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TickleChallenge.com - New Sample and some thoughts. . . .


TMF Master
Nov 25, 2006
Hey everyone,

Thanks for the feedback and comments/ suggestions on the new site. I'm encouraged thus far and really appreciate the kind words said by some of you!!!

A few responses:

1) The site is not scripted and we do not use tickle models (non-ticklish girls faking it). Therefore, some girls might not be as ticklish as others because nothing is staged. Therefore, when you watch the clips and you see the model getting tickled out, etc, we resort to ice cold water, messing with hair etc and downright annoying to get the girls to give up. "Georgia" on our site is a good example of this. She said she was "extremely ticklish" and it turned out to not be the case. So if you watch that clip, we really gave it to her. The fun thing about this site is that we do it in a manner that is not "submissive" in nature like the S&M sites (which I very much enjoy and feel that genre is more than represented). We are looking for more of a mainstream feel and I think there is a need for that. "Everyday girls being put through the ringer, not for their own enjoyment." Follow me? We disclose all of this in the Clip description so be sure to read those carefully. However, please know that we do our best to ensure the girls are naturally ticklish and only use other methods as a last resort.

2) Feet Tickling - We are working on this as we are developing a signature challenge specifically for this. Stay tuned as that should debut in mid January. Personally, I understand that there could be more feet but my personal philosophy is that this site works because of the interaction between the tickler and the girl. I find it easier to do that with UB stuff as opposed to feet but I know that this area is one where I need to improve. Stay patient with me. I am confident the foot challenge will blow you guys away once we work out the kinks.

3) Here is a link to Emily's final challenge. If you recall, at first she didn't want to do the Strip challenge, then we negotiated with her while we had in restraints, and then she refused to strip completely in the Strip so I cut a deal with her to do yet another challenge but warned her that it was going to be difficult. During this final challenge, somehow we figured out a deal to get her fully nude. This is the sample of the clip that shows that negotiation. This sample also explains what I mean about being annoying, etc and how the site is about the interaction.


This clip will be on the website later tonight. http://www.ticklechallenge.com

Finally, I know this site might not fit into the mold of other sites but that is the point. I am a huge fan of tickling videos but only decided to do this venture because I felt I had something new to say. Hopefully,you guys agree with me!!

Stay tuned as we have even more amazing contestants in the coming weeks. . .

Please send input and ideas to me at [email protected] as I am always looking to improve. . . . .

Thanks again for checking out the site and we appreciate the support!!

Tickle Challenge
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It is amazing to me that there aren't more sites like yours.

On the very rare occasion that tickling is featured in a mainstream game show (like "Distraction") or a fetish site features a real tickling contest (challenge) of some sort, the response is normally huge.

Even though I am a foot tickling fanatic, I do like the upper body action on your site, and the whole challenge aspect. There are some very nice bods / breasts on the site. I have bought several clips even though I normally stay away from anything without "torturous" feet tickling and well-secured feet.

I am very much looking forward to the foot challenges.

Please try to have foot challenges where the tickler doesn't have to use one hand to hold the ticklee's feet still. I really hate that - it even happens on other sites when the ticklee is mummified (what a waste of duct tape)!

Very much looking forward to new stuff - hope you guys make lots of money and tons of clips.
Tickleman_74 said:
Hey everyone,

1) The site is not scripted and we do not use tickle models (non-ticklish girls faking it).

Hey it's great that you're starting to film video and all but please don't get so cocky so soon. This is a really hard biz to do well in.

Regarding your statement above, please tell all of us which tickling video companies you think "use tickle models (non-ticklish girls faking it)" ....? Really, we all want to hear your list of fake companies (since you are somehow magically so real and so different than all the others)

And since our company name has been TC Video for 6 years, do you really feel the need to call yourself TC at the end of your posts? It would be common courtesy not to identify yourself the same way as an already established tickling video company. I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

OOps, didn't realize the TC connection. I will respect you using that first and will edit my posts this week. Ticklerin Black? If TC is Realtickling, then I am a fan of your sites . . . . .

AND I believe in one of my posts I gave you guys kudos that I was a fan. I am sorry if any of my statements reflected otherwise. . . . . . As for the other producers using fake models, etc., I am not going to grant your request because I am not in the bashing business of others. .

Again, sorry for any confusion with the use of TC. . . .


This exchange is going to obliterate any possible discussion about well-secured feet on the site.
I do not see the big deal about you using the initials "TC".
Your site is called "tickle challenge". It only makes sense.

