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Twenty Questions: TMF Members

1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
I have eaten dirt, a pop tart covered with ants, escargot, and soap.
No, I don't have PICA.

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
I licked my shoe for a dollar. I just like to shock people. Apparently that was shocking...

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?

A station wagon with wood panelling on the sides.

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?

I steal most of my lines from people who are funnier and smarter than me.

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
Sophomore year of high school, public speaking class, we were doing a Who's Line Is It Anyway type of activity where we had to make up a story one sentence at a time. There was a bean bag being thrown around and if it was thrown to you, it was your turn to make up a sentence. Well during all of this, I thought I had come up with something hilarious. I waved at the person with the bean bag to throw it to me, I said whatever it was I thought was comedy gold with a big cheesy smile and realized I was the cynosure of 30 pairs of eyes... 30 pairs of eyes that weren't laughing, let alone smiling. I heard crickets somewhere in the distance, realized I'd failed, and went home contemplating suicide...

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
Nope. I've altered my body enough as it is. Good thing most of the alterations are temporary.

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?

Fiona Apple "Extraordinary Machine"

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
Hell yeah I keep all of it and throw the wallet back on the ground.

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
Lamest? Umm... "You're boring." Is that lame?

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
I'm a virgin... So skip this question.

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
Nah, I don't hate many people that much and besides, as soon as I killed that person, someone I hated not so much would become the object of my hatred and I'd want to kill them too.

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
Nope, I like being a girl. Although, I've often wondered what it'd be like to be a guy...

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
Well, it's not my favorite, but I'll admit I downloaded "Over" by Lindsay Lohan and I have the new Kelly Clarkson CD *dies*

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
P'sh, I'm not a ler. I could care less about tickle-torturing someone, but if it was me... uh... besides you, Dave? I'm sure I'll meet them at NEST.

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?

La Vita E Bella

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?

? Oh! Giligan's Island! They were both stupid.

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
I made out with my best friend and his girlfriend found out and I made up the hugest craziest story ever to save my ass, and more importantly my friend (even though HE kissed ME) and she believed me and to this day she thinks I was telling the truth.
Oh, and then there's the time I crashed my mom's car and blamed it on my older sister. I got away with that one too...

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?
Biting my nails... maybe...

20) How do you feel?

Right now? Pretty ok, considering...
1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth? as a kid, I loved to pretend I was a cow and eat the grass with the cat~which is funny, because I was a really skinny kid!

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet? O God~lost $100 in 85 while in college on scholarship at BC~Lakers vs. Celts~to this day I HATE the Lakers!

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life? Same car I drive now~my Honda Del Sol convertible!

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid? Nope

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
I attended a Catholic High School briefly and for class election, they made it very official and adult, there was a caucas, all that crap. My class unanimously voted me in as spokesperson. I only had to say "the sophomore class officially endorses Rodney Smith." I had to do it twice before the entire student body up on a stage. Both times I freaked and forgot the guy's name~total stagefright (not a problem anymore.) I have an entire yearbook where every page at least one person says, 'don't worry, we WERE all embarassed!" :jester:

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?

Hm, smaller chest, bigger booty!

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?
Best of ELO

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
Probably not~I beleive in karma

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
I became born again~the guy couldn't take no for an answer.

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
I gave my high school sweetheart and first love head on a rock outside a monastery~I'm going to hell now for sure! :evilha:

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?
Marie Curie

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
Nope, again, the karma thing. My crazy Wiccan friends call me a "natural witch". The people who anger me tend to meet with fates far worse than death (ok, one was killed, I won't lie) I don't want to give anyone nightmares so PM me if you want my histo in this arena~if you dare.... :eek:

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
only when it comes to changing a tire!

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
anything by Barry Manilowe, WHAM or Culture Club

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
I plead the 5th

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
Steel Magnolias

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
Neither~ I like boys but Mary anne gets points in my book for being less of a whore. I hate sluts.

