Greetings all! After a good deal of deliberation and internal debate I have decided to post this story.I have shared this story privately with a few friends on here and they have been so kind and thoughtful with their feedback and that has given me the courage to share this story. Now obviously, this is purely a work of fiction and while I based the main character on myself (you'll notice the main character's name) all other characters and names in this story are entirely fictional. Anyway, if I get the sense that people are enjoying this story, I will post the follow up stories.
Part One: When the Family is Away, the Toys Will Play
Allison was looking forward to the three day weekend. The married mother of two could count on one hand the number weekends she had to herself since she and her husband had children. Make no mistake, she loved her family, but every once in a while, a person just needed some time to herself. This was one of those rare weekends. And best of all, Allison did not have to work on Friday.
Her Daughter Abbey was off at her first year in college, her teenage son Robbie would be going on a scout camping trip and her husband Tim was away on business for a whole week.
“Just be safe and don’t get dehydrated” she said to Robbie as he and his friend Spencer loaded up Spencer’s Jeep. Standing in the driveway she was seeing the boys off before she had the house to herself for the weekend.
“We will” said a mildly exasperated Robbie
“And promise me you will behave” she added
“Well, Mrs. Yates, I don’t make promises I can’t keep” said Spencer with a playful wink. Allison blushed in spite of herself. At 48 years old, she still had it. She hugged Robbie goodbye while Spencer gave her a playful kiss on the hand. She blushed a bit harder this time, before returning inside to enjoy some time alone.
An hour later she was sitting in her favorite armchair, enjoying a Jane Austen novel and a cup of black tea. Clad in her favorite pair of mom jeans, a black v-neck t shirt and a comfortable pair of grey socks, she could have sat there for hours. The house was a wonderful place. A well kept brick colonial revival with hardwood floors and built in bookshelves. The usual hustle and bustle of family life made it hard to appreciate most days. But today, the silence was beautiful. It was so silent, in fact, that the faint shuffling in the attic that might have otherwise gone unnoticed, was in fact, quite noticeable.
“Hmmm” she thought. It was probably just some squirrels. But as the noise grew louder she figured she should investigate. She went to the laundry room to grab her flashlight.
THUD. What was that? The sound unnerved Allison a bit, though she reasoned it must have been something that had fallen off a shelf. After all, she was there alone.
She walked back to the living room and something immediately seemed off. In fact, it was a book that had fallen. She bent to pick it up and was startled to hear the swinging door connecting the living room to the foyer swing open. She turned and didn’t see anything at first. Then she looked down and to her utter shock, Allison saw a tiny green army marching towards her.
The very tall brown haired woman let out an audible gasp and took a step backwards. She must be hallucinating, those were Robbie’s plastic soldiers marching in her. She took another step backwards...yet they still advanced.
“Soldiers we have a lingerer” cried one of the tiny soldiers in a surprisingly authoritative voice.
“We must apprehend her at once” he ordered. Allison gulped nervously. Despite standing 6 '0 tall and having an enormous size advantage she knew she was outnumbered. Besides, the shock of seeing tiny toys who had been stored up in the attic come to life had rattled her brain past the point of being able to reason.
Instinctively she turned to run but was stopped in her tracks when she saw a group of small action figures and barbie dolls coming in from the other room. No less than 20 of them. They had been in storage in the garage. “Oh boy” she thought. “Why did I buy my kids so many toys?”
Armed with clothesline, jump rope and bungee cords from the garage the toys charged Allison with surprising speed. With the plastic soldiers flanking her from three sides now, she had nowhere to go and little time to react.
The action figures began running circles around her with the jump rope, tightly binding her ankles together. Allison hopped around hoping to break out, but they had her ankles tightly bound. With the remaining slack from the jump rope, the toys pulled until Allison went crashing down.
The fall stunned her more than it hurt. Allison landed flat on her back and was quickly swarmed by a coalition of tiny plastic men, action figures and barbie dolls. They quickly used the rest of the jump rope, clothesline and bungee cords to bind her legs together and her arms by her side. She could barely move.
“Quick someone shut her up” squeaked a Harley Quinn action figure. “I’ve been waiting for a month for the humans to be gone and I’m not letting her ruin it!”
Allison felt something tug at her feet. She lifted her head to see a group of G.I Joes pulling her socks off. She tried to move her feet to stop them but it was no use. The socks came off and she watched WIDE eyed as they marched up her bound torso and stuffed her own, slightly sweaty socks into her mouth.
