2nd Level Black Feather
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If they release the photos, there will be riots in the Arab world and people will die.
And, the conspiracy theorists, who are already denying that it "really happened" and shrieking government plots, will dismiss any and all photos as fakes anyway.
So what's the point?
The Republican leaders, who have seen the pics, say they're too graphic to release and will put our troops in danger unnecessarily. Or are they part of the conspiracy to boost Obama too?
This is a smart and reasonable decision, not some awful government coverup. Please try to live in real world, where actions have consequences.
Graphic beheading images were released by the terrorists, not by the US government. 9/11 images were part of the public record from media sources, not government property. They were also not images likely to set out Arab rioting, as these would (and as pics of Saddam's sons, for example, did.)
And sorry pal, but YES, these photos WILL cause riots and deaths. They won't likely increase terrorist activity against the US. But they may well spark incidents that will get our troops killed. And they would certainly cause riots that would lead to Arab civilian deaths.
And you know who says so? John McCain. Scott Brown. And other top Republicans, who urged the pics not be released. Funny, they don't seem to think its a "load of horseshit." Or are they just Obama-loving, PC weaklings now?
I guess we will have to agree to disagree . The only way it will bring closure to this is if the pictures are shown .
It's only a matter of time before the pictures will be released. It took Obama long enough to produce his birth certificate - what makes you think that pictures of Bin Laden will arrive faster than that?
They will eventually get leaked. But Im with Obama on this one. I have family members (my dad) and friends who are over there fighting to maintain some semblence of peace. Anything that even could have the slightest possibility of endangering them further should be taken into seriouse consideration. This is after all life and death. Its hard for those who live in their cushy homes, watching their cable tv and enjoying the American lifestyle to see that.
They are always in danger and the people who want to kill the soldiers don't need a reason so I don't see how pics will increase that mentality . I don't consider the current state or America to be a lifestyle worth living for .
If they release the photos, there will be riots in the Arab world and people will die.
And, the conspiracy theorists, who are already denying that it "really happened" and shrieking government plots, will dismiss any and all photos as fakes anyway.
So what's the point?
The Republican leaders, who have seen the pics, say they're too graphic to release and will put our troops in danger unnecessarily. Or are they part of the conspiracy to boost Obama too?
This is a smart and reasonable decision, not some awful government cover up. Please try to live in real world, where actions have consequences.
They won't likely increase terrorist activity against the US.
Graphic beheading images were released by the terrorists, not by the US government. 9/11 images were part of the public record from media sources, not government property. They were also not images likely to set out Arab rioting, as these would (and as pics of Saddam's sons, for example, did.)
And sorry pal, but YES, these photos WILL cause riots and deaths. They won't likely increase terrorist activity against the US. But they may well spark incidents that will get our troops killed. And they would certainly cause riots that would lead to Arab civilian deaths.
And you know who says so? John McCain. Scott Brown. And other top Republicans, who urged the pics not be released. Funny, they don't seem to think its a "load of horseshit." Or are they just Obama-loving, PC weaklings now?
If you believe that not releasing the photos would change any of this, then you are living in a bubble....The fact that he was killed will spark those incidents with or without photos...
These are merely excuses for not producing the proof. The government wants the American people to believe them simply because they said so. They are corrupt as hell itself and this is just further proof of how they really operate.
But folks can keep waving their flags over ground zero clapping and cheering while the governments laughs over pulling another one on the masses.
There was no excuse for how any of this going down in the manner it did.
-We killed Osama Bin Laden with no other major casualties? This is the alleged mastermind of 911......he was so badass he didn't even have to be there for it to happen and he's just going to retire at some compound in Pakistan? Really? Seriously??
-Why the Navy Seals? Was there a moat to cross around the Pakistan compound in order to reach him? There's the Green Berets and the Army Rangers more suited for ground attacks. They're called the Navy Seals for a reason folks.
-Why aren't they releasing photos? They have no concern or compassion for Middle Easterners or Muslims so why start now? Besides if the Middle East will turn embassies upside down over a burned Koran, what stops them from violence over just the news of Bin Laden's assassination? Nothing so showing photos or videos won't make a bit of difference.
There's something awfully rotten in, um Denmark.......
Why do you think the government would lie about something like this? What does it gain them in the long run? Why would the Republicans support Obama when they would rather do what they can to better the odds of ousting Obama in 2012? With so many people in on the lie, the truth is bound to leak out so why risk telling a lie as big as this?
Why the Navy SEALs? Well, why not? Their name is an acronym for SEa, Air, and Land. They're just as capable as the Green Berets and the Army Rangers.
If you believe that not releasing the photos would change any of this, then you are living in a bubble....The fact that he was killed will spark those incidents with or without photos...
Ultimately nothing will make conspiracy theorists happy.
You know what would really make a conspiracy theorist happy?
Not to create the conspiracy in the first place.
If you can't smell rat with this one, something's terribly wrong with your nose.