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ML Nanotech (f/f, adult)


Registered User
Sep 6, 2008
I am another long-time lurker, first-time poster. I've regretted that I never had anything to give back to the community, so I finally decided to try my hand at writing a story. Comments and constructive criticism would be appreciated.


ML Nanotech (f/f, adult)

Chapter 1 - The Rescue

Katherine Bennet crouched inside the air duct, listening until all of the voices had died away and the footsteps were silent. She had been silently creeping through the ductwork for hours, memorizing the guard schedule. It was late at night when the prisoners were locked in their cells. Knowing she had only a couple of minutes, she carefully popped out an access panel and dropped through to the ground. She took only a fraction of a second to survey her surroundings before she took over in a run down the now empty corridor. Katherine had done many extraction jobs and didn't expect a small research facility would present any particular challenge. But everything about this job was strange. It was also personal.

Katherine was a mercenary and she was very good at it. She had done her time in the military, honing her skills in covert operations. She was glad to have served her country but also glad to be an independent contractor now. It wasn't the work she minded or the danger; on the contrary, it was a thrill to her. But she could never get used to taking orders. Especially having to stand at attention while getting lectured by some asshole senior officer while he stared at her ample chest. She was a looker and knew it, a hard-bodied, statuesque blond who could have taken the easy life as some rich man's trophy wife if it wouldn't have left her bored silly. In the special forces, her looks were a liability, a constant cause for harassment and unwanted attention. In private practice, though, she knew how to turn her looks into a potent weapon. More than anything, she liked the fact that now she could say "no" to a job and that once she took it, she could insist on calling the shots until the mission was done. She didn't mind the fact that the pay was much, much better, either. She would have done this job for free, though.

As she moved swiftly down the hallway, she replayed the dossier in her mind. She was here to extract a Miss Sarah Liu, who had disappeared while on a covert assignment for their mutual employer, Pyramid Nanotechnologies. Sarah was an ex-CIA agent who also now sold her services as an independent contractor. She was not as physically tough as Katherine, but in her own way just as skilled. They had worked together before and Katherine considered Sarah a good friend. Sarah had been sent under deep cover to infiltrate a rival Hong Kong firm, ML Nanotech, and steal a rumored breakthrough in medical nanotechnology. All had seemed to be going well until her handlers suddenly lost contact two weeks ago. Katherine was called in to find out what had happened. Katherine had figured at first that either her friend was dead or had double-crossed them for a bigger pay-off. Either way, a little reconnaissance should have sorted it out.

The deeper she looked, though, the stranger things got. It was odd enough to find that what was supposedly a small tech startup had its own secret underground detention facility. Not only that, the place was a veritable fortress, swarming with guards and featuring some of the most advanced security systems Katherine had ever seen. Even for someone as capable as Katherine, it had not been easy to get in and disable enough of the security to give her a chance of extracting a prisoner. Even stranger, the facility seemed to contain exclusively women. Every prisoner, every guard, every support person was female. Strangest of all were the bizarre sounds that would emerge at irregular intervals throughout the day. It sounded like maniacal laughter, in many voices and from many locations, sometimes for a few seconds and sometimes for hours at a time.

Katherine silently sped down the hall and around a corner to the cell in which she expected to find Sarah. The cell door seemed to be made of clear glass or plastic and Katherine could see through but did not see any mechanism to open the door. She peered into the cell and was shocked to see someone else inside with Sarah. Sarah was lying on a cot in the cell, not moving. Standing beside her was an Asian woman, perhaps a head shorter than Katherine. She looked to be early thirties, quite fit, and very attractive herself. Sarah recognized the woman from her dossier as Dr. Mao Ling, a brilliant engineer and the founder of ML Nanotech. She seemed to be holding some kind of remote control in her hand. Katherine considered trying to force the door or blast her way through, but there was no hope of doing that without alerting the guards. She ducked into an alcove to wait it out.

Eventually the door opened by some automatic mechanism, sliding into the ceiling, and Dr. Ling walked out. She tapped a button on the remote and the door slid down, resealing itself. Katherine decided that the remote must be the key to getting the door open. She waited quietly in the alcove until Dr. Ling walked away and silently trailed her, praying she wouldn't turn around too soon. In seconds, Katherine was on top of Ling and knocked her unconscious with a blow to the back of the head. She dragged Ling into an empty alcove, took the remote, and raced back to her friend. She knew time was short.

She looked at the remote and in an instant her heart sank. The thing was literally covered with assorted buttons, dials, switches, display panels, and numerous incomprehensible symbols. It looked the control panel to a nuclear power plant, not a door release. The guards would be back in minutes, though, and she didn't know what else to try. She rapped quickly on the cell door, awakening Sarah. Sarah blinked unsteadily, wandered to the door, and blearily greeted her friend. "Katherine?" she asked in surprise. "Is that you?" The she suddenly stiffened. "Oh my God," she whispered urgently. "You shouldn't be here! You've got to get out of here and get help!"

"I am the help," Katherine whispered back. "Now I know this remote opens the door, but I don't know what to press. Which button opens the door?"

Sarah suddenly looked terrified. "Please, Katherine!" she begged. "Don't fool around with that! You don't understand! Please just put that down and get out of here!"

"Sarah, sweety," said Katherine dismissively. "I've got no time for games. It's now or never. If you don't know, I'll just try pushing a few buttons until one works."

Sarah urgently tried to cry out, but Katherine stabbed a button experimentally. Sarah suddenly doubled over like she had been punched in the stomach. She rolled on the ground like she was having a fit, helplessly mouthing the words, "No! Stop!" over and over. Katherine was afraid at first that her friend was hurt, yet she was grinning from ear to ear. Whatever it was, Katherine knew she had made a mistake. She jabbed at the button again, figuring that would turn it off, but that only seemed to amplify whatever Sarah was experiencing. She curled into a tight ball and started laughing out loud.

"Keep it down, Sarah!" Katherine urged her friend, who was now openly chortling. Tears were streaming down her face as she rocked back and forth in a frenzy. "There's got to be an off button," Katherine reasoned and tried pushing another. Sarah's eyes shot open and she gasped out, "No! Not the feet!" In a panic, she grasped at her feet, seemingly trying to shield them from attackers only she could see but obviously accomplishing nothing by it.

Katherine was desperate now. If Sarah hadn't been heard yet, she surely would be soon. She needed to do something fast to quiet her friend or they would both be in trouble. She pushed at button after button at random, some seemingly having no effect and others eliciting new heights of hysteria from her friend as she twisted this way and that. Finally, she pushed a button that seemed to quiet her friend for a moment. At one push, her laughter caught in her throat, her mouth squeezed into a tight little "o," and her whole body stiffened while she let out an immense sigh. Katherine didn't need an instruction book to know that her friend had just cum, and cum hard.

