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Absolute Tragedy...........Return to God


Registered User
Sep 13, 2001
I wrote to the TMF admins earlier this month stating that I would be leaving and to expect no further problems from me. However, in light of current events, I am compelled to speak. As some of you may know I am a seminarian. This does not mean that I am a priest or a man of the cloth. However, It also means that I do not want war. To be honest I'm sure I've felt as most of you did when the bombs hit and decemated in their aftermath. We saw the travesty, the horrible injustice. We want heads to roll. That was my gut feeling as well. I wanted immediate vengeance. However, our gut feelings are not always the right feelings. I will be posting a detailed response to these horrific events during the next few days. Despite the fact that I feel compelled to put this part of me away, I also feel very responsible for the large number of people who are here. Therefore, within the coming days, before I leave for Medjugorje, I will post my comments and beliefs. They may not share or mirror your own, but please hear them and give them heed. Thank you.

Scott (Psycho4048)

P.S. Many people have emailed me claiming that I have been sabotaging the TMF. I don't know how you got my new email address but the exclamations are totally false. I am a man of action and belief. If I had wanted to harm the TMF I could have. During the time when I experienced a great change in my life....I decided that the tickling community was no longer for me. At this time, I had full access to all of the server codes, chat codes, vbulletin passwords, etc. If I had really wanted to destroy the TMF I would have done so.
But that is not a Catholic or righteous outlook. Many people visit this site and like it. So I let it be. I did erase all of the ezboards TMF only because that was something of my own creation whereas the new TMF involved a 50-50 joint venture by myself and Jeff. As I have told Myriads, I have come to realize that people here make friends, talk about important events, and justify overall humanitarian interests. Who was I to destroy that? Who was I to try to end it? So I didn't. But I do find it morally wrong. I believe it is against the will of God. This really doesn't matter much in light of what has happened to our country. Let me tell you this though....as much as we hurting and mourning...God is there. He is with us even now.....It is much like the line from "That Solitary Life" In the hardest times there were one set of footprints, because I carried you." That is the hour of our nation. I will post within the next three days on where we are and why we are here. Let me tell you though, that this is not for faint the hearted. The time we are in and the happenings that have occurred were prophesied in the 16th century and those prophecies are mirrored directly by Revelations. I hope you have a strong stomach and more importantly a devout soul, because the coming times will be our test. God bless you and praise Jesus Christ.

Scott (psycho4048)
Hi There

Well, Im new the forum but I am familiar with your leaving the TMF and all that stuff. I too want vengance.......they sure as hell had no remorse in killing thousands of innocent Americans......So America should quit being seen as the p-whipped country and "Let the bodies hit the floor"........While I may not agree with your Bible Thumping
opinions, I do respect them. Good luck on whatever you do from here on out.
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Well said....to a point

Thank you for stopping back to check on things Scott. I hope that all is well in your chosen Path. I'm not going to get in to a theological debate on the issue of our "wrongness", because I do not think this is the time. I am also very close to my God, and have accepted Jesus. We simply have differing beliefs within all that.

After the change you went through, to come back for the purpose of touching base with us shows your strength as an individual, and I applaud that. I agree with your view on vengeance. I was going to post this is the other thread, but it's on my mind now, so here goes...

After something like this, the cry for vengeance is a natural step in the healing process. I am a person who believes in a peaceful, calm solution to our problems. Even I, however, realize that there comes a time where one must hit back. But let us make the distinction here. Let us not view any action taken by our country to be made solely out of vengeance, and let us temper that vengeance with a modicum of responsibility.

We must strike, not out of revenge, but as a proactive measure to keep this from happening again, to ourselves or our neighbors. There are those that look to us for protection from the world's evils...and unfortunately now is the time when it must be done.

When it does come, however, let us not cheer at our own power, but reflect on what brought us to this unfortunate but necessary action. Many innocent people will again die, this time at our hands. I feel no shame in this action, but I do feel regret that it had to come to this. We were all appalled at the sight of Palestinian men, women and their brainwashed children celebrating in the streets at the news of our pain.

Let us not become them.
To become....

Hi Scott! Thought you were already on your retreat...glad you weren't midair during this nonsense. I've read Nosrtadamus' prophecy regarding September 2001, and it IS spooky how the events can be related to it, although calling New York City the "City Of God" is a bit of a stretch. As for Dave2112's call for reason, it would be "nice" if we could go that route, but I think we've been nice far too often, which is why these things continue to happen. Children being told to dance in the streets is a symptom of the underlying evil in that society, both in intent and action. Those who claim Biblical knowledge should remember that the book is quite clear regarding the wages of sin and the way to deal with evil......there is blood and thunder in the Old Testament, as there will be throughout the world all too quickly when we identify our FIRST set of enemies. This will be a looooooong battle, and we will need allies, courage, resolve and a bit of luck to actually "win" this war....we'll be swinging at fog much of the time, but we need to continue to swing until the light shines clearly on those who harbor and perpetuate these evil minions. This is a time for action....put down the plowshare and take up a sword until you can be sure that order, not chaos, will rule the world. It may not be correct, but it's damn sure necessary. Q
Let me make something clear...