The toys all cheered. They had conquered the big bad mom. The woman who had packed them away in storage, who had plotted to sell them off to a consignment store, was now bound and helpless gagged at their mercy.
Allison looked around to take in the scene. The tiny plastic men were all lounging on her bound torso. A Spider-Man action figure was flirting with some barbies while Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman all chatted animatedly.
“Well well well” said a tiny menacing voice “Look what we’ve got here.” It was a small Joker action figure. He scaled Allison’s large bare feet, giving a teasing tickle as he did and made his way up Alison’s body until he was standing on her chest.
“This quite the Predicament you have yourself in Mrs. Yates” All the toys laughed menacingly.
“You see the thing is, when you humans are away, we like to…play. And ever since you threw us into storage, well we don’t get to play all that much” he sad, his plastic little face in a twisted, sinister grin. He stared deep into her brown eyes, which were WIDE with shock and bewilderment.
“Now, you being here almost threw a wrench in our plans. But now that we have you neutralized, I think, play time is in order.” The toys all cheered.
“Oh you can struggle” The Joker said teasingly. Leaning in closer he whispered “in fact, I’d prefer it if you’s more fun for me that way.” She did, in fact struggle in vain, and it did seem more fun for The Joker. He laughed wildly as she tried.
Meanwhile MORE and MORE toys began to emerge. Why did she buy all those toys? Robbie’s wrestling action figures emerged from upstairs, Abbey’s manga dolls and beanie babies also joined the party. She was completely surrounded now with no chance of escape.
“Now as I see it, no one else is due home until Sunday evening. That means, play time lasts until then” said the small Harley Quinn figure...who now joined The Joker on Allison’s chest.
“What should our first activity be?”
“Let’s paint her face!” a tiny voice called out
“Burn her at the stake!” cried an Indian action figure
“Tickle torture!” cried another. Frankly all of that sounded unpleasant, but the last suggestion was especially disturbing. Allison had a complicated relationship with tickling. The Joker shot her a knowing look with that twisted smile.
“I think tickle torture sounds deliciously fun…I think you would agree Mrs. Yates.”
Part Two: Playtime Commences
The anticipation was the worst part. Allison had resigned herself to being tickled and in her mind, she felt she could handle it. All the same, she just wanted to get it over with. However, the Joker insisted that they take their time. The toys had managed to tie her hands above her head, securing them on the couch leg using more rope while leaving her armpits in a rather vulnerable position.
Mercifully The Joker had taken her own socks from her mouth, but made her promise not to call for help. Just to be menacing, he left the socks laying beside her as a warning. Allison would glance nervously at them from time to time.
But she was helpless to do anything about it. Tightly bound Allison, could only watch nervously as the toys went about gathering seemingly ordinary household tools, presumably to assist with the tickling. A few beads of nervous sweat dripped down her forehead.
At The Joker’s direction, they went about placing these items neatly beside their prisoner. Ink pens, makeup brushes, forks….Allison hoped they would at least be so kind as to put everything back when they were done.
All the while The Joker stood atop Allison, lording over his helpless captive, teasing her with his twisted smile. When it happened, it started slowly at first. The Joker began running his tiny plastic fingers all over Allison’s slightly exposed and vulnerable pits. At first she could resist laughing, but eventually a few giggles escaped.
“Ohhhhh someone IS ticklish” squeaked Harley Quinn to a rousing cheer from the other toys.
“Get the neck!” Someone else called. Her neck was about as ticklish as her pits, and she giggled a bit more as the joker tickled her. Allison felt relieved. As long as this was the extent of the tickling she figured she could handle it. That relief didn’t last long, however.
“Soldiers, explore the prisoner’s weaknesses” called out one of the plastic soldiers. On command, a swarm of the tiny soldiers descended upon Allison. With Allison tightly tied up and unable to fight back in any real way, their tiny stature actually gave them an advantage as they were able to wiggle their way just about anywhere they wanted. Under her shirt (this made Allison blush), inside her belly button, under her toes….it was intense. Her laughter filled the house as the soldiers tickled her more and more. It felt like nearly every inch of her was being tickled, though she would have no way of knowing for sure. At this point, her mind was too foggy from the tickling to comprehend exactly what was going on.
