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Snowed In MMM/f


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001
'Snowed In'


By TickleMantis.

A roar louder than any thunder shook Mount Elk violently. Home to sixty expensive log cabins with all the luxury trimmings mid Winter on Mount Elk housed nearly two hundred people. It was at least a thirty minute walk through the thick snow to any neighbouring cabin and despite the fact the moutain staff were on call twenty four hours a day the warm holiday homes to the rich gave the illusion of complete isolation.

Each cabin was fully stocked with four bedrooms, gas, electricity, phone and even complimentry ski or snow boarding gear in the garage, which also housed a snow mobile. Getting to the bottom of Mount Elk was merley a matter of calling the staff and having them pick you up in one of their many snow capable four wheel drives. On top of that the staff would also supply food daily along with any other needs that may arise. Unfortunatley, regardless of how rich the residence were or how dedicated the staff are nothing prepared any of them for a full scale avalanche.

Total white out, the evening before had bought the mountain top a thicker, heavier snow than had dropped in over forty years. This went unnoticed by the holiday makers as the mountain top was some miles up, the cabins being situated around the centre of the slope. The shaking began when the heavy snow had shifted, thousands of tonnes sliding downward painting everything white. At six am no one was outside, the staff and rescue teams that would assemble almost two hours later at the lower Mount Elk village would later decide it was the rising sun that had warmed the snow just enough to cause it's movement.

With the gas pipes, phone and electrical lines all being under ground and each cabin being built of sturdy, not to mention expensive, materials not one of them collasped. Calling to check it was found every single resident could stay warm and dry with light until a rescue could be organised. Unfortunatley entertainment was lacking as all the T.V aerials had been taken out, each cabin being buried with atleast ten feet of snow above it. The second biggest miracle, the first being no one had been hurt, was the windows of every cabin hadn't broken. While the glass was cold to touch in other wise warm rooms it was able to sustain the pressure.

"They're holding off another few hours." Twenty two year old blonde Stanley said as he placed the phone down and turned to look at his friends. "The mountain staff told me they have the rescue crews all there..."

"They're not coming?" Asked the brunette Jenna who sat next to Thomas and Harry on the soft leather couch in the large well furnished living area of their cabin.

"The staff said no one is any danger but there might be another slip, it's not noon yet so the sun is still warming the mountain." Explained Stanley as he slipped of his designer jacket and revealed a tight black t-shirt that accentuated his well toned torso. "It'll be warmest at lunch time so if there's not another avalanche they're going to come get everyone then...they said we'll be out by tommorow morning at the latest."

Six girls and six boys, all college students on a well deserved break from studying, had come to Thomas' father's cabin for a two week stay. With the exception of Jenna and Stanley who had being seeing eachother for a little over six months everyone else was simply a good group of friends. Hannah and Chelsea, the other two girls, were absent and had been staying at another cabin the past few nights with some handsom investors from Vermot they had become rather chummy with.

Stanley, or Stan, was a good guy. At 6ft he was the tallest of the three guys and his short blonde hair and icey blue eyes coupled with his body builder shape attracted Jenna instantly. Jenna herself was twenty and stood 5'7ft with silky chocolate coloured hair that sat just above her shoulders, her large natural breasts and peachy butt along with that killer smile and light olive tan had captured Stan's attention the instant they met.

The six friends got along famously, Thomas was only an inch shorter than Stan with short brown hair and a slightly more musculer tone to his person while Harry was the odd one out of the guys. Harry was a thin fellow with jet black hair tied back in a smooth pony tail, he stood 5'10 so he wasn't short but he lacked the tone of Thomas and Stan. Regardless of the difference the three guys had been friends since high school, Stan had even dismissed Havard to follow Thomas and Harry to the same college.

"Tommorow morning? Geez...I mean this is different and all, but we couldn't have thought to bring scrabble or something?" Harry said rolling his eyes at the stark white that engulfed the windows.

"No one expected this, that's for sure." Replied Thomas as he looked past the shiney wood grain dining table and over the clean pricey kitchen to the window that sat over the sink, it was no less similar than the other one several feet to the left or the two either side of the front door. "The plan was to ski and watch movies all weekend...no one even bought a DVD."

"Oh well, you guys can be bored..." Jenna said with a sure of herself smirk sitting on the couch in her low cut black singlet and tight black pants inbetween Thomas and Harry. "...but I bought a book, just in case."

