bleeding hands. I took a sip of my Black Russian, and looked towards the door. There he was...
My Master had walked in, not really surveying the scene at all, just feeling it. He had a long sleeved black shirt, opened. And long slacks covering his Doc Martins. His chest came down as he seemed to be taking in the scents of the slutty women's perfume. He smiled at the door greeter. I could see the defiling thoughts were already wandering through his mind. He is a ruggedly handsome, masculine man. His after 5 beard looked sexy beneath those piercing, lust filled eyes. Those eyes can fill me with love, make me shy, or reduce me to tears at his feet. In the few months we have known each other, we had made love ON love, dreamed together, and we had talked about us entering a full time Master & Slave relationship. He had put me through a lot of paces already... but tonight was the night He was going to REALLY test me. I was so excited and happy! But... I was trembling terribly. I have never been someone's slave before... and I had never called him Master before... but tonight was THE night...!
I pretended not to see Him and went back to my drink, making polite conversation with the bar tender. I love the way He sneaks up on me. He'll scare me to pieces... or kiss my neck till I'm weak. And sometimes I don't know what He's going to do... it's always a treat.
I forced myself to keep my eyes on my drink... and suddenly there were two hands on the bar, on either side of me.
"A seductively, beautiful woman sitting alone?" He said in his smoldering voice. Moving in closer to my ear He said: "Don't turn around... or you'll be sorry...".
He took one of his hands and placed them on the strap or my garter. He fondled it for a moment and started to move upwards. His fingers were trailing my thigh...
I started to take his hand away, getting warmly turned on... but he grabbed my hand and placed it roughly back on the bar".
He licked the outer edge of my ear, making me squirm away as much as I could from him.
He put his hand back on the bar. "DON'T MOVE..."
He slid away from me, I wanted desperately to turn around... but I remembered his warning.
Out of the corner of my eye I say His black, walking cane. Taking it with his hand, it left my sight. Suddenly I felt my ankle get lodged in to the back of the bar stool. I couldn't move it. I had on my 5 inch, black Stiletto's and yet, I couldn't break away! How could a trapping of one body part make someone feel so helpless and vulnerable? Maybe it was an accident? I turned my head to the right, about to turn myself around. I felt His hand under my chin turning it back to the front. "Oh please turn around... make my night in to something we will both remember for years to come. He kissed my ear. Last chance baby."
I had to force myself to stay still, even with my foot sticking out from under the seat behind me, trapped by his cane. I had no idea what He was going to do... but what COULD he do? My irrational thoughts started dripping from my ears... but I stayed as calm as I could.
I felt my shoe slip off and fall to the ground. His hands where no where by me, and I suddenly felt naked... I felt a finger start tracing my instep.
I started to giggle... what was He... wait a minute... no... no not that.
The more he traced my foot, the more it became unbearable. It started to tickle... and I forced myself not to . But the tickling kept becoming more prevalent... and I was dying inside. I forced myself to stay still, and to keep from laughing... but it was getting harder and harder by the second.
"The minute you loudly where everyone can hear you... or you turn around... your new life as my slave will begin. And I can't WAIT for you to break..." His strokes started getting lighter and lighter. I was turned on in spite of myself. But so nervous... I was so afraid I was going to soon... I giggled low, trying to move my foot away. But I couldn't.
10 minutes ( I think) went by... it was getting worse and worse. His fingers would scratch a little and then move in a completely different direction, causing me to jump and bite my lip as to not let go. I knelt my head close to me to hide the quiet laughter starting to come louder and faster out of me. I saw His hand again, and in it he held a feather. I gasped, wanting to grab it before he could do worse things to me. Suddenly I felt the the thigh highs start to tear underneath my foot. He left a gaping hole on the bottom of my sole. "Tickle tickle" he whispered with a sneer.
I felt the feather on the bottom of my foot start sliding over the hole. I started to get even warmer between my legs... but this was too much... the laughter inside me had built up the point where there was no return. I managed to hold it another 10 seconds. The feather starting to dance all over my soft, helpless foot. "NOOOOOOOO!" I yelled, letting all of the laughter erupt out of me. I still felt the feather tickling my instep, and I was so turned on, I broke out of the hold with an adrenaline rush and turned around to face him, breathing hard with laughter spilling from my mouth. I jumped up and kissed Him, and fell back in my seat still laughing. But the look on His face told me I was now in BIG trouble for the rest of the night... or... forever. Grinning at me, he took some money out of His wallet, and threw it onto the bar.
He grabbed my by the back of my neck and pushed me hard down on to the floor. I heard chains being released from His pocket. He knelt down and handed me my Stiletto. "Put this back on SLAVE... you're MINE now..." As I put on my shoe, he put a collar around my neck, and a long chain leash. He stood up and put his boot on my back, like a wrestler with an easy win.