Katherine sensed an opportunity. Sarah might be embarrassed about it later, but Katherine needed to shut her up, and fast. She pressed the button again and again, hoping to overload her friend's senses and drive her into unconsciousness. Again and again, Sarah stiffened and grunted in obvious ecstasy. Incredibly to Katherine, she couldn't get her friend to pass out. If she let up on the button, it took only seconds for Sarah to slip back into frenzied laughter. Unknown to Katherine, she had previously inadvertently activated a block on Sarah's ability to pass out and no amount of stimulation would cause her to lose consciousness.

Giving up, Katherine went back to pushing buttons at random, finally finding one that seemed to quiet her friend. In fact, at a touch of it, Sarah simply froze in place, stiff as a statue, unable to do anything except breath and blink. Katherine sighed in relief, looking down friend lying immobile and finally silent on the cell floor. She still hadn't managed to open the door, though. She studied the remote again, hoping to find some clue in the bizarre array of symbols.

Suddenly, Katherine cried out and then crumpled to the ground. Dr. Ling was standing over Katherine's body, a stun gun in her hand. Ling rubbed the back of her head, which had developed a painful bump. "Guards!" she yelled. Two very large Chinese women came charging down the hall to stand at her side and began to apologize profusely when they saw the unfamiliar blond woman lying at their feet. "Just get her to the clinic, sedate her, and prepare her for infusion," Ling barked at them. "I'll be in to see to her myself shortly."

Ling studied the many displays on the remote, piecing together exactly what Katherine had managed to do to her friend. She chuckled, then knelt down next to the door to address the immobile woman.

"I know you're still conscious, my sweet little Sarah, even if you can't move." Ling purred. "Your would-be rescuer really did a number on you. It seems like she's got nearly every tickle zone on your body set to high intensity. It must be maddening. I'd like to turn it off and ask you a few questions about your friend." She stretched a finger over the remote and held it there, tantalizingly, in view of Sarah's deranged eyes. "Still, you should have cried out for the guards the moment she showed up. You didn't, and that can't go unpunished. So why don't you get comfy here while I attend to your friend? It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours."

With that, Ling walked away, leaving Sarah frozen in a contorted ball on her cell floor, with no sign of life except for shallow breaths and a steady stream of tears running down her motionless face.

Chapter 2 - A New Life

Katherine awoke with a start. She was lying on a cot in a cell seemingly identical to the one in which she had found Sarah Liu. Her instinct for danger kicking in, she rolled off the cot into an alert crouch on the floor. She did not see or hear anyone nearby, though, and the door to the cell was sealed shut. She scanned the cell for anything she could use to defend herself, but there was nothing. The cot was a single piece, bolted to the floor. A sink and toilet sat at the other end of the room, each solid metal and without so much as a seam visible. There was a mirror above the sink and she tried to shatter it with an elbow. It wasn’t glass, though, and whatever it was, she couldn't so much as dent it. She tried to force the door without success and felt around for any sort of latch, lock, or handle, finding nothing.

She paused to take stock of her situation. She realized she was wearing some kind of grey one-piece sleeveless gown that was fastened with a strip of velcro running down the front. It was embarrassingly revealing for such a drab, shapeless garment. The velcro strip started around nipple-height, leaving her cleavage exposed, and the hem stopped not much below her crotch. From the cool air she felt below, it was obvious she didn't have anything else on underneath it. She tried tearing at it with her teeth, hoping she could fasten some kind of strangling cord, but the fabric was too tough.

Figuring she had nothing to lose, she tried kicking at the door, with no effect, and finally throwing herself against it. Although it looked like glass or clear plastic, it did not give in the slightest. Finally, she decided to press her luck and see if she could bargain with her captors.

"Hey!" she shouted. "Show yourselves, you cowards! Let me out of here!" She banged against the door shouting until finally a petite Asian woman moved into view before the door. Katherine realized it was Dr. Ling. "Who do you think you are holding me here?" Katherine bellowed. "Do you know who I am?"

"I know who I am and I think you do, too." said the woman matter-of-factly. "I am the owner of this facility. You will address me as Dr. Ling. And you are my prisoner, Katherine Bennet. Yes, your friend Sarah has been very forthcoming about precisely who you are and why you are here. Your friend tried to steal our technology and she is being punished for it. And you will be punished for interfering."

"I won't be as easy to intimidate as Sarah." Katherine said confidently. "You can't just hold us prisoner and I sure as hell won't tell you anything."

"Your employers are already embarrassed enough by being caught in the act of industrial espionage," Ling said. "We've spoken with them and they're willing to forget either of you ever existed in return for us forgiving their transgressions and the hefty lawsuits and criminal penalties involved. You and your friend are mine for as long as I want you."

"It doesn't matter," shot back Katherine. "I can deal with you myself."

"I'm surprised you're so confident given your situation," said Ling. "You've already had a demonstration of our little interrogation devices," she said, motioning to a remote control attached to her belt, much like the one Katherine has taken from her previously. She lifted the remote from the belt and held it in her palm. "This device is linked to thousands of nanites that are placed in the blood stream and allowed to affix themselves throughout the subject's peripheral nervous system. Once calibrated, it gives us nearly complete control over a subject's body. We've been testing them on enemies of the state, and now you and your friend qualify. You've been out for the better part of two days, plenty of time to get you infused and prepped. And now we're ready to begin testing."

"I will get out of here," Katherine said.

"We'll see." said Ling sweetly and then tapped a button on the remote. Katherine instantly felt her strength draining away and her legs buckling underneath her. She crumpled to the floor, barely able to use her last vestiges of strength to keep from hurting herself as she hit the ground. She was still wide awake and could speak and move her face normally, but the rest of her body felt like it was made of damp cardboard. She struggled to get her limbs moving, but it was hopeless. Ling tapped another button and the clear cell door withdrew into the ceiling, allowing her to step inside. She scooped Katherine up a like a ragdoll, surprising the larger Katherine with her strength, and set her out on the cot. Ling proceeded to gently stretch out Katherine's legs one-by-one along the length of the bed. She then grabbed a wrist and lifted Katherine's arm above her head and then repeated with the other wrist. Soon Katherine was fully stretched out on the bed, her arms above her head. She tried again to move, but still her limbs might as well have been made of lead. Aside from her steady breathing, there was no hint of movement from the neck down.

"Of course, I could administer your punishment directly with the remote," Ling said matter-of-factly. "But I honestly prefer a more hands-on approach."

"All right, Ling," Katherine said with authority. "It's to be torture then. You won't break me."

Ling laughed and smiled demurely. "I said you are to address me as Dr. Ling. And we are not barbarians here. We do not `torture.' We use a more gentle persuasion. Tell me, Kathy, are you ticklish?"

"What?!" Katherine asked incredulously. "No, I am not ticklish. And even if I was, is child’s play like that supposed to frighten me?"

Katherine wasn't lying. She had never been ticklish. If anyone had ever tried to tickle her as a child, they would have gotten no reaction. And if they tried it on the adult Katherine, they would have been lucky to escape with a broken arm.