"What she means is" Stan began as he casually sat on the large thick wooden coffee table facing his three friends. "If Hannah and Chelsea ran off with some men as they are so prone to doing and us men folk were watching a good movie...you know, with no plot and lots of explosions, then she could sneak off and read her books."

"Pays to be prepared doesn't it?" Jenna said with a cheeky smile followed by a cute quick poke of the tounge at her boyfriend.

"Yes." Stan said leaning foward and placing a hand on either one of his girl friend's slender knees. "It does."

"Ahh! Ahha!" Jenna shot foward with surprise as Stan squeezed her legs before she promptly batted his hands away. "Don't do that!"

"I was just thinking...me, Tom and Harry have nothing to do." Stan said with a worryingly wicked gleam in his eyes. "But you have your books...that seems unfair, doesn't it guys?"

"It sure does." Replied Harry not knowing what Stan was getting at but more than willing to play along.

"Real unfair." Said Tom joining in the game, he too was clueless at to where it was going.

"Say guys..." Stan said placing his hands back on Jenna's legs with a light grip. "...Did I ever tell you how ticklish Jenna is?"

"No!" Jenna screamed suddenly as she knocked Stan's hands clean off her legs and shot upward from the couch. "No! No let go! Don't!"

Pulled backward Harry and Thomas both grabbed an arm each of the struggling girl and tugged her back to a forced sitting posistion. Standing as Jenna sat back down involuntarily Stan watched as both the brunette's arms were pulled out to the side and over the back of couch, his two friends holding her in place. Ignoring her panick Stan straddled his girl friend's upper legs, leaving her only able to kick from the knees down. Kneeling on the center of the soft leather couch facing his trapped girl friend Stan put a hand either side of Jenna's head to focus her attention and cease the girl's struggling.

"Tell Tom and Harry how ticklish you are...." Stan said removing his hands knowing that, even though she continued to struggle uselessly against the much stronger men, he had the bulk of her attention.

"Don't you dare tickle me Stan! I swear to God!" Jenna said with the utmost seriousness not relenting her tugging and kicking one bit, for all the good it was doing. "Let me up now, I swear I'll kill you all if you tickle me!"

"You could have just told them how ticklish you are...how much the slightest touch makes you squeal..." Stan said holding his hands directly infront of Jenna and wiggling his fingers. "...but now, seeing as you've been so rude, I'll just have to show them."

"No! No Stan! I'm-I'm really ticklish guys! I'm so ticklish!" Jenna choked out the words, being as sensitive as she was it wasn't something she bragged about. "I hate being tickled! Don't! Don't leehahAHAHA! NO! AHAahhaha! You baaahahahastaraad! EEehahaha!"

Both Tom and Harry smiled as they watched Jenna scream with laughter when Stan's wiggling fingers touched down on the vunerable brunette's soft smooth underarms. Despite the warmth of the cabin had Jenna known she was going to be tickled that day she would have worn full on snow gear and the thickest ski jacket she could find. Unfortunatley her choice of a tight black low cut singlet was not the best for beging tickled in, mostly because it exposed her underarms fully but it also gave a great view of her deep jello like jiggling clevege.

Jenna had always hated being tickled and for the most part Stan was pretty kind about her rare level of sensitivity but on occasion he would let loose and torment her. It was always a scary thing to be pinned down or chased around their small apartment by Stan when he was in a mood to tickle but atleast there was hope of getting away. With two strapping men to help him it set a fear in that was driving her almost as crazy as the poking prodding wiggling fingers in Jenna's underarms.

"See guys? Right here in the middle..." Stan instructed his two friends as he dug his index fingers right into the hollows of Jenna's underarms and wiggled them about quickly causing her to squeal and howl with terrified laughter. "...That's the spot."

"Hahaha! Yahah naahaha!" Jenna continued to struggle and laugh as her eyes welled up with the begginings of tears and her socked feet kicked no less harder than they had when Stan had first begun. "Stop iiiiiiit! Ahahah nomoreno eeehahah!"

Being silky smooth didn't help Jenna's hollows any either, it seemed everything about this situation was against her. Jenna kept herself well groomed and looked great at the worst of times even when it came to somewhere as obscure as under her arms. Nothing was going to even minorly obscure the ongoing rapid poking, stroking, wiggling, prodding and what seemed like a hundred other techniques Stan was using to torment the gorgeus girl.

"Now the best thing about this?" Stan said finally ceasing his attack leaving Jenna's underarms a light shade of pink. "It's not just the one spot that drives her crazy....pretty much everywhere makes Jenna go totally looney."