Not that it would have made much sense anyway. The scene would have puzzled even the most lucid of minds. A grown woman was tied up on her living room floor by a group of toys who were tickling her. The Joker ran his fingers intermittently on her pits and neck. The tiny green soldiers explored just about anywhere that could be explored. Meanwhile Harley Quinn had moved to her feet where she was encouraging other tory to use an ink pen on her bare soles.
Ever the deviant, Harley decided that they should write on her soles, one letter at a time. Batman, for instance, scribbled a “T” on her left foot, as best he could. Wonder Woman followed with an “I” beneath the “T.” This process continued until the words “TICKLE ME!” were written on her sole. Each letter was increasingly ticklish, and by time a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle wrote the “!” she was in hysterics.
“P-p-pleeease Stop. I’ll do anything!”
Hearing the words “anything” The Joker held up his hand and the tickling stopped.
“Anything?” The Joker asked with that wicked smile. Allison gulped nervously and nodded. She had a feeling, this would be a long weekend….
Part Three: Making Concessions
Allison once again found her reprieve to be short-lived. To the extent that there was actually a reprieve it was that the tickling had momentarily stopped. The mind games, however, continued. In a desperate attempt to get the tickling to stop she had blurted out that she would do “anything” to make it stop. The Joker, it seemed, planned to hold her to that.
“Anything?” he asked over and over as the toys all cackled with laughter. It was a rhetorical question of course meant to toy with Allison more than anything. In fact she wasn’t willing to do anything but then again, she was in no position to do anything about it. The futile struggles against her bonds reminded her of that. “How did these tiny toys get me so tightly bound?” she wondered.
“Hmmmmm, Anything” the Joker mused, as the toys laughed menacingly. She felt herself getting even more red as more nervous sweat rolled down her forehead. “Getting scared?” teased Harley Quinn
“Don’t be scared sweetie” she said softly caressing Allison’s face “We only want to play with you.”
“I’ve got it” The Joker said. “To be quite honest Mrs. Yates, I don’t entirely believe you when you say you’ll do anything”
“W-why not?”
“Shhhhh” he said, putting a tiny plastic finger to her lips
“Now I said we’d stop tickling you and I am a ma----ehhhh toy of my word. However, I think you should earn it first.”
“Meaning?” Allison asked
“Meaning, we need certain concessions from you. For instance, the garage and attic are a bit dusty. We’d like them cleaned up.”
“Well, I uhhh, can certainly do that”
“Can you?” The Joker asked, grabbing a feather and running it across her pit as Harley followed suit on the other pit. If Allison had not been tied down she might have flown through the roof. The tickling onslaught was worse this time as the toys again converged on her, tickling what felt like nearly every inch of her. When it stopped, she breathlessly agreed to clean the basement and attic. But that wasn’t all. The Joker also made her agree to do anything he said over the course of the weekend, which she was willing to oblige to if it meant no more tickling.
An hour later Allison had finished straightening up the garage and attic. In her opinion she went above and beyond the call of duty. She not only dusted, but swept, sprayed air freshner and moved some of her plants to the garage for more oxygen. She wasn’t sure if that made a difference to plastic toys...this was still new and confusing to her. However, Allison decided to use the rest of the weekend to try and gain favor with her new captors. Any misstep she feared would result in more tickling.
For his part, The Joker really did have control of the situation. Her phone was confiscated and hidden for the weekend (who would she call for help? She would never admit what happened to anyone as long as she lived.) And each entrance to the house was guarded by different toys, lest she tried to escape. He also had her change clothes “you can’t clean in your nice clothes, Mrs. Yates” he had said. So there she was, clad only in her sports bra and yoga pants she set about doing The Joker’s bidding.
With the attic and garage arranged to The Joker’s satisfaction, Allison now found herself back in the living room, facing a crowd of toys, dolls and stuffed animals who had made themselves comfortably at home. Some were lounging on the couches, others sitting on the coffee table...some had even figured out how to use the record players.
“We made quite mess when we captured you” Harley Quinn squeaked “So be a dear would you and clean this up….but leave the ropes where we can find them….never know when we might need them again”
“As you wish” Allison retorted, with a slightly defiant tone in her voice. It was still only Friday evening, with nearly two days left to go. God help her…
Part Four: To Give is to Receive
Allison awoke with a jolt. Her first inkling was that it had all been a dream and that oddly left her feeling disappointed. While she could do without the tickling, being overpowered was somewhat of a thrill. It was something she didn’t realize she needed until it happened. The stress from her job, the responsibilities of parenting and life in general were of no consequence.
