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"Tickle My Wife... Please!" (Prologue/Chapter1)
Hi my name is Joe, and I’m the guy who works as a janitor in your kids high school, or the guy who fixes you car. I might be your plumber, or even a lawyer. The point is I could be anybody, because I’m just a guy named Joe. I’m here today to tell you about my wife and my fetish, and how my wife my fetish, it’s confusing. I guess I’ll start my story at the beginning.
Let me start by telling you about my fetish, and how it started. It al began when I was a young, I had this really good looking baby sitter who used to tickle me a lot. I guess she though it was cute, but it could be torture when your not even 5 feet tall. Over the years I got bigger, lots bigger, and I soon discovered that I liked doing the tickling. May be it was a power thing, but to me there is nothing sexier then pinning down a beautiful woman and tickling her to hysterics. There was this one girlfriend I had, when I was in high school, who I tickled a lot. Once she let me tie her up, and I went a little crazy. I tickled her none stop for over two hours, I just couldn’t help my self. By the time I was done her she’d pee herself twice, and her mascara was running like Niagara Falls. She dumped me right after that, and I caught a major beating from her brothers about 2 weeks later. In other words I learned my lesson.
I was already married when I met Jane, my current wife. She is a foxy little red head with curves that could stop traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike. Jane was an Olympic hopeful for the U.S. in Judo, until she buggered up her knee in a motorcycle accident. Now she works as a phys ‘ed teacher, and teaches Judo to kids on the weekends. We met while she was working at the same high school, and it was love at first sight. I’d never been drawn to a woman so strongly, unfortunately my first wife, Angela, didn’t think it was so great. Six months later me and Angie were divorced, and a year later I was hitched to Jane. I never meant to hurt Angela, but she was obsessed wit having a kid. Sticking your wife in the ass with a needle before you have sex can sort of kill the mood.
As it turned out, marrying Jane was the best thing I could have done. Not only was she smart and beautiful, but she actually loved to be tickled. She also loved being a tease, which I wasn’t to happy with at first. The I realized that the fact men liked looking at her wasn’t something I should get pissed about. After all what’s the point in having a beautiful wife if nobody notices. Having moved to Florida, the warm weather gave her plenty of opportunity to wear sexy outfits. Her favourite was a pear of short shorts, and a tub top, she was also fond of a little black bikini she would often wear when the young guy would come by to do the yard work for us. That is where the real story begins.
Chapter 1: The Discovery
Now, as I said before, my wife was the neighbour hood cock tease, and one of her favourites was the kid who did our yard work. Now when I say yard work I don’t men anything grand. We have a nice little 2 bedroom bungalow in Jacksonville Florida, and this guy since he was 15 used to come around and mow our lawn and clean the pool. He was real good at it so I would throw him $30.00 a week, and a little something extra around Christmas. The wife of course would always put on this next-to-naked excuse for a bikini and torture this pore kid as he pushed the lawn more around.
Well one day, before you know it, this kid isn’t a kid anymore. I looked out my window an this strapping young stud of 19 is getting read to mow the lawn. Like clock work my sexy wife is coming out of the bath room in that sultry looking bikini, and a big ass bottle of tanning oil. Just one look at her, even after being together for so lone, gives me the erg to fuck her brains out. I knew it could lead to trouble for the kid out side, so I told her to get changed.
“Joe!” she tells me, “I am perfectly capable of handling myself, not to mention the guy who takes care of our yard.” she argues, “I was a nation Judo champ, an Olympic and…”
“Ok, ok, go be a teas then.” I replied with my hand in the air, “Just remember he isn’t that little runt he was 4 years ago.”
My wife strolled over to where I was sitting and leaned in to give me a kiss. Suddenly I felt her grab a handful of my hair and trapped my head between her massive cans. Before I knew what was going on I was fighting for air, I wasn’t fighting hard mined you, but I had to make it look good. Once I’d had enough, I wrapped my arms around her trim waist and dug my finger into her tanned flesh. Immediately I was released from her Titty-Trap, and she squirmed to free her self from my wriggling fingers.
“Joe, don’t tickle me.” she demanded, “Please, not stop it, ah, stop it!” she pleaded, “Hehehehehe, stop it, hahahahaha.”
“Say uncle.” I ordered.
“Ok, hehehehehe, uncle, uncle, I give, hahahahaha!” she screamed.
I let my wife go, chuckling as she scurried out the bedroom door, and then out side. I wasn’t sure at the time, but I thought I’d herd some rustling outside one of the bedroom windows. When I turned to look, there wasn’t anything there. I figured it must have been a bird or a squirrel, or some other small animal, but I would soon discover I was very wrong.