I think I may have been somewhat misunderstood. I am NOT calling for passivity in our response. The time is long past for being "nice" as you put it. I only meant to express that we should not be HAPPY that we are forced into this action. I simply don't want to see US celebrating death as our enemies are. We can strike back and still hold on to the dignity that we are embracing so far. We are a strong nation with the capability of defending ourselves...but we are NOT a militant nation, nor should we take that attitude. As always, this is merely MY opinion and I harbor no ill sentiment to those who feel otherwise. It is that freedom to differ in our opinions that was attacked, not merely concrete buildings. May you all be well...Dave

To all forum users: Scott has had nothing to do with any of our problems with the forum in the last months. They have all been due to server and software issues. No attacks, no sabatoge. I've never though he has. Anyone spreading such rumors is totaly off base and wrong.

Scott, feel free to post, keep it in one thread and tidy and we'll have no problems. As I said in our last converstaion you are free to post here as long as you follow the rules.


Hope you didn't think I was calling for any dancing in OUR country. Unlike these morons, we don't view war/death as a sporting event of some sort, to be celebrated with end zone antics and other such nonsense. Save your energy and time for the necessary business of hunting down the rest of these fools who try to intimidate our nation. We can mourn at our leisure, but our people won't begin to heal until we turn our attention to avenging our dead and wounded. No dancing....just a sad stroll with tears in our eyes for doing the things that have to be done. The price of freedom has always been this willingness and ability to shift gears from quiet peaceful overconsuming slugs into howling ravenous wolves that demand blood and thunder. In Biblical terms, the seeds have been sown, and now they shall reap the whirlwind indeed........ Q
Right on qjakal

Qjakal, I was in NO WAY accusing you personally of harboring a desire to see us celebrate. I was merely making a statement directed at all of mankind. I agree with your last post 100%. We are on the same page.

Sadly enough Dave, I DO harbor a desire to celebrate, and although it shames me a bit, it also drives us to greater acts and deeds than we might otherwise be capable of performing. The consequences of those who celebrated our pain will be far reaching, for even if not directly responsible for the tragedy, those images will be used against them for the remainder of time. Funding that was once a trickle to Israel will be a flood...and if their is doubt or debate, the images of children gleefully dancing as our buildings burn and topple and our citizens die horribly will put an end to it for as long as they exist.....they have sealed their fate with their foolishness. Q
I presume the Nostradamus quote to which Scott and Q refer is the one currently being circulated about "Two brothers torn apart by chaos" and "The third big war will begin when the big city burns."

I belong to a mailing list for TSR's Dark*Matter RPG which deals with conspiracies and the paranormal, and we've already determined that the source of that quatrain was not Nostradamus, but rather a debunker who wrote it Tuesday night specifically to demonstrate how vague Nostradamus's prophecies are, and how they, like the Book of Revelations, can be twisted to fit nearly any event by someone with an ideological axe to grind. I believe the same guy spread the one about "The villiage idiot shall become king" after the 2000 Election as well.

Also, Scott:
While I'm not eager to duel with you over theology at this point (It wouldn't be appropriate in this time of mourning, I've stated my case repeatedly on the Religion thread, and you have a history of hastily repeating brainwashed platitudes before vanishing when challenged), I must take extreme offense at the sentiments expressed in your signature. Our country is not in a moral decline because of failure to accept your narrow vision of God. I used to work at a casino in Atlantic City for two years, along side Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, and decent hardworking people of all faiths. One of my best friends at the time was a man from Pakistan, who worked like a dog to raise money for his son's medical care. Who in the name of all that is truly Holy do you think you are to say that he was contributing to the downfall of America because he didn't agree with your faith? America is not a "Christians-Only" club, no matter how much you crave reassurance for your beliefs through the exclusion of competition.