But alas, maybe it wasn't meant to be. She sighed to herself trying to convince herself that perhaps it was for the best, after all, toys that can come alive. What were the chances? That’s crazy, right?
“Good morning Mrs. Yates” she gasped and looked up. A tiny plastic Batman was standing on the footboard. So it was real after all. Should I be relieved? Scared? Nervous? Excited? she wondered. Maybe a mixture of them all?
“The Joker has requested your presence downstairs.” Batman said. Allison found it odd that The Joker had Batman doing his bidding, but figured it best not to say anything.
She was soon dressed and downstairs where she was greeted by many of the toys who escorted her to The Joker, who was camped out in the Kitchen. He instructed her to make herself some breakfast and meet him back in the living room
She had no idea what to expect. After her tickle torture the previous day they had her clean the entire house, so what else did they want from her? She quickly ate and went to the family room.
“You know Mrs. Yates” said The Joker as all the toys began to assemble in the living room again “I hope we weren’t too hard on you yesterday, it’s just for us playtime is important. And you presented both an obstacle and an opportunity for us, and…”
“Let me guess, you seized the opportunity?”
“Right...and don’t interrupt!”
“But it wasn’t just an opportunity for us. I think, and if you are honest with yourself you will agree, this is a thrilling little situation we have here.”
Allison felt herself blush a deep red. “W-what do you...I---well”
“In fact, we did you a favor. Aside from making you dust the attic for the first time in years, you were finally forced to let go. I’ve seen you over the years. All this planning, parenting, working. You always felt like you HAD to be in control. I bet it felt nice to let go for a bit didn’t it?”
It was true. Until now she couldn’t admit it even to herself, but she felt now, more than ever the need to embrace this side of herself for whatever time she could. She didn’t even think twice when The Joker ordered her to stand against railing to the stairway. Methodically, the toys set about lashing her to the railing, some scaling her torso to reach the railing while others climbed the stairs. It wasn’t long before she was tightly bound to the railing. The toys all cheered.
This was no doubt, slightly humiliating, but as The Joker had articulated, it was also….well Allison couldn’t quite put her finger on it. All she knew was that the day before it felt like Sunday evening couldn’t arrive soon enough. Now she felt like Sunday could take it’s sweet time.
“My friends!” the Joker announced “Play time resumes”
Part One: When the Family is Away, the Toys Will Play
Allison was looking forward to the three day weekend. The married mother of two could count on one hand the number weekends she had to herself since she and her husband had children. Make no mistake, she loved her family, but every once in a while, a person just needed some time to herself. This was one of those rare weekends. And best of all, Allison did not have to work on Friday.
Her Daughter Abbey was off at her first year in college, her teenage son Robbie would be going on a scout camping trip and her husband Tim was away on business for a whole week.
“Just be safe and don’t get dehydrated” she said to Robbie as he and his friend Spencer loaded up Spencer’s Jeep. Standing in the driveway she was seeing the boys off before she had the house to herself for the weekend.
“We will” said a mildly exasperated Robbie
“And promise me you will behave” she added
“Well, Mrs. Yates, I don’t make promises I can’t keep” said Spencer with a playful wink. Allison blushed in spite of herself. At 48 years old, she still had it. She hugged Robbie goodbye while Spencer gave her a playful kiss on the hand. She blushed a bit harder this time, before returning inside to enjoy some time alone.
An hour later she was sitting in her favorite armchair, enjoying a Jane Austen novel and a cup of black tea. Clad in her favorite pair of mom jeans, a black v-neck t shirt and a comfortable pair of grey socks, she could have sat there for hours. The house was a wonderful place. A well kept brick colonial revival with hardwood floors and built in bookshelves. The usual hustle and bustle of family life made it hard to appreciate most days. But today, the silence was beautiful. It was so silent, in fact, that the faint shuffling in the attic that might have otherwise gone unnoticed, was in fact, quite noticeable.
“Hmmm” she thought. It was probably just some squirrels. But as the noise grew louder she figured she should investigate. She went to the laundry room to grab her flashlight.
THUD. What was that? The sound unnerved Allison a bit, though she reasoned it must have been something that had fallen off a shelf. After all, she was there alone.
