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Why do guys hide their face on camera when tickling a woman?


TMF Regular
Apr 13, 2012
I mean don't get me wrong, tickling videos are amazing to see. But what I don't know is why do ticklers wear masks, blur their face, or heck, make the camera angle different so the tickler's face isn't shown. For example, I see a tickler wear a batman mask which was silly and its from Realtickling.
A few reasons. A lot of producers, shockingly, are average schlubs. This historically has bothered women who wish there were more attractive men in their tickleporn, and some men who flip the living fuck out when they see a man involved to any extent in their whackoff vids. In addition, most people who film tickle videos do it as a side project, and are terrified about having their identities outed. I assume it stands to reason if you're found being in a tickle video, it can be played off as "wanting money", but if you're found producing them, you've essentially outed yourself. Something a lot of fetishists fear more than anything.
What ComfortEagle said. Tbh, I prefer when they are just out of shot, but my guess is that may not be as easy as just wearing a mask. It's just really kinda "wtf" when dude from Scream shows up in your porn

My guess is enough dudes complained about seeing a man on their screen while they had their dick in their hand (the flame-free forum circa 01-03) that it became kind of a standard to wear a mask, feature only female lers, or stay away from the front of the camera lol
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To hide their identity. But it seems the women would feel the need to hide their faces more than the men. It's not like those with tickle fetishes have incredibly high standards when it comes to women being tickled, seems it would be better if the women hid their faces to not have what happened to Prya happen to them.
Obviously to hide your identity so that you can't be found out to be making - and appearing in - porn.

It had nothing to do with people complaining, TIB was making videos before there was a TMF. There have always been producers who wore masks, and others who didn't. I can't think of a single instance where a tickling producer started without the mask, then started donning one because of the TMF outcry.

In fact, I can't remember any outcry about masks, ever. The only outcry I ever remember was when Skeylerata started making videos, and that was simply because he had the effrontery to be overweight and make tickle videos. And I don't remember anyone telling him to wear a mask.
I just remember seeing complaints from guys about seeing a man in the video (years ago) and, it's only my theory, that maybe those complaints may have affected future producers or how they decided to film. Just a guess of course
I just remember seeing complaints from guys about seeing a man in the video (years ago) and, it's only my theory, that maybe those complaints may have affected future producers or how they decided to film. Just a guess of course

Oh absolutely! I've seen complaints about seeing a man in a video, right to the present day. But seeing a man in a mask is still a man. Usually those producers switch to more f/f content. (Darth Sidious/Stryker seemed to be one such producer, for instance.).

I haven't seen fetish producers who only dabble in tickling don the masks, ie: responding to an outcry or customer feedback. It's always the ones that seem to be actual fetishists moonlighting as video producers. That's a clue (to me) right there. TIB didn't come off like a shlub, for instance, he was a pretty buff, muscular guy, tall.....and if there was an outcry against shlub ticklers, it obviously didn't work because there's more than ever! I think there's more of an outcry about that now then there ever was back in the day!

I think if you have the money to hire a model, buy the equipment, maybe rent a space, or already be owning one of your own, you probably are in a position that you can't afford to have your identity splashed around pornhub and the like. But in most cases, you probably have the fetish yourself and want to be involved in the play....hence, the mask.

Anyway, Darth Sidious should chime in on this thread.....Darth, your thoughts please!
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Going to go with the consensus and say its down to hiding your appearance as somehow, your boss will find out about it and won't be prepared to take the risk of a client finding out so you get the sack, but also down to guys not wanting to see another guy. The latter, I did actually ask a guy one time why they always wear masks (It just feels offputting to see a guy in a balaclava for me) and he said he found a lot of guys didn't like the idea of another guy in "their" tickle video. No idea if it's that feeling of self-insertion or if its just offputting to see another guy but thought I'd it in.
if there was an outcry against shlub ticklers, it obviously didn't work because there's more than ever!

Outcry doesn't necessarily directly translate to negative sales. If you were to go by outcry alone, you would think Tickle Abuse was the shittiest, least creative studio around, and as such sold terribly. They are actually one of, if not still the, top producers around. people bitching won't always translate into bad sales, but generally if something is posted and receives a chorus of people throwing a shitfit over it, most will opt to avoid whatever pissed them off so bad all the same.

I think there's more of an outcry about that now then there ever was back in the day!

Probably, but there's also more studios and C4S stores up now than there have ever been. Not everyone could shoot adequate video with the phone in their pocket a decade ago, now that's a realistic option. With the relative ease of getting involved come a slew of other issues.

