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Tickling an older woman (true)


1st Level Yellow Feather
Aug 12, 2002
As the above title is a passion of mine, I thought I'd share with ou one such story. My mum has a friend, C, ho is quite immature and likes to mess about a lot. I've seen her tickle the odd person as well, so I knew that I could get away with tickling her.

One day, we were in Spain on holiday, when my mum asked me if I'd do her feet for her. She wanted me to masage them, but I refused, as I was very tired. My aunt was there as well, and I've played with her stocking feet many times, but that's for another time (see Biscuit's Early Experiecnes thread if you're interested). Anyhow, while I refused, I heard Chris say how her son always used to tickle her feet, thinking he was annoying her, but how she always used to enjoy it!!


I knew I had to get her, just to see if it was true! So, later that night, after we all came back from a few drinks, my aunt and mum went into the kitchen, leaving myself and C. She sat down next to me, and, one hundred percent true, placed her bare foot on my knee!!!

What to do?

I reached out and tickled her sole, and she laughed and pulled back, but put it up again. DUH!! So, once more, and this time she shreiked, and pulled it back. Later that night, it was just the two of us, and she put her foot up again, so I tickled it once more, but held on this time. She fell back laughing, but I stopped in case I woke everyone up. I'm planning on getting her on her stocking feet sometime, maybe at work; she works as a telephonsit for a departmnt store, and I just think what it would be like to take her shoes off mid phone call and run my fingers along her sole!!! Should that ever happen, expect another post!!

Anyone else got any older women stories? Yes? Then tell us all!!!

Cheers, everybody,
I've told this one before...

My one aunt is probably 20 years old than me. One day she was baby sitting me and her son. While her son (who is younger than me) was playing by himself I was in the living room with her. She was sitting on the couch and I was laying on the floor with my feet up on the couch next to her. She tried tickling my feet and back then I would block it out to show I wasn't ticklish. She said she wasn't ticklish either so naturally I had to try (I was about 12 at the time). I tickled her foot and she pulled it back and said she wasn't ticklish anywhere else. So I tickled her neck, ears, sides, belly, knees...all with no results. Naturally I went back to her feet and discovered that she had incredibly rough heels that were not ticklish at all, but her soles..heh heh..super ticklish. As I tickled them she would jump them away and giggle then laugh, until she had them pulled up on the couch and my parents walked in to pick me up. I tried again once but didn't get a good reaction and was so embarassed about it I never tried again.

~ toyou
tickling an oldervwoman

I used to tickle my friend's mom feet all of the time. When I was younger we used to go to the pool together. His mom would always sit at the end of the pool with her feet in the water. On more than one occation I would come up from under the water and tickler her feet. She would always laugh and sometimes pull her feet away some times not.
Ah, yes, friend's mothers....

A great source of fun and fantasy. Stories to follow soon, I've gotta go to work now!!

Cheers, everybody,
Finished Work, Here's My Tale...

....originally found in Biscuit's Early Experiences thread.

Between the ages of 11 and 14, I got freinds mum's stocking feet a few times; one couldn't stand it, but could control it after a while. The other wasn't ticklish, but always let me tickle her feet. Best of all was one time when I was tickling them (my freind was outside not knowing what was going on!!), and the phone went; she left to answer it, then came back, and placed her chocolate brown stocking feet on my lap and said I could carry on!!! Maybe she DID like it...!!!

Plenty more where this came from, ladies and gentlemen.

Cheers, everybody,
3 Older Women At A Friend's Party......

When I was at university 3 years ago, one of my housemates had a surprise birthday party. It started out in a hall, but eventually ended up in her house. Anyway, I had had several beers by this point (and the rest!!), and was slightly the worse for wear! I was sitting on the floor, when I saw a grey stocking foot hanging to the left of me. It was wearing a slipper, but was cut away at the back, allowing access to the instep and sole. It turns out that the woman in question was one of housemate's aunts, in her late 40's to early 50's. Anyway, I began making conversation with her, and eventually ran my fingers along her instep. She screamed and pulled her foot back, and i attacked her other one that was on the floor. She laughed again, and let me do it, until she pointed out that everyone was looking at me....so I stopped.