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
Hmmm, I chopped down the cherry tree? :scared:

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?
My impatience with people I deem morons

20) How do you feel?
Exhausted, I wake up at 4:30 every morning!

steph said:
14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
anything by Barry Manilowe, WHAM or Culture Club

I've got Colour By Numbers on vinyl. :D
KICK ASS~I only have the CD but it never fails to cheer me up. My fave tune on there is "I'll tumble 4u."


ticklishgiggle said:
I've got Colour By Numbers on vinyl. :D
Batgirl... back in action!

Y'know... I haven't been online at the TMF forum since October of 2001. Of course, I have and will always be a closet tickophile but I'm tired of lurking. And what better way to come out of the bat cave then a response to a post by good ol' Dave2112... the delightful palindrome that he is. So here goes:

1) At the time (considering my age and naivete) a man's penis
2) Nothing for cash... but I jumped out of a tree with a blanket parachute because of a dare. It hurt.
3) Batmobile... duh.
4) Nooope.
5) When I was a kid, I forgot to flush when I went to the bathroom. I literally have an evil stepmom and she reemed me out for it. It doesn't sound like much, but I still neurotically check to see if I've flushed everytime I go... especially if I'm at a friends house. That sounds really stupid when I write it.
6) No... but I will get my teeth whitened when I can afford it.
7) Factory Showdown c/o They Might Be Giants
8) No... I have an extremely annoying conscience.
9) I think in junior high, I just stopped talking to my "boyfriend" altogether. Mildly amusing/awful.
10) A practice room
11) I'd like to be Jean Grey... but without all the mind-fucking, Mr. Sinister, Phoenix stuff. And I would totally ditch Cyclops for Wolverine. Yeah!
12) I don't hate anybody... usually. And murder is never the answer.
13) Whenever I have to pee outside.
14) I have no musical shame.
15) Hmm... more of a 'lee than a 'ler. Now, to reverse that question... hmmm... since we're fantasizing, I'd go with Garak from DS9. And he would definitely get away with it.
16) The House Built on Sand and Fog made me die a little bit inside. And the Exorcist 3 is the scariest movie ever!
17) *Sigh*... is it me, or is this questionairre a little geared towards men? And Mary-Ann all the way!!
18) Eh, I had this whole infedility thing going on. I'm not very proud of it so I won't go into it.
19) I'm too proud to acknowledge the crappy parking rules on campus. So, I naturally have a lot of money in non-moving traffic violations.
20) Kinda hungry

Not very climatic for my Batcave emergence but not bad. Time for a Bat-Sandwich! Fear not, TMF forum... my vigil is constant! :idunno:
1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?Liver

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?Flashed a cop car... got me @20 and a date ;)

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?A hot pink BUG

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?No, I have the fear of GOD in me lol

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?Hmmmm, I fall a lot!

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?EVERY PART OF ME!

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection? ABBA GOLD

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?AGAIN, fear of God. plus its just wrong to do that :) MORALS YA'LL

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?I once told a guy he was too good for me! Ummm, lie! But it got rid of him!

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?Tennis court (day light), Public NYC bus.....

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be? Bettie Page! Umm, look at her! lol

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most? Hmmmm, as much as id like to... nah! not worth it! I have to live with myself!

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex? LMAO all the time!

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked? The right stuff-new kids on the block

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.) Hmmm, id like to tickle........ wait im a lee... someone tickle me damn it!

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne? Mary-Anne

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told? I never told my mom about a miscarriage when i was younger! I told her i had a flu!