It had been about 20 minuets since my wife had gone out side to lay in the sun and torment the young man. I, on the other hand, was hard at work (doing what it is I do), when the erg to pee hit me. When I got in the bathroom I looked out the window into the backyard. Sure enough, sitting on the edge of a lawn chair was Jane. My wife had discarded her top, barley covering her big tits with one arm, while holding her lotion in her free hand. The young man, his name is Brad, hadn’t waited much time getting to her, when she asked him for help.
“Oh Brad,” she cooed, “I can’t seem to get the lotion to come out of the bottle again.”
“You left the seal on it again Mrs…” he began, “…uh Jane.”
“Oh darn.“ she replied, faking stupidity, “Be a dear and rub some on my back while you’re here.” she said, laying down on the chair, “I want to keep my tan nice and even.” she explained as she ran her left foot over her right leg.
I watched with interest from behind the shear curtains, as the kid startled my wife’s lower back. The guy looked around for a minuets, and I thought he might have seen me, but her didn’t. To my surprise the little bugger tied the strings of Jane’s bikini top to the sides of the lawn chair, making it impossible for her to put it back on while he was sitting on her. A part of me wanted to dash out side, but I was also very curious to see what the kid had in mined. So I finished pissing, tucked little Joe into my pants, and zipped up.
Jane began to moan softly as the kid rubbed the lotion into her shoulders and back. I found myself strangely arouse by the sight of another touching my wife. It wasn’t that long ago that I didn’t even want other guys talking to her, I guess it was knowing that she was just teasing him, but it was really getting me hot. Brad rubbed the lotion all over her shoulders, back and even her sides, and all the time Jane played up the moaning a little more each time.
“Wow, that is so good.” she sighed, “Thanks a lot Brad.”
Normally Brad would probably get of my wife, and struggle back to the lawnmower, but this time was different. Instead he leaned forward, and whispered something in her ear. I watched as Jane pull her bikini top around her, but the kid had tied it really well. I stood up from the toilet seat, and was about to rush out the door when I heard my wife start to giggle.
“Ah, no Brad, hahahahaha, don’t tickle me there.” pleaded Jane, “It’s torture, hehehehehe, hahahahaha, stop it.”
The sound of my helpless wife pleading for mercy caused my dick to swell like a balloon> I watched with mixed emotion as she wriggled beneath the young man, as his finger danced up and down her oiled sides. I was mesmerised by what I saw, and extremely aroused. It wasn’t like anything I’d experienced before, I was actually enjoying watching another man tickle my wife.
“All these years of your teasing ways, and now I have you at my mercy.” he boasted as his hands kneaded her tanned skin, “No your going to show me those tits your always taunting me with.”
“No, no please hahahahaha, hehehehehe, hahahahaha.” she pleaded, “I can’t hehehehehe, hohohohoho, hahahahaha, please I-I’m married.”
The man seemed to dig in harder, and Jane screamed. It was a good thing we were our vacation time, or ells the neighbours would have called the Cops. I watched in au, my hand stroking my throbbing dick, I couldn’t believe how hot this was. My beautiful wife pinned down by this punk kid, and being humiliated through tickling. Any other guy would have run out the door, but I found myself unable to leave my spot. It was that much of a turn on.
“Oh, get of me, hehehehehe, hahahahaha, oh mercy please, my husband will hear us!” screamed my wife, “Oh god no more, hahahahaha, hehehehehe, I can’t stand it!”
My eye’s light up as I watched where Brads hand were heading. Slowly but surly they were moving closer and closer to her pit. The kid had even wedged hi knees against her arms in such away that her beautiful, shaven, underarms where completely at his mercy. Jane’s pit were so ticklish, even I refrained from tickling them, as it normally mad her cry.
“Show me your tits then!” ordered Brad, “Let me see your can’s and I’ll stop tickling… your pits”
Brad stopped his torture, and lifted himself of Jane just enough to let her roll on her back. No soon did my wife’s arms move away from her tit’s then the little bugger brought his thighs down over her shoulder. I could see a big smile on the spunky red heads face, as she looked up at Brad. Suddenly, and by accident, the elastic of his sweat slipped and his hard-on slapped her right on the nose. Brad got up right away and pulled his pants up over his wood, gave Jane a peck on the cheek, and went back to work. That is how I discovered I liked watching my wife getting tickled, but it’s only the first chapter of this sorted story.
