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Renn Faire and Kink


Registered User
May 3, 2018
Hello! Lately I've been obsessed with all things renn faire, and I was wondering if anyone else is. I've heard there is a lot of overlap between the two scenes, and I'm wondering if there is any truth to that. If there is, then what is your advice on going as a kinkster? Is there a certain secret code or something I should wear to signal myself to others?
No, in America, most renn faires don't have stocks. I can say none of the ones I've ever visited have, and I've traveled a great deal and done lots of medieval LARPing and stuff. There have been one or two places that had pillories with oversized giant holes which are good for taking pictures, but there's no real bondage involved.

Every renn faire pic that involves tickling that I've seen has been in Europe.

Now maybe there's some state fair out there or renn faire where some local guy shows up with a set of stocks-- I think in the 80s or 90s there was one guy who did that-- but I don't believe that there is common overlap, no.
It’s not out of the question. May just be a thing in California because everyone out here has some kind of thing, but the logic goes that Rennies are nerds and nerds are super kinky.

That said, they’re also kind of insular and while the troupe itself may break out the corsets and whips every night, not only have I never seen a set of stocks at a faire, I’ve also never heard of any randos showing up with a secret pin or handshake and gettin’ any from the wenches, either. If anything, they absolutely hate it when you hit on them while they’re in character no matter how much they’re jiggling their tits at you.
I used to go to Renn Fairs back in the 90s and one I attended in Lakewood New Jersey had two women in stocks being tickled by attendees.
From what I understand, in America, a majority of the time when you see Renfaire ankle stocks in older videos, it's either done in comparative isolation not actually at a Renfaire, or it's an inversion, in which those locked in the stocks are actually performers, and not members of the public. While there might have been a few times when members of the public were locked in the stocks in the past at these reenactment festivals, I doubt it's been the case for decades.

Europe is a different thing, but even then, it's not common, just infamous in a subculture like this one.
I used to go to ren faires years ago when my kids were little (that’s an expensive experience!) in the US and saw pillories with oversized holes only. I think once or twice the ren faire guy would use a feather to tickle the person’s face for a photo op, but that was it.
From what I understand, in America, a majority of the time when you see Renfaire ankle stocks in older videos, it's either done in comparative isolation not actually at a Renfaire, or it's an inversion, in which those locked in the stocks are actually performers, and not members of the public.

AFAIK, all of the older stocks photos that most people remember came from one or two of Kujman's set pieces. Kuj did work the faire circuit, but he was the only one I'd ever heard of doing this in days of olde. Nowadays we have those "Stimulating Feet" frauds. And when people found out what Kujman was doing they. were. pissed.

Europe is a different thing, but even then, it's not common, just infamous in a subculture like this one.

All of the European renfaire stuff comes from two faires. One banned the dude doing it, the other doesn't seem to have caught on yet. Although we're apparently glomming on to a third.

I honestly wish this stocks obsession would just go away.
The fair in Maryland has a set of stocks but there is not any active tickling going on through the day. But they are available for people to get in so I'm sure someone has had to be tickled although I never saw it when I was there. I did work at the fair one year and I had a pretty good feeling that a group of people in the booth were having some tickling fun when everything closed up but I never ventured to get more involved unfortuantely.
AFAIK, all of the older stocks photos that most people remember came from one or two of Kujman's set pieces. Kuj did work the faire circuit, but he was the only one I'd ever heard of doing this in days of olde. Nowadays we have those "Stimulating Feet" frauds. And when people found out what Kujman was doing they. were. pissed.

All of the European renfaire stuff comes from two faires. One banned the dude doing it, the other doesn't seem to have caught on yet. Although we're apparently glomming on to a third.

I honestly wish this stocks obsession would just go away.

I have to admit, "Stimulating Feet" creeps me out, and that was before their public stocks shtick. It's one thing to pay a couple of models to pretend they're in a particular scenario in a one-off and then put it on Clips 4 Sale. Fine, whatever. But to put promotional vids on YouTube with dogged insistence that it's nonsexual when it clearly is, and leaving it open whether anyone is getting paid and/or know what's going to happen with these videos makes it feel really unsettling.
I have to admit, "Stimulating Feet" creeps me out, and that was before their public stocks shtick. It's one thing to pay a couple of models to pretend they're in a particular scenario in a one-off and then put it on Clips 4 Sale. Fine, whatever. But to put promotional vids on YouTube with dogged insistence that it's nonsexual when it clearly is, and leaving it open whether anyone is getting paid and/or know what's going to happen with these videos makes it feel really unsettling.

Yeah, you've hit the nail on the head. They, along with resident kayfabe experts Tickle Therapy and a few others, really set off my alarm bells in this regard, and I think I can finally articulate why.

