Home too! May have only been my second NEST but I agree with the general consensus over the weekend and say that it was not only the best NEST ever but the best single GATHERING I've been to so far. I'm expecting the post-gathering blues to be that much worse....and here they come...
I am home. This weekend was the best experience I have ever had! I met some of the most wonderful people! Just a joy to know and be around...I am missing everyone already! Can't wait til next year!
I'm not home, still in Philly, feeling.. alone! I took a nap, got a massage, did a little shopping, got some food, and am now wondering if August 12, 13 &14 is a good weekend for a NH Gathering! 😉
Got home awhile ago and just about caught up on all messages from over the weekend. Then off to bed to sleep and avoid some of the misery from having it all be done and over with again. 🙁
Plane touched down at about 5:50 PM PST, but I didn't actually get home until about 15 minutes ago thanks to rush hour. Damn do I pick some awful flight times.
Currently sitting in the middle of my big, empty house with nobody to keep me company but the cat. I usually enjoy my own company, but right now I feel about as lonely as lonely can be.
We got home yesterday at 6:30pm, far too soon for our tastes but it was out of our control this year. While both Sarah and I could have done without the obnoxious head colds we were both suffering from throughout NEST this year, it was still a really awesome weekend and one of my favorite gatherings yet.
We were honored to get the opportunity to coordinate with the newbies this year and it was pleasure meeting just an awesome, fun, outgoing, friendly group of first-timers. This seriously was one of the best classes of newbies we've had before and it really made this a special weekend.
Of course it was awesome to see all our wonderful friends as well, although the <48 hours we were allotted was far too little. Hopefully, our paths will cross with many of you again before next May.
Cheers to a wonderful NEST weekend with many many wonderful people.
Got home from work a few hours ago. Yes, I was crazy enough to go after P_Bustleton kindly drove me back to the Big Apple (after a fabulous cheesesteak breakfast at Tony Luke's). Felt the post-NEST crash and fell asleep a few times at the computer.
Thank you all so much for your generosity, kindness, and fun-loving nature. This was an amazing weekend that I'll never forget. Definitely coming back next year and going to more gatherings!
I'm not home, still in Philly, feeling.. alone! I took a nap, got a massage, did a little shopping, got some food, and am now wondering if August 12, 13 &14 is a good weekend for a NH Gathering! 😉