For what it's worth, I personally don't think the "fat slob tickler" is necessarily a deathkneel for your average clip producer. But it is an issue that comes up, and something that people generally try to avoid, if to effect sales or just to avoid the unpleasantness of people seeing your face and calling you a fat ugly fuck, which surely is never a pleasant experience.
Outcry doesn't necessarily directly translate to negative sales. If you were to go by outcry alone, you would think Tickle Abuse was the shittiest, least creative studio around, and as such sold terribly. They are actually one of, if not still the, top producers around. people bitching won't always translate into bad sales, but generally if something is posted and receives a chorus of people throwing a shitfit over it, most will opt to avoid whatever pissed them off so bad all the same.

Probably, but there's also more studios and C4S stores up now than there have ever been. Not everyone could shoot adequate video with the phone in their pocket a decade ago, now that's a realistic option. With the relative ease of getting involved come a slew of other issues.

For what it's worth, I personally don't think the "fat slob tickler" is necessarily a deathkneel for your average clip producer. But it is an issue that comes up, and something that people generally try to avoid, if to effect sales or just to avoid the unpleasantness of people seeing your face and calling you a fat ugly fuck, which surely is never a pleasant experience.

Absolutely in agreement, 100%. My point - which was typically convoluted! - was I just don't think that producers who use masks are doing it because of customer outcry; as I said, I can't think of a single instance in which a producer started maskless, then put on a mask after getting complaints about seeing a man in a video.

But sure, maybe some have done it pre-emptively, to avoid any kind of judgment of how they look, I can see that. I think the "I don't want my job and my family to find out" is probably the number one motivator, however.
This conversation reminds me of the Howard Stern show - whenever they'd have an attractive female guest, fans would write in to complain about Baba Booey's being so ugly that it would ruin an otherwise fun and sexy moment. Gary actually isn't a particularly ugly person, it's just sort of part of the show lore and people love to break his balls.

So partly in response to that and partly just from merciless ball-busting, they started making Gary wear a welder's mask whenever they would do that. And because he's the producer of the show, he couldn't just bow out of that particular segment - they need him there to run things, so he'd have to put on that embarrassing mask.

And inevitably the girl would ask what was going on, and Howard would cheerfully explain "Gary's face is so disturbing that people write in to complain if we put him next to a woman."

The welder's mask was heavy iron so eventually they graciously allowed him to switch to a beekeeper's mask.
Oh absolutely! I've seen complaints about seeing a man in a video, right to the present day. But seeing a man in a mask is still a man. Usually those producers switch to more f/f content. (Darth Sidious/Stryker seemed to be one such producer, for instance.).

I haven't seen fetish producers who only dabble in tickling don the masks, ie: responding to an outcry or customer feedback. It's always the ones that seem to be actual fetishists moonlighting as video producers. That's a clue (to me) right there. TIB didn't come off like a shlub, for instance, he was a pretty buff, muscular guy, tall.....and if there was an outcry against shlub ticklers, it obviously didn't work because there's more than ever! I think there's more of an outcry about that now then there ever was back in the day!

I think if you have the money to hire a model, buy the equipment, maybe rent a space, or already be owning one of your own, you probably are in a position that you can't afford to have your identity splashed around pornhub and the like. But in most cases, you probably have the fetish yourself and want to be involved in the play....hence, the mask.

Anyway, Darth Sidious should chime in on this thread.....Darth, your thoughts please!

Ah! Thanks for rewording it for me. You make some good points. I do get the vibe that a lot of producers realize they can't please everyone and just do what they want anyway.
I've seen the reason for men wearing a mask being that they don't want men who watch their videos to be distracted by another man in the video/worry about being insulted for their looks more than being about privacy. But i still agree that privacy is a big reason, and i learned from this thread is that it's actually the biggest reason. Of course yeah, who wouldn't want to protect their identity from being outed if they just started producing videos.

Hell, sometimes the mask is another fetish being involved.
ill always thought it was so they don't get noticed on the street me personally I would probably try and hide my face as well
Great answers from everyone so far :xpulcy:

I don't have much to add but I would like to chime in. I find the "identity" explanation a bit unsatisfying. If that was the case, wouldn't the women wear a mask too? But you never see that; it's always the man.

