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I am fairly certain I will never have a real tickling experience.

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Holy cow! It's official: you guys are insane :blaugh: If this is true, I wonder what the reasons behind this very distict behavior are.

Because we need permission. Lots and lots of permission layered with reasons to FEAR. FEAR EVERYTHING.
Lol, with such a description, you are gonna make everyone wanna move there! Have you considered getting paid by the city to do this? ;) NY as the most tickle-friendly place in the world; I can already see Lady Liberty swapping her torch for a feather~

Just based on my experience, my friend. NYC is a great city anyway, although expensive as hell, and too much cold weather to deal with. But IMHO the foot fetish/tickling scene in the Northeast US(NY, and Philly) is second to none. I'm lucky in that I'm only a few hours away from both cities. I hope you get a chance to visit sometime.
I would love to! I have always been fascinated by the US, like everyone in the world I guess. During my first and only time in NYC I was very young; I just remember the crazy traffic and that I had the best hotdog in my life, lol. Guess I need to visit again; could be fun to go there and hang out with ppl from the community~
There is something that bothers me about the fact the only way I can achieve this is to pay for it (if i understand what you are saying), especially in that sense. Thanks for the idea though.

I admit that I've always been in a relationship WHILE seeing escorts (plenty here would disapprove, and I suppose I don't blame them). I confess I've always needed variety. Call me a cad. The women with whom I've been in marriages/LTRs across my long life (save one) have either not tolerated tickling . . . or barely tolerated it. So I've compartmentalized. My basic relationship needs are over here . . . my tickling needs are over there. You're welcome, by the way. In NYC, I would certainly try it!
I always dream about going. Again too many factors I have to consider. I can't just disappear for a weekend if I still live at home. Going away to a different city for a weekend will be seen as very out of character for those who know me. Personally I don't have a problem with it. But I would have to come up with a hell of a story as to why I am going there and for what. Not sure if 'm comfortable telling that complex of a lie.

Don't tell a lie; just tell part of the truth.
"I am going to Philadelphia for the weekend to be with friends."
I'm somewhat in the same boat because my desire to experience Tickling having it happen to me and doing it to another person( preferably a girl). Tickling is one of my lifes biggest interests a secret passions. but i've never been able to really tickle someone or be tickled but it's probably partly my fault because i've never tried to get tickled by another person i know like in my family or close group of friends because i've always fear they might think i'm really weird. or they might be concerned that i get turned on by tickling. It's sometimes a heavy load on my mind that Tickling might just be a dream for me though i wish i could take part in it. i've gotten close a coupe times but it was merely that i witnessed tickling happen near me.
My living situation don't benefit my Tickle love much neither i live in around Edmonton, Alberta Canada and i've never seen or heard any one in the area that is into tickling. I'd love to go to like New York or elsewhere to maybe be around more tickle lovers.!
But yes i get what your saying!
I'm somewhat in the same boat because my desire to experience Tickling having it happen to me and doing it to another person( preferably a girl). Tickling is one of my lifes biggest interests a secret passions. but i've never been able to really tickle someone or be tickled but it's probably partly my fault because i've never tried to get tickled by another person i know like in my family or close group of friends because i've always fear they might think i'm really weird. or they might be concerned that i get turned on by tickling. It's sometimes a heavy load on my mind that Tickling might just be a dream for me though i wish i could take part in it. i've gotten close a coupe times but it was merely that i witnessed tickling happen near me.
My living situation don't benefit my Tickle love much neither i live in around Edmonton, Alberta Canada and i've never seen or heard any one in the area that is into tickling. I'd love to go to like New York or elsewhere to maybe be around more tickle lovers.!
But yes i get what your saying!

I wish there were more moments to bait someone into tickling me. Through all my efforts whenever it goes wrong I always end up asking myself - what is something I said? or something I didn't say? the more polite and non-agressive I try to be the more creepy in seems. Yeah sucks that participating in tickling is so much easier for some people and nearly impossible for others.
I wonder about this community of yours. You talk constantly about them not being very open to some weirdness and even a little bit oppresive. And for some reason you don't even consider move from them. Can you tell what kind of community is that?