Later, a woman came up to me (and I thought ON to me!), when she rubbed her hands up and down my chest. I'd never seen her before, and wondered who the hell she was, but the devil inside of me was quite horny, so I thought I'd try my luck!! She sat down in the front room, and was wearing a long white dress and white tights, no shoes. I sat down in front of her and made conversation, and then playfully tickled her feet. She laughed and pulled them away, but I then offered to massage them for her, and she stuck them both out willingly, while I proceeded to massage and tickle them. We even had a bit of a smooch, which was fine, until I was called over by a friend. Why had he done that? Because her husband was outside....

Turns out as well that she had a daughter about my age. My age?!?!? Hell, I thought she was about 28 or something!!!! Still, at least her husband didn't see. Hopefully. I only saw him from the back and the spitting image of Grant Mitchell!!! (UK reference, apologies if this means nothing to you).

The third lasy was actually my housemate's mother!! I was sitting down talking to her, and actually started playing with the reinforced toe band on her black tights (it was wonky)! Hey, I was only helping her..anyhow, I apologised for touching her feet, but she said that she didn't mind it, and often asked her husband to tickle her feet to relax her! Well...

Later on, we were chatting in the kitchen, and I offered to massage her feet for her. She said yes!!! So, down she sat, up went her feet, and I gently massaged and tickled them for her. Hell, she almost fell asleep!!! Apparently, this was caught on camera, but, by the Grace of God, it had been recorded over. Looks like I was luck on several counts..!

Cheers, everybody,
Am I Alone Here?

Surely some other people have tickled older women? Here's another story to sample, and it's actually quite recent.

There are several women at work who I've got, and it's always been a great pleasure to see them squirm and laugh. One of my best ones is Linda, who's in her 50's, and whom I've got her several times over. I went to collect some photocopying from her once, and her friend Val said to me that she was wearing odd socks. Naturally, I asked to see them, and Linda then obligingly kicked off her shoes to show me the difference. Both were black, but one was ribbed. I feigned ignorance, and said I'd have to come over to have a look. I got closer to her feet, and pretended to notice the difference, and then quickly ran my fingers along her insteps and soles. She burst out laughing, a big grin on her face, and I knew I'd have to get her again.

Which I have done, several times since....!!

Cheers, everybody,
At Work....

...I've had several ticklish encounters with older women. Here are my tales.

Mary used to work in the canteen, and she sometimes take off her shoes just to relax. She was late 50's, but a great laugh. Everyone liked Mary, and Mary liked everyone!! Anyhow, I noticed that her black stocking heels were sticking out from behind her chair, so I bent down and gave them a quick tickle. She laughed out loud, burst into a big smile, and said I shouldn't do it, as she had smelly feet. It didn't stop me from doing it again on other occassions, though, including one time she even hid her feet under her desk so that I couldn't get them!

Another canteen worker was Karen, who was about 42, and would also chat to anyone and everyone. I'd often come down just to talk to her, and we'd get on really well. Anyway, my natural ticklish curiosity rose to the forefront, especially as she'd often wave her legs and feet around while she was sitting down. One day, I stole her shoe, and pretended to walk away with it. She laughed, and said she'd need it back, for health and safety reasons. Sadly, she wasn't twirling her feet for once, and, sadder still, she wasn't in her opaque black tights, but regular pale black ones. DOH!!! Didn't stop me getting a tickle in on her, though!! As I returned her shoe, I reached down and tickled her foot. She almost fell off of her seat!!!

'Wahhahaha! I'm ticklish!!!' I knew that I'd have to get her again, and also knew that she'd be a good sport but sadly she left soon after. Hope it wasn't my fault...(*GRIN!*)

Last, we have Jan, a woman who used to work in my office. She was about 55, I think, I once grabbed her shoe under the table to 'check out the heel'. As I went to give it back to her, I gave her black stocking foot a quick tickle, and she had to clamp her mouth to stop laughing. From a quick stroke!!! I've got her sides as well, and I also got her stocking feet when she was wearing open toed sandals, allowing me access to her ankles and insteps. She has said that if anyone goes near her feet, she screams. Screams with laughter, maybe...

Cheers, everybody,
Great posts smash! Sadly, I don't have any to contribute in this area. I enjoy reading your's though, so keep 'em coming!
Older Women I've been around some...