"Ladies, gentleman, I'm sorry we have to be leaving you on such short notice." He announced to those standing around us. But my slave has disobeyed me, and I need to take her elsewhere to punish her. Everyone around us smiled and laughed, some "ooooooooed". Sexy trouble. With that He took His foot off of me, and told me to crawl all the way to the door. I crawled beside Him as he proudly, and slowly, took me outside of the club.
As we were now outside, I was on hard pavement. I started to get up unconsciously. I felt his hand grab my hair and push me back to the ground. "I didn't tell you you could get up". He pulled out a pair of very small knee pads and threw them further down the sidewalk. "Let's go". He pulled on the chain tightly, walking me towards the tiny black kneepads. It seemed to take forever to reach them. The pavement was cruel and cold beneath my knees. When we finally reached them, He told me to put them on. I sat down to put them on, seeing my knees were already starting to bleed.
When I had them on, I looked up at Him. The night was cold, and the moon was big and bright behind Him. He knelt down beside me.
"Now, you WILL listen to me. Understand?"
I nodded quickly. "We're going to walk the 1/2 mile home tonight. Well... you're staying low to the ground while I walk. And as we walk, I'll be taking us the back way home, where we won't risk running in to the police. The way I'm taking us will be safe, and no streetlights will be on." You are to do everything, exactly as I tell you. Do you understand"?
Yes Sir, I said starting to shake again.
"Now, hand me your jacket".
I, pausing, did as I was told. It couldn't have been more than 25 degrees out. For the moment it actually felt good taking my jacket it off. It was a little stuffy at the Incinerator. Sir took my jacket, and produced a black bag from underneath His coat. He placed it inside and zipped it up. He handed me some gloves to put on, in case of glass. "Now... move..."
I started to crawl... my knees and hands were protected now... but the rest of me wasn't. I had on a tight silk red blouse, black skirt just above my knees, my garter, thigh highs, and matching red bra and red lace panties. My long hair was the only thing, I knew, that was going to give me any warmth. And to hide my face from the stares I was going to get from any strangers who happened upon us.
Off the second block of the club, he walked me across the street. If a car happens to come... what would I do? The streetlights here were brighter than I'd ever seen them... all like a huge flashlight on me. I tried to crawl quickly, and He let me until I felt the chain caught hold. "I said... slowly". We were in the middle of the street now. YES SIR! I tried to go, but again, the chain grabbed.
He knelt again next to me. "Lay down".
My eyes started to dart all over the street. I started to vehemently protest. I was met with a slap across the face.
"Do as I say... or I MAY feel like having another drink back at the Incinerator after we get home".
Understanding the gravity of what he was saying, I slowly surrendered to the street. My neck feeling the breeze, and the pebbles underneath my arms. I listened for traffic, but thankfully could hear none. Blocking the light He stood over me. He took out His riding crop and placed it underneath my chin.
"Take off your panties... and hand them to me."
I raised my legs, and took them off. I kept my legs up in the hopes that if I had to, I could roll away to the other side of the street. "Put them down". I couldn't... I felt frozen. A flash of the crop, and suddenly my legs came down painfully on the concrete.
"Now... raise your skirt a little bit". I did as He said. "Do you feel the cold breeze between your legs?" Yes Sir... I stammered. "Awww... that must be cold huh? Raise your skirt all the way up." Again, I raised it higher. He looked at me sternly, and I raised my skirt the rest of the way.
"Now, how does that feel slave...".
"Cold Sir... VERY COLD!"
"Well let's warm it up..."
He brought the riding crop down again swiftly, I couldn't move as I watched the crop fall hard and fast on my cold pussy. I had never felt anything as painful. The stars up above suddenly weren't as bright as the ones dancing around in front of my eyes.
"As my slave, you will obey EVERY COMMAND, without pause, without thought. If I am to be your Master, you are no longer allowed to think for yourself. You are to only think about how you will please me. If you don't... I will punish you with pain. And not just physical pain... You are now my *****... and I will do with you as I wish... day or night. I have discussed with you at length of what I expect, and now those rules are in place. Aren't they?" He knelt back down and put his hand on my pussy and started to stroke it.
Yes Sir! I started to breath heavier, the cold air was making clouds above me. The pain started to go away as his stroking started to tickle my pussy.
"Now, get back in to your position, and crawl for me slave." I did as I was told. As I made my way across the other side of the street, the breeze had kicked up, making my blouse ripple. Hy hair struggled too twisting breeze. When I had made it, I smiled with relief that I hadn't been run over. And I smiled that I had played with death a little. it was a powerful feeling to yield to that. And to Him...