TIB signs his posts "TIB", not "TC".
thank you boss ... nice preview clips... pretty ticklish girl in the clip ... but let;s say Iam a Jolene fans freak ... can you share more of Jolene preview clips to us ? ... more longer more good...
Keep it up ..
To Tickler In Black

TIB, why must u be such an arrogant ass towards everybody else that has a tickling company???

Yes, you have produced a lot of great stuff over the years! Yes I have blown my bank account many times on your vids and clips. But, there is an amount of respect that should be given to anybody in the biz because you're one of the pioneers...but you're not THE best company out there, so stop trying to to be so judgemental of everybody else!!

At least Tickle Challenge is trying something new!!! How many more chained on the floor, pink board or the other few contraptions you use are going to remain interesting? Oh...I forgot...hypno tickling was the new fad!!! How many of those clips have u sold???

You're telling other people to not be so cocky, but you really need to take your own advice!!!
Thank you ... and comments

First, thanks for being willing to provide the community with some unique content and attractive models. It takes a lot of work and opens you up for criticism. I appreciate the effort and enjoy the clips for the most part.

That being said, a comment about models who turn out not to be as ticklish as we might like. As someone who has a clips4sale site myself, I have also run into models who are less ticklish than they claimed. When that happens, I pay them for their time but their clips don't make it on to my site unless I think my customers will be satisfied. At the very least, potentially customers should be warned in the description that the model is not very ticklish, or does not laugh a lot, etc. Many of us don't but these clips to see ice water poured on women, but to see them tickled. It will be much better for your business if people do not have the experience that I had of buying their first clip from you and finding that the woman who seemed very ticklish in the preview clip was actually not very ticklish for the entirety of the real clip.

Well, that's enough complaining from me. Thanks again for your efforts and good luck in your future sessions.

hivoltage said:

This exchange is going to obliterate any possible discussion about well-secured feet on the site.

ha ha!......I certainly hope not.....I hope you are wrong..... :jester:

I believe in government TIB would be called a monpolizer. I can't believe he has not been reprimanded yet. He should be made to apologize to this newcomer.
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drycrack said:
I believe in government TIB would be called a monpolizer. I can't believe he has not been reprimanded yet. He should be made to apologize to this newcomer.

I'm nothing like that. I just say it how it is sometimes. :)

Like the many times I've given you advice about your dry crack. It seems to be very irritable to you and seems to force you to hate and only post negatively. Try some lotions. Thanks. :idunno:
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Hi Pnon, I'll try and answer your questions, but will also try and remain civil. :)

TIB, why must u be such an arrogant ass towards everybody else that has a tickling company???

Seriously, please tell me what was so "arrogant" about asking a new company to please not use the title "TC" for their company when our name has been TC Video for 6 years? What is arrogant about that? I'm asking you. I really want to know.

And, what is "arrogant" about giving good advice to a newcomer about insinuating that all the other companies use "fake tickle models" but his doesn't? Not only is that not a true statement but it will put him on the offensive and defensive with all the other great producers (whether they come out and say it in public like i did ... or not, they feel that way when they see something like that said.)

What do you do for work Pnon? Imagine a new company that started doing the same type of work you do, and them starting out by announcing to the world that others are faked companies with glaring flaws and their company is not (when that statement is not even true). You would take offense to such an unproven statement about your company, trust me. There is nothing "arrogant" about speaking up a little and telling how you feel about such statements. All in all this new company and this new guy seem like a nice person, and a cool video company. I don't have a single thing against him or his films. I just called out about the statement of "we're new, we're gonna do things right, the others are faking it." That's all.

but you're not THE best company out there...
Don't recall saying we are the best company out there. I recall many others saying it about us. There is no "best company." Each has their strengths and weaknesses. Each hits and misses with ticklish models. I don't claim to be the best. I claim to be consistant and very good.

Oh...I forgot...hypno tickling was the new fad!!! How many of those clips have u sold???
The answer would infuriate you. I best not tell you how many have sold, and how many return customers to buy more of them there has been.

You're telling other people to not be so cocky, but you really need to take your own advice!

I'm not cocky I assure you. I just speak out in public a lot about what's on my mind. Other producers feel the same way but choose to not speak publicly about such things (in fear of losing sales). I don't fear losing sales. Not when a principle is involved that needs to be addressed. I'm really a pretty nice guy if you give me a chance. :)
Just wait...

Wait until I launch the new tickling trend...muhoo muhoo muhoo ha ha ha!!!! I will be so cocky that I will be rubbing dicks with Bob Barker while on the set of Price is Right.
Knot Amwezed said:
Wait until I launch the new tickling trend...muhoo muhoo muhoo ha ha ha!!!! I will be so cocky that I will be rubbing dicks with Bob Barker while on the set of Price is Right.