I still didn't have much hard tickling experience. By that words I want to say that I never tied someone and tickled in erotic contex, but of course have plenty tickling in friendly contex. But I don't have such pessimistic worldwiev and even if for someone from my community it can be a little weird, then so what?

More optimism in your life, I don't know, but as I see it by this thread, I think that maybe not tickling is here main problem, but this community of yours. You dropped most arguments of another users by pointing in direction of this community.
I wonder about this community of yours. You talk constantly about them not being very open to some weirdness and even a little bit oppresive. And for some reason you don't even consider move from them. Can you tell what kind of community is that?

I still didn't have much hard tickling experience. By that words I want to say that I never tied someone and tickled in erotic contex, but of course have plenty tickling in friendly contex. But I don't have such pessimistic worldwiev and even if for someone from my community it can be a little weird, then so what?

More optimism in your life, I don't know, but as I see it by this thread, I think that maybe not tickling is here main problem, but this community of yours. You dropped most arguments of another users by pointing in direction of this community.

I don't understand what you are saying. I'm not attacking the tickling community. I am part of it.
Maybe it's because I've had the opposite experience but I disagree with this. I'm currently doing the opposite.. I just got out of a year long relationship with a wonderful person who wasn't into tickling as a kink. She would endulge me, sure, but it was never enough, and at a certain point I realized I liked being with this person but resented the lack of sexual fulfillment that tickling brings me. Oh, and she was strictly monogamous so as long as I was with her there was absolutely no chance of getting what I wanted. And it wasn't just her.. I had been doing this for years, with the same results - being with people who find it fun but nowhere near on the level that I do, feeling sexually unsatisfied, blah blah blah... it just all sucks.

So when this previous relationship ended, I said "fuck it.. I'm gonna find someone who likes what I like, dammit!" because I can only take so much of this being sexually unfulfilled in a relationship thing.

I mean.. if you can end a relationship the minute you realize that this person isn't going to be able to fulfill your desires, then I guess do that.. but I was never so great about it. I'd end up with an otherwise totally wonderful person and then feel selfish trying to end it over that, and then I'd stay with them anyway. So.. that's on me I guess. But I can't do it anymore..

Anyway.. also want to address OP directly here. I've been there. I've accepted that whole "universe I'm not allowed to be a part of" thing. And I still struggle with it, I still feel especially invisible in the community sometimes.. but I'm gonna tell you something: it's not true. But also, you can't expect that universe to suck you into it, you have to force your way into it. Whatever advice you took, take it 10x more seriously. Whatever communities you're in, be (more?) active in them! my problem was always that I expected the community to embrace me, but it's the other way around.. you have to embrace the community, and then you might get something out of it (because honestly, nothing is ever guaranteed, except that if you do nothing you'll get nothing).

And I mean.. you live in NYC. I'm kinda sitting here scratching my head on that one, to be honest. You have a million more options than someone like me living in a rural, conservative fuckscape does.. so, find them and utilize them!

You just have to put yourself out there, hope for the best but expect the worst, and keep trying until something happens!

Such a thoughtful response!
I'm sort of in your boat too and I totally hear you on how hard it is to meet women who a) Are into tickling b) Are into you and c) Aren't already taken.

I drift back and forth between paying women to tickle me who actually like tickling (or have the fetish) and dating women who go along with it for awhile once I introduce them to it.

Both have advantages and disadvantages but between both of them, I am able to find a certain level of satisfaction. With the pay for play, the person cares more about the money but they are usually way better at tickling so you're satisfying you're need to tickle/be tickled. With dating, you're satisfying the need for emotional involvement at the expense of satisfying tickling.

My advice would be to keep on trying but to never let your hopes get too high or too low. The odds that you meet an available woman with a tickling fetish who actually digs you are slim. Temper your expectations but also realize that you can still lead a very fulfilling life even if you never meet "the one" :)
With the pay for play, the person cares more about the money but they are usually way better at tickling so you're satisfying you're need to tickle/be tickled. With dating, you're satisfying the need for emotional involvement at the expense of satisfying tickling.