She walked back to the living room and something immediately seemed off. In fact, it was a book that had fallen. She bent to pick it up and was startled to hear the swinging door connecting the living room to the foyer swing open. She turned and didn’t see anything at first. Then she looked down and to her utter shock, Allison saw a tiny green army marching towards her.
The very tall brown haired woman let out an audible gasp and took a step backwards. She must be hallucinating, those were Robbie’s plastic soldiers marching in her. She took another step backwards...yet they still advanced.
“Soldiers we have a lingerer” cried one of the tiny soldiers in a surprisingly authoritative voice.
“We must apprehend her at once” he ordered. Allison gulped nervously. Despite standing 6 '0 tall and having an enormous size advantage she knew she was outnumbered. Besides, the shock of seeing tiny toys who had been stored up in the attic come to life had rattled her brain past the point of being able to reason.
Instinctively she turned to run but was stopped in her tracks when she saw a group of small action figures and barbie dolls coming in from the other room. No less than 20 of them. They had been in storage in the garage. “Oh boy” she thought. “Why did I buy my kids so many toys?”
Armed with clothesline, jump rope and bungee cords from the garage the toys charged Allison with surprising speed. With the plastic soldiers flanking her from three sides now, she had nowhere to go and little time to react.
The action figures began running circles around her with the jump rope, tightly binding her ankles together. Allison hopped around hoping to break out, but they had her ankles tightly bound. With the remaining slack from the jump rope, the toys pulled until Allison went crashing down.
The fall stunned her more than it hurt. Allison landed flat on her back and was quickly swarmed by a coalition of tiny plastic men, action figures and barbie dolls. They quickly used the rest of the jump rope, clothesline and bungee cords to bind her legs together and her arms by her side. She could barely move.
“Quick someone shut her up” squeaked a Harley Quinn action figure. “I’ve been waiting for a month for the humans to be gone and I’m not letting her ruin it!”
Allison felt something tug at her feet. She lifted her head to see a group of G.I Joes pulling her socks off. She tried to move her feet to stop them but it was no use. The socks came off and she watched WIDE eyed as they marched up her bound torso and stuffed her own, slightly sweaty socks into her mouth.
The toys all cheered. They had conquered the big bad mom. The woman who had packed them away in storage, who had plotted to sell them off to a consignment store, was now bound and helpless gagged at their mercy.
Allison looked around to take in the scene. The tiny plastic men were all lounging on her bound torso. A Spider-Man action figure was flirting with some barbies while Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman all chatted animatedly.
“Well well well” said a tiny menacing voice “Look what we’ve got here.” It was a small Joker action figure. He scaled Allison’s large bare feet, giving a teasing tickle as he did and made his way up Alison’s body until he was standing on her chest.
“This quite the Predicament you have yourself in Mrs. Yates” All the toys laughed menacingly.
“You see the thing is, when you humans are away, we like to…play. And ever since you threw us into storage, well we don’t get to play all that much” he sad, his plastic little face in a twisted, sinister grin. He stared deep into her brown eyes, which were WIDE with shock and bewilderment.
“Now, you being here almost threw a wrench in our plans. But now that we have you neutralized, I think, play time is in order.” The toys all cheered.
“Oh you can struggle” The Joker said teasingly. Leaning in closer he whispered “in fact, I’d prefer it if you’s more fun for me that way.” She did, in fact struggle in vain, and it did seem more fun for The Joker. He laughed wildly as she tried.
Meanwhile MORE and MORE toys began to emerge. Why did she buy all those toys? Robbie’s wrestling action figures emerged from upstairs, Abbey’s manga dolls and beanie babies also joined the party. She was completely surrounded now with no chance of escape.
“Now as I see it, no one else is due home until Sunday evening. That means, play time lasts until then” said the small Harley Quinn figure...who now joined The Joker on Allison’s chest.
“What should our first activity be?”
“Let’s paint her face!” a tiny voice called out
“Burn her at the stake!” cried an Indian action figure
“Tickle torture!” cried another. Frankly all of that sounded unpleasant, but the last suggestion was especially disturbing. Allison had a complicated relationship with tickling. The Joker shot her a knowing look with that twisted smile.
“I think tickle torture sounds deliciously fun…I think you would agree Mrs. Yates.”
Part Two: Playtime Commences
The anticipation was the worst part. Allison had resigned herself to being tickled and in her mind, she felt she could handle it. All the same, she just wanted to get it over with. However, the Joker insisted that they take their time. The toys had managed to tie her hands above her head, securing them on the couch leg using more rope while leaving her armpits in a rather vulnerable position.