"Well, then," said Ling with a sly smile. "I guess you have nothing to worry about."

She sat down on the edge of the cot next to Katherine and, looking deeply into her eyes, reached out a fingernail into the hollow of her left armpit and dragged it slowly along the length. Instantly, Katherine's eyes bugged out of her head and she gasped in surprise. If she could have moved, she would have jumped out of her own skin. She had never given tickling any thought and had would certainly never have used the word "intense" to describe a tickling sensation. But this was, without a doubt, one of the most intense things she had ever felt.

"Silly me." Ling said with a knowing smirk. "As I said, the nanites now fused to your nervous system allow us an incredible level of control over what you can do and what you can feel. I forgot to mention that I've turned up your sensitivity to tickling. We use a ten-point scale here. A normal person would be about a two. Someone unusually ticklish, perhaps a three or four. I've decided to keep you at seven for now. I'm sure you'll have occasion to experience eight and nine, maybe ten if you make me angry, but seven should do for now."

Katherine was still in shock from the electric sensation of the single fingernail, but Ling did not give her a chance to regain her bearings. She reached another fingernail into the other armpit, lightly scratching up and down with one finger in each pit. Katherine had never felt anything like it and immediately started screaming bloody murder. She was howling and shrieking while Ling kept those two fingernails moving up and down, up and down. The whole time, Ling stared possessively into Katherine's eyes, which were wild with shock and terror at the unfamiliar sensation. "Incredible, isn't it," Ling teased. "Especially if you've never experienced it before. You think you'll pass out from the sensation, and you probably would if I hadn't also blocked your ability to faint."

Over and over she kept it up until she sensed that Katherine was starting to acclimate to the two fingernails dragging slowly up and down her armpits. Soon, four more fingernails joined in at each pit. Katherine screamed and laughed uncontrollably. She realized in humiliation that she was wetting herself but she was helpless to stop it. She tried desperately to pull at her inert limbs, hoping to shift away or protect her defenseless pits, even if for just a second. Her muscles, however, were completely unresponsive. She tried pleading with Ling. "Please, stop! Mercy! Stop!" between desperate fits of laughter. Ling gave no sign she even heard Katherine's pleas, continuing to swirl her fingers in Katherine's exposed hollows. It continued for minute after minute, more than fifteen minutes of Katherine alternately laughing, begging, and babbling incoherently while Ling showed not the slightest sign of stopping. Finally, Ling withdrew her hands.

Katherine panted helplessly, her eyes wild and giggles emerging uncontrollably from her hoarse throat. She was barely aware of what was going on as Ling began tugging at the velcro of her gown, spreading it open all the way down the front and leaving Katherine's body fully exposed. Ling stepped out of the cell and returned moments later with a small bag. She rummaged in it for a few seconds, emerging with two fluffy, white feathers. Setting the bag aside, she brandished one in each hand and sat back down on the cot next to Katherine. She waited for Katherine to pull her mind back together, wanting her to understand her predicament before she experienced it. Eventually, Katherine's eyes focused on the two feathers, with a smiling Ling twirling them between her fingers, one in each hand.

When Ling saw the fear in Katherine's eyes and was sure she understood what was about to happen, she lowered the feathers to Katherine's ribs. She danced them playfully over the ribcage and inward across the stomach, sending Katherine into renewed hysterics. She played there for a couple of minutes before moving on to her real target, Katherine's heaving breasts. She swirled the feathers along the undersides, sending Katherine into helpless silent laughter. It had never even occurred to her before that breasts could be ticklish, but now she could think of nothing else. She dusted the feathers across the undersides, around the sides, over the tops, keeping each constantly stimulated but carefully avoiding the nipples while they stiffened under her watchful gaze.

When she was sure Katherine was ready, she moved the two feathers simultaneously onto Katherine's now rock-hard nipples. She played them there over and over, dancing, dusting, and spinning, across the helpless peaks. What Ling hadn't mentioned to Katherine was that she did not just increase her sensitivity to tickling, but had also greatly increased her sensitivity to sexual stimulation. Katherine was too far out of her mind to consciously realize what was happening, but beneath her consciousness, her libido was raging out of control at the constant nipple play. Katherine had no awareness of what was building inside her, but Ling was watching for the signs. As Katherine's arousal grew and finally overflowed, Ling picked up the pace and sent Katherine into a thunderous orgasm. Katherine was caught completely by surprise as she felt her mind exploding and her silent laughter pierced by an animalistic howl of unimaginable bliss. Ling kept the feathers spinning and dancing in increasingly rapid motions, drawing out the orgasm second after second in what seemed to Katherine an absolute eternity of mind-blowing pleasure. Finally, as the orgasm subsided, Ling slowed her motions and gradually withdrew the feathers from the now utterly spent Katherine.

Ling looked down at her helpless prey, now practically mindless in the afterglow of the intense orgasm. She returned the feathers, now soaked with sweat, to her bag and withdrew a towel. She wandered over to the sink in the cell and wet it with cold water, then came back to the still blissfully unaware Katherine. She twisted out the dripping cold towel directly over Katherine's exposed crotch, jolting her back into awareness and washing away the urine, sweat, and vaginal juices that had pooled on the cot. She reached up and used the still damp towel to wipe the sweat and saliva from Katherine's face, then returned to her crotch, giving it a gentle but thorough scrubbing with the towel. Katherine had never felt another women touch her down there and ordinarily would have been furious and disgusted. Now, though, she could only tremble at the touch.

When she was done cleaning Katherine, Ling grabbed hold of one of her legs and pulled up her knee, setting it to the side. She then repeated the same with the other knee, leaving Katherine's crotch spread wide open. Katherine was still unable to think straight and didn't understand what was happening. Ling stepped away to return the towel to her bag and rummage in it once more, emerging with a small, stiff calligraphy brush ending in a narrow tip. She tapped a few more commands on the remote hanging from her belt; she didn't want Katherine cumming again too fast and was suppressing her ability to orgasm. Just for fun, she temporarily ramped up the ticklishness of Katherine's pussy another level. She sat down between Katherine's spread legs with the stiff brush in her right hand and once again gave the helpless women some moments to collect her thoughts and arrive at some awareness of her situation.

She knew Katherine understood what was coming next when she began helplessly pleading. "No, no, no, no! I'll give you anything you want! Please, you can't! Please," Katherine babbled desperately. On a whim, Ling decided that she would make the experience just a little more intense. She tapped a few more keys on the remote and suddenly Katherine went silent. Her last remaining muscle control was gone and she lay utterly inert aside from her labored breathing. Giving it a moment to sink to Katherine in just how helpless she was, Ling reached into Katherine's exposed crotch and set to work.