"n-no....hh hh noho...hhh don't..." Jenna looked up through tear blurred eyes at Stan as she tried desperatley to catch much needed air when she felt her singlet being slowly untucked from her pants. "...stop...Stan hh...no more...."

"What else are we supposed to do?" Stan said slowly gliding his hands onto Jenna's well toned tummy, pushing her singlet futher up as he did. "You're our only entertainment."

"NAHAHA! Staahahahahn! Ahahahaeee!" Jenna bucked wildly as Stan's cruel ten fingers plunged into the soft skin of her tanned ticklish tummy. "Hahahahaeee! Notmaahah! Tom! Tahaaa!"

Squirming between them Tom and Harry knew without a doubt that Stan was truthful, the evidence was in their very clutches. While some spots were worse than others pretty much every inch of Jenna's sexy young body was insanley ticklish. Jenna's underarms seemed to be a favourite of Stans when she thought about, one morning Jenna had woken up with her arms pinned high above her head. Stan had lay a pillow across the girl's forearms and sat on top of it, the young brunette had awoke to the sensation of hollows being ruthlessley tickled and for the first five waking minutes of that day she had been in total hyterics.

Jenna's tummy was one spot that carried with it some equally terrible ticklish memories. Knowing her daughter better than anyone Jenna's mother would often recruit her older sister to help in a good tummy tickling. It was a rare occasion indeed during her teenage years that the cute brunette would wear a bikini or top that showed her midriff around the house. On one particularly horrifying day Jenna had been sun bathing in the back yard when her mother, sister and cousin had delighted in digging their long nails into Jenna's sensitive tummy.

"C'mon lads, get in on the action!" Stan said unrelenting in his assault on Jenna's soft tummy. "Surley you only need one hand to hold a ticklish little girl's arms back?"

The invite and challenge in combine was too much to pass up. In almost perfect sync both Tom and Harry shifted their grip, one hand each around Jenna's slender wrists. It was easy enough to hold her arms up behind the top of the couch, in that position along with the tickling any chance of her escaping was very small. With a free hand each the two guys wiggled they fingers toward the squirming girl and attacked her shirt covered rib cage.

"NAAAAhahaha! NONO! AHhhhaaa!" Tears streamed down Jenna's reddened cheeks when she felt ten more fingers begin dancing around her torso, the thought of being tickled by all three at once was nightmarish.

"Here, here....get her skin, it's way more ticklish!" Stan said insiting futher torture as he raised Jenna's shirt up and over her large wobbling bra covered boobs tucking it loosley into her clevege before returning to his tummy tickling.

Caught up in the moment, and having Jenna's breasts bouncing in a lacy black bra that strained to contain them, Tom and Harry squeezed viciously at the bare skin of the howling girl's soft tanned rib cage. The harder she laughed the harder they tickled and the harder they tickled the louder and more intense Jenna's laughter became, it was a vicious cycle. If there was a bright side it was that Harry and Tom didn't put quite as much thought, if any, into their technique. The rib tickling seemed to stay on the bone a lot, but it was the soft spots inbetween that were most sensitive. Mostly Tom and Harry were just clumbsily gropping the hot girls smooth tanned flesh.

Stan was slightly more skilled. Not being overwhelmed by the partial site of Jenna's jiggling boobs was a good start, having seen her stunning figure in full nude many times before. This sense of calm allowed Stan to put more thought into his attacks, such as randomly switching between light spider tickles and hard lobster clawing or doing both at once. One well designed and highly effective method which drove Jenna wild was burying a finger wiggling inside her cute belly button while the other hand clawed at her lower tummy just above the belt line.

"Shh! Shh! Hold on..." Harry said as he suddenly stopped his tickling and waited a few seconds for Harry and Stan to follow suit, the sound of Jenna's laughter slowing to a sobful giggling and the burbling rings of a phone becoming the dominant noise of the large room. "...The phone!"

Leaping upright Stan turned and began making quick pace toward the chirping black cordless which sat on the dining table a few meters away. Turning to walk backward Stan raised his eye brows and shook held out his hands flat palm, shaking them just slightly. Getting the message Tom quickly pasted his free hand over Jenna's mouth seconds before Stan pressed 'talk' accompanined by a soft beep.

"Hello?" Stand asked casually pressing the phone to his ear while placing his free index finger infront of his lips, a signal to all for quiet. "...Oh great, that's good...I did wonder...hang...what? Yeah, yeah hang on a sec, I'll put you on speaker."