We made our way further down this new, grassy road. The lights were gone, and the few houses that were around were still. and lifeless.
"Stop". He said. I did so quietly. "Take off your blouse". He cocked his head at me. "No wait... let ME take it off."
He unbuttoned my blouse, and kissed me lustfully, and passionately. The cold and His kiss made my lips burn. As the blouse came off, He took me in His arms for a moment. I loved being there... and wanted to be there forever. I was falling in love with Him. He for the second time that night, took me by the chin, this time softly, and stood back up. "Go..."
I started to crawl again, this time more seductively... even though it was so cold outside... I was very turned on, and wanted to be sexier FOR Him. I heard Him groan his approval. I felt the riding crop start tapping me on the ass. The taps starting getting a little harder each time. The leash pulled tighter on my neck. It didn't stop me though this time. I kept moving forward, and soon I felt my skirt begin to lift up and over my hips.
"Mmmm... VERY nice..."
The crop hit my ass every 5 seconds or so... I felt my ass turning a bright shade of red. Before my eyes we made our way to a patch of woods. We were half way home.
I felt and heard a shuddering WHACK on my ass. It lunged me forward but I kept myself upright. "Stand up."
I stood up on wobbly knees. Wow my legs hurt...I turned and faced Him.
"Take off your skirt".
I did without pause. As soon as I did though I couldn't help but look around. I was safe.
My eyes fell again on my Master...SIR. He had a weird look in his eye.
The moon gave us a little light through the trees. He was looking at my breasts in their lace, red bra. His eyes swarmed over me with dark pleasure. I heard a click... near his head he was brandishing a knife.
My eyes settled on something I couldn't believe. I have always enjoyed knife play.. but hadn't gotten a round yet to discussing it with Him. Suddenly I felt very afraid of Him. I started to slowly back up. And He slowly walked towards me. Is this IT for me?? The experience in the middle of the street made my think wildly that I had maybe mistrusted the wrong person. I wasn't about to stick around to find out. Irrational fears or not...
I started to run as fast as I could. My legs were weak and painfully begging me to stop. I fast glanced behind me and He wasn't far away, running quickly towards me. I tried to run faster. I heard Him laughing cruelly.
I ran for about 5 minutes. This "patch" of woods suddenly became a forest. I slowed and stopped. I was lost! I was LOST?! No... please...
I turned around just in to time to see HiM. He jumped on me throwing me on the ground, with Him firmly on top of me... He backhanded me. Then grabbing me by the throat, He pushed down, started to asphixiate me. He grabbed some rope from His bag, and let go of my throat. As I was trying to catch my breath, He tied my wrists together. Standing up, he just looked down at me, wiping away the sweat from his forehead, and laughed, grinning. He unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off, and threw it down near his bag.
He picked me up by the rope, and pushed me over to a nearby tree. He threw over the other end of the rope, over a thick, branch, and knotted it well. He dusted His hands, and gave me a pat on the cheek. My hands were far above my head.
Suddenly I felt rope curling around my ankles. He was tying my legs apart, to 2 other trees. I was REALLY getting scared now...
After He was finished, He reappeared in front of me.
"You disobeyed me... AGAIN. I didn't tell you to run... you just assumed I was going to hurt you. Well... now I am...
The knife came out again from his back pocket. The switchblade re clicked in to place. He held it in front of my face for a long time... smiling behind it.
He started to touch my face with it. I started to whimper... and he quieted me by putting His finger to His lips. He took the knife down my neck and over my breasts... down my stomach.. and touched my clit with it. It made me jump! He laughed devilishly. He took the knife and cut off one bra strap at a time. Then he cut if off completely.
I was completely naked now.. except for the garter, black thigh highs, and heels.
"Now... it's time for this bad, little girl, to meet her Master...
From the back of His belt he took off a coiling, thin whip. A bull whip... He stood back from me and cracked it... scaring me to the point that leaves fell from the tree. Or maybe it was the length of the whip that caused them to fall...
He now had black fingerless gloves on... probably to protect Him from the cold...
He walked up to me and just stood in front of me, a hair away. I had wanted this... I had asked for this.... I guess I had paused... with whatever He wanted from me. He back handed me again. I cried out from the shock. tears started to fall from my eyes. He stood in front of me again. Looking through me... my body betrayed me by liking this... my lips betrayed me by kissing Him. And He kissed me back... and I felt strangely safe again.
He stepped away from me suddenly, and walked around me. I started to whimper and cry... but the sounds would not reach him. He cracked the whip again, making me fall forward as if He had hit me already.
