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Top 5 people on the TMF you would most wanna meet?


TMF Expert
Sep 6, 2001
Thought this would be a good thread. Instead of saying EVERYONE name the 5 people from here you most would wanna meet in real life and give a reason. Mine would be...

1. MaxSpeers- The second biggest arm/armpit tickle fan out there, second to me. hehe..

2. Mimi- She loves being tickled under her arms. She is cute and seems like a nice girl. Good enough for me.

3. Jeff- All those hott girls he has tickled before. Would love to sit down and talk about them with him.

Can't think of anymore right now. Mainly all of you but those three pop to my mind. Anyone else?

I would like to meet Max Speer, Jeff, Cosmo, and last but not least, I would like to meet Myriads, because he has done a great job with this forum. I wouldnt mind meeting all of you.....but those four were the first to pop into my mind!
Haven't thought about this much, I'd like to meet Myriads and Jeff and everyone else who makes the Good Ship T.M.F. run smooth and straight (or possibly smooth and askew, as it may be), just to shake their hands and offer thanks. I also think I'd get along well with Scooby, as I tend to get along with other sanity-challenged folk :-D And Tummyticklish is my kind of girl. Every time I read one of her posts I wonder why I can't meet someone like that in real life.
Actually I WOULD like to meet everyone, but if I had to pick 5...

Marauder- I've talked at length with him and we've written some stuff together, I'd like to see if he's really as screwed-up as I am. he he he

Morandalis- Pretty much same reason. He's been getting a lot of my stuff out there for which I am eternally in his debt.

Hal- He helped me with a lot of tech stuff and has shared a lot with me.

DallasFootTickler- this guy has been an outspoken fan of my work, so I'd like to meet him to see if we're all that similar.

Myriads- I'd like to meet the brains behind the Machine.

Mimi- she knows why:D

TiB- us Sadists need to stick together...

Mistress Mia- mostly curiosity

(Ok, I know that's more than 5 so sue me...I can think of so many more and I hate leaving anyone out. Everyone here is so receptive and friendly I can't really limit this.)
...In no particular order...

Haltickling...We old farts gotta stick together

Morandilas...Has brought us SOOO much material

MTPJeff...See Sandman's post, and also refer to Morandilas in this post

Noeyes...The Grand collector, also refer to Hal in this post

FTKL...So I could SHAKE the rest of that Madam Koo story from him

Honorable Mention goes to the following:

Slacker...How could ANYONE piss off SO many folks and still live? I admire that.

Strelnikov...Or however you spell that...See Hal in this post

Tickleish Jessica...I wanna see if she really laughs like she does in the chatroom

Oblesklk...Who WOULDN'T wanna meet this Icon?
Man, I'm thrilled to meet anyone who loves tickling, and have had the honor of meeting several people who haunt these hallowed, tk-howling halls, but excluding them, I'd say, in no official order: Mimi (I've chatted with her back in the IRC #tickling days), elaah, evilqueen, Dave2112, Hahathna (love that art!), Scamwich and GrippedChimp. (Okay, it's 6, but I'm greedy.) ;-)

Smiley, or anyone else for that matter, drop me a line anytime.
My door's always open....
A few names

My fave five would probably be.

1) dig dug dog: he has been a great friend to me, great stories too.

2) Myraids: Get inside the head of the trivia master!

3) Jess same reason as threxx

4) Mimi, very funny person, but can she make me laugh?

5) Mia, learn from a true tickle master.

I dont know many members here properly, but I would love to meet the people who made this place such a success!
Actually, the number one person on the TMF that I feel I can sit down and have a beer with--besides Haltickling, with whom I've ALREADY sat down and had a beer--is WallStreet. His posts are always spot-on target, intelligent, well-reasoned and written. I believe that we'd have a lot in common. Plus, he's also taken the giant step of hiring a Playboy model, as well as other bondage models, to tie and tickle on video. Which reminds me...will this video ever be released in our lifetime?

Others, in no particular order, include MaxSpeer (with whom I've spoken on the phone a couple of times many years ago), Kathy, Jeff, TIB, Morandilas...pretty much all of the creators of product.
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Too Many....

Would like to meet quite a few actually, but here's 5 :

1-Strel....yeah, it's because you can cook, and you are another avid RH fan among many other things.

2-dvnc- my long lost twin brother, now trapped on the wrong coast!

3- MMia- a hunch, but given her background, i think we'd be able to chat on a LOT of subjects, and I have always been curious about a few things she has hinted at in her posts.

4- red indian--because he has a "different" POV than I, and is interesting. :)

5- Myriads, Hal, Njjen,MadKalnod, Dave2112,Everlast, ScottPsycho, Mimi, Oblesklk,elaah, EvilQueen,glentickle,Biscuit, dig dug dog,drunknmstr....and about 20 more....lol

Yeah, couldn't even come CLOSE to only naming 5! Q
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Just 5 ?