That reminds me of a couple of experiences, with the same older woman mind you. Bobbi was about 37 and I was 27, although she looked more like she was about 23-35. Anyway, I was tired one day so on my lunch break I decided to lay my head down at the lunch table and take a nap. Well, Bobbi decided that I looked way too comfortable to just peacefully lay there. So she decided to come over and whisper sweet nothing in my ear and tickle my neck at the same time. When i jumped up I saw it was here and she smiled and said 'oh I'm sorry, but I just couldn't resist, you looked so cute'. So I smiled and said that's o.k., but I will get you back. She laughed and walked away. Later that day I passed by her in the hall and I plunged my fingers into her sides and she went ballistic. Ah like music to my ears.

The second story picks up a couple of years later but with the same woman, she called me over to help her with putting a resume together. So here I go off to a good deed--and maybe a couple of deeds not so good--and I arrive at her house and here she is barefooted and smiling at me as if she just knows that she has me cornered. After small talk one thing lead to another and she ends up sitting next to me--we were in bar stool like chairs--with her legs crossed and her barefoot laying against my thigh. So I reached down and grabbed her ankle and pulled it up in my lap and simultaneously said "Hey! What's this?" "She laughed as I looked at her foot, and she said "no don't look at my feet they're dry and need lotion". I began to rub and caress her foot and commented on how good it felt. I said 'but it'll cost you" and began to tickle the bottom of her foot. She laughed so hard she almost fell off the bar stool. When I stopped she said "That tickles". I said, "why are you nervous?", she said "yeah, I am". I said "you probably need a massage here give me your feet". She said "no I'm too embarrassed", I said "well, get the lotion and I'll massage them". She said "Really? O.k.".

So we go back to the main floor she gets the lotion puts her feet in my lap and I massage her feet with her lotion. She had some kind of ankle injury which lessened the feeling in one foot but that lack of feeling was made up in the other. So she was partially ticklish on her left sole and super ticklish on the right, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Playing all of the usual games: which foot is more ticklish? Which part of your foot is the most ticklish? Why are you ticklish here anyway? It was driving her insane, she was laughing so much so was intoxicated from laughter. One of the times I stopped to let her catch her breath she sighed "I can't take it, it's too much".

I said "o.k. I'll let you rest for thirty seconds, but if I do then I'll tickle your right foot--the very ticklish one--for 30 seconds". She looked up at me with fright and anticipation in her eyes saying " OH NO I KNOW I CAN'T STAND THAT!" I said "just relax, you'll be fine while I caress your foot" she was positioned lying on her side with her right ankle crossed beneath her left so her left sole was sticking straight up at me and fitted snug between my legs to immobilize both feet. I continued giving her long light feathery strokes on her left foot and I watched as she struggled to hold back her laughter and began breathing heavily trying not to laugh until I would tickle her with my fingernails then she'd lose it. I honestly must of kept this up on her for at least 30 minutes giving her breaks in between the poor thing. She called me everyday for about two weeks after that.

Just your average horny little :devil:

Thanks for the words of encouragement and contributions, gentlemen. More to follow soon.

Cheers, everybody,
Ahh, older women....

I have a few memories concerning older women. One, in par-tickler, was a woman that worked in the same company I did. She was about 5'2 or so, short blonde hair, probably about 110 lbs, and had a classy look to her. She looked about 35 years old or so, and I was around 25 at the time. She would usually wear these clear opentoed heels with tan nylons. Needless to say, I would alwasy be checking out her feet.
Anyway, with my usual prowness, I finally managed to get a date with her. I don't recall the specifics, but we dated quite a bit. I think she was a little embaressed about dating someone that was only about 7 years older than her oldest son. So, we would usually end up at my place. Sex was good, and of course, I would tickle her here and there. She was really ticklish, too! I loved her nylone covered feet. They were really ticklish, and she would struggle a lot when I tickled them. But, she never got mad when I tickled her. One thing I did a lot, though, was to lay along side of her, put one arm under her neck, one leg under hers, and the other over them and cross my ankles. Then I would hold her other arm with the arm that was under her neck. This would render her completely helpless, and I had a free hand to explore her entire upper body, which I did with earnest! Her tummy was fun, but my favorite was her pits! She would squeal and giggle like crazy. I'd keep this up for quite some time, until she was out of breath. The best part was, she never got upset when I did this. Maybe it was because of what happened afterwards. I'll leave that up to your imagination.;)
More Stories