"Mmm! MmmMM!" Jenna shook her head as she watched Stan click the phone back into it's charger and with a similar beep the talk button had given, pressed the speaker on.

"We can here you, say hello." Stan said to seemingly no one in particular.

"Hey guys!" Hannah's voice came from the small phone and filled the room with a slight hint of static followed shortly by a cheery "Hello!" from Chelsea.

"Hey girls, are you in another cabin?!" Harry called out a little louder than he needed to, still holding tightly onto Jenna's wrist.

"We're stuck just like you! But we made some friends, is Jenna there?" Chelsea's voice asked followed by a short pause as Tom looked at Stan who nodded followed by Tom removing his hand from the trapped girls face.

"Say hello Jenna." Stan said smiling knowing what was to come next.

"Chels! They've been tickling me! Tell them to stop!" Jenna bellowed hoping the sympathy from her girl friends on the other end would be enough to turn the tide in her favour.

"Who's been tickling you?!" Hannah asked with a playful shock.

"All of them! They're holding me down and they won't stop!" Jenna explained her ordeal knowing Hannah and Chelsea would be empathetic of her plight.

"You guys are so mean!" Hannah said knowing there was next to nothing they could do to help but mostly glad is wasn't them. "Don't tickle her!"

"We have to go now girls." Stan said maneuvering his hand back toward the phone.

"No! Wait! Hannah help! Call the rangers or sommm! Mmm!" Jenna's pleas were cut short as Tom's hand cupped back over her full lips once again.

"We're sorry Jen, we do-" Chelsea was cut off by the familiar beep mid explanation as Stan pressed the button and turned back toward his captive girl friend.

"No one's coming Jen." Stan mocked walking with a evil strut of confidence. "Hannah and Chelsea can't help you...the only people who can make it stop is us...and we're definetly not going to do that..."

"Mmm! Mmmm!" Jenna screamed beneath Tom's firm grip as Stan sat back on her knees, straddling her lap and bringing his hands up toward her large bra contained boobs.

"Ready for a real treat guys?" Stan said as he lifted Jenna's shirt out from her clevege and brought the bottom of it up and over her face, effectivley blinding her.

"Stan! No Stan! Dooon't!" Jenna screamed when Tom removed his hand from over her full lips and she felt Stan's skillful hands loosening the clip of her strapless bra. "Oh my god! You can't do this!"

With the slinky bra being tossed backward without a care the three guys all starred in awe at the large tanned boobs that bounced from within. Centred by soft pink nipples with a sprinkling of nervous goose bumps Jenna's fully natural mammaries were a wonderful sight indeed. Unfortunatley as beautiful as the brunette's breasts were, they were even more sensitive.

"If you guys thought Jenna's tummy was ticklish..." Stan began wiggling his fingers toward Jenna's quivering melons.

"Stan please! Stop!" Jenna begged with the utmost seriousness, even with the t-shirt pulled over her face she could almost feel Stan's evil hands making there wicked way toward her. "Don't you dare! I'll kill you!"

"...You ain't seen nothing yet." Stan finished his sentence fully ignoring his girlfriend's desperate pleas for mercy only a second before all ten of his fingers began spider dancing over Jenna's jelloesque breasts.

"EEEheehee! NAhahaha! Staahahannnn!" Jenna wailed as she felt the digits softly touch upon her nipples, slide down the sides, glide over the tops and scoot right where it really tickled, underneath.

"Don't be shy, get on in!" Stan encouraged his friends with a freakishly energetic enthusiasm as he looked between the two of them and kept up his assault.

"No! No PLEASE! AAAHahahah! Naaahah!" Jenna was trying with everything she had to break free, suddenly twenty fingers were squiggling onto her vunerable boobs.

After a few minutes there was a fleeting, ever so brief moment of hope. Jenna's arms were free, Tom and Harry had let go. As it happened, and much to Jenna's increasing dissapointment, the two guys had only released the tickled brunette's now vastly weakened arms in order to tickle with both hands. The first thing Jenna tried to do was pull the shirt off from her face, but with thrity fingers prodding, poking and stroking at her incredibly ticklish boobs she was quite uncoordinated. On the rare occasion when Jenna even got close to touching the shirt her hands would be easily pulled away.