She moved the thin brush onto Katherine's blond mound, tracing a torturous path along the outer lips. With her sensitivity ramped up even more, it was the most ticklish sensation she had yet experienced. Katherine felt like her mind was going to leap out of her skull. To an outside observer, though, she could have been blissfully asleep, giving not the slightest hint of her inner torment. Ling continued for long minutes, dragging the brush slowly across the exposed vagina, occasionally stopping to give a teasing dusting to a particularly sensitive patch of skin. Katherine was going out of her mind but could not move a millimeter in response. Eventually, Ling reached in with her left hand and spread Katherine's folds, moving the brush to her inner lips. Again, she traced, and twirled and teased for what seemed like an eternity. All this time, Katherine's libido was also being brought to a fever pitch. If not for the orgasm block, she would have cum at the first touch. Even through the unimaginable tickling, she felt the urgent need to cum but was unaware that she was physically unable to do so until Ling released the block. Ling continued to circle inward, making sure there wasn't a surface left untickled except for Katherine's throbbing clit, which she was saving for the grand finale. Katherine was in utter torment, tickled beyond her imagination but also hornier than she had ever been, or ever would have thought it was possible to be. She wished more than anything that she could just plead with Ling for mercy. She didn't know if she would beg her to stop or to keep going, she just wanted to beg.

Although Katherine could not give the slightest sign of her torment, Ling knew her craft well enough to guess pretty well at where Katherine was mentally at that moment. She might even have taken mercy, but the dull throb in the back of her head from Katherine's attack the previous day washed away any trace of generosity. She continued teasing and tormenting well beyond what she knew any woman could take before finally deciding it was time for the climax, so to speak. She reached up with the index and thumb of her left hand and pulled apart Katherine's lips, leaving her clitoris utterly exposed. She touched the tip of the brush to the little nubbin, savoring the sensation of a long drag around its circumference. She half wished that she had left Katherine able to speak just to hear the monstrous howl she was sure that would have provoked. She swirled the tiny pointed tip of the brush across the clit, circling, weaving, and swirling while Katherine silently went insane. Her mind held only two thoughts: a desperate desire to escape the unimaginable tickling and an equally desperate need to cum. Ling finally decided it was time to end it. She paused for just a moment to tap a few keys on the remote, releasing Katherine's voice, her ability to cum, and her ability to faint before returning the brush to her clit. At the slightest touch, Katherine exploded. She let out a roaring grunt that sounded like it couldn't possibly have come from a human being and then turned into a keening shriek as every nerve in her body exploded with pleasure. Her previous orgasm had been by far the most powerful she had ever experienced, but this put it to shame. Over and over she screamed in absolute pleasure while Ling kept the brush scribbling over her tormented clitoris. Finally, mercifully, she reached her limit and fell unconscious on the soaking cot.

Ling worried that she may have started things off a bit too intensely with Katherine. Not that she didn't want Katherine to suffer, but she didn't want her breaking too soon, either. She loved a fighter and was looking forward to dragging out the process of breaking Katherine's spirit for as long as she possibly could. She looked at the tight, firm physique now sprawled lifelessly before her and had confidence that Katherine had more fight left in her. "No," Ling thought. "She'll give me a nice, long, and very satisfying struggle." At any rate, Ling knew that Katherine had just had the most intense sexual experience of her life at Ling's hands. Katherine would never be able to look at Ling again without involuntarily feeling a little subconscious surge of arousal. That gave Ling no small satisfaction and a key edge in the psychological struggle she was eagerly anticipating. Ling kissed her new pet on the forehead and stepped out of the room, tapping a key on the remote to seal the door behind her.

Chapter 3 - The Lesson

Katherine awoke the next morning to hear the guards marching down the hall shouting, "Everyone up! Showers in five minutes, breakfast in ten!" She slowly came back to consciousness, remembering where she was and what she had been through. She could have slept for twelve hours for all she knew, but still felt a profound weariness from her ordeal. She replayed the moments in her head, humiliated by her treatment but even more by her pathetic begging for mercy. She felt her resolve returning and her anger rising. Next time, she vowed, she was going to be stronger. She wouldn't give in and she sure as hell wouldn't beg. Newly energized, she pulled herself out of bed, stood on wobbly legs, and shakily moved over the sink. She splashed some water on her face and rubbed her aching muscles until she felt her strength return. She was ready to face whatever they threw at her.

Moments later, the cell door lifted, leaving a clear path. She marched out purposefully, alert for any opportunity for escape. Other prisoners were leaving their cells and none seemed to share her confidence. Every one looked meek and subdued, eyes to the floor, afraid to meet anyone's gaze. Katherine deliberately kept her head up, adopting a purposeful stride like she owned the place. A few guards stood positioned along the wall at varying intervals, the prisoners giving them a wide berth. She felt like charging the nearest one, a big mean-looking bull-dyke, but there were too many in sight. She would never have a chance. She swallowed her anger but glared at the guard in challenge. The guard caught her gaze and met it, but rather than returning Katherine's angry glare gave her a bemused half-smile. Katherine was a little creeped out, but put it aside and moved on, along with the shambling crowd of broken women.

Katherine moved with the crowd down a long hallway into a communal shower. As each prisoner entered, she pulled off her gown and dropped it in a laundry bin. Katherine was not thrilled about the idea of stripping, but it wasn't an opportune time to make a scene so she played along. At any rate, she was more than a little grateful for the shower. She moved to an open showerhead and turned on the water. It was too cold, but invigorated her more. She just let it fall on her face for a long moment, then got to work scrubbing away all the sweat and filth she accumulated during the previous day's ordeal. She felt like she was practically shedding her skin. By the time a guard yelled, "Time's up!," she felt like she had completelt washed away the previous day's humiliations and was herself again. She purposely left her water running just a few seconds longer than everyone else, just to show she could. As she turned it off, she caught the guard's eye and was again surprised to see that rather than rage at the obvious challenge, the guard's expression showed only a knowing amusement.

The prisoners shuffled out of the showers, each moving to some sort of grooming station where they were provided a towel, a mirror, and some basic supplies. Each mechanically toweled herself off, brushed out her hair, and seemed to follow a proscribed regimen of grooming steps. The attention to beauty supplies seemed bizarrely out of place in the prison setting but Katherine wasn't opposed to looking good. It could be a great asset and she was happy to keep it honed. She made herself as presentable as possible, but also kept a trained eye out for anything she might palm as a weapon. Unfortunately, everything that might make an effective weapon was chained to the sink. It didn't help that she was still under the watchful gaze of at least three guards, not to mention buck naked.

A guard eventually barked at them to keep moving and she shuffled out with the rest. Each grabbed a fresh gown from another bin on her way out and slid it over her body. They were the same sort of generic sleeveless gowns in which Katherine had awoken each day, a bland institutional grey, loose-fitting but too revealing, even sexy in a disturbing way. That seemed to be the sole item of clothing they were allowed: no shoes, socks, or underwear of any kind.