“Tickle My Wife… Please!”
By Slaver Tickler
By Slaver Tickler
Hi my name is Joe, and I’m the guy who works as a janitor in your kids high school, or the guy who fixes you car. I might be your plumber, or even a lawyer. The point is I could be anybody, because I’m just a guy named Joe. I’m here today to tell you about my wife and my fetish, and how my wife my fetish, it’s confusing. I guess I’ll start my story at the beginning.
Let me start by telling you about my fetish, and how it started. It al began when I was a young, I had this really good looking baby sitter who used to tickle me a lot. I guess she though it was cute, but it could be torture when your not even 5 feet tall. Over the years I got bigger, lots bigger, and I soon discovered that I liked doing the tickling. May be it was a power thing, but to me there is nothing sexier then pinning down a beautiful woman and tickling her to hysterics. There was this one girlfriend I had, when I was in high school, who I tickled a lot. Once she let me tie her up, and I went a little crazy. I tickled her none stop for over two hours, I just couldn’t help my self. By the time I was done her she’d pee herself twice, and her mascara was running like Niagara Falls. She dumped me right after that, and I caught a major beating from her brothers about 2 weeks later. In other words I learned my lesson.
I was already married when I met Jane, my current wife. She is a foxy little red head with curves that could stop traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike. Jane was an Olympic hopeful for the U.S. in Judo, until she buggered up her knee in a motorcycle accident. Now she works as a phys ‘ed teacher, and teaches Judo to kids on the weekends. We met while she was working at the same high school, and it was love at first sight. I’d never been drawn to a woman so strongly, unfortunately my first wife, Angela, didn’t think it was so great. Six months later me and Angie were divorced, and a year later I was hitched to Jane. I never meant to hurt Angela, but she was obsessed wit having a kid. Sticking your wife in the ass with a needle before you have sex can sort of kill the mood.
As it turned out, marrying Jane was the best thing I could have done. Not only was she smart and beautiful, but she actually loved to be tickled. She also loved being a tease, which I wasn’t to happy with at first. The I realized that the fact men liked looking at her wasn’t something I should get pissed about. After all what’s the point in having a beautiful wife if nobody notices. Having moved to Florida, the warm weather gave her plenty of opportunity to wear sexy outfits. Her favourite was a pear of short shorts, and a tub top, she was also fond of a little black bikini she would often wear when the young guy would come by to do the yard work for us. That is where the real story begins.
Chapter 1: The Discovery
Now, as I said before, my wife was the neighbour hood cock tease, and one of her favourites was the kid who did our yard work. Now when I say yard work I don’t men anything grand. We have a nice little 2 bedroom bungalow in Jacksonville Florida, and this guy since he was 15 used to come around and mow our lawn and clean the pool. He was real good at it so I would throw him $30.00 a week, and a little something extra around Christmas. The wife of course would always put on this next-to-naked excuse for a bikini and torture this pore kid as he pushed the lawn more around.
Well one day, before you know it, this kid isn’t a kid anymore. I looked out my window an this strapping young stud of 19 is getting read to mow the lawn. Like clock work my sexy wife is coming out of the bath room in that sultry looking bikini, and a big ass bottle of tanning oil. Just one look at her, even after being together for so lone, gives me the erg to fuck her brains out. I knew it could lead to trouble for the kid out side, so I told her to get changed.
“Joe!” she tells me, “I am perfectly capable of handling myself, not to mention the guy who takes care of our yard.” she argues, “I was a nation Judo champ, an Olympic and…”
“Ok, ok, go be a teas then.” I replied with my hand in the air, “Just remember he isn’t that little runt he was 4 years ago.”
My wife strolled over to where I was sitting and leaned in to give me a kiss. Suddenly I felt her grab a handful of my hair and trapped my head between her massive cans. Before I knew what was going on I was fighting for air, I wasn’t fighting hard mined you, but I had to make it look good. Once I’d had enough, I wrapped my arms around her trim waist and dug my finger into her tanned flesh. Immediately I was released from her Titty-Trap, and she squirmed to free her self from my wriggling fingers.
“Joe, don’t tickle me.” she demanded, “Please, not stop it, ah, stop it!” she pleaded, “Hehehehehe, stop it, hahahahaha.”
“Say uncle.” I ordered.
“Ok, hehehehehe, uncle, uncle, I give, hahahahaha!” she screamed.
I let my wife go, chuckling as she scurried out the bedroom door, and then out side. I wasn’t sure at the time, but I thought I’d herd some rustling outside one of the bedroom windows. When I turned to look, there wasn’t anything there. I figured it must have been a bird or a squirrel, or some other small animal, but I would soon discover I was very wrong.