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one? LMAO eating junk food

20) How do you feel? Giggley!!!!!!!!!
1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
I once bit into a pear with a worm inside. Eeeeewwww!!! I didn't eat the worm but that was disgusting enough!!!
2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
I don't do cash bets. I'm more of an "I dare you to..." type of person. The dumbest dare I ever took would be the time I was dared to throw a firecracker into the girls bathroom.
3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
The Chevrolet Avalanche. It's like my 20 ga. it's a multi-purpose vehicle.
4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?
Uh... yep... nuff said.
5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
Oh Good Heaven's! Just one? I think the worst (foot-in-mouth) was one day when I walked into college. A woman there was having her 40th birthday and the college was throwing her a party. (don't ya just love small towns???) The lunchroom was decorated with black balloons, streamers, napkins...etc. I went up to her and said, "Ya know... it'd have been cool if we could have rented a coffin to prop up in the back of the room." Her best friend (also mine) pulled me aside and told me how she had two seizures the night before and her husband had to perform CPR on her twice waiting for the ambulance to get there. Jeez... I was lookin' for the hole to climb into and the rock to pull over top once I was in.
6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
You bet... I ain't gonna say where but I wouldn't mind a little remodeling. A little spackle here... a little sanding there...
7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?
Dr. Hook - Sharing the Night Together.
8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
Hmmmm... boy I'd be tempted... no lying there... but no... i'd give it back with everything intact.
9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
That I wasn't in the right place in life to include someone into it permanently.
10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
Oh Lord! Where do I start??? Marine Corp Barracks, in a lake (100 ft. from other swimmers), the bed of a pick-up truck, in a graveyard, in the middle of a marijuana patch, on the hood of a car (no, it was not moving), behind boxes at work, in the bathroom at someone else's work... um... maybe I've said enough... :blush:
11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?
A female member of the "Q Continuum."
12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
In a heartbeat!!!!
13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
Once a month for about 5 days.
14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
Well I'm proud to admit I like "My Dingaling*" by Chuck Berry, and I absolutely adore "The Flying Purple People Eater*" by the Big Bopper, and "They're Coming to Take You Away*" by Napoleon XIV cracks me up everytime... so I guess there's nothing I won't admit to liking.
15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
I plead the Fifth.
16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
Black Beauty, Stepmom, Fox and Hound, Color Purple, CastAway, most of the Benji and ALL of the Lassie movies, but the most recent has gotta be the "Two Brothers."
17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
"Yeah Baby, it was good for me too."
19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?
Um... I kinda like my habits.
20) How do you feel?
I feel absolutely terriffic!

* - words to song attached
My turn...

1) My ex's penis. :xlime:
2) I never bet with cash. Well, except when I play snooker... which is like never. As for other bets... well the dumbest thing would have to be flooding a football ground in the middle of the night. And then having to run like the wind when we heard someone coming. :upsidedow
3) Cars? Ummm... I have no idea about cars. :wow:
4) Uhm... nothing serious. :angel:
5) Oh where do I start? Well most of them happened in school. Here's an example... one Winter it snowed (I was about 15). This, of course, meant the ground was icy. And trying to walk to school was a pain in ass because the damn council could never be bothered to put grit down, so it took me twice as long to get there. And I must have looked seriously weird with the way I was walking, trying not to slip. So this one day, I finally managed to get to school, without breaking my neck. Bravo. But then... I met my friend... and my concentration went. And it was all going well - we were walking across the playground - and then suddenly I slipped. Only it wasn't just a casual slip. I made a grab for my friend... then fell flat on my face anyway. Meanwhile, she tried to steady herself, before spinning on the spot and then collapsing on top me. While literally half the school stood their laughing. O the shame. :xpeepsofa
6) No I wouldn't. Well... I might make myself shorter... but that's not possible. Oh and I might get a bigger top lip.
7) CDs? What the hell are they? MP3s are the way forward lol. But I don't know... I like all kinds of music and therefore don't just have one album that I like. *shrug*
8) I'm 18. I'm not exactly the richest person alive. I dunno... over here, if you hand money into the police and no one collects it after a certain period of time... you get to keep it anyways. So I'd probably just hand it in.
9) That I was too "emotionally unstable".
10) Sex? Um are we talking vaginal sex?... Yeah, still a virgin here. Through my own choice I might add.
11) Angelina Jolie.
12) No. No one should be allowed to take away someone else's life.
13) Yeah. Girls annoy me. I get along far better with guys. Plus, guys seem to be able to get away with alot more. AND they don't have to spend hours preening themselves. :ranty:
14) Here we go with the song questions again... Uhm... I guess I like some old stuff that younger people would probably think "uncool".
15) Someone on TMF who winds me up alot. Can't say who. ;) But as for who I'd like to be tickled BY... ummm... an older guy who knows what he's doing (could be the same guy on here). OR... a younger guy with broad shoulders, six pack, chiseled jawline, nice eyes... etc etc. Lol. BUT, whoever I had a tickle session with, they'd need to have a good sense of humour. :D
16) Probably 'White Oleander' or 'Titanic'.
17) Who?
18) Lies... hmm... well I tend to have to tell a few lies now and again... mainly because I'm afraid of what people will think if they knew the truth.
19) All my stupid OCD habits. In fact... just take away the whole thing.
20) How do I feel what? ;) Ohhh... I see. Yeah. *ahem* I feel a bit guilty today because I'm supposed to be in college. :shake:
Last edited:
1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth? I do.