At the end of a long corridor, they entered a cafeteria. Katherine queued up with the rest and grabbed a tray from a conveyor belt, already laden with a glass of some sort of juice and a bowl of an indefinable mush. It didn't look appetizing, but she knew she would need her strength. She caught sight of Sarah in the cafeteria and tried to catch her eye. Sarah didn't say a word, but the look she gave Katherine carried an unmistakable message: "Stay the hell away from me!" Katherine was steamed at her perhaps former friend's ingratitude, but she could guess that Sarah had paid a heavy price for Katherine's rescue attempt and couldn't blame her. She picked a seat as far from Sarah as she could get and greedily ate her food in silence. While she ate, Dr. Ling strode in from one of the surrounding hallways, said a few words to a guard, and then stood aside and gazed possessively over the crowd of perhaps two dozen women.

Oddly, there didn't seem to be anything else expected of them. As prisoners finished their meals, they got up, dumped their trays on another conveyor belt, and ambled off in various directions while several guards watched passively. Katherine sensed opportunity. She slowed her eating until she saw Dr. Ling head back down the hallway, then got up and dumped her tray and headed down the hallway behind Dr. Ling as quickly as she could without attracting attention. A few prisoners ambled aimlessly, each stepping suddenly back as Dr. Ling approached while steadfastly avoiding her gaze. The hallway seemed to be empty of guards, though, and Dr. Ling gave no indication that she was aware of Katherine following her. Dr. Ling rounded a turn, Katherine rapidly closing the ground between them. Around the bend, the hallway was empty aside from the two of them. This, Katherine sensed, was her chance. She rehearsed it in her head; she would grab Dr. Ling from behind, one hand crushing her trachea in a practiced move to keep her from crying out while the other grabbed her head to prepare to break her neck. Katherine leaped, was almost on top of Dr. Ling, and then ... her muscles froze solid. She was stiff as a board from the neck down.

Dr. Ling turned around nonchalantly and gave Katherine a menacing smile. "Ah, my little Kathy, I see you've discovered another of our surprises. Your nanites carry a proximity sensor that tells them when you've come to close to me or one my guards or entered a forbidden area without our permission. It activates a little program to make sure you don't do anything untoward. Instant paralysis is the first part of the program. The rest will unfold over the course of the next hour. There is some randomness involved, so even I'm not sure exactly what you're going to experience. I'm sure, though, that it will be memorable. I have some work to do, so I'll leave you to it."

Dr. Ling took one finger, placed it on Katherine's chin, and slowly ran it down her neck to stop between her barely covered breasts. Katherine shuddered at the touch but said nothing. Dr. Ling then turned on her heels and walked into a nearby office.

Katherine wasn't sure what to expect but had a pretty strong suspicion she wasn't going to like it. Minutes elapsed and Katherine wasn't aware of anything out of the ordinary other than the paralysis. "Maybe this is all there is to it," she thought. "Just a little psychological game to keep me frozen and make me spend an hour waiting for some torture that never comes." Eventually, she realized it wasn't an idle threat, though. It came on so gradually, Katherine wasn't sure for a few minutes that she wasn't imagining it. A little tingle between her butt cheeks centered on her asshole. At first it was annoying, like a minor itch she couldn't scratch. The intensity slowly ramped up, though, and it started to tickle and she knew at last that it wasn't in her mind. It was slight at first, like an insect walking around in her crack. Then it was a few insects and before long a swarm. It became maddening.

Katherine realized this was the time to make her stand and she determined that she wasn't going to give Dr. Ling the satisfaction of hearing her laughing and pleading again. She steeled her will and steadied her breath, trying her best to ignore the sensation. It steadily ramped up in intensity, like a fluffy feather dancing in her crack. Through sheer force of will, she kept her lungs steady, one breath in, one breath out, again and again. She gritted her teeth and screwed her eyes shut, forcing the steady breaths in and out with increasing effort while the tickling kept getting more intense. Time seemed to drag on forever to Katherine, but it had only been about fifteen minutes.

Ling sat in the nearby office listening to Katherine's labored breaths and watching her through a security camera on a computer monitor. She didn't want Katherine to see her watching, to get the idea that she mattered in the slightest, but the truth was that Ling was enjoying this immensely. The computer monitor told her exactly what Katherine was experiencing and she knew what kind of resolve it was taking to keep from laughing out loud. She was going to get tremendous satisfaction from watching that resolve crack.

Katherine fought with all her will as the intensity continued to ramp up. Tears were pouring out of her eyes but she was determined not to make a sound. A sudden jump in the intensity caught her off-guard, though, and her lungs spasmed, letting out an involuntary titter through her clenched teeth. Once the dam was broken, there was no stopping it. She continued to titter uncontrollably and in seconds had broken out into a helpless stream of giggles. Katherine hated herself for giggling like a little schoolgirl and tried desperately to bring her breathing back under control, but it was futile. The tickling of her ass was now intolerable, like a stiff pointed feather expertly teasing her puckered anus, while another scribbled over her delicate crack and perinium. It kept increasing in intensity as Katherine's girlish giggle devolved into full out laughter. Some part of Katherine tried to hold onto some shred of resolve. "I won't beg!" she promised herself. "I won't beg!"

Ling watched the show from her monitor while listening to Katherine's desperate laughter filtering in from the nearby hallway. She loved watching a woman's will break away and she couldn't remember when she had had a subject so satisfying. She marveled at the continuing evidence of willpower still left to the woman even as she experienced an inhuman level of ticking at the hands of the nanites. Other women were starting to gather just around the bend in the hallway. They knew what was happening, but dared not interfere. Some winced in sympathy with Katherine's plight, having been through it themselves. Others took a perverse satisfaction in hearing the proud woman broken as they had been.

There were no longer metaphors to describe the tickling Katherine was experiencing. No real instrument could have produced sensations like this. Katherine dug deep into every reservoir of strength she possessed to try to hold her sanity together. She guessed it had to have been almost an hour and she just needed to hold out a little longer and she would beat this thing, and beat Dr. Ling. In reality, though, it had barely been half an hour. The intensity continued to escalate, the unimaginably fierce tickling reaching inside her hole and stretching to the base of her vagina. It was too much; she broke.

"Please, make it stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I give up! Make it stop!" she pleaded every time she could catch enough breath to get a word out. Ling didn't move from her desk, though, and no one else dared to intervene. Katherine's pleading became increasingly desperate and incoherent and before long was just helpless babbling. Ling was in heaven. She slipped a finger under her skirt and rubbed herself firmly, Katherine's helpless begging like music to her ears. Ling pushed the edge of her fist into her mouth to stifle her cries, not wanting anyone to see her in even a moment of weakness. As Katherine's shrieking reached a crescendo, Ling came hard, struggling to stifle her own cry. She slumped in the afterglow, letting Katherine's hysterical cries wash over her. When she had calmed down, she got up, cleaned herself up, and smoothed out her skirt. The hallway was nearly quiet now, with Katherine having slipped into helpless silent laughter. According the monitor, the hour was almost up.