One time, when I was on the train on the way home from work, a man and a woman, about 45 - 50, sat on the seat next to me. He went off to the toilet or whatever reason, and she stretched out, and kicked off her black high heeled shoes to reveal black stocking feet. WOW!!! I began making conversation with her, asking if she minded if I stretched out as well (she could hardly say no, eh?). To reach the seat opposite me, though, I had to move closer to her. I stretched out, carried on talking to her, and then playfully tickled her feet. She laughed, but didn't move them away, so I carried on. She just sat there saying 'That REWALLY tickles!!', but didn't move, so I carried on, getting her soles, toes, insteps, everyhwere!!! I didn't push it, and her friend came back eventually (I checked beforehand that it wasn't a lover or husband!), so I stopped all in good time. A great experience, though, and one of several older women encounters I've had on a train. They're for later, though.

Cheers, everybody,
New Year's Eve

I got a woman called Alison, who's about 45 - 50. She's a friend of my g/f's, who happened to blab that I lied feet. Well, I went into the whole foot/tights/tickling thing, and Alison wasn't taken aback, but she did say that she hated her fee tickled.

So I got her sides!! She laughed and squirmed, so I did it again. And again!! She didn't mind, but I didn't want to push my luck too far, eh?

Cheers, everybody!

Girlfriend's Mom...

I dated a very ticklish girl once, and it ran in the family. I always wanted to try to get her mom, and one day the opportunity presented itself. Her (divorced) mom, "Pat", always wore dark tan pantyhose, a fav of mine. At the time, she was in her mid-to late 40's, with curly red hair and a great laugh. She was about 5'6, and prob 5-10 lbs. too plump. She had nice, wide size 8 feet. When she was relaxing, she usually wore jeans, but for some reason, on this day she wore a skirt. Anyway...

It was a nice saturday afternoon, and we were sitting out back on the covered patio: my g/f and her grandmother were in sitting in folding chairs, and "Pat" was reclining in the padded lounge chair. I was working part-time at a night club, and around 5pm I announced that I had to leave. Pat, half-sarcastic and half-flirting, started in on me with "Please don't go, parting is such sweet sorrow...etc., etc.".

So...(my mind focused on trying to tickle her)..I said "why don't you come with me?" and I reached for her arm like I was going to help her up, but instead of just grabbing her wrist, I also grabbed her left ankle, with part of my hand on her shoe. She was wearing a button down blouse and very worn loafers/flats to go with her skirt and tan pantyhose. I stood above her holding her wrist and her ankle and asked "are you coming?". Whe she said that she couldn't, I released my grip on both, but when she pulled her foot away, I held onto her shoe, pulling it off.

She pulled her foot back. "Hey, what are you doing with my shoe?"
"I need something to remember you by," I replied sarcastically. I was staring at her pantyhosed left foot.
"Give it back!"
"Okay, Cinderella..."
She took the bait. She extended her leg towards me. I held the shoe in my left hand, but I held it with my pinky and ring fingers. I grabbed her ankle with my right hand, and made like I was putting her shoe back on, but instead I pressed her ankle against my body and tickled her wide, arched foot with my two free fingers. She immediately exploded with her great laugh. Her right leg started kicking up and down, and she started bucking as she laughed. I even remember her realizing her skirt was riding up, and pushing it down. The best part was, she couldn't reach me as she laughed, and she had absolutley no leg strentgh, so she couldn't pull away. I dropped the shoe and tickled with all four fingers, and she laughed even more. As my girlfriend and her grandmother were watching, they actually laughed along with "Pat".

I stopped, but much sooner than I wanted to. If we hade been alone, I would have been able to grab her other foot and....anyway...I handed Pat her shoe as she sat there heaving, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. I waited, but she wasn't mad. After she caught her breath and put her shoe on, she said "that goes right through me!", and left it at that. The grandmother asked my g/f "are your feet like that, too? She rolled her eyes as she smiled and nodded...but that's a story for another day...

I just wish I had something more to contribute. *sigh!*

Keep 'em coming! :D
I just thought of an instance when I tickled an older woman. The lady in question was my ex-wife's mother.

Aida was a heavy-set short woman about forty-three years old. She had sort of wide pudgy feet, about size 8. Her toes were pudgy but well shaped, straight and descending in size from the big toes down to the littlest ones. She was ticklish, but not excruciatingly so.

