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Giggle Box V.02 */f


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001
Giggle Box V.02


By Tickle Mantis

Inspired by Invisible Ink.

Amanda enjoyed the weekdays. The kids were at school, her husband was at work and the tall voluptuous woman with shoulder length jet black hair had their large suburban house all to herself. Summer holidays had just ended, school was in its second week and the weather outside was still warm and comfortable.

The tidy neighborhood seemed almost deserted on weekdays which allowed Amanda almost one hundred percent safety to wander around the house in whatever she pleased. Most days it was her sexy red lingerie that curved perfectly around Amanda's large breasts and plum like butt, other days jeans and t-shirt and on rare occasions when the mother of two felt particularly naughty, nothing at all.

Today the dark haired housewife had yet to slip out of her too tight, light pink nightie. The gown was several sizes too small and as result caused her big cushy breasts to be pushed high up, and when she leant forward even a fraction one could easily see the bottom of her well toned butt. Sitting with on the long shag carpet with her back to the couch Amanda watched with half interest the 11am news. The big screen TV told of stock market rises and falls but the smooth skinned woman was more interested in sliding her cute little feet through the thick soft carpet and squeezing the strands in-between her toes.

*Bing boooong* The door bell ripped its cliché jingle in-between the sound of dow jones index from the TV, a jingle like that of almost every other home in that street. Sliding her index finger over the mute button on her remote Amanda turned her head to the arch way that lead to the front door. Pressing her left arm back on the couch, Amanda rose to her full height and tugged the silky nighty at the bottom, causing her large breasts to dip and bounce back up. Walking casually toward the door the smooth gowned, smooth skinned woman was forced to wipe a cheeky smirk from her face at thought of what a man at the door might think. Or a woman for that matter.

"Hello?"Amanda called with a friendly welcoming demeanor as she passed through the arch way from the living room into the entrance and wrapped her slender fingers around the sleek silver door handle.

"Where do want this?" Asked a short gruff middle aged man in dark blue overalls, a similar dark blue van parked on the street curb over his shoulder and a large brown cardboard box cradled awkwardly in his arms, it looked heavy and if placed on the ground would have stood about the height of a bed and slightly deeper than a standard pillow, the width almost that of the end of dinner table.

"What is it?" The scantly clad bare legged woman asked with a curious smile as she stood in the door way examining the surprise box.

"Its very heavy ma'am." The gruff man said as he stepped forward, motioning to go inside the door.

"Of course, right through there." Amanda pointed toward the arch way she had previously stride her long legs through and into the center of the large clean living room.

Curiously Amanda followed the slightly shorter balding man as he waddled with the weight of the box into what was almost the very center of the well lit lounge. Bending his knees, the overalls stretched against his back and the box dropped the last half inch when gravity suddenly got the better of him.

"Just sign your name on the line, it doesn't have to be who ordered it, so they know it got delivered." The delivery man asked handed Amanda a thin piece formal looking paper with 'delivery docket' written at the top in big letters.

"Did my husband order this?" Amanda asked as she noticed the man had only just now, without the box to distract him, taken into account the beautiful woman's state of dress.

"No idea, could have been. I don't know what it is, I just get it from A to B." His five o'clock shadow irritated him as he spoke and without taking his eyes from Amanda's leg handed her the blue ball point pen from his shirt collar. "I used to try and guess but after ten years at this the game wore kind of thin."

Interesting choice of words Amanda thought as she bent forward slightly, placing the paper on top of her wide screen TV and began to write her name. Knowing full well the jaded delivery man could see the bottom of her cheeks when she bent that way the tall black haired tease flexed her right buttock a second before turning back and handing him the slip and pen.

"You have a nice day." Amanda said as the gruff man smiled and took a little too long to put the pen back on his collar.

"Will do ma'am." The delivery man smiled for the first time and Amanda waved to him as he climbed into the van.

With the door shut, Amanda picked up her pace with a hasty curiosity and stood a couple of feet back from the large heavy box. With her hands on her wide hips she scanned the seemingly unlabeled rectangle for a marking of some description. The delivery docket said nothing about who may have ordered it. The easiest assumption was her husband and bought it of the internet and if that was the case he wouldn't mind her opening it.

Placing her fingers under the fold on top Amanda sprang the four card board lids open and peeked inside. Another large black box sat inside, the cardboard was almost wrapped around it, it was a tight fit. Ripping the cardboard down one corner Amanda decided to not investigate until she had this curious mystery fully out in the open. Unable to physically move it herself, the gruff man must have been very strong indeed, the crouching near nude woman ripped the card board apart, leaving only the bottom of the box trapped under its large black contents.