Mercifully The Joker had taken her own socks from her mouth, but made her promise not to call for help. Just to be menacing, he left the socks laying beside her as a warning. Allison would glance nervously at them from time to time.
But she was helpless to do anything about it. Tightly bound Allison, could only watch nervously as the toys went about gathering seemingly ordinary household tools, presumably to assist with the tickling. A few beads of nervous sweat dripped down her forehead.
At The Joker’s direction, they went about placing these items neatly beside their prisoner. Ink pens, makeup brushes, forks….Allison hoped they would at least be so kind as to put everything back when they were done.
All the while The Joker stood atop Allison, lording over his helpless captive, teasing her with his twisted smile. When it happened, it started slowly at first. The Joker began running his tiny plastic fingers all over Allison’s slightly exposed and vulnerable pits. At first she could resist laughing, but eventually a few giggles escaped.
“Ohhhhh someone IS ticklish” squeaked Harley Quinn to a rousing cheer from the other toys.
“Get the neck!” Someone else called. Her neck was about as ticklish as her pits, and she giggled a bit more as the joker tickled her. Allison felt relieved. As long as this was the extent of the tickling she figured she could handle it. That relief didn’t last long, however.
“Soldiers, explore the prisoner’s weaknesses” called out one of the plastic soldiers. On command, a swarm of the tiny soldiers descended upon Allison. With Allison tightly tied up and unable to fight back in any real way, their tiny stature actually gave them an advantage as they were able to wiggle their way just about anywhere they wanted. Under her shirt (this made Allison blush), inside her belly button, under her toes….it was intense. Her laughter filled the house as the soldiers tickled her more and more. It felt like nearly every inch of her was being tickled, though she would have no way of knowing for sure. At this point, her mind was too foggy from the tickling to comprehend exactly what was going on.
Not that it would have made much sense anyway. The scene would have puzzled even the most lucid of minds. A grown woman was tied up on her living room floor by a group of toys who were tickling her. The Joker ran his fingers intermittently on her pits and neck. The tiny green soldiers explored just about anywhere that could be explored. Meanwhile Harley Quinn had moved to her feet where she was encouraging other tory to use an ink pen on her bare soles.
Ever the deviant, Harley decided that they should write on her soles, one letter at a time. Batman, for instance, scribbled a “T” on her left foot, as best he could. Wonder Woman followed with an “I” beneath the “T.” This process continued until the words “TICKLE ME!” were written on her sole. Each letter was increasingly ticklish, and by time a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle wrote the “!” she was in hysterics.
“P-p-pleeease Stop. I’ll do anything!”
Hearing the words “anything” The Joker held up his hand and the tickling stopped.
“Anything?” The Joker asked with that wicked smile. Allison gulped nervously and nodded. She had a feeling, this would be a long weekend….
Part Three: Making Concessions
Allison once again found her reprieve to be short-lived. To the extent that there was actually a reprieve it was that the tickling had momentarily stopped. The mind games, however, continued. In a desperate attempt to get the tickling to stop she had blurted out that she would do “anything” to make it stop. The Joker, it seemed, planned to hold her to that.
“Anything?” he asked over and over as the toys all cackled with laughter. It was a rhetorical question of course meant to toy with Allison more than anything. In fact she wasn’t willing to do anything but then again, she was in no position to do anything about it. The futile struggles against her bonds reminded her of that. “How did these tiny toys get me so tightly bound?” she wondered.
“Hmmmmm, Anything” the Joker mused, as the toys laughed menacingly. She felt herself getting even more red as more nervous sweat rolled down her forehead. “Getting scared?” teased Harley Quinn
“Don’t be scared sweetie” she said softly caressing Allison’s face “We only want to play with you.”
“I’ve got it” The Joker said. “To be quite honest Mrs. Yates, I don’t entirely believe you when you say you’ll do anything”
“W-why not?”
“Shhhhh” he said, putting a tiny plastic finger to her lips
“Now I said we’d stop tickling you and I am a ma----ehhhh toy of my word. However, I think you should earn it first.”
“Meaning?” Allison asked
“Meaning, we need certain concessions from you. For instance, the garage and attic are a bit dusty. We’d like them cleaned up.”