I think it's odd. After all when shooting a video, one should accept the fact that they'll be filmed, shouldn't they? I understand if it's a confidence issue, but still, few people are THAT ugly, lol :p

If anything, I hope we'd see less balaclavas. It puts me off way more than having a dude in my porn, which I don't mind if he is a good tickler (the Frenchtickling guy comes to mind). I also wish there were more handsome men in the business, cause it's way better for identification purposes.
For me, it's a combination of all of the above, but primarily because of privacy. I'm not a model and there's nothing to be gained by giving my identity out through my videos, even more so now they get plastered all over pornhub and more mainstream sites like FB, Youtube etc. A gif from one of my clips became a FB meme that got millions of views - had my face been in it that would have been problematic for me personally. Producing videos is my full-time job but it doesn't mean I don't still take on other work. My other work has and still does involve supporting vulnerable adults and whilst I don't have much time available to do that now, I would still like to return to that in the future.

To give some idea of how this can affect people, one of the two guys I used for F/M clips (the former partner of one of my models) did a few clips for me, not wearing a mask. After the second or third time he shot for me he lost his job. Why? Because a girl in his office saw one screenshot of him from one of my clips in a FB post and reported him to the management. They literally dragged him in to the office, gave him a humiliating grilling about it and fired him that day.

Besides all of that, I personally think the guys can be distracting for a lot of viewers of M/F clips who want to imagine themselves in the role. I agree that masks are equally distracting and I've always gone to great lengths to avoid them personally. I just try to play down my part in the clip. Add to this, the frequent bitching about the appearance of producers in their clips - particularly any that dare to be on the heavy side - and I think it's pretty surprising that any guys choose to show their faces.
To give some idea of how this can affect people, one of the two guys I used for F/M clips (the former partner of one of my models) did a few clips for me, not wearing a mask. After the second or third time he shot for me he lost his job. Why? Because a girl in his office saw one screenshot of him from one of my clips in a FB post and reported him to the management. They literally dragged him in to the office, gave him a humiliating grilling about it and fired him that day.

I don't quite get this. I'm not all that familiar with UK laws but where I am from it is not reason enough to fire someone :confused:

I understand the need for privacy, but I still don't quite grasp how it is a problem for men and not at all for the women?
because 90% of the time they look like ugly creepy rapists... thats why

Yeah, okay. Anyways...

Personally, I don't care for masks; I think most of the time, it takes away from the chemistry between the Ler and Lee, if there is any. I like to see a Lee enjoying themselves, and there just seems to be a piece of that missing with the masked Lers. Of course, if both parties are masked, like in the old LOL videos, that seems to level the playing field, and the Lees seem to be more relaxed and responsive. I don't have anything against producers who choose to wear them, but I think those that stay unmasked but still obscure themselves seem to have found an effective workaround.
I don't have much to add but I would like to chime in. I find the "identity" explanation a bit unsatisfying. If that was the case, wouldn't the women wear a mask too? But you never see that; it's always the man.

Of course. Because that's the gig. You're a model. Sometimes women DO wear masks. Tropical Tickling, for instance. The Allyson Darling thread, where you can see her talk about her experiences as a tickle model, she wore a mask for her shoot. Gabrielle kept her face off-camera.

And those types of clips probably sell less!

I think it's odd. After all when shooting a video, one should accept the fact that they'll be filmed

Yes, and you can have it both ways! You can be filmed, AND have your identity protected! Hence the mask! Voila!

If I myself ever made a video, I certainly would wear a mask, or keep myself off camera, not because I care about being mocked, or "turning off" a contingent of the audience, but because I don't want my identity known. I know when Wall Street used to make videos, that's why he wore a mask.

For me, it's a combination of all of the above, but primarily because of privacy. I'm not a model and there's nothing to be gained by giving my identity out through my videos, even more so now they get plastered all over pornhub and more mainstream sites like FB, Youtube etc. A gif from one of my clips became a FB meme that got millions of views - had my face been in it that would have been problematic for me personally. Producing videos is my full-time job but it doesn't mean I don't still take on other work. My other work has and still does involve supporting vulnerable adults and whilst I don't have much time available to do that now, I would still like to return to that in the future.

To give some idea of how this can affect people, one of the two guys I used for F/M clips (the former partner of one of my models) did a few clips for me, not wearing a mask. After the second or third time he shot for me he lost his job. Why? Because a girl in his office saw one screenshot of him from one of my clips in a FB post and reported him to the management. They literally dragged him in to the office, gave him a humiliating grilling about it and fired him that day.

Besides all of that, I personally think the guys can be distracting for a lot of viewers of M/F clips who want to imagine themselves in the role. I agree that masks are equally distracting and I've always gone to great lengths to avoid them personally. I just try to play down my part in the clip. Add to this, the frequent bitching about the appearance of producers in their clips - particularly any that dare to be on the heavy side - and I think it's pretty surprising that any guys choose to show their faces.