Jenna's next course of action, as tears began to weep through and dampen the t-shirt in the place where her eyes were, was to fight back. With Stan sitting firmly on her legs and her sight cut off that meant her only form of defence was her arms. Jenna grabbed and slapped and pulled and pushed and once or twice even tried tickling back, nothing worked. The poor cacking girl was simply too weak and beside herself with ticklish hysterics. Every tiny touch that squirmed over her delicate skin caused another giggle, another breath of air filled with much needed energy.

Soon Jenna's bronze boobs began to develop a slight sheen, a glitter of reflection in the bright light of the cabin. Moistening with tiny beadlets of sweat the thrity fingers slid just a little bit more. Favoured patches around the fleshy mounds began to grow a light shade of pink from all the unwanted attention. On the opposite end of the spectrum to Jenna's seemingly endless minutes upon minutes of ticklish torment the three guys were having a whale of a time. Tom and Harry had never even thought to dream about touching Jenna other than the the occasional hug and now they were given free reign over her succulent boobs.

"Back in a sec." Stan said out of the blue as he swiftly stood up straight and with large purposeful strides seemed to almost fly out of the room.

"Guyahaha! Please! Staahee NO!" With her legs free Jenna was given a whole new realm of freemdom, heaving herself foward Jenna squealed when Tom and Harry's hands slipped across her jiggling jugs as they tried to hold on.

"Get her!" Harry proclaimed after a short hesitation that saw the two young men watching with surprise as Jenna crawled on all fours blindly toward the kitchen.

In a panic Jenna had hit the floor and just moved. As fast as she could and in any direction, as long as she wasn't being tickled the half naked twenty year old didn't much care about anything else. Nearing the kitchen where the carpet of the living room switched to the polished oak floor Jenna could hear the excited foot steps of Harry and Tom advancing quickly behind her. Rolling onto her back Jenna tugged the t-shirt back down over her bare breasts and reacted with a hail of frantic kicking.

"Get away from me! No!" Jenna screamed red faced and teary eyed at Harry and Tom who shuffled around her wildly kicking legs trying hard to get a grip on the crazed girl. "Leave me alone! Stop iiiit!"

"I leave you alone for five seconds and this happens?" Stan said as he walked casually back into the room, the two guys turning to face him while Jenna took the oppurtunity to back away into the kitchen and begin rising to a stand.

"Stan, Stan please...stop this...if you keep this up..." Jenna sobbed as she leant with her back against the kitchen cabinets and shook with fear before the six pairs of eyes glancing over her. "...This...this is insane...what's gotten into you?"

"It's a bit late for that Jen..." Stan said as he held up a loose bright orange extention cord in one hand and looked squarley at Harry and Tom. "...Get her legs."

"NOOO!" Jenna screamed loudly straining her voice when she realised Stan's decidedly evil intent. "NO! AHH! Get off me! Help!"

"No one's coming Jen." Stan said coldly as Harry and Tom grabbed an arm each and began to pull the struggling girl back toward the lounge.

Screaming, thrashing and even trying the path of least resistence all prooved futile. The two young men were simply too strong, ecspecially seeing as Jenna had be considerably weakend from the previous assault. Wrestling Jenna to the floor Harry pinned her arms out to the sides and Tom forced the panicking girl onto her back. Kicking hard Jenna wrenched her voice as Stan calmly grabbed a hold of her legs and dragged them onto the coffee table. With the knee joint of each leg resting on the edge of the low wooden table Stan began looping the extention cord in all manner of directions.

Before long Jenna's legs from the knees down were firmly bound to the table. The bright orange cord looped around the table legs and up over the trapped brunette's shins, pressing her well toned calve muscles into the wood. Forced to lay on her back Jenna stayed silent, her eyes lined with tears, her cheeks red, looking every which way and wondering what possible new torment they could inflict on her next. Stan sat back on the couch and admired his work, Harry had bought Jenna's arms high above her head and was straddling the girls forearms leaving his arms free. Tom stood up, watching Stan, trying to guess what his friend was thinking.

"Now..." Began Stan slowly penting his fingers in a dastardly fashion. "...the key to tickling Jenna's feet-"

"NO!!" Jenna screamed instantly interrupting Stan and blowing the strained composure she had managed to muster. "MMM! MMM!"

Muffled by Harry's quick thinking the long haired guy straddling her arms wrapped his hands over her mouth before Jenna could spout another word. Giving his friend an approving nod Stan climbed to the floor and kneeled next to the coffee table where his girl friend's socked feet wiggled with horrified anticipation. Tom, bored of standing, climbed to the floor also and sat cross legged a few inches from Jenna's t-shirt covered tummy. Flinching with a yelp beneath Harry's hands Jenna watched as Stan cupped his right hand over the top of her left foot.

