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Ticle Pimp in Athens part 3

Kid Indy

TMF Expert
Oct 12, 2001
Tickle Pimp in Athens

part III

by Kid Indy

Laura Adams had been acting very strange of late. Tina, a classmate in some sociology classes, had barely noticed at first, but the patterns were undeniable. She was disappearing weekend nights, when she used to hang out downtown, only to return to the dorm in the morning. No cars were picking her up or dropping her off, and she didn't seem to be dating anyone. Beyond that, her habit of taking her feet out of her shoes during classes was becoming absurd; she would actually stare at her own feet, wiggling the toes while the prof was lecturing and seeming fascinated with them.

Tina had known Laura since they went to high school together in Atlanta. Laura had been miss popularity in high school while Tina had been the young activist. Things in those respects had not changed, but now Tina herself had blossomed into a beauty. Her dark eyes, full hair, and expressive face could melt hearts when she was happy, strike fear when she was angry, and drastically increase membership when she recruited for the environmental club. Although she mainly hung out with poets and musicians, many outside the art crowd looked on her with more than intellectual admiration. She still didn't talk much to Laura, but she was getting worried. She had asked Laura once where she'd been disappearing to, and Laura had made up something about a new job. Trying to be a good friend, Tina decided to follow her one Saturday night.

Staying about a block behind her, Tina crept along the streets downtown Athens. Laura had ventured away from the usual party spots and was heading into the residential district, and Tina was afraid that she had some older man she wasn't telling anyone about. Still keeping her cool, she followed two, three, four blocks. Laura walked up to a storefront, the sign unreadable in the dark, and started to knock on the door. Tina broke into a run, and her strides alerted Laura. Looking panicked, the sorority girl tried to wave the campus activist back. Too late. Jim's big frame filled the glass door, and after a click of the lock throwing, the door opened.

Tina confronted the two of them as soon as she crossed the distance. "What is this? Laura, who is this guy? What are you doing out here?"

Laura, about to speak, suddenly felt Jim's hand clamp onto her arm. He spoke up, "Why, Laura's doing a shoot for us. We're a modeling agency, you know."

"Why in the world are you doing a photo shoot this late at night?"

"This way we can hit the papers first thing tomorow morning," Jim countered, still squeezing Laura's arm. "If you'd like to come in and see, we'll be happy to show you."

Tina was mostly convinced; Georgia had just scored an upset win over Tennessee, and the Sunday papers would be a good time to do football-related ads. All the same, she wanted to see. "Alright. I would like to come in and see."

Laura was in agony; she knew that Tina was in for it but feared what Jim might to should she give him away. She glared at Jim, but Jim shot her a look that let her know that bad things would happen if she did not play nicely. The three went downstairs to the "studio," and Jim opened the door so that Laura could go into the changing room. "You see, Tina, we're going to do a shoot of Laura in some Georgia gear standing with her foot up on that Tennessee chair over there." Jim pointed to the orange seat where Laura's wealthy tickler would soon sit.

Tina's head snapped to look when another door opened. A woman, middle height with short brown hair and mirrored sunglasses, was walking towards them. "Jim, who is our visitor here?"

"You know, Joy, I haven't asked her. What's your name?"

"I'm Tina."

Joy continued. "Is she coming to work for us?"

Tina laughed out loud. "No, I'm not working for any modeling agency. I want to be known for my ability, not my body."

Jim nodded. "That's very respectable, Tina. But think about this: what if you could do both?"

"What do you mean, both?"

"Well, look at Joy over here. She's one hell of an advertising writer and agent, but take a good look at her, up and down. She actually started out modelling for me. Really, look at her." Jim had walked behind Tina during this, turning her gently towards Joy. "Joy, get her feet."

"WHAT?" called Tina, but Jim had already bear-hugged her from behind. She tried to kick out, but Joy easily side-stepped an ill-aimed kick and grabbed her by the ankles.

Jim continued, "Let's get her to the chair." The two carrried the limber sophomore to what looked like a lightweight dentist's chair. She screamed and struggled, hurling curses at her captors, but she just could not break free. Jim held her from behind and moved her onto the chair. Joy quickly put her feet in padded cuffs at the bottom. Her flowing skirt now hung loosely over the sides of the chair, and when the cuffs locked, she could not move her legs. Jim now had both of her wrists trapped in his strong hands, and when Joy came up to join him, she took one arm from him. They quickly subdued her arms, locking them into more padded cuffs on the arms of the chair. She could feel the cool air moving against her skin under her T-shirt sleeves, and she knew that she was utterly helpless. She decided that remaining defiant might be her only way out.