Having put the cardboard neatly on the kitchen table Amanda skipped back to the lounge with her boobs bouncing as she went. Standing before her in the silence of the entire neighborhood was a large black box. A thin dark line ran down the middle of what she assumed was the front, clearly an opening of some kind. A tiny green screen no larger than a calculator sat on the top in the far right hand corner with many tiny buttons dotted around it.

Most interesting of all however were the holes, they were lined with a dark foamy rubber the same black shade as the shiny plastic shell. A large one no bigger than a dinner plate sat on top directly in the middle several inches from the small screen and buttons, on either side of the large black box near the top was two smaller holes and on the front either side of the dark opening line was two medium sized rubber lines holes. All five holes seemed to be filled with nothing but darkness.

"Okay." Amanda walked a lazy circle around the box before spotting a small white pamphlet taped to the back in a clear plastic wrapper. "Ah ha."

Reading through the small book explained nothing, it was all in Japanese. The pictures were somewhat helpful though, thin dark line drawing of a happy looking woman sitting inside the box. The black and white cartoon had a woman's head out of the top hole, her arms from just below the elbow sticking from the side holes and her legs from half way down the thighs sticking out the front holes. Covering the cartoon lady’s feet were two smaller boxes about the size of shoeboxes if the scale was correct.

In all six drawings of the woman she looked very pleased indeed. It soon became clear from further examination that whatever it did it was intended to bring pleasure, a diagram on the back appeared to compare the same cartoon woman on a massage table looking displeased, and then in the black box looking happy.

"A massage machine?" Amanda asked herself quietly aloud and tossed the small white booklet onto her expensive leather couch as she walked back to the front of the box. "Hmmm."

Examining the screen and its button Amanda opted for pressing the biggest one. A second passed when the curious woman began to move her hand away the screen lit up with black letters on neon green background. 'HELLO AND WELCOME TO G.B.V.0.2' The screen red in large pixilated letters. Amanda didn't understand the second half but waited several more seconds and pushed the smallest button which simply read 'Menu' in thin white lettering.

"IF YOU HAVE NOT USED A G.B.V.0.2 BEFORE PLEASE PRESS ONE. IF YOU WISH TO CONTINUE PRESS TWO." The box said loudly from an unseen speaker in a smooth business like voice like that of a phone menu for a large company.

Amanda looked around as if someone would walk in and explain everything to her, or perhaps give her approval for pressing buttons. With no one in the house, and probably no one for at least the next four square blocks the thinly attired woman curiously pressed the small button that a single thin number 1 printed on it.


The machine was cut off mid sentence when Amanda, pressed the small '5' button. Taking a step back the box began to move with a swift robotic silence as the front split in two and folded outward taking the front half of the top with it, thus opening the head hole as well.

The box was open like two swinging doors and looking inside proved most curios. The walls were nearly an inch thick and systematically covered with tiny black half balls, not doubt what made it so heavy. In the middle on the floor of the box was small leather seat, it looked to be very ergonomically designed with smooth curves to accommodate an average person's butt. The small seat was lined with thin stitch lines that ran from front to back. Either side of the small chair was two smaller boxes, about the size of shoe boxes only standing on their ends. Each box had hole in the front, roughly the same size as the side holes on the large box.

Amanda remembered the diagram with the woman who had her feet inside two smaller boxes. Picking up one of the dark shoe boxes proved harder than expected, it was a lot heavier than it looked and the bent over woman dragged it most of the way across the carpet until it line up roughly where she thought it would go. Repeating the same with the other, the two boxes suddenly split open and were also lined with many half balls on the dark inner walls.

"PLEASE PRESS THE NUMBERS TO COROSPOND WITH THE PREFERED LENGTH FOR YOUR SESSION NOW THAT THE FOOT SYSTEMS ARE IN PLACE." The black box politely suggested as its screen lit up even brighter as if to secure ones attention. This thing was fairly advanced as it had clearly detected where its two smaller brothers were.

Amanda stepped around one of the doors which sat out at an angle to the side and pressed the numbers 0 and 1. "YOU HAVE TYPED 1 MINUTE. THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF TIME FOR OPTION 5 IS 10 MINUTES." The machines tone changed slightly when it’s said its prerecorded numbers but Amanda was happy to abide, if this thing worked her husband was going to be one happy man. Amanda pushed 1 and 0 and took a step back to the front of the large black contraption that stood center of her living room.