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
lol, Ummm, well, streaked a sorority.

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
1970 Barracuda

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?
fifty dollars from the drop bag of my mother's store.

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
Realizing that my dancing sucked badly in front of a girl I liked alot in high school.

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
my eyes, yes

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
I'm allergic to you.

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
church pew with the preacher's daughter

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?
Me, all joking aside, it took long to be me.

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
no, I love being a lesbian in a man's body.

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
Mambo #5

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
hmmm, too many girls on here to decide.

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
We were Soldiers

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
Mary Anne

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
I'm always a nice guy.

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?

20) How do you feel?
as always, nuts
What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?
5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?
8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?
12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?
20) How do you feel?

What can I say except...

1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
My fist

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
My first MMA fight wasn't a bet, but it was worth $800. Does that count?

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
A good pair of shoes.

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?
A street sign that said "Snail Street" (seriously!)

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
While drunk one night at a work party, I told my supervisor she had a nice ass.

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?
Right now? Operation Ivy, self-titled

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
Not just any, but all of them!

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
I'm usually on the receiving end of the break-up speeches

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
On the roof of my dorm building

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
Paris Hilton, Justin Timberlake, Hilary Duff, George W. Bush. The list goes on.

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
The Anthem by Good Charlotte.

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
Lucy Liu

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
Signs. It was so boring, it moved me right out of the theater.

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
Before my time. Sorry.

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
I convinced a girl at the gym I was from Russia.

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?
Not much.

20) How do you feel?
With my hands.


Snail Shell
ticklishgiggle said:
Are you saying I'm lying?

Hey, just 'cause you find something hard to believe doesn't necessarily mean you think the person who told it to you is lying.

But to answer your question, yes.

Just kidding :) sorry

Dave I want to see your answers man!
1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth? I took a bite of playdough once.

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet? ...never did anything like that.

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life? A 1970 Plymouth 440 Barracuda..black with blood red seats.

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid? Nope.

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment? Any moment from Junior High...hated that shit.

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where? Sure. My eyes...stupid contacts and glasses and shit.

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection? Van Halen 1

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any? If there is no i.d. in it.

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone? I don't break up with people over lame excuses.

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex? hmm...wouldn't you like to know...

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be? GODZILLA!

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most? I have to pick just one?! Damnit.

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex? Nope

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked? If I'd never admit it? Why would I tell you? Scalawag.

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.) Jennifer Tilly

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you? Braveheart

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne? Depends on which on is more ticklish

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told? Once again, why would I tell you?

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one? Finding crazy girls to date.

20) How do you feel? Relatively neato

pfromptown said:
Hey, just 'cause you find something hard to believe doesn't necessarily mean you think the person who told it to you is lying.

But to answer your question, yes.

Just kidding :) sorry

Dave I want to see your answers man!

Whoever told you you were funny...was dumb.
ticklishgiggle said:
Whoever told you you were funny...was dumb.

Erm no-one told me I was funny, what are you talking about?

Well, I knew there must have been some reason you're still a virgin. Most virgins are assholes, including me. Oh well. Forget it.
1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
a slug when I was a kid, and it made me puke :(

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
hmmm, I can't really remember betting money on something before...though I did drive drunk to the convenience store a couple weeks ago just to prove my boyfriend wrong when he said I was to drunk to drive

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
Don't know a whole lot about cars... I'd probably want like a nice big bus/camper so me and all my friends could go park it in the woods and live like smelly hippies!

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?
I stole money from my mom's purse before, I think the most was 20 bucks.