I have met quite a few already at Nest and other gatherings but of the ones I haven't, I will say:

Mikey - I will tickle him to death one day! I will duct tape him and tickle him until he loses it for making me wait so long to see his cute face!

Myriads~goes without saying.....

qjakal~he makes me laugh without ever exchanging anything but TMF posts

Mia~ share stories and ideas with her

a lurker named mike lol

my list of 5 for now : ),
my 5

The 5 I'd like to meet are:

1) Kujman: The pioneer in my opinion. Hope your doing ok sir!
2) NJjen: She just seems so sincere
3) Wallstreet: A man of like mind.......I hope ;-)
4) MTPJeff: Gotta find out how he gets the girls to do it!
5) Kathy from RT: Another video master who just seems to understand us.

I have another but its not really a "like to meet".......its more a wish to reconnect with a good person who was nice to me. ;)

But thats for another time!

Awww..you guys!

I am sitting here, 50 shades of red, after reading this post. Thank you Sandman, Dave, Smiley, Feetclimax, and Q all for including me in their lists. I am honestly quite flattered.

I could sit here for hours and name people I would love to meet from here. My obvious answer would be darn near everyone I have ever talked to since joining the TMF 2 weeks ago. I have never found such a large grouping of such wonderful, friendly, intelligent, and facinating people before. It has truly been a dream come true. My top 5 would probably be:

1. Slacker....for reasons only he could explain...lol. And for opening me to a whole new world of tickling.

2. Lady_Tickler (Mimi's_Tickler)...hey, his new nickname says it all :) What a lovie!

3. Uni...A complete sweetheart and possibly the biggest nut I have ever had the joy of speaking with

4. Myriads...The mere mention of his name commands respect, and he is turning out to be a wonderful friend.

5. Dave2112...I would love to meet the mind behind the stories. A most talented man indeed.

6. Cozzie (Cosmo)...To kick his rear in r/l...hahaha (revenge will be had, my boy)

7. Rhythmdoctor...How I'd love to get him giggling...and he makes a helluva mixed drink.

8. Jeff...who wouldn't want to be tickled by the Master?

9. Daddy...his website has been a favorite of mine for a long time.

10. Evil Queen...she's a bright and fun lady. A true joy :)

Okay okay, so that's more then 5. Others that would also be placed on my mile long list would be Q, Sandman, Charlie, Mark, Falcon, Cat, Tkmlewithurtoes, MikeNY, Smiley, Penman, Caverna, njjen, Giantfan, TickleGuy, ticklishtiffani, Enny, Kwildoctr, Biff, TickleMeToDeath, oh geez. I am forgetting a million people. The list could go on and on. To sum it up, I love you all! :D
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So many fun people to talk to in this forum, many more than 5.

My list would be:

1. Heather (because you just LOVE to be tickled!)
2. Kathy from RealTickling (because you are just so lovely)
3. Ayla (but where have you been?)
4. Mia (you don't know me, but I'd love to see the look in your eyes after you'd tie me up)
5. Ali (because of your intelligence and warmth)
I want to meet you all.

First I have to say that I feel blessed to have met many of you already.

Myriads- When I was preparing to come up here last April, I said to josie, I want to meet Myriads. It was a pleasure.:cool:

Mia- When you and Neil arrived at the Hyenas gathering the whole flavor changed. I have never wanted to be on the giving end more. :D

TTD- What can I say? You made me what I am today. This guy made me recognize my masochistic potential. :p

Max- I don't know if you even remember meeting me, but you made a dream come true for me at the 10/99 NEST.

josie- my bestest friend. Your belly button is yummy. WEG

tcrewme- You are delightfully evil. Only 2 more weeks. Yeah.

and the many others that I have met at gatherings, it was also a pleasure.

Now, for those I have yet to meet:

DVNC- By the time we do meet, my SAM mouth will have gotten me in sooo deep. LOL. I hope you have the energy to exact a proper revenge, you old geezer. OOPS, I did it again.:p

qjakal- You and me on a deserted farm with no one for miles? If I survive, it will be something I will cherish forever.

Giantfan- I am going to Florida on Tuesday the 30th. and returning on Friday the 2nd. I have lay overs at Newark in both directions.

Mimi-After chatting with you, I know that we would have a blast. When you finally make that east coast visit, put me and Master Pete on your list. ;)

Why don't we all meet at the Equator and have a HUGE gathering?
The 5 people I would most like to meet are:

1) Marauder (I love his kind spirit and he is turning out to be a great friend as well. I smile whenever I think of him!;Not to mention he's incredibly cute and ticklish!!! )

2) Myriads-for making me feel at home

3) Uni- for being there when I needed him

4) footticklerUK- lots of tickling fun

5) MTP Jeff- I would love to make a video someday.
I like this thread

This thread could actually lead to fabulous meetings. Let's keep it alive. It was almost at the bottom of the page.

just 5?

Tryin' t'think of a way t'pick only five, and a way to give 'em equal priority. Can't do it, so far. Q's right.

