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old man's ramblings

it seems lately that I have been taking certain situations and just going the opposite direction, or thinking crazily out of the box..dunno, I guess that happens as you age I suppose, making things bigger than what they should be...hmm

and to think next year will be 40!?!?!?!

going thru some crossroads, of sorts, still trying to be me, but at the same time have to deal with sensitive people...always have to tip-toe around to not be considered insensitive...why do I always have to be accomodating?? why cant people develop some thick skin?? maybe I am too much old-school, because being thick skinned back then was an necessity... i dunno

i dont plan to change for nobody, yanno whatever is on me mind, I'ma say it..but perhaps trying to learn that being blunt isn't always the best recipe...again, dunno

but then again, I'd rather be hated for something I am, than to be loved for something I'm not...the best policy to me

anyhoo, tired of rambling, and the typing cramps that go along with it...until next time...stay natural


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natural tickler
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