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
Umm... in high school science class once, we were growing this stinky fungus stuff in test tubes and we had all the tubes locked in a small, seperate room with big windows so everyone could see their sample growing. You could open the door from the outside but it locked from the inside. So some kids thought it was funny to pull the door shut on me when I was putting my tubes in there, and wouldn't let me out until a few minutes later when they saw the teacher coming. This is just the first one I could think of, I probably have a worse one that I'm not remembering right now.

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
I'd like the laser eye surgery so that I could see without glasses again, but otherwise nah.

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection? Ween - Chocolate & Cheese

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
oh fuck yeah!

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
hmm, I dunno if I've ever done that...if I was the one who wanted to break up I'd just be honest with them about why. My only real break-up was kind of a mutual decision.

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
haha... on a bathroom counter at a friend's house while he wasn't home

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?
The crocodile hunter, he seems like he's got a fun life ;)

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
mmmaybe... I think I'd rather just severely beat them but in the heat of anger, who knows, eek

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
I've wondered about it, I suppose so, though mostly I like being a girl :)

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
I kinda like that genie in a bottle Christina Agueilara song, cringe!

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
haha... oh man, so many people... Robin Williams, but only because I'm sort of in love with him and I think he'd kinda like it :D

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
Life is Beautiful, and Hotel Rwanda

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
I never watched that damn show

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
ha, probably all the times I made something up to my mom about where I was going so I could run off and go do stuff she wouldn't approve of :D

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?
popping my neck, a girl taught me how to do that when I was in grade school and I've felt like I need to do it every day since, now I have a lot of neck pain at times, but if I don't pop it, it makes it seem even worse :(

20) How do you feel?
alright I suppose ;) I think it's a good day, today is 4/20, teehee!!

1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
A girl's really dirty foot.

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
I can't remember betting money on something before...

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
A perfect shape and tuned DeLorean.

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
geez!! A lot, but the most embarrassing moment is tha when a jerk pull down my sweaty pants, thank god it was just the pants.

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
some tima ago I would say tha I want a full beard but has been growing for a while, now I would say that I save the surgery if and IF someday I get bald.

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection? Ween - I have a HUGE collection of selected tracks and I cant live without a single one.

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
depends, if have a lot of money... srcrew they! I keep it XD

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
Im done with the parents.

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
In the school.

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?
... Solid Snake :jester:

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
Grrrrrrrrrr!! I hate that bastard who makes phone calls to my house sayng that "#@/$&!° If see him, at least I will send him to the hospital... I promess that!!!!

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
I've wondered about it. just that XD

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
Its more Like a band, but I admit now that I always liked Collective Soul.

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
hehehe... sometimes Im sort of like the girls when I fight or discuss with they by some thing or another, like some girl that keep me curious, is not that I like her or something :rant: esp when they are rude and spoiled XD but in some sort of vengance I like to tickle her to tears, I afraid that I cant say her name, but besides that I would like to tickle Rachel Weisz yeah! XD

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
clockwork orange... :jester: no seriously I remember that scene of Lord of the rings the two towers; when Gandalf trow itself to the abyss with the balrog, I get really sad with that.

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
... what?

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
that I dont care about my big brother, I really care... I was a kid myself back then... :disgust:

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?

20) How do you feel?
fine but... Im full (with fish, noodles and rice) Uuuughh...!
besides that I feel nostalgy
I'll answer some

1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
Chunk I bit off a guy's calf in a fight.

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
Chugged a fifth of Jameson's Irish whiskey

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
Daimler limo; runs about 700 thou, but worth it. Built like a tank, handles like a race car, and is as fast.

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?
Plead the fifth. OOps! can't-already drank it! But no.

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
At age 7, made a remark intended to be funny that really hurt a classmates feelings. Still bothers me when I remember it.

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
I'd get an artificial hip to get myself out of this damn wheelchair.

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?
None I can't live without. My favorite is Best Of Laura Brannigan.

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
I have found such a wallet; gave everything back; refused the reward I was offered.

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
You can do so much better than me.

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
Tie between two occassions; Once leaning over the crowd barrier in front of the stage in the Lone Star Cafe during a Bo Diddely performance.
The other leaning over the rail on the (closed) upper deck of a NYC Staten Island Ferry at about 5 AM, waving to people on the middle deck of the ferry going in the opposite direction.

