My two best friends know about both my foot fetish and tickle fetish. I have known one friend for 13 years, the other for almost 24 years, so we discuss our secrets openly. Also, both have very cute sisters, and I have asked both friends about their sisters feet, and ticklishness.
My family has an idea that I like feet. I hadnt ever intended to tell anyone in my family about my tickle fetish, or that I belong to the TMF. That changed by neccessity in October, 2002, when, about 2 months after joining TMF, I was confronted with a situation where I talked to a girl and forgot to ask age. It turned out that the "girl", I was later told was underage, when a "cop" came on, and told me I was in trouble for talking to underage minors with the police, and needed to get a lawyer. This was in the old old TMF room before you needed name and password to get in. Thinking it was real, I freaked, and told my mom about TMF, and my tickling fetish. It turns out that later that day I was told by the mods that the "cop" was a troll, and that this had happened to others. Since then, my mom knows I come here, but we dont discuss it in detail. All I say is that I still visit "The Chatroom" and she knows where I go. She knows I have made many good friends on here, and at 35, doesnt pass judgement on what I do or my life. In that way, she is open, and cool. I probably wouldnt have told her had it not been for the fake cop incident.
So, in my life, some people know, but others dont. It depends on my relationship with them.