"Okay..." Amanda stood once again examining the contents of the box. "What n-"


Looking the large talking box up and down once more Amanda glanced briefly over the small booklet and with a slight 'what the hell' roll of her eyes, let her night gown slip to floor and sat fully nude onto the cool soft tight fixed leather seat. Following the machines instructions Amanda placed her hands through the side holes and ones her arms were stretched far out to her side on a slight upward angle the foam lining of the holes suddenly expanded. The hole closed quickly and the black swollen rubber now held a firm grip on the nude woman's forearms.

"PLEASE PLACE LEGS INTO THE FRONT HOLES." The doors closed on an angle just in front of Amanda and with a little awkward knee bending was able to slide her long bare legs through the leg holes. The doors suddenly closed but the foam didn't swell around the of thighs like it had done her hands. Her legs were spread slightly and while the naked Amanda began to question exactly how this machine might work she place her feet in the foot boxes before the machine could give instruction to so. The holes around her ankles and thighs then swelled and the nude Amanda was quite securely trapped inside the box. The hole around her neck did not swell, however it was only big enough for her slim neck, not her pretty head.

"INITIATING BACK PROGRAM 1." The box stated and without a sound seemed to do nothing. Amanda scanned the room with her eyes suddenly realizing she had no idea how to get out if she needed to, but shrugged as best she could in her slightly stretched state and sat in anticipation of a relaxing experience.

"Ooh." Amanda titled her head back slightly as she felt what seemed like ten finger tips carefully kneading the soft skin on her back. "Wow."

What Amanda couldn't see was that ten of the small half circles inside the box, directly behind her had opened up. From within the walls and out through all ten circles unfolded a thin mechanical arm no thicker than pen. Each arm had many joints as it needed to fold up tight inside the walls. On the end of each arm was a small rubbery ball around the size as a woman's finger tip. The tips were soft and felt like smooth warm washing up gloves, they caressed muscles in the small of Amanda's back and it felt good against her skin.

"Mmmmm that’s nice." Amanda spoke to no one and rolled her head with her eyes closed softly in appreciation of her new toy. "I don't even care how much you cost..."

Several minutes passed and the slow coordinated back massage slowly ceased. Amanda rolled her head once clockwise and opened her eyes. Flexing her toes inside the foot boxes Amanda sighed a relaxed breath and smiled. The day was going to be the usual watching TV and reading, maybe a trip to the store, but this was a far better pastime.

"INITIATING UNDERARM ARM PROGRAM 1." The box said and two unseen mechanical arms unfolded from either side of the inner box walls. An odd place to be massaged thought Amanda but none the less she focused her attention on feeling her smooth hairless pits and tried to guess when the unseen fingers implements would make contact.

"Oh" Amanda said with quiet surprise when two single tips prodded lightly into the very center of her taught stretched underarms at the exact same time. "...eep careful now...hee hee...not too fast..."

Staying prodded in the same center space of Amanda's underarms the two tips began to swirl tiny slow circles. Amanda couldn't help but giggle a little as the tips slowly increased in speed. It felt good and the nude mother was able to ignore the giggles and focus on the pleasure but the speed continued to increase beyond the point of maintainable pleasure.

"Ohaha...heeehee you’re making me laugh! Aeehee!" Amanda giggled like a little girl as the machine increased speed at an unwavering pace continuing its tiny circles. "Oh no hahah that’s too fast! Ahaha! You silly machine! Slow down! Ahahaha I can't get out! Eeeehaha! Oh stop!"

But it didn't stop. Instead it continued to increase in speed until it the tips were circling fast enough that Amanda could no long string together full sentences. Her shoulder length black hair waved all over as her head shook back and forth. Amanda's nude body squirmed as best she could but the inflated foam held tight and her body was taut.

"Hahahah ohahaha! Slow doahah! Stop! Leeeeheehehe let me ouahahahaaaa!" Amanda screamed with laughter as she was assaulted from both sides by the unfeeling machine. "No more! aaaahahaha! Please turn offahaahaha!"

The same several minutes passed that had been the time of her delightful back massage. The tips slowed their circles as the same pace they had sped up. Amanda's laughter slowed with the tips to giggles and squeaks and then to simply breathing heavily for recovery from the surprising unwanted sensation. Amanda's hair was a little messy and her cheeks a light shade of red.