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?
My fictional alter-ego, Lord Mikran the Hammer, warrior wizard supreme.

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
I may have already, or I may not have. If I did, the statute of limitations says I have gotten away with it. This time, I really do plead the 5th.

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
I've wished I could know what women were thinking and feeling, but never that I was one.

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
Voulez-vous by ABBA

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
Oh, an hour would only be a beginning with dear dizzy Izzy!

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
Mary-Ann, of course!

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
I do not think you're stupid.

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?

20) How do you feel?
With my hands? Curious blue? Inquisitive!


We who play and dance are thought mad by they who hear no music.
1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth? One of those paper noisemakers with rocks in em that spark\make a pop noise....and it popped in my mouth

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?Ha, lets see, drank everclear, did a senton onto concrete, Most dumb things i do for free

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life? 1976 hemi cuda, black

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid? as a kid, i doubt it, today i tend to take many things, road signs, drinkin glasses from assholes who throw parties

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment? dating my ex

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where? eyes

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection? rebel meets rebel

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone? lamest used on me was "i may very well be a lesbian"

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex? not countin myself, in a bed

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be? Angel(buffy\angel)

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most? yes

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex? no

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked? ashley simpson music

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.) ashley simpson...lol

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you? Hm.....the second to last ep of band of brothers(where 101st airborn finds a concentration camp, rocky IV

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne? Ginger

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told? That i was happy

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one? nail bitin or depression

20) How do you feel? fine
1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
Cat food, my sister double dog dared me.

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
I've never done anything on a cash bet. I'm not a bettin' girl and I don't gamble.

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
Honda Civic. It gets good gas milage. I've never really been into cars. I merely see them as a way of getting from point a to b.

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?
No, I can't say that I have.

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
I know I've had several, but I can't think of any one in particular right now. Most of them happened when I was in junior high and a little in high school.

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
I would love to have corrective eye surgery so I wouldn't have to wear glasses.

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?
"Skylarking" by XTC.

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
No, bad karma.

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
I don't think I've ever really used a lame excuse to break up with someone I've been dating for a while. Sure, in the past there have been times when I've gone out with a guy a few times and after that, decided I didn't like them enough to pursue a relationship...and just stopped returning their calls. But I don't think I'd consider that a break up. If I'm involved with someone for a significant amount of time, then I'll tell them what's on my mind. I try to keep it a policy to be open and honest if a relationship's not working for me.

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
I think I answered this in the last 20 questions... a car. I know, pretty boring. I'm usually in a bed when I have sex.

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be? Tough one. Maybe Audrey Hepburn.

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
Well, I've always wondered what sex is like for a man, but I really do enjoy being a woman.

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked? "Baby, I'm A Want You" by Bread. And almost any song by Styx.

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
Answering as a lee, I'd go with my honey, Boomtown13.

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
Harold and Maude.

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
Well, if I went that way, I'd say Mary-Anne. But I thought the Professor was hot.

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
I don't like to lie, so I don't. However, when I was in high school (and a little in college) I used to lie to my parents about some of the things I had done and my where abouts. But other than that, I've never lied to any of my friends or boyfriends.

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?
Eating junk food! I wish there was some magical pill out there that would make me stop craving it.

20) How do you feel?
Feelin' mighty fine.
lovethemaster22's answers

1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
Spoiled milk. I hate it.

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
None. I bet $1 that I would lose in blackjack in my only bet in my life. I busted, but the other guy was the dealer, intentionally busted, & then got the rest of the bus to believe him rather than me.

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
Hybrid that has 50 miles to the gallon on regular gas.

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
KEC's friend: Here, have some celery soda. [Which is dark. Actual celery soda is light.]
KEC: This tastes like coke [coca-cola].
KEC's friend: It is coca-cola!

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
Scalp. I could use a scalp that doesn't require prescription-strength medicine. Also eyes, as I wish for my eyes to not be so nearsighted.

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?
Forced answer: I'd say the first mixed CD i made with video game music & actual music that plays one after the other very nicely.

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?
No, gotta find the owner.

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
Never had to...

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?
Luna Lovegood

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
Absolutely not.