At the time of the incident she was in a recliner with her stockinged feet up on the footrest. For some reason I don't remember, my wife and I were sitting on the floor on opposite sides of the footrest at the front of her chair, facing her. My ex-wife, Judy, was sitting a little bit in front of me and I didn't think she could see her mom's feet, so I took the opportunity to tickle them.

Aida looked slightly aghast and wiggled her toes, but didn't make any comment. She didn’t look at me; she just stared at her feet while I tickled the arches through her suntan colored stockings. I could tell my wife had noticed the tickling action out of the corner of her eye. Apparently Judy was having fun with her mom's predicament, because she didn't say anything. She just got this little smile on her face and continued to engage her mom in conversation. I tickled and played with her arches, then used my fingers beneath her toes for about two minutes. It was a lot of fun. :devil:

Things are coming along!!

Another train story, I was on the late train home when I sat down oppsoite a woman who had her shoes off, and black socked feet on a seat. She was about 55, and her name, i later found out, was Rosemary. She looked like a librarian, short, timid, big glasses, greying hair. Anyway, the train started, and I went to the toilet. As luck would have it, when I came back, my seat was occupied, so I sat next to her. We began talking, and she went to move her feet. I said no, they were there first, so she kept them up there. We carried on talking, and I couldn't resist, so I ran my fingers over her soles. She giggled, and pulled them back. I apologised, she put them back up, so I did it again. At that point, she gently scolded me, so I didn't push it any further. Still, the fact that she didn't mind is cool in my book!

Cheers, everybody,
Smash's Auntie

Now, I've talked about how my aunt was my introduction into feet and tickling before, but this story occurred about two years ago. My aunt and uncle were down for Christmas and New Year, and I knew at on e point that I was going to tickle my aunt's feet (she's about 58). Anyway, I was alone in the front room with my aunt, and I was just about to go out somewhere. Before I left, though, I gave her socked foot a quick tickle. She was in a red jumper, black trousers, black socks and slippers, and I tickled her socked instep. She loves having her feet played with, and gave a little 'Thank you', so I did it again, only this time I did it properly!

I sat down in front of her and took off her slippers, and then her socks, revealing to me some lovely black stocking feet underneath!! I continued to tickle her feet, while she just sat there loving every second of it, enjoying it as I went faster and faster, but I wasn't done yet! I then began tickling her sides, ribs and tummy, and she began squirming and trying not to laugh. She told me then that she was 'ticklish everywhere', so it looks as if I'm going to have some fun the next time I see her!!!

Cheers, everybody,
:cool2: Smash, you are one lucky dude! Post some more if you can. I love to read about your experiences with family members. We need a smiley that is green with envy... 'cause that's me! For now, this is the closest I can come: :bowing:
Cheers, Seeker

For your kind words, here's some of my other auntie stories, as found in Biscuit's Early Experiences thread...

Looks as if I'm becoming a bit of a regular here....I said in my last post that I had some other stories of aunts and friend's mums. Here's one featuring my aunt from when I was 12 years old. I had been tickling my aunt's feet for about a year or so at this point (well, this was actually my second major chance to get her, as she lives some distance away). We were visiting her, and I was left in the front room with her, my sister and my great uncle. I was cuddling up to my aunt on the sofa, and she was wearing a blue shirt, dark blue blouse, dark blue/ purple tights and pink slippers (it was 1987, come on!). She was curled up on the sofa with her legs under her, giving me great access to her feet. Her slippers, which never came off throughout, were of the open toed/mule variety, which showed off plenty of her foot.

Anyhow, as I knew how she loved having her feet tickled and massaged, I slowly began to stroke her foot. I wasn't really into tickling then, just touching stocking feet was more than enough for me. Anyhow, she was talking to my great uncle non stop, and she said nothing when my fingers made contact with her feet, but began cuddling me tighter, so I knew she must have been enjoying it. I was in heaven, having tickled her white stocking feet endlessly the year before. Right now, though, I must have tickled her feet for about an hour or so, before I looked down and realised that I'd been tickling her instep and not her sole!!!!!

I was devastaed, as I thought I'd not made much impact on her feet, especially as I thought I'd been getting her sole throughout! Never mind, let's chalk it up to experience....I've got a couple more aunt stories from my youth, but these are best saved for another time. Always like to keep my audience hanging on...!!