It had been about 20 minuets since my wife had gone out side to lay in the sun and torment the young man. I, on the other hand, was hard at work (doing what it is I do), when the erg to pee hit me. When I got in the bathroom I looked out the window into the backyard. Sure enough, sitting on the edge of a lawn chair was Jane. My wife had discarded her top, barley covering her big tits with one arm, while holding her lotion in her free hand. The young man, his name is Brad, hadn’t waited much time getting to her, when she asked him for help.
“Oh Brad,” she cooed, “I can’t seem to get the lotion to come out of the bottle again.”
“You left the seal on it again Mrs…” he began, “…uh Jane.”
“Oh darn.“ she replied, faking stupidity, “Be a dear and rub some on my back while you’re here.” she said, laying down on the chair, “I want to keep my tan nice and even.” she explained as she ran her left foot over her right leg.
I watched with interest from behind the shear curtains, as the kid startled my wife’s lower back. The guy looked around for a minuets, and I thought he might have seen me, but her didn’t. To my surprise the little bugger tied the strings of Jane’s bikini top to the sides of the lawn chair, making it impossible for her to put it back on while he was sitting on her. A part of me wanted to dash out side, but I was also very curious to see what the kid had in mined. So I finished pissing, tucked little Joe into my pants, and zipped up.
Jane began to moan softly as the kid rubbed the lotion into her shoulders and back. I found myself strangely arouse by the sight of another touching my wife. It wasn’t that long ago that I didn’t even want other guys talking to her, I guess it was knowing that she was just teasing him, but it was really getting me hot. Brad rubbed the lotion all over her shoulders, back and even her sides, and all the time Jane played up the moaning a little more each time.
“Wow, that is so good.” she sighed, “Thanks a lot Brad.”
Normally Brad would probably get of my wife, and struggle back to the lawnmower, but this time was different. Instead he leaned forward, and whispered something in her ear. I watched as Jane pull her bikini top around her, but the kid had tied it really well. I stood up from the toilet seat, and was about to rush out the door when I heard my wife start to giggle.
“Ah, no Brad, hahahahaha, don’t tickle me there.” pleaded Jane, “It’s torture, hehehehehe, hahahahaha, stop it.”
The sound of my helpless wife pleading for mercy caused my dick to swell like a balloon> I watched with mixed emotion as she wriggled beneath the young man, as his finger danced up and down her oiled sides. I was mesmerised by what I saw, and extremely aroused. It wasn’t like anything I’d experienced before, I was actually enjoying watching another man tickle my wife.
“All these years of your teasing ways, and now I have you at my mercy.” he boasted as his hands kneaded her tanned skin, “No your going to show me those tits your always taunting me with.”
“No, no please hahahahaha, hehehehehe, hahahahaha.” she pleaded, “I can’t hehehehehe, hohohohoho, hahahahaha, please I-I’m married.”
The man seemed to dig in harder, and Jane screamed. It was a good thing we were our vacation time, or ells the neighbours would have called the Cops. I watched in au, my hand stroking my throbbing dick, I couldn’t believe how hot this was. My beautiful wife pinned down by this punk kid, and being humiliated through tickling. Any other guy would have run out the door, but I found myself unable to leave my spot. It was that much of a turn on.
“Oh, get of me, hehehehehe, hahahahaha, oh mercy please, my husband will hear us!” screamed my wife, “Oh god no more, hahahahaha, hehehehehe, I can’t stand it!”
My eye’s light up as I watched where Brads hand were heading. Slowly but surly they were moving closer and closer to her pit. The kid had even wedged hi knees against her arms in such away that her beautiful, shaven, underarms where completely at his mercy. Jane’s pit were so ticklish, even I refrained from tickling them, as it normally mad her cry.
“Show me your tits then!” ordered Brad, “Let me see your can’s and I’ll stop tickling… your pits”
Brad stopped his torture, and lifted himself of Jane just enough to let her roll on her back. No soon did my wife’s arms move away from her tit’s then the little bugger brought his thighs down over her shoulder. I could see a big smile on the spunky red heads face, as she looked up at Brad. Suddenly, and by accident, the elastic of his sweat slipped and his hard-on slapped her right on the nose. Brad got up right away and pulled his pants up over his wood, gave Jane a peck on the cheek, and went back to work. That is how I discovered I liked watching my wife getting tickled, but it’s only the first chapter of this sorted story.
To be continued…
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