Ling left the office and walked back to Katherine, still frozen in the hallway. Katherine was out of her mind with the tickling torment but in her dim awareness kept mouthing over and over again, "Please! No more!" Ling stood before her and savored the sight of the hysterical, sweat-soaked woman, her gown drooping over her motionless body and beautiful blond hair plastered to her head. She reached out and put a hand on Katherine's chin, tenderly stroking her cheek. She heard the crowd just past the bend in the hallway part as one of the burly guards moved through and came to stand behind Katherine. Ling checked her watch and nodded to the guard. Katherine's hour ended and in an instant her muscles turned to jelly and she mercifully passed out. She would have collapsed on the floor if the guard hadn't caught her.

"Take her back to her cell," Ling instructed the guard. "By dinnertime, she should be ready for more fun." The guard walked off carrying the motionless Katherine while Ling turned on her heels and went back to her office to work off a little more of her own sexual tension.

Chapter 4 - Revelations

Katherine could no longer maintain any pretense of being able to withstand the worst that Ling could throw at her. She knew that Ling could at will turn the beautiful blond into a hysterical, whimpering, begging mess. Still, between sessions at least, she refused to surrender. She spent much of her time in the prison gym keeping her physique toned, telling herself that she had to be ready for her inevitable escape. And she deliberately engaged in numerous acts of petty defiance, knowing each would provoke a stern response. Ling feigned anger at each provocation but secretly looked forward to Katherine’s little acts of rebellion and the opportunity they gave her for creative reprisals. Sometimes she would leave Katherine drained of all strength on her cot for hours with her arousal ramped up to intolerable levels until finally Ling would show up to coax a series of explosive orgasms from her limp body. Other times, she would freeze her in some weird contortion and then spend long hours tickling her silly until the helpless blond had screamed herself hoarse. While Katherine kept telling herself that her willingness to keep provoking Ling was proof that she was still strong, her libido secretly began to crave the punishments. She felt an undeniable surge of lust every time she saw a new chance to tweak the petite Asian woman and by the time Ling would show up to administer her punishment she was invariably soaking wet in anticipation.

On this particular day, a guard had carelessly let a door close a bit too slowly and Katherine had seized the chance to charge through in a nominal attempt at escape. She had barely made it through the door before the nanites left her paralyzed, as she must have expected. A furious Ling had decided to abort the automatic punishment and administer her own. She had the frozen Katherine brought back to her cell and laid her on her cot face-down, her legs bent at the knees so her feet stood above her parallel to the floor. Ling announced that she had a better use for Katherine’s feet than running away, ramped up their ticklishness to a nine, and set to work on them with a pair of paint brushes. Katherine had wet herself within seconds before being reduced to helpless silent laughter while Ling continued to work her over, alternately stroking the soles with one brush while the other dug into the ticklish toes. She kept it up for more than half an hour while Katherine desperately tried to make the slightest move away from the relentless brushes. Eventually, Ling took pity on Katherine and allowed the hysterical blond to pass out from the sensory overload.

Ling released the muscle block and Katherine instantly collapsed into the cot. Ling tenderly ran her fingers through Katherine’s matted hair and felt conflicted for the first time since she had been running this prison. She had told herself she was dragging out Katherine’s torment to savor the ultimate joy of finally seeing her spirit break. After all, she had broken many women and it was always her greatest pleasure to see a once-proud woman finally and firmly broken. But Ling realized that she didn’t want Katherine to break. Not now and not ever. To reduce her to utter hysteria, to make her lose every shred of control, but yet still know that there was an indomitable spirit inside fighting back: this, Ling now knew, was what she wanted more than anything. And she began to seriously worry if she could keep it up. How could she keep Katherine here, keep subjecting her to these torments, and not eventually break even her spirit? But how could Ling give up the sessions she so desperately craved? She left Katherine in a deep sleep to ponder.

Katherine awoke some hours later in an equal conflict. She rolled over and masturbated furiously while the torments of the last session and her helpless hysteria at Dr. Ling’s hands replayed themselves in her head. As she came down from her orgasm, she too began to wonder what she should do. She couldn’t deny that the punishments Dr. Ling put her through were a thrill like nothing she had ever experienced before. But she hated herself for it. She hated the very idea of being weak and helpless and hated even more that a part of her loved it, too. She kept telling herself that she had a duty to complete her mission and escape, but she knew another part of her could no longer bear to leave and give up what she had found here.

Katherine cleaned herself up and headed to the gym. She worked out in solitude, opting for a long, brisk run. Running was embarrassing in the revealing prison gowns, knowing that she was flashing her ass and pussy with every stride, but it kept her fit and helped her focus her mind. She had little to do with the other women there, including her one-time friend Sarah, to whom she hadn’t spoken since she was taken prisoner. The others kept their distance, and not just because the shapely blond was the only Caucasian woman there. Everyone knew that Katherine had become Dr. Ling’s favorite plaything. By rights, they should have pitied Katherine for the extraordinary torments Ling put her through and been grateful to her for drawing so much of Ling’s attention. However illogically, though, they seethed with jealousy over the teacher’s pet. They didn’t dare confront Katherine, both out of fear for what she could do them and, even more, out of fear of Ling’s response if anyone hurt her precious Kathy. So Katherine ignored them and they ignored her.

Katherine continued her run in silence. Before long, though, one of the pretty Chinese girls doing aerobics nearby started smirking oddly. Katherine thought nothing of it. Soon, though the girl was giggling at no apparent cause. Not long after, she had broken her routine and was laughing openly and increasingly hysterically. She started dancing around like she was covered in ants and was desperately trying to shake them off. It was soon apparent that this was one of Ling’s long-distance sessions, when she would put some girl or other through a tickling torment by remote. This sort of thing happened from time to time and everyone did their best to go about their business and studiously ignore the frantic young woman. Her distress obviously continued to increase and soon she was on the floor, writhing and contorting like mad and giving every indication there wasn’t a single part of her body that wasn’t being mercilessly tickled. The woman soon curled up into a ball and passed into helpless silent laughter, quivering and shaking uncontrollably. Eventually her silent laughter began to be mixed with moans. It was clear Ling had thrown some sexual stimulation into the mix, as she usually did. The girl remained curled into a ball, shaking and moaning with increasing passion until eventually she stiffened and howled with what was obviously a very intense orgasm. Afterwards, she lay on the floor for a long time, heavy panting occasionally broken by little giggles, until she eventually came back to her senses. The girl silently crept away to clean herself up while the others continued to pretend she didn’t exist.

Katherine continued her run in silence while all of this was going on. There was nothing particularly unusual about it. Ling enjoyed keeping them on their toes and would occasionally use such a surprise tickling, especially in a central place, to remind them all of their helplessness. Over the next few hours Katherine spent in the gym, though, the same thing happened several more times in exactly the same way. That was unusual. Ling would occasionally punish them purely by remote, but everyone knew she preferred a more hands-on role. She liked to visit each prisoner in person at least once a week (some more often), use the nanites to leave her in some new variant of helplessness and enhanced sensitivity, and then personally administer a brutal tickling. It was also unusual for Ling to be so uncreative as to deliver the same program to several women in a row. Katherine guessed that Ling was distracted, and she was right.