"As I was saying...the key is finding out which works best." Stan said holding the top of Jenna's left foot firmly as he wiggled the fingers of his free hand several inches away from the trapped sole. "Socks, or no socks?"

Pressing his five dancing digits onto the thin white cotton sock Stan watched Jenna tense up and then go ballistic beneath Harry's hands. Harry had to put in real effort to keep the wild girl's head from breaking out of his grip, he could feel the brunette's full lips pushing against his hand and the torrent of laughter trying to burst from within. Signalling with a tilt of the head Stan motioned at Tom to get in on the action, Jenna's right socked foot was wiggling all by itself unattended after all.

Crashing her hips up and down onto the soft carpetted floor Jenna was wild with the excrutiating sensations crawling over her delicate cotton wrapped feet. Tom had delighted in following Stan's lead and was all too quick at gripping the once free right foot and beggining his attack. Mimicing his friend's actions the dark haired Tom held the top of Jenna's cute little foot in his left hand and rapidly stroked his clawing fingers over the wailing girl's sock covered sole.

"So which is worse?" Asked Harry who was patiently sitting atop Jenna's arms and struggling to hold his hands over the thrashing girl's mouth. "The socks or bare feet?"

"Why don't you decide?" Stan said not ceasing his progress for even a second. "Let her laugh and we can compare."

"EEEEHAA! NOOHAHA!" Jenna holwed from between her full juicy lips the second Harry removed his hands from their make shift gag posistion. "HAHA! STOOOAAOP! STAHAHAAARR!"

Keeping his hands idolly sitting on his thys Harry watched with curiousity and awe at the multitude of desperate expressions and horrified grimaces Jenna was making below him. The poor girl's cheeks were a rosey red and the sweat was causing her long dark hair to mat across her forehead. Jenna's eyes flew open and clamped shut at completley random intervals as her head whipped from side to side in a paniced struggle for freedom. Most fascinating to Harry however was Jenna's mouth and eye brows, her thin dark brow frowned and sighed with sadness while her mouth flew wide open with howls of pleading laughter and gritted shut with anger and fear of the unknown.

"Okay, okay." Stan said with a friendly smile as he waved a motion for Tom to join him in finally ceasing. "Now, you keep the sock on that foot and I'll do this one bare, then we can see which is more ticklish if we do one after the other."

"I like it." Tom said approvingly only just stopping himself from leaning foward and giving Jenna's socked big toe a quick peck.

"Hhh...huh....hhh...no...no....hhh...." Jenna gasped for air and she attempted to blink the tears from her eyes and uselessly pull her arms down at the same time. "...ple...hhhh...Tom....Ha...Harry..."

Taking his time in a most sadistic manner Stan ever so slowly peeled the sock from around Jenna's left ankle and over the wiggling heel. Shaking with frightful anticipation the poor bound girl could barley even wiggle her foot to resist. Even the feeling of the thin white cotton passing over her tender arch tickled enough to cause a few annoyed giggles that were obviously being forcebly repressed. After what seemed like hours the sock began to bunch up as it rolled over the soft balls of Jenna's foot and was finally plucked off her cute little toes and uncerimoniously tossed aside.

Neither Tom nor Harry knew much about feet but even they could tell Jenna had a very nice pair. The two had expected as much given that the other area's they'd seen were nothing short of stunning but it was no less a pleasent sight. Able only to see the top of the wiggling foot Harry silently admired Jenna's five wiggling toes and their small yet smooth nails. Opposingly Tom watched the wrinkly arch stretch and curl with unintentional seductive motion and the bottoms of her toes which looked smoother than the finest silk.

"And now gentlemen, if you please, Jenna's favourite game..." Stan said proudly as he lightly pinched the top of Jenna's big toe inbetween his thumb and index finger.

"N...no! No! Please...not...not..." Jenna sobbed frantically trying to sit up, the anticipation wreaking havoc on her ever decreasing mental state.

"This little piggy went to market..." Stan grinned with a wicked stare straight at Jenna while soflly wiggling her big toe before releasing his grip and pinching the second piggy. "...This little piggy stayed home..."

"...No...no not the piggies..." Jenna begged in an unintentionally husking tone.

"...This little piggy had roast beef..." Wiggling Jenna's middle toe Stan continued the silly ryhme that he knew was driving his girlfriend mad with the thought of it ending. "...This little piggy had none..."