And then I heard a swish through the air, and the whip hit my lower back. The cracker heard even louder than by itself. I screamed.
"Scream as loud as you can... no one is around to hear you but Me... and I love to hear a sexy woman like you scream... Why do you think we went this way"? Another fall of the cracker tore across my back. I screamed louder. Tears were running down my face."
"Aren't you my sexy little girl... my nasty fucking *****"? Who do you belong to now...?
Without hesitation, both I and the whip talked. YOU SIR!!
"Who am I?"
"My Master"!! crack
"MY MASTER!!" I cried out!!
He whipped me ALL over my body... my back, my legs, my breasts... he avoided my ass... which I found strange. After he had had His fun... He re hooked the Bull whip to His belt. I could feel the welts rising on my skin. I was crying hard... I felt used... I felt wanted... He was loving me in HIS way... and mine... and through the tears and the maze of the whips on my skin, I felt it.
He cut me down from the tree and gave me a blanket to wrap myself in. He told me to relax while He collected some branches for a fire. He told me we wouldn't be staying much longer, but we would be here for a while longer. This night was not over yet.
As the fire grew larger, and I had warmed up, He held me in His arms for a while. He had pulled a thermos out of His bag, and let me drink some of the hot cocoa within. After a good hour of relaxing by the fire, He stood and came behind me. He slowly took the blanket away from me.
He made me stand up. He walked me over to another tree and tied me to it. My arms were tightly held down, and even my neck had a coil of rope around it, fastening me tautly to the tree. I was in the middle of the tree, surrounded by it's larger branches. With his gloves still on, he climbed on to the tree, and stood above me, cock level.
He undid his belt, and unzipped his pants slowly, taking out his cock. It grew larger and larger in His hand. He loved the fear in my eyes seeing His cock grow to such an enormous size. And even before it had reached full erection. He told me to open my mouth...
As I opened, He had it in. The shock of the force scared me in to thinking I was going to choke. I couldn't move my head, sensing this He started to move Himself in and out. I thought I had been captured before... but now I was about to feel what real capture and asphixiation was all about.
He started to move a little faster, letting the little air I could get in, in. But the faster He moved, the more breath I lost, and because of the cold air, I couldn't breath at all through my nose. I started to panic more and more inside. I started to scream around His cock, but that just moved Him faster. Suddenly he took Himself out of my mouth, and let me breath for second. "I can't breath through my nose! I can't breath!! "Then do a better job of sucking my cock"! He stuffed His cock back in my mouth, and started to force fuck my throat. My eyes started to go wild as His cock went further and further down my throat. For the third time tonight... I thought I was going to die. I was beginning to lose consciousness, when I suddenly felt a hot stream of cum, wave across the back of my throat. His growl of pleasure climbed the tree, and shook the leaves as much as His whip did.
"Fucking ****... I wasn't ready to come yet. Well... let's finish our walk and MAYBE I'll let you make me cum again".
He gave me my panties to wear only. And still wearing the gloves, I readjusted the kneepads that were now around my ankles. The fire was out, His bag was packed, and I was on my knees again. Re hooking the chain to my collar he told me to begin. Not far away from the forest, I soon began to miss the warmth of the fire. I looked up to see where we were, and I could see his house!
My jaw dropped... "I didn't know we were so close!"
"How could you... you've never walked around the streets around my place... until tonight. Well technically you still haven't."
He looked down at me and smiled... I smiled back at Him.
"Now... it's 4 am. You are to do one last thing for me. I want you to put back on your clothes... take off the kneepads now. Good girl".
He continued. "Now, I want you stand up, and walk the rest of the way home, off the leash. Understand?"
Yes... Master. 'smiles'
He started to walk a few feet in front of me. After a couple blocks, I realized why He was doing this. The entire night, He gave me direction, and I didn't take it. I tried to stop Him, I took my time in pulling up my skirt. I tried to run away. I tried to disobey Him. And every time, He knew what I was going to do. He was ready for every move I made. And I didn't think once to fully trust Him. And now... He was trusting ME to follow Him... once and for all...
We made it to the porch and opened the front door. The place was warm, cozy, and inviting. He turned to look at me...
I couldn't say a word just yet... I looked at Him in awe... and hugged Him, and kissed him passionately.
"Let's get you inside my Love... this has been a hard night for you. I want to take you upstairs, give you a warm bath, and make love to you once more... Are you ready to walk inside these doors, and never look back as a free woman?"
"I love You Master... I'm ready."
We kissed passionately again, and He closed the door behind us... forever.
The Long Walk
Alone I waited at the new S&M club in town, "Incinerator".
