Is there not enough space? If a thread hasnt been responded to, the new threads go to the top. I guess I don't understand the issue.
I edited my post above...
because if you're a new or returning member and you say "hmmm! I wonder what's going on in my area!" (Southeastern USA in my case)
The real answer is: absolutely nothing
But the forum gives the impression that "Hey! There's an active group in Georgia!" "Oh hey! There's some massive southern group!" "I can't wait to attend their events!" when in reality both of these groups no longer exist, haven't posted in years, etc.
The Southern Gathering hasn't had a single thread, about the Southern Gathering, since 2002:
yet this group exists, to confuse and divide people looking for events in the south.
It was clearly a subforum made for AN EVENT that no longer exists.
So why not merge it into General Southern Gatherings?
Gatherings in Georgia is now just a personals listing for Georgia.
Gatherings In Georgia, the group, hasn't had a single group-based thread since 2011
edit: oops, my bad, actually it was 2009:!!-Read-for-information!-1st-Post
If people in Georgia want a group personals section, great! but this ain't Gatherings in Georgia, because that official group no longer exists. now it's just individuals trying to organize tiny munches and events - which is great - but not GIG.
So as someone who's looking to eventually organize group events, that leaves General Southern Gatherings. which shares equal space with the defunct groups.
I'm sure many of the other groups are similarly defunct, including the ones I mentioned in the OP.
I'm asking to have these consolidated so they no longer pry eyes away from the actual events and meetups, rare as they may be, that are taking place outside of NYC. (I know NEST is the only event anyone cares about 'round here, but for those of us who aren't able to attend, throw us a bone by not making it MORE difficult for us to organize.)
edit 2:
another great example: Tethers and Feathers?
Does this group exist today? probably
Is it active on the forums? no, not for several years
Does it need an entire subforum? no
So what about this subforum is important?
1) they have a thread about where to find them on FetLife
2) they have a post about what to expect at their gatherings
Absolutely nothing else is of use!
solution: merge Tethers and Feathers into General Eastern Gatherings, pin the only 2 threads that matter from the group so they remain on top, thereby clearing yet another useless subforum from the Gatherings list