"NO! No please you guys! You have to let me go!" Jenna screamed with teary eyed sobs breaking the last of her words into a higher panicked pitch. "Stop him! Stan stop!"

"And this little piggy..." Stan paused for dramatic effect but mostly to prolong the psycological torture as he pinched Jenna's little toe slightly harder than the previous four. "...Went wee wee wee, all the way home!"

"NAAAHAHAAA!" Jenna arched her back violently when five of Stan's cruel fingers began running rampant over the sensitive sole of her bare foot. "HAHAHA! EEEE! NOT AHAHAH!"

Of course Jenna knew something Tom and Harry didn't, this was merley the start. Stan had tickled Jenna's feet before, he'd tickled her everywhere, and he was very good at it. Either of the other guys would have been content to simply dance their fingers playfully across her soles, but not Stan. Stan had techniques and evil tactics purposley designed to drive Jenna mad with vunerable ticklishness. For a start he already knew the answer the to the sock or bare question and he knew ten finger were better than five.

Screaming with tortured howling laughter Jenna's ribs ached from the constant flexing as she felt all of Stan's fingers squirming over her helpless foot. Over the arches, under the toes, across the balls, up the sides, over the heel and even on those silky toe bottoms that drove her so insane. This went on for several minutes, Tom and Harry both enjoying themselves immensley.

"Now see how she's wriggling everywhere!?" Stan called out over Jenna's screechs as he placed the palm of his right hand flat against the bottom of the trapped girls toes. "Here's a simple solution that not only cuts the squirming down almost eighty percent but it increases vunerability ten fold!"

Pushing back on her toes Jenna felt her foot stretch taught as Stan continued dancing his five free fingers over the now smooth unmoving sole. Curling his fingers and holding a claw like shape Stan pressed his nails under her toes and raked his hand down the creamy white sole, over the balls, down the arch and all the way to the centre of the heel recieving an almighty squeal of hatred as his reward from his poor victim.

"AAAARRHEEEE!" The helpless brunette screamed as Stan did the raking motion again before digging his fingers under her toes and vibrating them quickly in that one spot. "EEEHEE! NAHEEE HEEE!"

"Now you try." Stan instructed Tom who didn't give Jenna a moments chance to compose herself even a tiny bit before stretching her socked right foot back and raking his fingers down her sole.

"I'm pretty sure the bare if more ticklish!" Harry said to Stan who was sitting back on the couch and watching his girlfriend suffer beneath Tom's sock tickling hands. "I mean it's hard to tell really but the bare just seems to add something else."

"It's an added sense of vunerability." Stan said kneeling back down on the carpet next to the coffee table. "So bare it is!"

Once again Stan danced all ten of his fingers over Jenna's bare left sole. After taking a few seconds to register, what with his thoughts being elsewhere, Tom wasted no time sliding the hysterical young woman's sock clean off and planting all ten fingers onto the newly bare sole. Twenty collective fingers ran wild over Jenna's trapped bare feet and soon made her creamy white soles turn a light shade of pink, the poor girl was going totally mad.

"I don't think she can take much more!" Harry said watching with delight at his friend was being tickle tortured, more a matter of fact than a signal to stop.

Without even looking at Harry, Stan stood up and quickly paced into the kitchen. It didn't occur to Tom to stop, he was much too engrossed by the power of relentlessly tickling this spectacular girl's foot. Dividing his attention between Jenna's right foot and her horrified face that cried out for any semblence of mercy Tom tried to recall a time when he had ever tickled a girl this sensitive. It wasn't as if Tom hadn't had his fair share of girlfriends, or for that matter one night stands and friends with benefits, but none were ever this ticklish.

"Here we go!" Stan said addressing Harry as he handed him a red handled pair of sissors he'd just retrieved from the kitchen. "Join the party!"

Harry watched Stan sit back down and resume attacking Jenna's left foot. Glancing down at the sissors it took the pony tail sporting straddler a moment to catch on but when he looked over the jiggling jello like melons wobbling within the t-shirt Harry knew the purpose of his knew tool. Being as careful as possible Harry stretched the cotton top as far from Jenna's thrashing bound body as he could before running the surprisingly sharp blades straight through it. The short sleeves when first and then one big long cut right down the middle, the shirt burst open and Jenna's tanned boobs bounced free and her heaving torso was revealed in all it's glory.

Now reduced to only a pair of jeans and the panties that recided underneath, Jenna had yet another item to add to the ever increasing list of expossed spots. Harry placed the sissors on the floor beside him as calmly as he could and tried to keep his composure. It would have been so easy to grop and feel and bury his face inbetween those two large fleshy melons that were so enticing but fortunatley his will was stronger than imagined.