As you said, it's not so much that they're shooting fictional scenarios and representing them as such on Clips4Sale, or wherever. I don't go to the movies and get pissed off when I learn Jim Carrey isn't really the Grinch, you know? The difference - and this is key - is that these producers doggedly maintain that the scenarios are real, even in contexts where they very well should not.

Chris Evans doesn't go on Oprah and say he's really a super soldier, but these "producers" do in fact go "yup yup, we're therapists doing a research project" to anyone who'll listen, whether it's on their social media, C4S page, or even in personal correspondence on forums like this. That's when the fiction turns into lying, IMHO - and I think people really need to be more transparent about that because this community seems to produce a particular breed of stupid where people believe this shit is actually real, and then they use it to rationalize going out and tricking/defrauding/assaulting people because "other people did it".

Case in point; this renfaire shit. Two creeps tricked people and/or staged fake scenarios and ever since we've had people thinking renfaires are hotbeds of tickle fetishing (like that guy above who passionately believes it had to have happened in spite of absolutely zero evidence) or worse, sneaking fetish shit into faires under the guise of "historical reenactment". GTFOH.
i went a few faires in my younger days (2000s) in PA and NJ that had stocks, don't see them anymore
Not to invoke The Creator of The Tickle Fetish (PBUH), but I've always found it odd how in the age of the munches and get-togethers all over the country, generally at all times of the year, that it's still never happened that someone has put together a purely kink, no normies allowed renfaire.

Like obviously the logistics are there, but I would think at this point, there would have been efforts to get one. Being as common a fantasy as it is.
Not to invoke The Creator of The Tickle Fetish (PBUH), but I've always found it odd how in the age of the munches and get-togethers all over the country, generally at all times of the year, that it's still never happened that someone has put together a purely kink, no normies allowed renfaire.

Like obviously the logistics are there, but I would think at this point, there would have been efforts to get one. Being as common a fantasy as it is.

It's a fine thought, sure - but, a logistical and sociological nightmare -
Think of Nikki Glaser's now-infamous Foot Fetish Party clip.
Now think of it, but imagine all the guys are dressed as Jack Sparrow or The Witcher.
The way it would have to work in America, in 2023, is that someone sets up stocks at a Renfaire, and certain "wenches" agree in advance to take turns being "sentenced" to punishments for some Medieval-sounding crime. Then, they would also take volunteers from the crowd who were already quite aware of what was going on. And I have no doubt, there would be some volunteers, just not a continuous stream of them.

I think a full advance awareness/consent version of Renfaire stocks, combined with paid ticklees so they don't have to sit, wait and awkwardly do nothing unless and until an audience member volunteers, would be a way to pull this off today.
The way it would have to work in America, in 2023, is that someone sets up stocks at a Renfaire, and certain "wenches" agree in advance to take turns being "sentenced" to punishments for some Medieval-sounding crime. Then, they would also take volunteers from the crowd who were already quite aware of what was going on. And I have no doubt, there would be some volunteers, just not a continuous stream of them.

I think a full advance awareness/consent version of Renfaire stocks, combined with paid ticklees so they don't have to sit, wait and awkwardly do nothing unless and until an audience member volunteers, would be a way to pull this off today.

People who work and run faires are hip to this kind of thing, now. There's this thing called the internet...
Ye olde nottingham players, they would setup stocks but were mostly people involved with the group that got locked in stocks. Possibly they would have a volunteer here or there.
People who work and run faires are hip to this kind of thing, now. There's this thing called the internet...

You misunderstand me.

I agree with what you wrote. In my view, this full-consent version of the Renfaire stocks wouldn't depend on people being tricked, duped or hoping they aren't "hip to this kind of thing."
It would be completely understood, transparent and open... and in my opinion, likely seen by the normies as a fun and popular attraction within the Renfaire milieu.
You misunderstand me.

I agree with what you wrote. In my view, this full-consent version of the Renfaire stocks wouldn't depend on people being tricked, duped or hoping they aren't "hip to this kind of thing."
It would be completely understood, transparent and open... and in my opinion, likely seen by the normies as a fun and popular attraction within the Renfaire milieu.

No, I got that you were saying the normies would see it as a "fun" thing...I'm saying that Faire Folk (particularly those who run faires) would know that this was a fetish thing, and that those running it weren't "normies", and would not want to deal with the blowback if anyone raises a fuss (especially if photos start popping up).

Seriously, you'd have a lot more luck just hooking up with Rennie chicks. They're quite adventurous.
No, I got that you were saying the normies would see it as a "fun" thing...I'm saying that Faire Folk (particularly those who run faires) would know that this was a fetish thing, and that those running it weren't "normies", and would not want to deal with the blowback if anyone raises a fuss (especially if photos start popping up).

