1. Post an image of your favorite lolcat, failblog, or demotivational poster. Why is it your favorite?
I hate cats with a passion, buuuut.... I like kittens. It's a damn shame that they have a tendency to grow up into cats. With that being said, this is my favorite:
2. What's the worst job you've ever had? What's the best?
Hmmm. I've had my fair share of jobs in my day. I really wish I could say that being a fluffer really sucked, but I can't... not because I'd like it, actually, but because I've never been a fluffer.
I'd say that my worst job was probably my first job ever. I was 16ish and worked in the cafeteria of a large hospital. I prepared the food for ALL the patients in the hospital (with help from others, obviously). This wasn't the bad part though. The bad part was delivering the food and either walking in on some old man taking a shit, a naked person or a woman breastfeeding. THEN, the second worst part was having to clean up the food, because, let's face it -- these people are in the hospital. I don't want to touch their food and utensils after their nasties have been all over it.
The best job would be my current job, and my last job is a close second. I am a dental assistant and love what I do. I like to see gross, gory things. My last job was in technical support and the reason it was one of the best was because it was so damn easy and I was the best there was, seriously.
3. Describe your bedding.
See Flatfoot's answer, considering we share a bed. Although, I'll be a little more accurate. 3 comforters, 2 body pillows, 4 regular pillows, 1 travel pillow, Chris's ugly, but very comfortably lion blankey and my "banky". The abundance of pillows is what I picked up while I was pregnant to gain comfort and it's stuck since.
4. What's the most child-like item you own?
Aside from an ACTUAL CHILD, I own a lot of childish things. Oh and don't let Flatfoot tell you he doesn't own anything childish. He so does.
5. Have you ever met a celebrity? Who?
I've *seen* a few celebrities in person, rather than "met" one. Ian Ziering (back in the day, from 90210), Jerry Springer, drawing a blank.
6. What kind of furniture is in your living room?
See Flatfoot's answer. >>>>
My coffee table, with end table of similar style,
and my couch, which looks
similar to this one.
There's also a maroon recliner, a corner curio cabinet, a dvd shelf, our son's little corner chairs, and our TV stand.
7. If you could have a giant, never-empty gumball machine placed anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
I'd hang it from that arch in St. Louis. (This was the first thing that popped into my head)
8. Have you made any eco-friendly changes in your life? If so, what?
We built our house with all Energy Star appliances.
I also re-use my towels after showering... c'mon! I'm clean when I use them!
9. How do you feel about gatherings, and why? Could your mind be changed?
As to not offend anyone, I will simply ignore this question!
10. If you found a nest of chipmunks under your deck, would you exterminate them, or feed them and give them fluff for their nest?
This reminds me of a time when I was about 5 or so and my father had accidentally run over some baby rabbits with the lawn mower that had made a nest near one of our bushes. I'd do the same thing now as we did back then... we bottle fed them and took care of them, but unfortunately they didn't survive. I am convinced, though, that if we had Google back then, they would be alive now today.