"What the hell kind of place is this?"

Jim ignored her and said to Joy, "I need to get Laura ready for this session. Joy, you can explain to her. And give her a... talent test." The two exchanged a grin, and Jim walked over to the tickling bench. Laura emerged from the dressing room in what a Hooters girl might wear were she a big UGA fan.

Tina screamed across the room, "Laura, get me out of here!" Laura looked at her but could not maintain eye contact. Horrified, Tina watched as Laura, barefoot and barely clothed, was put in stocks and cuffs and placed in an even more helpless position than her own. She turned to Joy, and with venom she asked, "Is this some kind of sick brothel?"

Joy, her sunglasses now looking entirely sinister, replied, "No, no sex goes on here. But it is entertainment."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'll let you watch the first few moments of what goes on, and then we'll test you for talent." Jim had exited the room again.

"You people can't hold me against my will. I've got friends back on campus. They're going to find out I'm gone, and--"

Joy put her hand over the young captive's mouth and whispered, "You're going to be back on campus well before the partying is over. Don't worry." After a few minutes of waiting in silence, they heard the door open again. A man in his late twenties, dressed in an orange sweatshirt and blue jeans, was following Jim across the room.

"You've been made aware of the rules. Fifteen, five, fifteen. She's all yours."

Tina cried out, "NO!" and the football fan turned to see.

"Jim, what's that one doing here?"

"She's trying out tonight."

"She's a cute one--I've always wanted to tickle one of those granola types, you know."

"Well, I'll tell you what. You paid for Laura tonight, and she's yours for now. If we can convince you to part with some more money and convince her to wait around for us, we might be able to do a double header."

Tina started screaming again, "I'll never do anything for you, you sick pig! I'd rather--" Once again Joy's hand was over her mouth. She called to him, "She needs some breaking in, as you see." Tina's fury turned to horror and curiosity as she wondered what exactly was happening. Did he say tickle?

Jim said, "Alright, the clock's started." The man walked over to the helpless Laura, moving behind her while the bound girl strained to look over her shoulder. Apparently this guy figured that, going back to Knoxville in the morning, he would never have to see her again. Without any delay he started kneading and treading on her ribs, making Laura strain against her wrist cuffs and making Tina squirm in her seat. Laura was starting to giggle from the tickling, and the man kept it up, first going to her sides, then her belly. Tina was now mortified; she knew that her whole body was ticklish beyond control, and these people were going to exploit that! The man started wriggling his fingers inside Laura's underarms, and she squealed as she kept on laughing. Suddenly Tina felt her chair moving.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"We're going in the back room. We need to see just how ticklish you are."

"NO! You will not do this to me! I'm going to the cops with this! I'm going to shut you down!"

"Tina, dear, do you think we've set up this kind of business without police support? They're some of our best customers."

"I'll go to the FBI, then!" The chair was now moving through a door into a back room.

"You'll never get that far. By the time they get here, you'll have disappeared. And you don't want to know what kind of men like to buy ticklish girls on a permanent basis." Joy closed the door behind them.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone. Just let me go!"

"No, Tina. You came to us, remember? Now I'm going to see what you might bring to our business. Joy produced a pair of scissors from a table by the chair. "Don't worry--I'm not going to hurt you." Joy pressed a button, and the arms of the chair began to rise until until Joy's elbows were parallel with her shoulders. Joy quickly cut the sleeves off of her T-shirt. Then she moved to Tina's feet and, despite her struggles, removed her canvas shoes and socks. Joy got a blowdryer, plugged it into the wall, and began to dry her feet.

"What are you doing?"

"Dry feet are more ticklish."

"Look, I don't want any of this. I don't want your money, and Ieee!" Joy had grabbed Tina's hip and given it a good squeeze. The game had begun. "Don't do that!"

Joy started massaging peppermint oil into Tina's feet, which made the girl gasp. She had no more ideas to convince this woman, so she just decided that she wasn't going to laugh. Maybe if they thought she wasn't ticklish, they would let her go. Maybe.

"Okay, Tina. Time to start systematically." Tina braced herself as Joy squatted next to her left side. Reaching underneath the elevated chair arm, Joy began to tease Tina's side. Tina's breathing got shallower, but she managed to keep her cool. "You're fighting it, Tina. I can tell that. You can't fool me."