"Thank goodness." Amanda breathed and titled her head back with a testing tug at the boxes holes that still firmly clasped her neck, mid forearms, lower thighs and ankles. "I'll note not to make that an option ever again!"

"INTIATING STOMCH PROGRAM 1." The box said as Amanda shook her head as if to shake away the last few minutes and prepared for the next program.

"Just don't tickle this time! That was terrible!" Amanda spoke to the lifeless machine with a smile, now able to look back with amusement on the rather steep learning curve she had just taken.

Sixteen new arms extended from the lower sides, eight on either side of Amanda's bare body. Four on either side lines up behind her back about a quarter way from the her spine and another four on either side lined directly opposite on the front. Slowly the rubbery finger like tips tapped themselves onto Amanda's skin and gripped her mid section lightly. The eight back tips began a slow short up and down motion that was most agreeable to the housewife's back muscles.

"Mmmm...see that’s better...right there." Amanda titled her head back with closed eyes once more as the back tips worked their magic.

Amanda's full lips smiled slightly with relaxed pleasure as the front tips began to shift back and forth in the opposite direction to their back massaging counterparts. A few seconds passed, the tips on her well toned tummy having no effect other than to stroke her soft skin until they pressed in slightly harder. The speed of all sixteen tips began picking up with unexpected speed and in less than three seconds Amanda's eyes sprung open with surprise as the tips vibrated and squeezed her tummy.

"Eeeee! Ahaha Oh no! Ahaha!" Amanda jerked back and forth in the immoveable thick walled box as her sides were lobster clawed by the fast vibrating rubber tips. "ThisisntamAAahaha ohnahaha! eeehee! Eeehee!"

All sixteen tips not only vibrated up and down but would rapidly squeeze in and out as if pumping up a tire. In the darkness the side section of Amanda's squirming tummy, from just below her soft ribs to just above her wide hips, was turning a light shade of tickled pink. More time passed than had done with the last two programs. Amanda hadn't noticed amongst her hysterical laughing but the tips had begun moving inward and before long, they were sitting in the very middle of her soft tummy.

"hahahahaohgodstahah! offoff! Ahahaha!" Tears trickled down Amanda's rosy red cheeks as she thrashed her head in every direction and pulled desperately at the foamy clasps that held her arms and legs tight. "Aaaahahah! Ittoomuch! Hahahaha!"

It took just as much time again for the tips to slow down and cease squeezing as it had for them to speed up. Amanda panted and gasped for air, blinking tears from her eyes. Tugging weakly at the box again she knew it had to be, prayed it was, more than ten minutes. Ten minutes she had programmed, tilting her head and twisting to the left Amanda looked behind her and saw the numbers 0 an 1. One minute left, the dark haired bound woman sighed and took in another deep breath before the machine spoke once again.

"INTIATING RIB CAGE PROGRAM 1" The machine stated in its cold yet friendly demeanor.

"Wait...no! Ribs don't get massaged!" Tugging her arms and legs again did no use as she thought back briefly to the small booklet all in Japanese, Japanese or not Amanda thought, who would want a rib massage? "You crazy machine! Turn off!"

Before Amanda could utter another plea at the lifeless box twelve tips slipped in-between her ribs and squeezed. Amanda burst into uncontrollable laughter and screamed for help as the rubber tips wasted no time bouncing roughly over her ribs. From the side of the box her hands waved about in mid air, totally useless to do anything as was the rest of her trapped naked frame.

"STOPTICKLINGME! Aahahaha! AAAAhahaha!" Amanda even tried hitting the control panel with her head but it was simply to far away, and her neck would never bend right down to the surface that surrounded her neck as it was. "ITTICKLESTOOMAHAHA! NOOOHOhohooooahahaaa!"

The rib tickling was rough and hard as if a lumber jack or biker gang member were running his large hands harshly over her soft sensitive rib cage. The difference between a man and the machine that tickled Amanda senseless was feeling. A man might have relented, or had to rest when his hands got tired. The poor cackling woman didn't even know how the box was powered and the length of each 'massage' program seemed to be completely random, maybe even to Amanda's horror getting longer.

"INIATING NIPPLE PROGRAM 1" The machine said suddenly as the rib ticklers quickly folded away without a sound and Amanda rolled her head in tickle grief. While Amanda panted and her rib cage heaved for air she had yet to fully comprehend what the machine had just said. While the poor red faced woman tried desperately to catch her breath two tiny mechanical arms were folding out in front of her inside the box.

