It’s a known fact that over 95% of all REPORT ABUSE CASES are man against whom ever. But slowly the information about the true abuser is coming out, it’s females.
No, this is not WOMAN BASHING as most of you like to call it, it’s just a real simple fact that woman are the most violent abusers in the relationship both mental and physical.
Boys are taught under not circumstances should you ever put your hands on a girl in anger. Because the girl is consider smaller and weaker compare to a man.
But, when a girl hit a boy it’s not consider non-aggression just her playing with him.
As teen, it is said that when a girl hit you that she’s like you. I prefer her to just tell me than to hit me with her fist, books, belts, shoe, rock, hammer, gun, knife. …..
When a couple is in a argument she might get so upset with you that she start to string, hitting the man in the face, chest, eye. This is not done out of love but of anger, but if he places one finger on her she will call the police.
When they shows up the first thing that want to do is arrest the male. Why?
He could be standing there with his head busted, bleeding from the lips and nose. Stab wounds all over his body, bullet holes in his ass; she standing there with a couple of hand prints on her arm because he was trying to restrain to keep her from hitting him.
But yet he will go to jail, the most commonly used terms for arresting the male is.
YOU’RE BIGGER THAN SHE IS!!!! What type of bullshit is that??
Just because I’m 6’2 – 250lb and she 5’2” 120lbs she gets the benefit of a doubt.
Most males will not call the police to report their wife abusing them or their kids because he’s a man and he should be able to control the situation. A male that call the police is usually convict that an assault have not token place because they didn’t see it.
But should that principle be used on both side of the fence.
If you didn’t see it did it happen?
So in closing if both sides have marks they both should be locked up, force to take anger management classes and be place on probation. Instead of just arresting the male.
No, this is not WOMAN BASHING as most of you like to call it, it’s just a real simple fact that woman are the most violent abusers in the relationship both mental and physical.
Boys are taught under not circumstances should you ever put your hands on a girl in anger. Because the girl is consider smaller and weaker compare to a man.
But, when a girl hit a boy it’s not consider non-aggression just her playing with him.
As teen, it is said that when a girl hit you that she’s like you. I prefer her to just tell me than to hit me with her fist, books, belts, shoe, rock, hammer, gun, knife. …..
When a couple is in a argument she might get so upset with you that she start to string, hitting the man in the face, chest, eye. This is not done out of love but of anger, but if he places one finger on her she will call the police.
When they shows up the first thing that want to do is arrest the male. Why?
He could be standing there with his head busted, bleeding from the lips and nose. Stab wounds all over his body, bullet holes in his ass; she standing there with a couple of hand prints on her arm because he was trying to restrain to keep her from hitting him.
But yet he will go to jail, the most commonly used terms for arresting the male is.
YOU’RE BIGGER THAN SHE IS!!!! What type of bullshit is that??
Just because I’m 6’2 – 250lb and she 5’2” 120lbs she gets the benefit of a doubt.
Most males will not call the police to report their wife abusing them or their kids because he’s a man and he should be able to control the situation. A male that call the police is usually convict that an assault have not token place because they didn’t see it.
But should that principle be used on both side of the fence.
If you didn’t see it did it happen?
So in closing if both sides have marks they both should be locked up, force to take anger management classes and be place on probation. Instead of just arresting the male.