"I'm not ticklish," Tina said through clenched teeth. She moaned ever so slightly as Joy started to creep up her side onto her ribs. Now a noise was escaping her closed mouth, a giggle that wanted to come out. Joy lingered, pressing each rib in succession and making it more and more difficult not to react.

"Let's see what this does." When Joy started in on Tina's armpit, the facade dissolved, and Tina opened her mouth in a lively laugh that she wished never came out. Now that Joy had her laughing, she leaned across, putting fingers in both armpits and raining the torture down on this new victim. She worked both armpits for some time, then kept one hand in her left armpit while the other reached under her T-shirt and tickled her belly. Although the muscles were not hard like Laura's, her belly had little fat on it (through sheer metabolism) and had a pleasing, soft feel. Joy felt this softness quite a while, and Tina began to sweat as she kept laughing. She had no idea how long this was going on, but Joy eventually stopped. She walked down towards her feet, and Tina began to beg.

"Please, I'll do anything. Just stop."

"Never say that, Tina. There are worse things than tickling. Anyway, I'm just starting to have fun, and you are too!" Tina tried to protest, but before she could begin, Joy was starting to scratch at the soles of her feet with long fingernails. Tina was now bucking madly; nobody had tickled her feet since grade school, and she had forgotten how maddening that can be. "Now I see where you like this the most. Now tell me about yourself, Tina." She had stopped, and Tina looked at her in wild desparation. "I want to know--what makes you tick? Are you in a sorority?"

"No," said Tina.

"What do you do? Why are you here?"

"Don't act like you care."

"Tina, that was rude." Joy began again on her soles, tickling mercilessly and sending Tina back into spasms of laughter. She let up again and asked, "What's your cause, Tina? You seem like a girl with a cause."

"I'm an environmentalist," she replied. Her voice sounded like a six-year old's talking about what she wanted to be when she grew up.

"Well, Tina, when you come to work for us, we'll have to make sure that we make that part of your incentive. Girls like Laura will do this just for the money, but I know you want something more."

"I don't want to work for you! I hate this!"

"Ah, but Tina, remember that we've got connections. We can get local politicians to listen to us. You can do that. It's just a matter of finding out which ones like to tickle you."

"That's not the way I want to fight my battles!" Some of the ferocity had come back into her voice, but Joy quickly drove it out with another salvo on Tina's soles. Soon the sophomore's voice was only doing what Joy wanted it to do.

"Well, Jim will talk with you after tonight's over about payment. But I'd certainly ask him. We do have connections, you know. Now, I'm going to break you in so that you don't have the problems Laura had with her first client. Did I ever tell you that mint is my favorite ice cream flavor?"

Tina had no idea at first what she was talking about, but as Joy leaned over her feet, she remembered the peppermint oil on her feet. She screamed, "No! Don't put your tongue on my feeeeee!" Joy held Tina's toes back with one hand, scratched at her heel with the other, and in between was probing and tormenting with the tip of her tongue. Now Tina was really panicked, although thinking about it later, it all seemed very funny at the time. She screamed and laughed and squealed and panted, and Joy would not relent. Tina was beginning to worry that she'd lose control of her bladder, when suddenly the door behind Joy opened. Jim came through, and Joy stopped the tongue-lashing.

"So, Tina, are you interested in making a quick five hundred bucks? Our UT fan out here is offering good money for a session with you."

Tina looked down at Joy, who was licking her lips. She looked back up at Jim. "Yes, I'll take it. Just get me away from this woman!"
I always imagined rachael leigh cook as the 'granola type' that gets tickled in this one.
very good stories so far keep up the good work. I f you can add in one of the lee's wearing thigh high stockings.
Good series. How About......

Suggestion (really a request) wouldn't it be just tooooooooo bad if a cute little UGA Gymdog girl or two were caught up in all this? :woot:
Wow... didn't know this story would have a renaissance. For those interested, the first TP series does have a f/f sequence (just search under my handle). Also, I'm working on a new TP episode (after a long hiatus), though it doesn't involve any gymnasts.
Are you kidding? This is one of my all time favorite series'. I was really dissapointed when you stopped writing. I cant wait to see what you have in store for us. Cheers.
Thank you much. I never really stopped; I just slowed down considerably when grad school got that much harder. Now that summer's here, I should be able to post a few more stories.
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