That's debatable, unless we're assuming the stuff coming out of Europe is done with the approval of the organizers. Somehow I'm not so sure that's the case.

Regardless, exactly how many normies do you think would be weirded the fuck out if there was a lengthy legalese manifesto tacked to a pole next to the stocks spelling out in autistic detail how the party of the first part hereby consents to be tickled on their helpless bound bare feet for a length of up to, but no longer than, five minutes, and does consent to the use of bondage thereof, ipso factum, lorem upsum, dominus opus, gobbi gobbi.

Talk about creepy contortionism to justify sneaky fetish shit. I swear. "but what about if we did this? What about if we did that? GOD DAMMIT I NEED THIS TO BE OKAY!"

Especially since nobody reads signs, like, ever. You'll still have people being pressured into the stocks with no idea of what's going on.
That's debatable, unless we're assuming the stuff coming out of Europe is done with the approval of the organizers. Somehow I'm not so sure that's the case.

Regardless, exactly how many normies do you think would be weirded the fuck out if there was a lengthy legalese manifesto tacked to a pole next to the stocks spelling out in autistic detail how the party of the first part hereby consents to be tickled on their helpless bound bare feet for a length of up to, but no longer than, five minutes, and does consent to the use of bondage thereof, ipso factum, lorem upsum, dominus opus, gobbi gobbi.

Talk about creepy contortionism to justify sneaky fetish shit. I swear. "but what about if we did this? What about if we did that? GOD DAMMIT I NEED THIS TO BE OKAY!"

Especially since nobody reads signs, like, ever. You'll still have people being pressured into the stocks with no idea of what's going on.

Oh, I'm with you 100%; the amount of effort people will take on to try and indulge their fetish, while clumsily (and in most cases, needlessly) trying to conceal their fetish is perplexing. It's just not that weird, and in my experience, Rennies are down to play.
Oh, I'm with you 100%; the amount of effort people will take on to try and indulge their fetish, while clumsily (and in most cases, needlessly) trying to conceal their fetish is perplexing. It's just not that weird, and in my experience, Rennies are down to play.

Ya, I was responding more to the guy you were responding to. Whenever this topic comes up he's always like, "What if we posted a sign". It's tiring.

Like I said before, tho, Rennies are usually down to play, IME, but only with other Rennies. They don't want to be picked up at the fair. I've hung with enough faire folk to have heard how much they hate being harassed by the punters.
Ya, I was responding more to the guy you were responding to. Whenever this topic comes up he's always like, "What if we posted a sign". It's tiring.

Like I said before, tho, Rennies are usually down to play, IME, but only with other Rennies. They don't want to be picked up at the fair. I've hung with enough faire folk to have heard how much they hate being harassed by the punters.

I suppose that's fair(e). When I was playing with Rennies, my connections were because I was one / used to be one.
Ya, I was responding more to the guy you were responding to. Whenever this topic comes up he's always like, "What if we posted a sign". It's tiring.

Like I said before, tho, Rennies are usually down to play, IME, but only with other Rennies. They don't want to be picked up at the fair. I've hung with enough faire folk to have heard how much they hate being harassed by the punters.

Is that supposed to be me? If it's so tiring, why respond? But at least this time now, if you're again feeling enervated, I urge you to please, for the love of God, save your energy for more important matters, and remain silent! Your health comes first! 😉

I've written here purely about the legal aspects, not the odds of it happening. I wrote that if paid employees would be the primary lees, but other random people could volunteer if they want to with full awareness, I believe that paradigm would pass legal muster. That has been my main point -- not anything to do with whether or how many Renfaires will do this. Yet it's as if that's what I wrote, because particular people keep responding to me in contradictory framings about how wrong I am to think this is likely. Huh? I've never written a single word about whether it's likely. I only ever wrote about the issue of civil and criminal exposure if it were designed certain ways. Got it?

It feels like I've said things about pissing in the street being illegal, and several particular people responded several times, "Why are you saying you want to piss in the street?" ?

But okay, I'll finally get dragged into the "odds some faire will do it" mud for the first time, if the room so wants me to. My guess is that there are all kinds of wildly different and unusual people who choose to manage Renfaires, hella non-corporate types. And I doubt anyone here has met or interviewed some large sample size of these managers to allege such absolute clarity as to their instincts... and that these managers could possibly represent a monolith of group think as well... correct me if I'm wrong.