It was a great mixture of seX and power. Power within the essences of the Dominant men and woman... sex between sore, bruised legs of their slaves kneeling beside them on the floor. Red walls with framed pictures of pale, naked women clutching enthorned, black roses in their bleeding hands. I took a sip of my Black Russian, and looked towards the door. There he was...
My Master had walked in, not really surveying the scene at all, just feeling it. He had a long sleeved black shirt, opened. And long slacks covering his Doc Martins. His chest came down as he seemed to be taking in the scents of the slutty women's perfume. He smiled at the door greeter. I could see the defiling thoughts were already wandering through his mind. He is a ruggedly handsome, masculine man. His after 5 beard looked sexy beneath those piercing, lust filled eyes. Those eyes can fill me with love, make me shy, or reduce me to tears at his feet. In the few months we have known each other, we had made love ON love, dreamed together, and we had talked about us entering a full time Master & Slave relationship. He had put me through a lot of paces already... but tonight was the night He was going to REALLY test me. I was so excited and happy! But... I was trembling terribly. I have never been someone's slave before... and I had never called him Master before... but tonight was THE night...!
I pretended not to see Him and went back to my drink, making polite conversation with the bar tender. I love the way He sneaks up on me. He'll scare me to pieces... or kiss my neck till I'm weak. And sometimes I don't know what He's going to do... it's always a treat.
I forced myself to keep my eyes on my drink... and suddenly there were two hands on the bar, on either side of me.
"A seductively, beautiful woman sitting alone?" He said in his smoldering voice. Moving in closer to my ear He said: "Don't turn around... or you'll be sorry...".
He took one of his hands and placed them on the strap or my garter. He fondled it for a moment and started to move upwards. His fingers were trailing my thigh...
I started to take his hand away, getting warmly turned on... but he grabbed my hand and placed it roughly back on the bar".
He licked the outer edge of my ear, making me squirm away as much as I could from him.
He put his hand back on the bar. "DON'T MOVE..."
He slid away from me, I wanted desperately to turn around... but I remembered his warning.
Out of the corner of my eye I say His black, walking cane. Taking it with his hand, it left my sight. Suddenly I felt my ankle get lodged in to the back of the bar stool. I couldn't move it. I had on my 5 inch, black Stiletto's and yet, I couldn't break away! How could a trapping of one body part make someone feel so helpless and vulnerable? Maybe it was an accident? I turned my head to the right, about to turn myself around. I felt His hand under my chin turning it back to the front. "Oh please turn around... make my night in to something we will both remember for years to come. He kissed my ear. Last chance baby."
I had to force myself to stay still, even with my foot sticking out from under the seat behind me, trapped by his cane. I had no idea what He was going to do... but what COULD he do? My irrational thoughts started dripping from my ears... but I stayed as calm as I could.
I felt my shoe slip off and fall to the ground. His hands where no where by me, and I suddenly felt naked... I felt a finger start tracing my instep.
I started to giggle... what was He... wait a minute... no... no not that.
The more he traced my foot, the more it became unbearable. It started to tickle... and I forced myself not to . But the tickling kept becoming more prevalent... and I was dying inside. I forced myself to stay still, and to keep from laughing... but it was getting harder and harder by the second.
"The minute you loudly where everyone can hear you... or you turn around... your new life as my slave will begin. And I can't WAIT for you to break..." His strokes started getting lighter and lighter. I was turned on in spite of myself. But so nervous... I was so afraid I was going to soon... I giggled low, trying to move my foot away. But I couldn't.
10 minutes ( I think) went by... it was getting worse and worse. His fingers would scratch a little and then move in a completely different direction, causing me to jump and bite my lip as to not let go. I knelt my head close to me to hide the quiet laughter starting to come louder and faster out of me. I saw His hand again, and in it he held a feather. I gasped, wanting to grab it before he could do worse things to me. Suddenly I felt the the thigh highs start to tear underneath my foot. He left a gaping hole on the bottom of my sole. "Tickle tickle" he whispered with a sneer.
I felt the feather on the bottom of my foot start sliding over the hole. I started to get even warmer between my legs... but this was too much... the laughter inside me had built up the point where there was no return. I managed to hold it another 10 seconds. The feather starting to dance all over my soft, helpless foot. "NOOOOOOOO!" I yelled, letting all of the laughter erupt out of me. I still felt the feather tickling my instep, and I was so turned on, I broke out of the hold with an adrenaline rush and turned around to face him, breathing hard with laughter spilling from my mouth. I jumped up and kissed Him, and fell back in my seat still laughing. But the look on His face told me I was now in BIG trouble for the rest of the night... or... forever. Grinning at me, he took some money out of His wallet, and threw it onto the bar.