"Oh...please...don't...don't tickle my boobies..." Amanda puffed her words out between breaths as she feared more tiny tips that would prod and squeeze her large sensitive breasts."I can't...I can't take anymore..."

What Amanda didn't know as she spoke to the earless machine was that these particular mechanical arms differed greatly from the ones before. While the basic folding joints were the same the ends were not the same finger shaped tips from before. These two specialized arms contained a half golf ball sized rubber cup on their ends. The cups placed themselves directly over the top of Amanda's pink nipples.

"Ahh...what...what are you doing?" She knew the machine wouldn't answer but suddenly felt the base of her areoles being firmly pinched by tiny rubber tips.

The tips were like that of the finger tips from previously but far, far smaller. These tiny tips reached out on tiny micro arms within the nipple covering up and squeezed the base of the Amanda's nipples making the tops point straight ahead. This also stretched the delicate and highly sensitive nipple skin. While unseen by Amanda who sat not knowing at all what to expect, from the center of each cup came another micro arm. On the end of the center micro arm was yet another micro cup which engulfed the tips of her stiff nipples. On the inside of each micro cup were tiny lines running from smaller to larger circles from the base of the cup to its outer edges, the lines were made of tiny soft strands of silk.

"Ooo" Amanda smiled as she felt a funny tingling sensation on the very tip of both nipples, unbeknown to her the smallest and most inner circle of silk strands hand begun spinning slowly clock wise. "Oooo aaooo"

Her moans of pleasure began to intensify as the second line of silk strands began spinning counter clock wise. The third line spun clock wise like the first, and the forth went counter like the second and so on. Soon all the micro strands of silk were spinning delicately around the hard sensitive tips of Amanda's nipples and her body responded most perversely.

"Aaaaooh oogawd eeaa ooohoohoh..." Closing her eyes with most approving pleasure Amanda tilted her head back and forgot all about any of the previous unstoppable tickle torture. "Ahh! yes ooo...no...no wait..."

Just as the nude bound woman was beginning to grow moist with pleasure the arms folded away and her nipples were left hard and aroused. With no way to touch herself and a light sheen of sweat over her breasts Amanda was left horny, perhaps less than a minute from orgasm, and unable to do anything about it.

"INITIATE FEET PROGRAM 1" The box stated and Amanda's eyes shot open in response, she had forgotten completely about her cute trapped feet.

"NOOO! NOT MY FEET!" Amanda screamed with strained pitch and intense worry in her voice when her gaze immediately directed to the two small shoe box sized black boxes on the floor before her. "STUPID MACHINE! Let me GOOOOO! ARGH! Don't touch my FEET!"

Amanda thrashed as hard as possible and pulled her arms in hard but it was no use. The previous tickling had worn her out considerably and the shoe boxes weren't even moving a fraction. Screaming for help and not caring who might come to her rescue the trapped woman began to cry for freedom when ten tips reached out and from the fronts of the two foot boxes, one tip for each toe. Screaming bloody murder Amanda wiggled her feet as best she could but it was no use as the tips bent her toes back hard and left both soft buttery feet completely immoveable.

With taught soles the pushing on her toes bordered on the edge of pain, but was only uncomfortable. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as the dark haired housewife screamed in fearful anticipation. For Amanda being tickled on her feet was terrible at anytime, but being trapped and having her soles stretched tight was a torture she had never imagined.

"PLEEAAAAASE!!" Amanda's voice strained as she couldn't help but imagine tiny little tickly tentacles running over her sensitive soles. "SOMEONE HELP ME! HEEEEELP!"

There were no tentacles. But there were tiny mechanical arms with tiny black cones on. The cone bases began at the end of the thin metal arm and thinned out until the tip of the small cone rounded off in a smooth spherical point. Many arms unfolded from within the thick dark walls inside the two boxes before Amanda's stretched little sensitive feet. Only one tiny arm from each of the two separate groups began to slowly extend toward the very center of the tight soles.

"...Huh...no.." Amanda looked straight at the foot boxes sitting before her and breathed deeply with shock as she felt a tiny prod in the center of both her bare feet. "Ohgodohgodohgod!"

In her struggling panic Amanda was involuntarily able to ignore the first slow strokes of the tiny cone tip on either foot. With painful sloth like speed the cones went in opposite directions, the left dragging down to the heel and then beginning a casual decent back up, the right crawling up beneath her toes and then sliding down the smooth sole to the heel. Amanda breathed heavily and screamed with desperation as the cones picked up in speed and before long she could no longer stifle the bulk of helpless girlish giggling.