Ling at that moment was hard at work in her laboratory. She had an idea for how to solve her dilemma with Katherine: how to keep enjoying the torment of Katherine’s impetuous spirit knowing that if she didn’t send her away that spirit would wither and die here. Ling wasn’t an expert on the human soul, but now she had reduced this to a technical problem and that was something she could handle. She sat at a large workbench, a slew of electronic parts and test equipment spread out before her, and laboriously tested different configurations. Every so often, she would pull her eyes away from her work, idly glance at a computer monitor, tap a few keys to activate a remote tickling torment for a new victim, and return to her work.

This pattern continued for days and all of the women began to notice Ling’s absence. No one but Katherine would even think to question Dr. Ling; she would do as she pleased. Still, it was odd and prompted much tension among them. Katherine was most puzzled of all. It was rare for her to get through a day without a tortuous session administered at Ling’s hands, but now Ling seemed to be totally ignoring her. Not only had Ling not been seen in person in the prison for days, but Katherine didn’t even seem to be in the rotation for the automated tickle tortures the others were receiving. Katherine did quickly discover to her frustration that Ling had blocked her ability to orgasm and left the block on throughout her prolonged absence. It was enough to keep Katherine on edge and Ling on her mind, but hardly on a par with her usual treatment.

Chapter 5 – Field Trip

Ling’s absence continued long enough that Katherine was genuinely surprised one day when she suddenly froze stiff in her cell while she stood before her mirror brushing her hair. She couldn’t move a thing except for her eyes and had to wait in anticipation as she heard her cell door slide open and footsteps click along the floor towards her. “I’ve missed our play dates, my little Kathy,” purred Ling in a sultry voice. She slipped up behind the frozen blond and cupped her breasts, causing a little gasp from the otherwise immobile blond. She massaged tenderly before zeroing in on the nipples, rolling them between thumb and index finger while they hardened under her ministrations. She eventually slid her hands back and into the hollows of Katherine’s exposed armpits. She spent perhaps a minute lightly scratching the helpless pits with her fingernails while Katherine went out of her mind. She eventually withdrew her hands and took a step back. Katherine felt a surge of relief, but also more than a little frustration at the broken contact while she wondered what Ling’s game was this time. “I’m not here to play, however,” Ling said in a now stern tone, “but to discuss business.”

Katherine felt something cold on her neck and could see in the mirror that Ling had fastened some kind of metal choker around her throat. It was attractive enough to pass for jewelry, but the resemblance to a dog collar was unmistakable and no doubt deliberate.

“I have been thinking,” Ling said, still business-like, “what a waste it is to have someone of your talents languishing here when there is work you could be doing. You are going to start earning your keep here by doing some jobs for me. And this little gizmo,” she said, stroking Katherine’s neck where it met the collar, “will make that possible. It’s a satellite repeater, a toy that will let me operate your remote no matter where you go, anywhere in the world. It wasn’t easy to make it small enough, durable enough, and powerful enough to trust it out in the field. But I’ve finished my testing and I think you’ll be very pleased with the results. I know I will.”

Ling paused for a moment. “Now,” she continued. “There are a few things you need to know. First, you don’t want to remove it, ever. I doubt you can, but I know you are full of surprises. Second, every time I let you out, I will set a timer. Ordinarily, your nanites wouldn’t let you get ten meters outside of this facility, but with the collar you will be given a window of time to return. And in case you’re even thinking of testing these rules, let me explain what will happen if you defy them. Your voluntary muscle control will shut down. You will, to every outside appearance, seem to be in a coma. You will probably get picked up and brought to a hospital where they will hook you up to a feeding tube and let you live out your days. But they entire time, you will be subjected to a whole body tickling beyond anything you’ve ever experienced. Every nerve in your body will be ramped up to experience the most intense tickling it is possible for it to feel. And you will stay like that until I send someone to bring you back here. If I send someone to bring you back.”

Ling allowed some time again for this to sink in to Katherine. “So,” she continued pleasantly, “don’t be late. Aside from that, this collar will allow me to control your body exactly as I can in here with your remote. It will also allow me to monitor you remotely. I will see and hear everything you do and have a full readout of all of your vitals, from your pulse and heart rate to how wet your throbbing little pussy is.” With that, she reached under Katherine’s gown to give her nether regions a playful stroke.

“As to your first job,” she continued, “it should be pretty easy for you. One of my Russian collaborators, a Mr. Federov, has decided to double-cross me and sell a prototype of my technology to a rival firm. You will go to Moscow, retrieve the prototype, and make sure Mr. Federov learns that I am not someone to be trifled with. You will be provided a full dossier. I will expect you back here in two days. Any questions?”

Ling tapped a few buttons and released Katherine’s ability to speak. Katherine felt her jaw able to move again and shouted, “You may be able to make me your puppet in here, Ling, but you are one crazy bitch if you think I’m going to do you any favors!” It was awkward trying to sound tough when she couldn’t even turn her head to look Ling in the eyes. She was, however, determined to assert her independence.

Ling smiled. “I thought you might need some persuading,” she said resignedly. She tapped a few more buttons on the remote and Katherine was once again silenced. Ling pressed up behind Katherine, fingernails waggling menacingly.

Four hours later, Katherine was on a plane to Moscow. It felt strange to be wearing regular clothes again and to be surrounded by ordinary people going about their business. After not wearing underwear for so long, even a silk bra and panties felt like burlap to her. She was still exhausted, though, from the merciless tickling Ling had given her before she finally gave in and promised to do the job and from the series of mind-blowing orgasms that followed. She melted into the seat and fell into blissful sleep.

Later that evening, she found herself back on familiar terrain at the home of Mr. Federov. The man knew he had enemies and his security apparatus was formidable, although no challenge to Katherine. She easily scaled the perimeter wall, dispatched a couple of guard dogs, disabled the alarms, and slipped inside. Despite her long hiatus, her instincts came back immediately. She had forgotten how much she missed the sensation of power her work gave her. Federov had several bodyguards patrolling the premises. They were all large men and well armed, but amateurs as far as she was concerned. She effortlessly slipped past a few and then silently dropped the two guarding Federov’s bedroom door before either even knew she was there. She quietly picked the lock and cracked the door, seeing Federov sound asleep. Seconds later he was jolted awake by Katherine’s left hand over his mouth and right hand holding a pistol to his head. He contemplated going for the gun under his pillow, but a subtle shake of Katherine’s head let him know it would be a bad idea. He lay quietly and gave up any struggle.