He grabbed my by the back of my neck and pushed me hard down on to the floor. I heard chains being released from His pocket. He knelt down and handed me my Stiletto. "Put this back on SLAVE... you're MINE now..." As I put on my shoe, he put a collar around my neck, and a long chain leash. He stood up and put his boot on my back, like a wrestler with an easy win.
"Ladies, gentleman, I'm sorry we have to be leaving you on such short notice." He announced to those standing around us. But my slave has disobeyed me, and I need to take her elsewhere to punish her. Everyone around us smiled and laughed, some "ooooooooed". Sexy trouble. With that He took His foot off of me, and told me to crawl all the way to the door. I crawled beside Him as he proudly, and slowly, took me outside of the club.
As we were now outside, I was on hard pavement. I started to get up unconsciously. I felt his hand grab my hair and push me back to the ground. "I didn't tell you you could get up". He pulled out a pair of very small knee pads and threw them further down the sidewalk. "Let's go". He pulled on the chain tightly, walking me towards the tiny black kneepads. It seemed to take forever to reach them. The pavement was cruel and cold beneath my knees. When we finally reached them, He told me to put them on. I sat down to put them on, seeing my knees were already starting to bleed.
When I had them on, I looked up at Him. The night was cold, and the moon was big and bright behind Him. He knelt down beside me.
"Now, you WILL listen to me. Understand?"
I nodded quickly. "We're going to walk the 1/2 mile home tonight. Well... you're staying low to the ground while I walk. And as we walk, I'll be taking us the back way home, where we won't risk running in to the police. The way I'm taking us will be safe, and no streetlights will be on." You are to do everything, exactly as I tell you. Do you understand"?
Yes Sir, I said starting to shake again.
"Now, hand me your jacket".
I, pausing, did as I was told. It couldn't have been more than 25 degrees out. For the moment it actually felt good taking my jacket it off. It was a little stuffy at the Incinerator. Sir took my jacket, and produced a black bag from underneath His coat. He placed it inside and zipped it up. He handed me some gloves to put on, in case of glass. "Now... move..."
I started to crawl... my knees and hands were protected now... but the rest of me wasn't. I had on a tight silk red blouse, black skirt just above my knees, my garter, thigh highs, and matching red bra and red lace panties. My long hair was the only thing, I knew, that was going to give me any warmth. And to hide my face from the stares I was going to get from any strangers who happened upon us.
Off the second block of the club, he walked me across the street. If a car happens to come... what would I do? The streetlights here were brighter than I'd ever seen them... all like a huge flashlight on me. I tried to crawl quickly, and He let me until I felt the chain caught hold. "I said... slowly". We were in the middle of the street now. YES SIR! I tried to go, but again, the chain grabbed.
He knelt again next to me. "Lay down".
My eyes started to dart all over the street. I started to vehemently protest. I was met with a slap across the face.
"Do as I say... or I MAY feel like having another drink back at the Incinerator after we get home".
Understanding the gravity of what he was saying, I slowly surrendered to the street. My neck feeling the breeze, and the pebbles underneath my arms. I listened for traffic, but thankfully could hear none. Blocking the light He stood over me. He took out His riding crop and placed it underneath my chin.
"Take off your panties... and hand them to me."
I raised my legs, and took them off. I kept my legs up in the hopes that if I had to, I could roll away to the other side of the street. "Put them down". I couldn't... I felt frozen. A flash of the crop, and suddenly my legs came down painfully on the concrete.
"Now... raise your skirt a little bit". I did as He said. "Do you feel the cold breeze between your legs?" Yes Sir... I stammered. "Awww... that must be cold huh? Raise your skirt all the way up." Again, I raised it higher. He looked at me sternly, and I raised my skirt the rest of the way.
"Now, how does that feel slave...".
"Cold Sir... VERY COLD!"
"Well let's warm it up..."
He brought the riding crop down again swiftly, I couldn't move as I watched the crop fall hard and fast on my cold pussy. I had never felt anything as painful. The stars up above suddenly weren't as bright as the ones dancing around in front of my eyes.
"As my slave, you will obey EVERY COMMAND, without pause, without thought. If I am to be your Master, you are no longer allowed to think for yourself. You are to only think about how you will please me. If you don't... I will punish you with pain. And not just physical pain... You are now my *****... and I will do with you as I wish... day or night. I have discussed with you at length of what I expect, and now those rules are in place. Aren't they?" He knelt back down and put his hand on my pussy and started to stroke it.
Yes Sir! I started to breath heavier, the cold air was making clouds above me. The pain started to go away as his stroking started to tickle my pussy.