"Heeheee eehee! STOP IIIT! heehee! Amanda's face switched back and forth between a large agonized grimace of small squealing giggling and angry desperate screams. "HELP! STOPeehee! Ohnoahaha! notmyfeeeheeheeAhahah!"

The cones zig zagged with light strokes up and down Amanda's trapped feet. One cone always moved in the opposite direction to the other, sliding down from the balls, over the high arches and spinning a tiny circle on the very center of her surprisingly ticklish heels. While the left one now moved with swift speed on downward the right one moved with the same swiftness upward.

"Hahahah! Nodon'tdothat! NO MORE! AAAAHAHAH!" With no warning more cones began to systematically prod down onto soft taught skin. "HAHAHA! YAAHAHA!"

They swirled and stroked and dug with tiny rapid prods. At least thirty tiny cone tips scooted around and attacked the cackling woman's highly sensitive nerves. Never hitting one another the arms moved it perfect sync with random movements. Some would stay in one place for a while, spinning small circles or vibrating quickly. No matter if ten were spinning and another ten were vibrating, the other ten were stroking and prodding. Amanda was loosing her mind.

Her jade green eyes were wide with horror as tears rolled from them straight down her strained laughing cheeks. One would normally expect a person in Amanda's unique position to clench there eyes shut tight but she did quite the opposite. From the wrists her long nailed hands flapped about uselessly just outside the sides of the large black box and her ribs heaved with helpless screaming hysterics.

If Amanda's cute bare feet would have been visible instead of in the pitch black tickle hell, one could have seen a pair of stretched soles that were now a quiet shade of pink. The wailing housewife thought back to the booklet. She thought about who had ordered it. Then her thought burst and the relentless endless foot tickling wracked her entire mind driving away any and all thoughts.

"...nono..." Amanda breathed heavily as she sobbed now with a light sheen of sweat and her dark hair matted to her terrified face when the sixty arms suddenly folded away. "...nomore...nO! NOAAAAH AHAHAHA! STOP! WHYWONTYOUSTAHAHAHA!"

A single arm on either side had folded out where the thirty cone tipped arms once occupied. On the end of the two small robotic limbs was a round group of spinning white bristles, not unlike that of an electric tooth brush. They span fast and ran from side to side under her bent back toes. The spinning brushes ran in-between each toe gap, spending several seconds in each one.

Barley able to breath Amanda's body forced her to breath in hard whenever it felt like her lungs were about to implode. Amanda hated being tickled as it was but this was calculated and nothing like the messy uncoordinated fumbling of human fingers. Running over the balls of her feet the poor screaming woman could feel nothing except each and every ticklish nerve being annihilated by the hundreds of tiny spinning brush hairs.

"...aah...ahh...huhhh" Wordlessly crying with relief and torment at the same time Amanda drooped her head forward when the two spinning brushes finally ceased and folded away.

Although the feet boxes remained dormant more arms inside the larger box was began to wake up and unfold. Two finger tipped mechanical arms reached out from the lower front wall and placed themselves on either side of the thin smooth crack that separated Amanda's sweet womanhood. Pressing in slightly the two arms slowly pulled open the quivering vagina and exposed the confused and traumatized housewife's clit.

"Wha...ohgod, what...what are you doing to me nooow?" Amanda clenched her eyes shut with confusion as she felt her love muscle being opened followed by the same cupped arms over her nipples that she had so lovingly invited earlier. "I...I can't...open, please...just stop."

Begging a lifeless machine did no good but when her nipples were pinched and the tiny silk strands began their spinning once again all pleas for release quickly disappeared. Amanda's pink nipples stiffened almost instantly and she soon forgot about her bent back toes.

"OooOOoo OoooOoo wai-ohgod neeeaohno!" Amanda giggled a little between moans of nipple stimulated induced pleasure when she felt something soft and rubbery loop around the tip of her now hardened little clit.

The thing wrapped around her clit was much like that of the foam that held her arms, legs and ankles. It was a tiny loop that hung from the end of yet another small mechanical arm. It inflated and held the small pink nubbin firm, while at first giving a stunning amount of warm bliss in-between her legs it was short lived and began to vibrate very fast.

"EEEEHAHAAHAHA! NOOooOOHHOGAWAOOooOD!" She had never felt anything like it, her clit was being tickled and her nipples were being stroked, but while the nipple stroking was simply heavenly the clit vibration was intensely ticklish, torturous and the greatest thing she had ever felt. "STOPAHAHAHHAH! OHooOOOOEEEHAH!"