I wanna meet the rest o' my fellow mods, most. I already met Jeff, MTJ Pub, Max, and Kujman, but have never met the rest o' the fine crew o' mods here. I especially wanna meet Oblesklk, 'cause we worked on a site together long ago (in internet time, anyway), Myriads, 'cause he's s'damned cool all th' time, and Mia, 'cause it's Mia, and she rocks, evil_queen, the new kid, Marauder, Hal...

Thing is, I wanna meet a number of folks here, that aren't mods, and won't likely show to gatherings out west (by my silly assumptions, anyway):
1) qjakal - 'cause he's my good twin ;) but on the early coast.
2) Strel - 'cause it wouldn't seem right t'meet q and not meet Strel. It'd be like a cigar wit' no port. No, it don't mean I think either of 'em are pungent, either.
3) daddy - known his presence forever, and still wanna actually MEET him
4) Kathy and 5) the TIB - they've always been so kind, and I used to review videos, and will again, and they take such so genially.

See? I ran outta room before even mentionin' red indian or Ayla. I didn't even get t'Wallsteet, Biscuit, Dave2112... well, y'get the idea. Too many that I wanna meet.

Then there's the folks I *know* I'll meet, 'cause we do things likewise, gathering t'philes t'gether, like TTD, and NJJen, and the fine events they've started. Matter o'time 'til I'm on the other coast...

Heck, there's already a number of folk here that I *have* met, though. It's a fine thing t'have hosting gatherings as a hobby, and attendin' other events in the country. Beyond the Mods I met already through gatherings, there Ticklechgo, QBWeaver, SmileyTkls, josie, terorizer, elaah, and a bunch of others. It's why I do what I do, with these events. Great to meet the people. The tickling is pretty good, too. ;)
Re: Hmm

Biscuit said:
Jeff - What can I say, I respect a self-made man. Especially one with the guts to say what he thinks to both friends, enemies, and customers. Yes, I too am short and wear glasses, but so did Napoleon! :)

I am NOT short! ;)
Well.... ok... But this is going to be hard to keep the list to 5.

Max- Whoops... know him well - Friend, brother

DVNC - Whoops... know him too!

TickleChgo - Whoops... know him too! Darn it! LOL

Jeff - Met him here and in Phili and went out to visit in LV too!

Bob Hare - know him also!!!

ok... I've met SO many but there are SO many more to meet. Can you say CONVENTION TIME?
I would be most interested in meeting those folks with whom I've swapped posts, barbs and sometimes emails. I'm going to list them in alphabetical order so that I don't hurt anyone's feelings, even by accident. Won't even try to limit it to 5:

Captain Spalding
Mistress Mia

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I've met Morandilas, and found him to be a most gracious host. He provided us with five new captives for the Nylon Dungeon, who were...OK, just kidding. :)

I'd be happy to meet just about anybody in the group, particularly those with whom I've traded conversations, comments, etc., including Strelnikov, Qjakal, dvnc, Dave2112, and others. I don't particularly want to start naming names, because inevitably I'll leave somebody out.

I would be remiss, however, in not mentioning J the Quill and Marauder, who have consistently been among the Nylon Dungeon series' biggest cheerleaders. Go ND! Thanks, guys, for your support.

I have been lax about congratulating the fine writers we have here on the forum! Your ND concept is superb! I'd just like to see one where there is an "escape"...think it would be hilarious for her to try to convince someone of the existence and intent of the dungeon. Another idea I'd like to see explored is a "promotion" from within system, whereby a reformed captive would head up a female/male version for our other forum members delight...just my quick thoughts D. Terrific stuff overall! Q
I'd have to say qjakal and Strelnikov are at the top of my list-o-five, with their fellow members of the Smart Cookie Brigade (Haltickling, MistressMia, DVNC, WallStreet, etc.) close behind. Q gets top billing for his appreciation of the genius that is Straczynski, and Strel shares the limelight for actually knowing Tim Zahn and other SF luminaries. Their turbo-charged brainpower ensconced within remarkably level heads are the main qualifications, though.

I had once thought it might be interseting to meet Scott face to face for the theological debating equivalent of a Texas Steel Cage Match, but I've grown to suspect that such an event would be disappointingly reminiscient of the King Arthur vs. the Black Knight scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail...
(MadKalnod: "Look, your left arm's gone."
Scott: "Tis but a flesh wound. Have at you!"
MadKalnod: "Your legs are off now, too."
Scott: "Just a scratch, I've had worse. Come back here and fight like a man!"
MadKalnod: (Stepping over Scott's now-limbless torso) "Why? What are you going to do, bleed on me?"
Scott: (Frothing with denial) "I'll bite your kneecaps off, you coward!"
...and so on.

Also, Marauder. Anybody who takes their screen name from a Mage/Battletech reference is likely worth facing across the Warhammer tabletop. (Even if he does play Orks...:p )
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