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no more birthdays

It is come to be, the circle is complete...no more surprise birthdays anymore...guess the love is gone now...*sniff*

what is hilarious about that is the people who made the announcement, are the same ones who buried it to the ground😀

well, I did enjoy the free cake (you know how us black folks LOVE free stuff):happyhop:, and the singing of the song...well most of you I enjoyed, a few of you need singing lessons BAD😀

so now the candles are blown out, and the party's over...*sniff* I guess love doesn't live here anymore...LOL

that's okay, I know I have one friend in this universe, gotta locate that person though...LMAO

"goodness will guide me when love is inside me, until then...life's a PARADE!!!"


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natural tickler
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