Warm loving sexual lust washed through her loins and up through her tummy but at the same time it tickled like nothing she had ever felt. The tickling was terrible, the worst thing ever, equal only to having her feet tickled. It was awful and wonderful, Amanda's mind was split in two as the arguments blurred with the agreements.

The warmth grew and grew. The feeling of that edge, like about to leap from a tall building, or roll down a hill she had just climbed sat swirling in-between her legs. The storm rose and when it did explode it was nuclear. Trees and buildings didn't just fall, they were blown into dust. Thermo orgasmic delight rolled Amanda's eyes upward so high it was painful. Fingers stretched out, her whole body tensed.

Vibrating, swirling, tickling, pleasuring. It didn't stop. Orgasm had always meant the end, but a second one followed. And a third. The box tickled right on through as multiple explosions warmed her sweating thrashing tight trapped body. With each orgasm Amanda's already sensitive nerves became more and more aware of touch and when the loop finally deflated and the silk circles slowed their spin.

"..." Amanda said nothing, had she been standing the spent woman would have collapsed. "EEEENONOHAHAH!"

Far easier than it came, the pleasure was taken away in an instant. Finger tipped arms were clawing at Amanda's soft abdominal muscles through her ticklish flesh. A tummy tickling that focused right in the middle, digging in on either side of the six muscles that made up her well toned ticklish tummy. Horrified laughter roared from her full lips as the only reminder of the previous pleasuring was the fact her entire nude body was far far more sensitive than it had been before hand.

What felt like a small drop of warm water began to swell inside her lower tummy. As the tips clawed at the heaving ticklish flesh the warm wet feeling grew until it felt like a small balloon ready to burst. The abdominal tickling was hell on the heavily sweating woman's bladder and in Amanda's hysterical confusion it was impossible to concentrate on maintaining control.

"ARRRGGGHHH!! AAAHAHAHAHA!" A primal scream of tortured fear and anger ripped across Amanda's tensed vocal cords as she shook her nude body hard and was forced to return to hysterical belly laughter after her bladder lost all control. "OHNONO! HAHAHAAAHA!"

Unfortunately for Amanda the embarrassingly hot yellow liquid didn't effect the electronics of the bizarre box at all. The urine moistened her inner thighs, dripped quickly onto the leather seat and flowed to the seemingly impenetrable box floor. Never had Amanda thought it would be possible to be tickled to the point of wetting herself but there she sat, bound inside the terrible box that lobster clawed at her soft tummy.

For some reason the sweating nude woman had assumed, amongst her tickled racked thoughts, that peeing in the box, all be it involuntarily, would cause the harsh pokes and violating prods to cease. Such was not the case, as Amanda's laughter grew hoarse in random spots the claws seemed almost fully determined to reach right behind her abdominal muscles. It was infact several long minutes before the tummy tickling talons recoiled back into the inner workings of the deceptive black box.

Her dark hair bounced lightly as Amanda's head dropped forward and she gasped for all the air in the world. There wasn't enough, the air wouldn't come quick enough and while she prayed the box had ended its sadistic game something inside of her screamed, you know better than that. A slight state of shock began to set in, and panic. What if her kids found her like this? The ideal person to arrive would be her husband, to free her. The ideal situation, the box would simply release her.

Crying tickle terrored tears Amanda was painfully unaware of what mechanically conspired inside the dark interior. The small leather seat split in two, folding outward like a pair of wings the nude woman hung there bound only by her arms and legs. Moving her head from side to side quickly with surprise Amanda could barley pull herself upward in her severely weakened state.

Mere inches below her sweaty peach like butt sat a plethora of interesting devices. Most interesting of all was two mini-pizza sized wheels. Each wheel had a metallic center surrounded by a soft fluffy edge. On one side of the metallic center of each wheel was a small robotic arm that, through a series of articulate joints, reached down the box floor. One wheel lifted up on its arm and began spinning quickly, maneuvering itself only half an inch from Amanda's soaking wet woman hood. The other wheel maneuvered the same distance from the dark haired beauties butt.

Below the spinning wheels on the box floor raised a series of thin black nozzles. Each one was no bigger than a ball point pen. There were six behind the nude woman pointing directly at her butt and six in front targeted at her inner thighs. Suddenly the twelve collective nozzles that pocked up from the floor began spraying warm soapy water with surprisingly high pressure.