“Well, I uhhh, can certainly do that”
“Can you?” The Joker asked, grabbing a feather and running it across her pit as Harley followed suit on the other pit. If Allison had not been tied down she might have flown through the roof. The tickling onslaught was worse this time as the toys again converged on her, tickling what felt like nearly every inch of her. When it stopped, she breathlessly agreed to clean the basement and attic. But that wasn’t all. The Joker also made her agree to do anything he said over the course of the weekend, which she was willing to oblige to if it meant no more tickling.
An hour later Allison had finished straightening up the garage and attic. In her opinion she went above and beyond the call of duty. She not only dusted, but swept, sprayed air freshner and moved some of her plants to the garage for more oxygen. She wasn’t sure if that made a difference to plastic toys...this was still new and confusing to her. However, Allison decided to use the rest of the weekend to try and gain favor with her new captors. Any misstep she feared would result in more tickling.
For his part, The Joker really did have control of the situation. Her phone was confiscated and hidden for the weekend (who would she call for help? She would never admit what happened to anyone as long as she lived.) And each entrance to the house was guarded by different toys, lest she tried to escape. He also had her change clothes “you can’t clean in your nice clothes, Mrs. Yates” he had said. So there she was, clad only in her sports bra and yoga pants she set about doing The Joker’s bidding.
With the attic and garage arranged to The Joker’s satisfaction, Allison now found herself back in the living room, facing a crowd of toys, dolls and stuffed animals who had made themselves comfortably at home. Some were lounging on the couches, others sitting on the coffee table...some had even figured out how to use the record players.
“We made quite mess when we captured you” Harley Quinn squeaked “So be a dear would you and clean this up….but leave the ropes where we can find them….never know when we might need them again”
“As you wish” Allison retorted, with a slightly defiant tone in her voice. It was still only Friday evening, with nearly two days left to go. God help her…
Part Four: To Give is to Receive
Allison awoke with a jolt. Her first inkling was that it had all been a dream and that oddly left her feeling disappointed. While she could do without the tickling, being overpowered was somewhat of a thrill. It was something she didn’t realize she needed until it happened. The stress from her job, the responsibilities of parenting and life in general were of no consequence.
But alas, maybe it wasn't meant to be. She sighed to herself trying to convince herself that perhaps it was for the best, after all, toys that can come alive. What were the chances? That’s crazy, right?
“Good morning Mrs. Yates” she gasped and looked up. A tiny plastic Batman was standing on the footboard. So it was real after all. Should I be relieved? Scared? Nervous? Excited? she wondered. Maybe a mixture of them all?
“The Joker has requested your presence downstairs.” Batman said. Allison found it odd that The Joker had Batman doing his bidding, but figured it best not to say anything.
She was soon dressed and downstairs where she was greeted by many of the toys who escorted her to The Joker, who was camped out in the Kitchen. He instructed her to make herself some breakfast and meet him back in the living room
She had no idea what to expect. After her tickle torture the previous day they had her clean the entire house, so what else did they want from her? She quickly ate and went to the family room.
“You know Mrs. Yates” said The Joker as all the toys began to assemble in the living room again “I hope we weren’t too hard on you yesterday, it’s just for us playtime is important. And you presented both an obstacle and an opportunity for us, and…”
“Let me guess, you seized the opportunity?”
“Right...and don’t interrupt!”
“But it wasn’t just an opportunity for us. I think, and if you are honest with yourself you will agree, this is a thrilling little situation we have here.”
Allison felt herself blush a deep red. “W-what do you...I---well”
“In fact, we did you a favor. Aside from making you dust the attic for the first time in years, you were finally forced to let go. I’ve seen you over the years. All this planning, parenting, working. You always felt like you HAD to be in control. I bet it felt nice to let go for a bit didn’t it?”
It was true. Until now she couldn’t admit it even to herself, but she felt now, more than ever the need to embrace this side of herself for whatever time she could. She didn’t even think twice when The Joker ordered her to stand against railing to the stairway. Methodically, the toys set about lashing her to the railing, some scaling her torso to reach the railing while others climbed the stairs. It wasn’t long before she was tightly bound to the railing. The toys all cheered.
This was no doubt, slightly humiliating, but as The Joker had articulated, it was also….well Allison couldn’t quite put her finger on it. All she knew was that the day before it felt like Sunday evening couldn’t arrive soon enough. Now she felt like Sunday could take it’s sweet time.
“My friends!” the Joker announced “Play time resumes”
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