"Now, get back in to your position, and crawl for me slave." I did as I was told. As I made my way across the other side of the street, the breeze had kicked up, making my blouse ripple. Hy hair struggled too twisting breeze. When I had made it, I smiled with relief that I hadn't been run over. And I smiled that I had played with death a little. it was a powerful feeling to yield to that. And to Him...
We made our way further down this new, grassy road. The lights were gone, and the few houses that were around were still. and lifeless.
"Stop". He said. I did so quietly. "Take off your blouse". He cocked his head at me. "No wait... let ME take it off."
He unbuttoned my blouse, and kissed me lustfully, and passionately. The cold and His kiss made my lips burn. As the blouse came off, He took me in His arms for a moment. I loved being there... and wanted to be there forever. I was falling in love with Him. He for the second time that night, took me by the chin, this time softly, and stood back up. "Go..."
I started to crawl again, this time more seductively... even though it was so cold outside... I was very turned on, and wanted to be sexier FOR Him. I heard Him groan his approval. I felt the riding crop start tapping me on the ass. The taps starting getting a little harder each time. The leash pulled tighter on my neck. It didn't stop me though this time. I kept moving forward, and soon I felt my skirt begin to lift up and over my hips.
"Mmmm... VERY nice..."
The crop hit my ass every 5 seconds or so... I felt my ass turning a bright shade of red. Before my eyes we made our way to a patch of woods. We were half way home.
I felt and heard a shuddering WHACK on my ass. It lunged me forward but I kept myself upright. "Stand up."
I stood up on wobbly knees. Wow my legs hurt...I turned and faced Him.
"Take off your skirt".
I did without pause. As soon as I did though I couldn't help but look around. I was safe.
My eyes fell again on my Master...SIR. He had a weird look in his eye.
The moon gave us a little light through the trees. He was looking at my breasts in their lace, red bra. His eyes swarmed over me with dark pleasure. I heard a click... near his head he was brandishing a knife.
My eyes settled on something I couldn't believe. I have always enjoyed knife play.. but hadn't gotten a round yet to discussing it with Him. Suddenly I felt very afraid of Him. I started to slowly back up. And He slowly walked towards me. Is this IT for me?? The experience in the middle of the street made my think wildly that I had maybe mistrusted the wrong person. I wasn't about to stick around to find out. Irrational fears or not...
I started to run as fast as I could. My legs were weak and painfully begging me to stop. I fast glanced behind me and He wasn't far away, running quickly towards me. I tried to run faster. I heard Him laughing cruelly.
I ran for about 5 minutes. This "patch" of woods suddenly became a forest. I slowed and stopped. I was lost! I was LOST?! No... please...
I turned around just in to time to see HiM. He jumped on me throwing me on the ground, with Him firmly on top of me... He backhanded me. Then grabbing me by the throat, He pushed down, started to asphixiate me. He grabbed some rope from His bag, and let go of my throat. As I was trying to catch my breath, He tied my wrists together. Standing up, he just looked down at me, wiping away the sweat from his forehead, and laughed, grinning. He unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off, and threw it down near his bag.
He picked me up by the rope, and pushed me over to a nearby tree. He threw over the other end of the rope, over a thick, branch, and knotted it well. He dusted His hands, and gave me a pat on the cheek. My hands were far above my head.
Suddenly I felt rope curling around my ankles. He was tying my legs apart, to 2 other trees. I was REALLY getting scared now...
After He was finished, He reappeared in front of me.
"You disobeyed me... AGAIN. I didn't tell you to run... you just assumed I was going to hurt you. Well... now I am...
The knife came out again from his back pocket. The switchblade re clicked in to place. He held it in front of my face for a long time... smiling behind it.
He started to touch my face with it. I started to whimper... and he quieted me by putting His finger to His lips. He took the knife down my neck and over my breasts... down my stomach.. and touched my clit with it. It made me jump! He laughed devilishly. He took the knife and cut off one bra strap at a time. Then he cut if off completely.
I was completely naked now.. except for the garter, black thigh highs, and heels.
"Now... it's time for this bad, little girl, to meet her Master...
From the back of His belt he took off a coiling, thin whip. A bull whip... He stood back from me and cracked it... scaring me to the point that leaves fell from the tree. Or maybe it was the length of the whip that caused them to fall...
He now had black fingerless gloves on... probably to protect Him from the cold...
He walked up to me and just stood in front of me, a hair away. I had wanted this... I had asked for this.... I guess I had paused... with whatever He wanted from me. He back handed me again. I cried out from the shock. tears started to fall from my eyes. He stood in front of me again. Looking through me... my body betrayed me by liking this... my lips betrayed me by kissing Him. And He kissed me back... and I felt strangely safe again.