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
Mamas & The Papas - California Dreaming

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
Stacy Keibler

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
Fat Albert, most definitely.

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
When I let some people know that I had a gf in high school. Of course, the lie didn't work as the unwanted person still tried to get me to have sex with her, but that's a story for another day.

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?
Looking for a spoon whenever I see any kind of cake.

20) How do you feel?
(Music Note) I feel good! da-da-da-da-da-da-da. I knew that I would!...
1) It's a toss up between a glass of milk made w/ powdered milk and a dog biscuit (well...it LOOKED pretty good....)
2)Truth be told...I never did anything on a cash bet....odds would've been against me anyhoo...
3) I'm leaning toward the Chrysler CS300....I dunno why...I think those cars are sweet...
4) I took a $20 bill outta my mother's purse once to buy lunch in school.....got the whuppin' of my life for it too.
5) Hoppin' on a school bus in nothing more than my underwear and slippers (I was 5...and initially very proud of the fact I made the bus in the first place!! LMAO!!!)

6) Corrective surgery? No....I charted my appearance...and I'm OK with it. ;)
7) Only one, eh? Judas Priest: METALWORKS '73-'93
8) I wouldn't want someone helpin' themselves to my wallet's contents...so no....I'd turn it in or locate the owner outright.
9) Never resorted to lame excuses...if the shit wasn't workin' out....it wasn't workin' out.
10) Nowhere unusual....
11) If I could be anyone for a day...it'd be Glenn Tipton (guitarist for Judas Priest)...
12) No....after all...karma is a bitch...couldn't I just slap the shit outta them???
13) Nope...no desires to be a woman....they have to put up w/ too much shit....
14) "Time" : Culture Club
15) Sultrybrunette :xpulcy:
16) WIthout question..."Schindler's List...." "Love, Actually" ranks a close second
17) Maryanne....Ginger makes it too obvious...Maryanne strikes me as a closet fuh-REEAK!!! ;)
18) My biggest lie was telling my father I didn't give this neighborhood kid a ride home on my bike (major rule...as the bike cost a lot of $$)...the kid kept pestering me to do it...I did it, and my father saw me ride off with him on it.....when I got home and he asked me if I did or not...I said no....WRONG.....ANSWER.....lemme tell ya....

19) I'd try a pill to quit smoking
20) Right now? I feel fried....put a fork in me folks...I'm done.
Why not......

1) What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
I watch what I eat, so I have to say KFC

2) What's the dumbest thing you ever did on a cash bet?
Me nude + busy street + $100

3) Given any amount of money, what's the one car you would drive for the rest of your life?
Porsche 911 GT3 (really any Porsche)

4) Have you ever stolen anything other than nickel-and-dime shit when you were a kid?
Honestly no.

5) What was your single most embarrassing moment?
Walking backwards and tripping over a bench while trying to impress my teacher.

6) Given the funding, would you ever get corrective surgery, and if so, where?
I am happy with my body all natural.

7) What is the one (and I mean ONE) CD you cannot live without in your collection?

8) You've found a wallet. There are a lot of bills in it. Do you keep any?

9) What's the lamest excuse you came up with in order to break up with someone?
Its not you, its me. She was a crazed lunatic.

10) Where is the strangest place you've ever had sex?
Hmm I say my first time which happened to be with my current girlfriend.

11) If you could be any one person...real or fictional...who would it be?

12) If you were 100% assured that you would get away with it, would you kill the person you hate the most?
Short answer no, long answer maybe.

13) Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?

14) What is your favorite song that you'd never admit you actually liked?
Forever Young by youth group

15) Who is the one person you would like an hour with to tickle-torture? (Again assuming you'd get away with it.)
My old History teacher

16) What film moved you the most? Not your favorite per se...but moved you?
Cant recall at this time.

17) Ginger or Mary-Anne?
No idea what this means

18) What's the biggest lie you ever told?
Never told a major lie but have told mum and dad different events to what occurred of some nights out.

19) What's the one habit you have that you'd take a pill to get rid of if they had one?
To keep quite when people bring up touchy subjects, got to keep my opinions in check.

20) How do you feel?
Always good

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