The separation of Church and State exists for an essential reason. The Founders of our country were adamant that the Government they created should not make any laws favoring one religion over another because they specifically came here from England to escape scenes of Theocratic horror that would make Quentin Tarantino puke. The name "Bloody Mary" if I recall correctly, is a reference to a Catholic English Queen who organized slaughter of Protestants, as a change from Protestant rulers who organized slaughter of Catholics. It continues to this day in Ireland, my family's ancestral home. The founders knew that Theocracy is the worst form of government, because disagreement with the state is not being the Loyal Opposition in such regimes, it is being a Heretic and a Blasphemer, who is forced to recant under pain of death.

The horror that happened Tuesday is the direct result of Islamic Fundamentalist Theocracy; and I have never heard of a single theocratic state that accomplished anything more constructive than impresssively large churches. Most theocracies result only in perpetuating bloodshed in the name of soul-saving. How dare you suggest that America can only be saved be becoming a Christian Theocracy? The only thing that will separate America from Afghanistan or Iraq in that event is the color of the secret police's uniforms. We will not be made safe by becoming a copy of our enemy.

I put it to you that the main reason for our country's moral decline is not lack of adherance to just one of thousands of faiths that you happen to follow; it is because so few people have been trained to THINK and REASON. The Liberal wing of the Democratic party has discovered that by promoting programs which support and encourage a brain-free lifestyle they can create a class of permanent government dependents, easily frightened into voting them back into office every year because they do not understand the alternatives. Britney Spears sells records not because the Devil has so much power, but because people haven't been taught to appreciate Bach or Mozart. If more people knew the rewards of taking the effort to understand Hamlet and Macbeth, then Survivor and Temptation Island would never have made it past the first pitch meeting. And, if more people were aware of exactly why this country is great (Freedom, not a single Faith) and how important the role of the individual is in preserving that Freedom, then they would strive to do much better than they are.

I don't mean to offend anyone, and I apologize if that came out sounding like a personal attack, but we all have a responsibility to resist the seductive embrace of fear and ignorance, especially at this time of strife.

I think God is punishing us for not tickling girls more. The old sh-- rolls down hill thing. Lets all get busy, and pull our quota.
Well said, MadKalnod

Just wanted to add my appreciation for your post, sir. Well said. I agree completely.


Good point Mad...our strength IS our diversity and our ability to gather the best from all our various cultures and religions and fuse it into an unstoppable force. Should we become a bland vanilla country, we would most likely also adopt their habit of letting another more vital nation lead the world in technological and moral issues. Nope...I'll take us the way we are, warts and problems and all! Q
Oh wow. Scott, thank you so much for posting this. I myself and a freind of mine (anime316) are Presbyterians. About 3 weeks ago, he lost his best freind in a car crash, and his parents got a divorce after nearly 20 years of marriage. He's been gone since then and i was helping him out, and then the attacks happened. I'm really scared for him now. It's almost like he's turned his back on God. He's gone to the nearest military facility and offered to help out in any kind of war that might arise. He'll barley even talk to me now. Please, everyone that knows him, either through this forum or through freindship, keep him in your prayers as i have.

And Scott, if you read this, i want you to know that i understand how you feel. I too once wondered if liking tickling was a sin or would cause me some sort of discomfort because of my religion. I found out that god loves all of his creations, and will forgive our sins if we only ask him to. That is why when in comes to tickling, i am a "virgin". In chats, or in personal contact, i will not do anything closely related to sex,ect. You may want to leave the tickling community behind scott and i truly respect that. Sometimes i need a way to leave it behind, but not for good. I even meditate in my room often, just to get my mind cleared. Soft music and insense help me find that quiet peaceful place in the corner of my mind where i can talk to myself and god, to sort out all my problems and concerns. I'm so glad that you have found your path in life, and i hope it goes well for you. And i have a message from Anime316 for you. After you left the original TMF, he said that he was behind you all the way. And if you ever needed support of anykind, to e-mail him. He tried to e-mail you several times but you never replied. He was willing to support you and your beleifs because, even though you didn't talk much, he considered you a freind. Will you help him in his time of need? I know i will, and i'm pretty sure about all of you too.

Android 18
P.S. sorry for the long post, i just wanted to pour out my heart to you.
~Our father, who art in heaven, hollowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.
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Scott, good to hear from you again. Q and MK, as usual both of you have something worth while to say.

Here's my take on the necessary response to events of the last week. The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time, and with utter recklessness. Beat the plowshares back into swords, the other was always a maiden aunt's fancy.

Many groups have said that they are at war with the USA. Any nation that shelters or supports them is at war with us. They should be shown what that really means - all of them, whether or not they participated in the latest atrocity. It should be war to the knife, and sow the ground with salt afterward.