My advice would be to keep on trying but to never let your hopes get too high or too low. The odds that you meet an available woman with a tickling fetish who actually digs you are slim. Temper your expectations but also realize that you can still lead a very fulfilling life even if you never meet "the one" :)

From what I can tell even without having any experience, but by speaking to those who you need to paid to have a "session", all they care about is the money. This one person in particular (a model who is very popular on the TMF) won't even answer some simple questions to make me more comfortable before I commit. They just want to know where to meet and for me to send the money beforehand. How am I supposed to enjoy that experience at all?
Well that does sound very impersonal. I wouldn't enjoy that either. I've certainly had to sift through the bad ones to find the good but it's worth it. Sure, they're still doing it for the money but they're personable and friendly. If you find a good one, you will enjoy it. I promise.
Many parts of this thread make me really sad. Most especially the OP's despair. I have had somewhere near 2 dozen tickle meet-ups through this site since I started trying. For sure it's not all perfect or easy, but it can be done. The living at home complicates it for sure but you need to start by just going out/away more often for random things, so it's not such a stretch that it's just another one of those when you want to go to a gathering or to meet someone.

Lying will clearly make you quite unhappy. Don't do it. As one other person on this thread suggested, however, that doesn't preclude telling a truth that doesn't include all the details. I've found that to be an important part of my happiness. I haven't lived at home for quite some time but I talk with my mom every day. There are some things she simply doesn't WANT to know, so I tell her the important stuff. "I'm going on a trip to NJ this weekend to see some friends" would be a typical thing I'd say. Then once I'm there she'd ask what we did and I'd pick and choose truthful things.... "We had a nice dinner then we hung out and had some drinks. I'm back at the hotel now for the night." That wouldn't necessarily mean that the person I was about to tickle wasn't there with me, but I was truthful and saying what my family needed to hear. Family is important, and you won't have them forever. Respect and cherish them but tell them only what they need to hear.

Please don't be so down or you truly won't have a real experience. The only way you will find that is by being positive. I'm open to chat/PM with the OP or anyone else that wants to. I wish everyone reading this the utmost luck and happiness in tickling.

If you just want to have a session, I would try craigslist if you haven't already.

tickle-tessa - Your sig pic is super cute.
Many parts of this thread make me really sad. Most especially the OP's despair. I have had somewhere near 2 dozen tickle meet-ups through this site since I started trying. For sure it's not all perfect or easy, but it can be done. The living at home complicates it for sure but you need to start by just going out/away more often for random things, so it's not such a stretch that it's just another one of those when you want to go to a gathering or to meet someone.


Thanks for the reply.
It's not like I'm a hermit. The more I think about it, it seems like a free time issue. Now I work full time among other things, so the time I have to commit to something is on the low end. This is why I feel the older I get (I'm 31 btw) the odds decrease further - because you know "adult stuff" gets in the way.
I've got a salary job and a side business. I know about busy and "adult stuff". It's still possible to make time for stuff you want. I hope you are able to find a balance :)

Not so fast don't give up you're in the right place sometimes it just takes time to fit in I've been away for a couple of years and just now coming back

Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk
Anyone care to enlighten me on when the next Gathering would be haven't been to one in about four years but looking forward to going again

Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk
Not so fast don't give up you're in the right place sometimes it just takes time to fit in I've been away for a couple of years and just now coming back

Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk

I'm not giving up. I continue to contact the people I think that can help me the most. Such as some producers here that live near me. I email them almost once a week and ask for a simply reply. I do so in a very polite manner. Hopefully they'll find it within themselves to stop ignoring me.
I'm not giving up. I continue to contact the people I think that can help me the most. Such as some producers here that live near me. I email them almost once a week and ask for a simply reply. I do so in a very polite manner. Hopefully they'll find it within themselves to stop ignoring me.


Speaking as a producer, if they're not mailing you back they're not interested. Continuing to pester them on a weekly basis isn't going to get them to change their minds.

Besides, what exactly do you think these producers are going to do for you?

Speaking as a producer, if they're not mailing you back they're not interested. Continuing to pester them on a weekly basis isn't going to get them to change their minds.

Besides, what exactly do you think these producers are going to do for you?

Maybe he'll be the backup ler . You know, for when producers aren't in the mood to be turned on by their craft :D
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