She carefully explained to Mr. Federov how they were going to proceed and what the consequences would be if things didn’t go as she planned. He nodded silently and did as she said. Katherine relished the feeling of once again being the one in control. She and Federov went to retrieve the prototype, the gun still to his head. Minutes later, Federov was unconscious and she was on her way with the prototype. He would recover, mostly, but she left him enough of a reminder that he would not mess with Ling again. Katherine discretely slid out of the city to collect her things before sneaking out of the country and back to Hong Kong and Dr. Ling.

Regrouping in a non-descript hotel room on the outskirts of Moscow, Katherine felt utterly renewed. She had needed this, badly, and felt like new life had been breathed back into her sagging spirits. Still, with that thrill out of the way, she began to crave another kind of thrill. She opened a laptop and set up a secure link to Dr. Ling to let her know the job was done. Ling appeared on the screen, listened patiently to her report, and then said, “I understand you have a few hours of downtime before you catch your ride. You seem to have done well, but I do want to make sure you aren’t entertaining any ideas of escape.”

Katherine wasn’t, and she suspected Ling knew that, but played along. “Perhaps you could use a little taste of what might happen if you do think of leaving,” Ling offered slyly. Katherine could see Ling’s image tap a few keys on a keyboard out of the screen’s view. Katherine felt the sensation of two fluffy feathers brushing up and down across her nipples. It was initially far more erotic than ticklish and Katherine drew in a sharp breath at the sudden sensation. The ticklishness began to increase, although the eroticism did not diminish in the slightest, and Katherine had to struggle to stifle a giggle. “Much as I would love to hear your laugh,” Ling said reluctantly, “I don’t want you making a scene and blowing your cover.” With that, she tapped on a few more keys and Katherine’s voice shut down. A few more taps and the sensation of the feathers increased sharply. It was as if the big fluffy feathers were now flying all over her breasts while two stiffer ones joined in to expertly tease her rock-hard nipples. Katherine grasped frantically at her breasts but could not do anything to stifle the intense tickling sensation. As the tickling and the eroticism continued to increase in intensity, she crumpled to the floor helplessly and her hands dove into her crotch to masturbate. The masturbation increased her arousal markedly, but could not bring her off. She knew Ling must have blocked her orgasms again. She couldn’t help herself, though, and kept frigging herself to ever greater heights of arousal.

After many long minutes, Ling took pity on the now frantic, disheveled woman. “Oh, my little Kathy,” she purred. “You must know by now that only I get to bring off that pretty pussy of yours.” A few more keystrokes and Katherine’s arms fell limp at her sides. The insanely ticklish imaginary feathers tormenting her breasts we quickly joined by the feeling of a single stiff feather, its tip playing across the tip of her clit. The tickling sensation was overwhelming and Katherine shook helplessly as it overtook her. The eroticism was equally unbelievable, though, and Katherine knew she would be deep in the throes of orgasm if Ling weren’t preventing it. More long minutes passed while Katherine simply lay back and let the sensations overwhelm her. Finally, when it seemed like she couldn’t possibly remain conscious any longer, Ling took off the orgasms block and Katherine exploded. The imaginary feathers kept up their torments, carrying Katherine from one orgasmic peak to another until at last she was totally spent and passed into oblivion.

She awoke some hours later to the sound of Ling’s voice. “I hope you enjoyed your nap, but it’s time to gather your things and go. I assure you, you don’t want to miss your flight.” Ling signed off. Katherine stretched her aching limbs, washed up, and gathered her things. As she left the hotel room to begin the long journey home, Katherine couldn’t deny that it had been a very satisfying day, in more ways than one.


Katherine’s professional reputation only grew with time and she fended off many offers for jobs. She worked only for Dr. Ling now, although no one understood why she couldn’t be bought away. No one else knew that she spent her days between jobs as a prisoner at Ling’s facility. Nearly every day, she would either be “punished” for some little transgression or visited by Ling for a long session of “persuasion” to take on some other job outside the facility walls. Katherine delighted in these jobs, but it didn’t stop her from making Ling force her to the limits of her sanity every time before she would agree to take them. She would always return from them with her confidence and strength restored, and Ling would always conjure up some reason for an intense session after her return where she could enjoy trying to break Katherine’s newly revitalized spirit. Katherine would never admit it, but Ling had found a way to satisfy all of her needs. She had never been happier or more fulfilled.

Ling, for her part, had also found a new level of satisfaction she had never dreamed possible. She didn’t neglect her other charges, but working with them was just about pleasure to her. The unbreakable Katherine was love. She delighted in thinking up creative new ways to tweak Katherine, both in and outside the facility. She never got tired of finding some new variation on rendering the blond helpless and playing with her gorgeous body. Katherine’s forays outside the facility opened up wholly new possibilities for their games. Katherine always trembled when Ling presented her with some seemingly trivial “mission” because she knew it was a pretext for some wild adventure in eroticism, submission, and intense tickle torture.

For both prisoner and warden, it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
That is one of the best stories I have read in a while. Great job. Keep writing!
An absolutely excellent story here. Really nice interaction and originality with a few features and incredibly erotic. Fantastic job I must say.
3T3, I only just read this, and I think it's outstanding. I don't want to give any constructive criticism, because I don't want to tamper with your style at all. If anything, I'd like to read your own writing philosophy or tips. Please feel encouraged to write more.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I hadn't realized anyone was commenting on my story and was surprised to see it back on the first page. I have not had time to write anything else since, but hope to try another story before too long. I appreciate all of your support.
that was an excellent story ....simply loved it ....good detail ......you have a great imagination and please keep writing ....thanks for your efforts ...
this is friggin awesome. It deserves a sequel of sorts, and with more foot tickling!
I just wanted to say what a real joy it was to read this story. It was incredibly well-written, and extremely erotic. I love the detail you give to Katherine's tortures, and the eroticism that flows throughout the entire piece. Wonderful work!
Thanks again, everyone. I just tried to write the sort of story I enjoy reading. I'm very glad to hear others enjoyed it, too. It did take a lot longer to write than I thought it would and it may take me a while to finish another, but I welcome suggestions.
Terrific story! Truly inspired work of fiction. I hope you write more.
Hey, great story - very imaginative and interesting, it's nice to see a new concept. You should definitely write again. Revenge on Ling would be awesome ;)
Thanks. I've got some ideas for other stories, but haven't had time to get back to it. I do hope to write again before too long.
Nice creative, sexy story. LOL- I am soaked. I'm usually the Dr. Ling type but while reading on, I became the Katherine victim. It scared me a little as I always get scared as the 'lee; that's part of the turn-on though. I like the fingers/mouth directly to skin better than feathers or "technology" but it was so well done I could actually feel it, too. It helps thaqt my fingers are free. Now, the next 'lee I tickle is going to really be in for it!

Maria Elena
I'm very glad someone bumped this story. It TRULY is one of the BEST written stories I've seen. The details are incredible and the lack of typos quite refreshing. Job WELL done.
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