If someone writes, "Yeah, well I personally know 25 Renfaire managers across the U.S. whom I met at the national Renfaire conference, and we all discussed and all agreed on this fetish issue," then I'll stand corrected. But I don't happen to think there's anyone here like that. Predictions don't become more likely because they're stated superciliously. While I really have no idea the odds that some Renfaire, some year in the future, will ever do this kind of thing again, my hunch is the odds aren't zero, simply because of the continuous weirdness factor of the Renfaire world. So to summarize, no I really don't know the odds; but I'm also doubting that anyone else here knows they're zero either.
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Is that supposed to be me? If it's so tiring, why respond? But at least this time now, if you're again feeling enervated, I urge you to please, for the love of God, save your energy for more important matters, and remain silent! Your health comes first! 😉

I've written here purely about the legal aspects, not the odds of it happening. I wrote that if paid employees would be the primary lees, but other random people could volunteer if they want to with full awareness, I believe that paradigm would pass legal muster. That has been my main point -- not anything whether or how many Renfaires will do this. Yet it's as if that's what I wrote, because particular people keep responding to me in contradictory framings about how wrong I am to think this is likely. Huh? I've never written a single word about whether it's likely. I only wrote about whether someone would be sued. Got it?

But okay, I'll finally get dragged into the "odds some faire will do it" mud for the first time, if the room insists. My guess is that there are all kinds of wildly different and unusual people who choose to manage Renfaires, hella non-corporate types. And I doubt anyone here has met or interviewed some large sample size of these managers to allege such absolute clarity as to their instincts... and that these managers could possibly represent a monolith of group think as well... correct me if I'm wrong.

If someone writes, "Yeah, well I personally know 25 Renfaire managers across the U.S. whom I met at the national Renfaire conference, and we all discussed and all agreed on this fetish issue," then I'll stand corrected. But I don't happen to think there's anyone here like that. Predictions don't become more likely because they're stated superciliously. While I really have no idea the odds that some Renfaire, some year in the future, will ever do this kind of thing again, my hunch is the odds aren't zero, simply because of the continuous weirdness factor of the Renfaire world. So to summarize, no I really don't know the odds; but I'm also doubting that anyone else here knows they're zero either.

You're presenting your argument from the perspective of, "it's not completely impossible", and while that's true, the stronger argument is, "why would anyone who's responsible for running a Faire allow some rando come in and do this? What's the rationale, from a non-fetish perspective?"
It all depends on how you pitch the idea to the Faire owners/management.

Stocks at a Faire don't have to be for tickling specifically. They certainly weren't in old times. The stocks were in fact used to punish, injure and humiliate people.

But for a short period of time and just to goof off, doing something debasing with close friends and family for fun can be more appealing than some here give it credit for.

By no means do the stocks have to be used only for tickling. There can and SHOULD be other things people can do with their companions at the Faire in the stocks.

For light entertainment, people could dump confetti and glitter on someone, put a paper bag on their head, hang a funny sign over them, silly stuff. This COULD also include tickling.

Much like the confetti, paper bags and funny signs, feathers for tickling could also be there for people taking photos.

In response to WHY someone would want to participate or be tickled in the stocks at all?

I believe that outside of this community, it's just FUN to some to watch people get tickled.

Maybe you've never seen a friend or family, or new boyfriend or girlfriend react to tickling.

Some people would love to see their mom or dad get tickled and join in.

Others might enjoy seeing their partner or spouse get tickled after a fight or argument.

And honestly, in these uncertain and aggressive times, some people might like to watch people they just don't like to get tickled in public.

It's not morally good that that would be appealing to some people, but is just an example of why stocks would be popular.

It's not so much that a faire manager would particularly find this interesting themselves. For all of those selling points, the spectacle could draw a big crowd, for what that's worth to Faire owners.

My idea is, just give people the option to get locked in the stocks to take a photo or for fun.

Have the owner/manager of the stocks remain there for participants' safety from strangers and leave some tools and props around for their friends and families to use for a photo op. In this day and age for Instagram, the opportunity to take a picture in a realistic looking set of stocks is something that people would line up for.

I don't even think that you would need the option to sign a waiver for the stocks, just the same safety agreement and waiver to have your photo taken by a stranger at the entrance of the faire. Everybody else in costume at the Faire would have done that anyway.

I'd think that would be enough for people to consensually and fairly photograph and record some of the fun.

The thing is, if people were to share the photos or video of this with obvious focus on feet or tickling, and they showed up on sites like this Forum, you'd HAVE to make sure the stocks were NOT used by anybody under the age of 18.

Because if you don't, and videos like that showed up on Youtube, or heaven forbid, here, THEN the fun of this attraction would justifiably be overshadowed by Faire owners and instead be viewed by them as a criminal liability, and a potential hub for degenerates.
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