I'm not overly concerned about enemy civilian casualties. Nor am I worried about starting another cycle of revenge. Organized large-scale terrorism can't exist without shelter and support from a nation-state. Civilized states won't tolerate terrorism, and we can put the fear of God into the others. As Niccolo Machiavelli said 500 years ago: Given an either/or choice, being feared is easier to accomplish than being loved, and is also more likely to further your aims.


As long as you're pulling out our buddy Mr Heinlein (a maiden aunts fancy...lol...loved that novel) we should grab his text regarding the things every competent human being should be able to do also...it ran the gamut from starting a fire to planning a war if memory serves me. Q

for all those who believe they are right, for all those with a lust for vengeance, for all those who use these attacks to wish for war, and for glory.... i submit this:

"Gas GAS!! Quick boys!- an ecstacy of fumbling,
fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
but someone still was yelling out and stumbling,
and flound'ring like a man in fire or lime..
dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
as under a green sea, i saw him drowning
if in some smothering dreams you too could pace
behind the wagon that we flung him in,
and watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
his hanging face, lik a devil's sick of sin;
if you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,--
My friend, you would not say with such high zest
to children ardent for some desparate glory,
the old lie: dulce et decorum est
pro patria mori."
excerpt from Dulce et decorum est, by wifred owen.

this was a man who had seen war and wrote of the horror. i beg you, do not tell this lie, this foul decadent lie to your children, do not make them like the soulless children who know not what they do, dancing at the destruction of the bodies of thousands.
a writhing mass grave, filled with castoffs of human life, a life that had once seen and breathed the air.
i say this to you, Mudvayne, and others who harbour vengeance. i know the horror, but i can only dream of the loss you feel. i apologise to all those i may offend. the america bombing was a vile tragedy, perpetrated by a monster, hidden by a tyrranical govt.
destroy him if you will, and i have no quarrel with the death of the taliban. but lust NOT after the death of the innocent, who have only their parents to listen to, and know only one side of the argument. do what you have to do to stop this callous disregard of human life for a theocratical cause, but i pray of you, go NO further.

i mourn your loss, as best i can,

Very intelligent Mad! I agree with your way of thinking totally.

Well said, Aussiemonkey.

This reminds me of something a close friend of mine told me when I visited him Friday night. He was attempting to explain what had happened to his two youngest children, and he used his Robotech DVDs to illustrate it so they could understand:

"It's like when the Zentraedi attacked Earth," he told his 11-year old. "They destroyed Macross City, and a lot of people died, but what did the survivors do? They rebuilt it inside the SDF-1, and went on with their lives. That's how you beat the bad guys, you rebuild. You don't let what they've destroyed stay destroyed, and that's what's happening in New York right now."

"But," the boy replied, "Didn't they have to go kill all the bad guys after that?"

"Well, some Zentraedi wanted to kill all the humans, so they had to be fought, and killed when there was no other way to stop them from hurting people, but you have to remember that not all of the Zentraedi were evil. They were cloned to be soldiers, so they just never knew that there was more to life than fighting and killing and taking orders. You saw how the 3 Zentraedi spies sent to infiltrate the SDF-1 wanted to stay with the humans after they found out that they didn't have to live the way they were taught. Didn't Commander Breetai and Miriya bring half the Zentraedi fleet to join the good guys and protect the Earth when they were ordered to destroy it? It's the same thing with the people in the Arab countries. They aren't all evil either, they've just spent their whole lives being taught to hate, and a lot of them just don't understand any other way to be. But a lot of them have come to live in America because they don't want to live that way, and you shouldn't treat them like the bad guys."

Maybe it's weird, but I thought it was kind of touching how he was able to reassure and instruct the boy using such modern mythology.

Q, I figured you would know the provenance of my last post.

List you mention is from "Notebooks of Lazarus Long."

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."


Could that man write or what! I still get choked up reading a lot of his stuff... Wish he was here to toss off an article on this mess. It would be...blistering. Just heard Pakistan is going to demand Bin Laden fron Afghanistan....bet we "bought" them using their debt to us...lol..the more the world changes, the more it stays the same. These bastards would sell their mothers and that's what is going to bring them down. I hope you are going to keep posting, Strel...there's something comforting about seeing your name when I boot up...lol. Guess it's because I know I'll have a good read and something to think about for a while...getting tired of news 24/7, going into overload on these tiny little bits of info they finally come up with. Q
Q, I have every intention of continuing with posting here.

AM, I'm familiar with Wilfred Owen and perhaps more familiar than you what the man's service was like. My grandfather was in the Canadian Infantry in WWI, fought at the Somme and Vimy Ridge, and lived to tell the tale because of the million-dollar wound that invalided him out of the Army. He had no illusions about glory - how could he? He regarded war as a job that sometimes had to be done.

As do I.

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