Damn! That would be "cocky" (pun intended). Hahahaha!
Tickleman_74 said:
The site is not scripted and we do not use tickle models
Very nice concept, I can't wait to see how your business and product evolves. In our video days, we specifically recruited and screened gals that had no adult film experience, and always had a good time. I wish you luck, looks like you're having a blast so far!

hivoltage said:

This exchange is going to obliterate any possible discussion about well-secured feet on the site.
jaba said:
ha ha!......I certainly hope not.....I hope you are wrong..... :jester:
There is now another thread for the fascinating "TC vs. the 'tickling company formerly known as TC'" discussion (titled "Apology From Tickle Challenge To TC").

So back to unhijacking this thread. Rant with a purpose coming.

I am sure that there must be others on this forum who would like to see well-secured feet on Tickle Challenge. For example, the "initiation" clips (posted here on the forum) were horrible quality, but they generated a lot of interest. The "much more than pure torture" clip (from another company) was a work of art IMHO.

The big tickling companies almost always have foot tickling scenarios where it is necessary for the tickler to use one hand to hold the tickee's foot still (even in stocks or mummified!). I can find a hundred of those types of clips for every one where the ticklees feet can't move away at all from the tickling without the need for the tickler to hold them still.

There are thousands of clips where the tickler uses two hands to tickle both armpits, then two hands to tickle the stomach and ribs, but one foot at a time with one hand because the other hand is needed to act as a bondage device. Great for upper body tickle torture fans, not great for foot tickle torture fans.

I hope that Tickle Challenge will be a little more creative and "challenging" for the contestants than the typical foot tickling setup. I guess I'll find out in January.
I mentioned on another unrelated thread that we need more lower body tickling on this forum. By lower body, I don't mean feet (we have plenty of that). I mean legs, knees, thighs, calves, and groin. Ever notice how it's either UB or feet? Girls have ticklish legs too! I wonder how squeezing a girl's kneecaps would work out.........

As for UB, while we all love the classic spots like armpits, sides, ribs, and stomach, but there are other places too! Neck, breasts, nipples are awesome examples. Or you can reach inside a girl's shirt and tickle her, or TIB, you can use that electric foot tickling thingy you always use to pull down the waistband of whatever bottoms a girl is wearing and tickle her lower stomach and just above the groin area (just like in TC Video's Sue clips). As for neck tickling, maybe you could try restraining a girls's head (a strap around her forehead would do). Why should the neck always be able to protect itself as if the victim wasn't even being restrained at all?

If you REALLY want to be a sadist (and you would get my dollar if you do), you could gag her with her own socks or panties. You could also tickle her until she pees, especially if she's wearing long jeans. And if you REAAAAALLLY want to be a sadist (and you would get my BANK ACCOUNT if you do) you could use her own urine-soaked panties as a gag. How extreme would THAT be? I know I'm a sick fuck, but I still think that some of these ideas might not be that bad ideas.

Oh, in an unrelated note, I don't want to name any names, but there are certain less-than-civil people on this thread that might want to give some serious thought on the topic of not speaking.
To TIB Part 2


I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by your, mostly, cordial repsonse. Before I say anything else, that was unexpected and appreciated.

The reason I wouldn't have expected that type of reply is because of how you come across at times on this forum towards other people. Now obviously if someone attacks you, you attack back. No prob. The thing is the way you spoke out towards Tickle Challenge sounded very condescending and you have spoken that way to many members over the years. It might not be "what" you're saying that makes somebody offended!!

I think I can speak for everybody when I say that when u speak on this forum, we expect respect because we are customers of yours or have been!! Wouldn't you not go back to a store if the manager talked disrespectfully to you?

So, my response was sparked by your statement to Tickle Challenge, but it was not aimed solely at that one post. It made me want to speak up as a consumer of yours and bring to your attention how you come off sounding at times!!
Before this thread is pulled. Can I use her as a screen saver or will this upset someone too?? :ermm:
More strip tickling

Tickler in black, you make great stuff. I would like you to do some videos of tickling games such as this one.
And as to suggestions, make the rules a bit harscher so the girls strip a bit more and more often (start with more clothes if you want to drag it out). If she let go of one hand, strip. If she says stop, strip. if she screams, strip. Make her hold something in ther mouth or between her knees etc and if she drops it, strip. And use feathers. Finally, dont be so scared of tickling their breasts and legs.
I've got money down on TIB if it comes to blows. :2poke:

Juuuuuust kidding. Not trying to agitate a ticklish situation. :imouttahe
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