Seems clear as a bell to me!
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Of course. Because that's the gig. You're a model. Sometimes women DO wear masks. Tropical Tickling, for instance. The Allyson Darling thread, where you can see her talk about her experiences as a tickle model, she wore a mask. Gabrielle kept her face off-camera.

And those types of clips sell less!

Yes, and you can have it both ways! You can be filmed, AND have your identity protected! Hence the mask! Voila!

If I myself ever made a video, I certainly would wear a mask, or keep myself off camera, not because I care about being mocked, or "turning off" a contingent of the audience, but because I don't want my identity known. I know when Wall Street used to make videos, that's why he wore a mask.

Wheres Darth Sidious when you need him?! TMJ?! You out there? Chime in!

I must say I have NEVER seen a female lee with a mask. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I have never encountered that. Conversely, males wearing masks, whether as lers or lees, are all over the place.

I'm not sure about the "that's the deal when you're a model" argument. Aren't males (lers or lees) models too, as long as they are in a vid? At least that's how I see it.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand the need for privacy, but it's the massive disproportion of the male/female camera shyness ratio that surprises me.
I don't quite get this. I'm not all that familiar with UK laws but where I am from it is not reason enough to fire someone :confused:

Maybe that's because you live in China? lol

I understand the need for privacy, but I still don't quite grasp how it is a problem for men and not at all for the women?

It IS a problem for women! Someone alluded to that in this thread, about "what happened to Priya". There have been threads about how the reason why you see the same fetish models over and over again is because the person now knows that clips could potentially float around forever, ie: the gifs that Turtleboy mentioned in his post.
I must say I have NEVER seen a female lee with a mask. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I have never encountered that. Conversely, males wearing masks, whether as lers or lees, are all over the place.

Ok well I just gave you two examples so.......go look 'em up.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand the need for privacy, but it's the massively disproportion of the male/female camera shyness ratio that surprises me.

Well then answer me a question: would you rather see a model's face, laughing, as opposed to not seeing her face laughing?

And do masks on a tickler make you absolutely stop the clip, no matter what the ticklee's reaction? I get it: you find them annoying and ridiculous - and I do, too - but to the point of being able to ignore a great (unmasked) ticklee?

The people wearing the masks are usually the employers, the models are (usually) the employees. You understand that distinction, right?
Maybe that's because you live in China? lol

Lol :blaugh: All jest aside, I'm pretty confident that if you get fired for that in France and subsequently sue, you'll win. Wouldn't that be the case in the US as well? How could having shot a video in your past make you suddenly unable to continue doing your job?

If you really wanna drag China into this, not only is my employer aware of my whole browser history since the Internet began AND that I TMF during working hours, but they probably also have your file sitting somewhere as well :D

It IS a problem for women! Someone alluded to that in this thread, about "what happened to Priya". There have been threads about how the reason why you see the same fetish models over and over again is because the person now knows that clips could potentially float around forever, ie: the gifs that Turtleboy mentioned in his post.

I hear you but in this case how come we don't see many more of them off camera or covering their faces somehow?

Come to think of it, I'd totally watch a tickling clip featuring girls wearing the same mask Monica Bellucci had donned in a certain scene of Brotherhood of the Wolf :xpulcy: My wife has one just like that ;)

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Ok well I just gave you two examples so.......go look 'em up.

I did not say that as to mean "I don't care about your examples", I just meant to stress that they were rather rare. I probably should have added something like "I don't mean to say they don't exist, because your examples have proved that there indeed are some out there" etc... My bad~

The people wearing the masks are usually the employers, the models are (usually) the employees. You understand that distinction, right?

Ah I think I understand now. You mean to say that the source of this disproportion is that, while aware of the risk to their privacy, the models waiver it contractually because the employer thinks (reasonably so, as you demonstrated) that it will sell better if they don't obscure their face? If so, it sounds indeed like a possible explanation.
To give some idea of how this can affect people, one of the two guys I used for F/M clips (the former partner of one of my models) did a few clips for me, not wearing a mask. After the second or third time he shot for me he lost his job. Why? Because a girl in his office saw one screenshot of him from one of my clips in a FB post and reported him to the management. They literally dragged him in to the office, gave him a humiliating grilling about it and fired him that day.

Has this ever happened to any woman that's worked for you before? The majority of your output seems very "classy" as far as tickling videos go, so that comes as a surprise that it's cost people jobs.
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