He stepped away from me suddenly, and walked around me. I started to whimper and cry... but the sounds would not reach him. He cracked the whip again, making me fall forward as if He had hit me already.
And then I heard a swish through the air, and the whip hit my lower back. The cracker heard even louder than by itself. I screamed.
"Scream as loud as you can... no one is around to hear you but Me... and I love to hear a sexy woman like you scream... Why do you think we went this way"? Another fall of the cracker tore across my back. I screamed louder. Tears were running down my face."
"Aren't you my sexy little girl... my nasty fucking *****"? Who do you belong to now...?
Without hesitation, both I and the whip talked. YOU SIR!!
"Who am I?"
"My Master"!! crack
"MY MASTER!!" I cried out!!
He whipped me ALL over my body... my back, my legs, my breasts... he avoided my ass... which I found strange. After he had had His fun... He re hooked the Bull whip to His belt. I could feel the welts rising on my skin. I was crying hard... I felt used... I felt wanted... He was loving me in HIS way... and mine... and through the tears and the maze of the whips on my skin, I felt it.
He cut me down from the tree and gave me a blanket to wrap myself in. He told me to relax while He collected some branches for a fire. He told me we wouldn't be staying much longer, but we would be here for a while longer. This night was not over yet.
As the fire grew larger, and I had warmed up, He held me in His arms for a while. He had pulled a thermos out of His bag, and let me drink some of the hot cocoa within. After a good hour of relaxing by the fire, He stood and came behind me. He slowly took the blanket away from me.
He made me stand up. He walked me over to another tree and tied me to it. My arms were tightly held down, and even my neck had a coil of rope around it, fastening me tautly to the tree. I was in the middle of the tree, surrounded by it's larger branches. With his gloves still on, he climbed on to the tree, and stood above me, cock level.
He undid his belt, and unzipped his pants slowly, taking out his cock. It grew larger and larger in His hand. He loved the fear in my eyes seeing His cock grow to such an enormous size. And even before it had reached full erection. He told me to open my mouth...
As I opened, He had it in. The shock of the force scared me in to thinking I was going to choke. I couldn't move my head, sensing this He started to move Himself in and out. I thought I had been captured before... but now I was about to feel what real capture and asphixiation was all about.
He started to move a little faster, letting the little air I could get in, in. But the faster He moved, the more breath I lost, and because of the cold air, I couldn't breath at all through my nose. I started to panic more and more inside. I started to scream around His cock, but that just moved Him faster. Suddenly he took Himself out of my mouth, and let me breath for second. "I can't breath through my nose! I can't breath!! "Then do a better job of sucking my cock"! He stuffed His cock back in my mouth, and started to force fuck my throat. My eyes started to go wild as His cock went further and further down my throat. For the third time tonight... I thought I was going to die. I was beginning to lose consciousness, when I suddenly felt a hot stream of cum, wave across the back of my throat. His growl of pleasure climbed the tree, and shook the leaves as much as His whip did.
"Fucking ****... I wasn't ready to come yet. Well... let's finish our walk and MAYBE I'll let you make me cum again".
He gave me my panties to wear only. And still wearing the gloves, I readjusted the kneepads that were now around my ankles. The fire was out, His bag was packed, and I was on my knees again. Re hooking the chain to my collar he told me to begin. Not far away from the forest, I soon began to miss the warmth of the fire. I looked up to see where we were, and I could see his house!
My jaw dropped... "I didn't know we were so close!"
"How could you... you've never walked around the streets around my place... until tonight. Well technically you still haven't."
He looked down at me and smiled... I smiled back at Him.
"Now... it's 4 am. You are to do one last thing for me. I want you to put back on your clothes... take off the kneepads now. Good girl".
He continued. "Now, I want you stand up, and walk the rest of the way home, off the leash. Understand?"
Yes... Master. 'smiles'
He started to walk a few feet in front of me. After a couple blocks, I realized why He was doing this. The entire night, He gave me direction, and I didn't take it. I tried to stop Him, I took my time in pulling up my skirt. I tried to run away. I tried to disobey Him. And every time, He knew what I was going to do. He was ready for every move I made. And I didn't think once to fully trust Him. And now... He was trusting ME to follow Him... once and for all...
We made it to the porch and opened the front door. The place was warm, cozy, and inviting. He turned to look at me...
I couldn't say a word just yet... I looked at Him in awe... and hugged Him, and kissed him passionately.
"Let's get you inside my Love... this has been a hard night for you. I want to take you upstairs, give you a warm bath, and make love to you once more... Are you ready to walk inside these doors, and never look back as a free woman?"
"I love You Master... I'm ready."
We kissed passionately again, and He closed the door behind us... forever.