Of course! Just remember to use a safegesture.
How about if you tickle a mute?
Say, a straight or Harmon...
(Instrumental humor...)
Well...a friend of mine once pushed a mime down an escalator and the mime screamed in fear and pain all the way down. Point is, mimes are not as dedicated to silence as they want us to think!
I've always wanted to tickle one of those people who pose as statues in Las Vegas in the Venetian. A mime would probably be similar. lol
The depth of this forum astounds me sometimes. 🙂
"Who's there?"
"Impatient mime."
"Impatient mime who?"
(Cross arms and stare furiously)
This works best after telling several "impatient X" jokes, the classic being "impatient cow." (Impatient cow w-- Moo!)