"EEEEK! NAHAH!" Amanda arched her head back as her eyes shot wide, the high pressure of the foamy liquid shooting square into the middle of her butt cheeks and all over her cute mound.

Evidently the mystery box had some form of washing mechanism. This became even more apparent when the spinning wheels closed in and began tickling the sexy house wife's butt and vagina like nothing had even done before. Another thing that had become rather evident, although largely irrelevant, was the fact the box had stopped announcing its next move.

Delving into increasingly extended moments of silent laughter poor Amanda couldn't help but once again be involuntarily turned on. The spinning tickling wheels and small jets of soapy water made a soft white bubbly lather that now covered most of the howling woman's mid section. The dark haired woman's face was bright red with the agony of her ticklish torture and you could see her neck straining as if she were trying to pop her own head clear from her sweaty nude body.

"NEHAHA OHNAHAHA NNNAHAHAH!" Amanda screamed wrenching her throat as she couldn't even from a two letter word like 'no'. "NAHAH AGAAHAHOOH OOHHHOOooOOOo!"

The tickle inducing cleaning had provoked a world ending orgasmic super nova like nothing she had ever felt. Amanda's universe caved in on itself, as her body shook violently this was orgasmic equivalent of the big bang. A few loud moans roared from her fully red lips before total silence that was accompanied only by the intense reaction of her trapped naked body.

Below the soaking wet, but now very clean, woman's mid section the wheels and jets casually folded back into their respective homes. The small leather seat shifted slowly back in and gave Amanda's inner left butt cheek a small unnoticed pinch. No longer hanging by her arms the exhausted woman would have let out a long sigh of relief as a soft cool breeze began caressing her womanhood, had she not still have been in the throws of a life threatening Armageddon of pure ecstasy.

A set of small fans had been revealed inside the darkness of the box, three of the them sitting directly opposite her soaked womanhood. Amanda slumped her head forward and breathed hard, the air more than a little refreshing on her hot sweaty body. Before long the sexy housewife pulled her head back and blinked tears from her eyes. Nothing seemed to happen for many long minutes except the refreshing air on her now only slightly moist inner thighs.

"Can anyone hear me!!?" Amanda called in a semi loud voice when the air finally stopped and snapped her brain back to a state semi sanity, she didn't care who found her, she just wanted out. "Someone! Anyone! Heeeeelp!"

"INITIATE FULL BODY PROGRAM 1" The unfeeling robotic voice interrupted the panicked woman's cries for help and almost sent her into a state of cationic fear right there and then.

"...wait...wait what? NO! NOOOOO!" Amanda screamed so loud her voice broke and no audible noises could be heard as the mysterious black box kicked into high gear.

The clit tickling, the underarms, the ribs, the tummy, the nipples, the back, her inner thighs and her precious precious feet. Every bizarre little tool this machine had seemed to spring into action. Tiny squeaks would occasionally slip from Amanda's wide open mouth but other than that there was no sound. The tickle tears showed her suffering as did the horrified grimace on her red, some would even say almost purple face.

It went unnoticed but the phone rang several times. It was Amanda's husband, he was picking the kids up early from school and taking them to the circus for the evening. Amanda couldn't be reached on her mobile either, so he had kindly left a message telling her of a time and place she could meet them. Amanda would have happily gone, had she not been trapped in the box.

The box had told her 1 minute, her original request for the length of the session was too short. The minimum length was 10 minutes. Amanda had typed 1 and 0. What she had neglected to do was double check the screen. Amanda hadn't cleared the screen. What she had done was press 0 twice by accident. Had Amanda checked the screen she would have seen the numbers 10.10. Ten hours, ten minutes.

ooo ticklemantis i just read this for the second time. where can i get one of these machines? hehe wow so descriptive, so creative. you are a terrific writer. i also enjoy your tickle tutor sessions. hmmm i needed a math tutor in highschool. maybe if i had had that type of tutor i would have done a bit better in algebra two yuck.

isabeau :cat:
jjoe57 said:
will there be a second or third part for the story??

You'd have to ask Invisible Ink. Essentially I just 'borrowed' the Giggle Box from him hence the 'V.02' or Version 2. The first Giggle Box was in a story by Invisible Ink, I liked it so much I asked his permission to upgrade his version (which as I recall was covered in stickers and worked the upper body exclusivley) and use it in a story.

Thanks for the kind words folks, I'm glad you like the story! :D
yea thats an amazing story, very well done, hope u can write a sequel to it or write a little extension to it
yea its a great machine and even better story, i've continued it in my head many times
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