Keep up the good work, everybody,
Another Auntie Story

This is when I was a kid,so my aunt was early to mid 40's..

I've posted about my aunt already, but this is one of those (for me) stand out tales.

I was 14, and we were visting my aunt, and my parents and sister had gone off to see my grandmother for an hour or so, leaving me with my aunt. Now, as I was alone with her, I knew that this was a great time to get her feet. She was wearing a white blouse, bottle green trousers white tights and green slippers. She was in a rocking chair, and had said that it was very comfortable, except her feet kept getting caught all the time. BINGO! I asked her if she still like having her feet tickled, and she said of course. I then naturally offered to tickle them for her, and she kicked off her slippers to reveal her lovely sensitive feet.

She placed them on the side of the chair, and I began to slowly massage and tickle them for her while she began to drfit away, but before she did she told me to mind out for her verucca, which was at the bottom of her foot. Well, my 14 year old hormones (horniness?) kicked in, and I said that I'd have to change angles to see what i was doing. With that, I grabbed a chair, and she placed her feet in my lap!! This was a dream come true for me, and I proceeded to play with her feet (even actually making them ticklish sometimes)for another 20 minutes or so. Best of all, my parents came back after I'd finished, and so I could enjoy my fun in peace!!

A few more aunt stories to come soon,

Cheers, everybody,
More Older Women Stories...

Her name was Joyce, she was about 48. She was a Scout leader. Again, this can be found in Biscuit's thread..

Just remembered another one from when I was about 14; Iwas in the Scouts at the time, and a female patrol leader from another troop was visiting us. I had a trick at the time at school, where I'd pretend to be doing a science project,and ask female teachers to remove their shoes so that I could measure their height, when of course I was merely interested in seeing their stocking feet!! I must have got about 7 or 8 teachers with that trick....but that's another story.

So, yes, the scout leader. I played this same trick on her, and she obliged by taking her shoes off for me.I had no ruler or anything else, so I said that I'd have to estimate by working my way up from her feet. She seemed fine with that, but requested that I didn't tickle them.

Well, what would you have done?

I scrabbled my fingers around her insteps and outline, while she flinched until she told me to stop. I got some funny looks from the rest of the socut troop, but I didn't care. I'd had my fun with feet, so I was a happy man!

More Older Women...

This is a recent story, involving my best friend's mother!! She's abiut 45, and very sexy!! It was a few Christmas's ago, and everyone was very drunk. I'm very close to my best friend and his family, so it wasn't too much of a big deal. I hope!!

My friend's mum was wearing a light brown jumper, a brown skirt, tan tights and scsrlet slippers, which she kicked off during a game of charades. I got chatting to her, and as we sat down, she put her feet up on the seat, not over me, but enough for me to see her soles. Anyway, as we were chatting, I asked if she was ticklish, and ran my fingers over her feet. She said that she was, but that it was actually quite soothing, so I began rubbing and tickling them for her until she pulled away a while later. I got her feet again later on in the evening, but as she was a bit tired and irritable at this point, I got a 'Smash! Leave my feet alone!!'. Seeing as how I didn't want any hassle, I did so, but hey, live the dream, right!??!

Cheers, everybody,
At Work

Well, well, well, I see my little thread has been pushed back somewhat. We can't have that, so here's another story!

Her name was Denise, I work with her, and she's lovely, almost like everyone's auntie. She's about 43, quite tall, short dark hair, and is as loud as a foghorn!!! She's always playing with her shoes under the desk as well, and you can often see some lovely stocking feet!! Anyway, one day, I noticed that she was wearing socks with pigs on, and, being the opportunist, commented on them. She wiggled her feet in the air, and I was determined to get her shoes off. So, I asked her if they went all the way down. She said yes, and kicked off her shoe to show me that the pigs did go all the way down the sock.

I then bent down to give her foot a quick tickle, asking if she was ticklish, but it was to no avail, as she didn't even flinch.


She then said that her granddad always used to tickle her feet as a kid because she always enjoyed it so much!?!?!

People, I must confess, I had the horn all day after hearing that!! This was just over two years ago now, and I've never got her feet again!!! :( Some things are just best left sacred...

Cheers, everybody,
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