Raising his hands Harry hovered over Jenna's squirming frame knowing that whatever he did would be added to the feet tickles she was already recieving, making it all the more cruel and wickedly fun. At last choosing a spot the dark haired young man that pinned Jenna's arms above her head with his legs planted his hands into the taut hollows of her smooth underarms and wiggled around accordingly. Amazingly the squealing increased and any half words she had been managing to form were lost to the tickle gods, this was too much.

"Where's her most ticklish spot!?" Tom asked not relenting his assaulting strokes for even a split second.

"Here! Try this!" Stan said using both his hands to stretch Jenna's toes back almost to the point of pain before wrapping his lips over the balls of her foot and sliding his long wet tounge inbetween her toes. "Use your teeth to scrape aswell, it drives her wild!"

Unable to believe his luck at first Tom waited a few seconds before he had it completley clear in his head that he had heard Stan correctly. Stretching her toes back in much the same fashion as Stan had, Tom moved his head in and paused, hesitant at first he wasn't quite as confident as Stan who seemed to be making passionate love to Jenna's left foot. Tom poked his tounge out and looked about, no one was watching him, Stan was licking Jenna's arch, Jenna was going crazy and Harry was busy tickling Jenna's boobs.

It was sweet. Different than he had expected, once he began Tom took to the oral tickling like a fat kid with a pie. Scrapping his bottom teeth up and over the balls of her foot Tom squirmed his tounge around her toes and muched greedily at the very middle of Jenna's sole. So consumed by his new lust for Jenna's ticklish helpless foot that currently occupied his world Tom hardly notice when Jenna's laughter died to only tiny squeaks and silent tormented laughter took over.

"Hey Stan!" Harry said removing his tounge from Jenna's belly button as he sat back up, not really wanting to stop but feeling he should report his knew discovery none the the less. "Look at this..."

Stopping altogether both Tom and Stan turned to see what was so important Harry was actually willing to show mercy. Stan didn't seem surprised and Tom tried to act nonchalant but was clearly a little taken aback when they saw the large damp patch between Jenna's legs, she had wet herself. Standing up Stan held one hand vertical and the other horizontal, batting the horizontal one against the tips of his vertical fingers the leader of their unruly pack signaled a time out.

"Where are you going?" Tom asked sitting back against the T.V cabinet behind him and tried to regain a normal breathing pattern.

"I'll be back in a sec..." Stan said reassuringly with a slight turn of the head although not breaking his stride. "...Don't get up."

"What do you think he's doing?" Harry said ignoring the fact he was still straddling Jenna's arms and she was desperatley trying to recover beneath him.

"Don't know...he hasn't let us down yet though." Tom replied wiping sweat from his brow and gazing over Jenna's smooth sweaty tummy and heaving breasts. "I've gotta tell you, I've tickled some girls before but nothing comes close to this...I could never have imagined anything like this."

"Me too...I mean there was this one Swedish girl a couple of months back?" Harry began explaining as he looked up to the left in a short effort to recall the memory. "She was gorgeus right, I mean everything you'd expect...long blonde hair, great legs, huge tits and these perfect blue eyes...anyway we're in the club off Oakview drive, you know the one, and she drags me into the girls toilets, so I'm like 'alright!'....so she's going full throttle and practically throws me into a stall and we're going it at it like crazy-"

"Was she actually from Sweden?" Tom asked curiously. "Cause those nordic women are crazy beautiful."

"I think she was on holiday, her English was good enough..." Harry answered trying to get his story back on track. "Anyway, I'm up her shirt and I go for her bra clasp but it's one of those front clips? I'm trying to work the damn thing and play tonsil hockey at the same time when she starts giggling..."

"While you're kissing her?" Tom asked trying to picture the odd prediciment.

"It wasn't easy I tell you....so I pull back, but I keep my hands up there and I'm like 'what?', right?' Harry continued. "Suddenly she's not giggling anymore, I move back in, start at the clasp again and bam, she's giggling again. I pull back, she stops giggling and I ask again, she says in her thick accent 'You tickle.'...well it all went down hill from there...she was nothing like Jenna here but this girl had some ticklish boobs and when I finally got the bra off I really went to town."

"Is this the Swedish girl in the cubicle?" Stan asked holding a blue bucket by it's black handle in one hand and another two bright organge extention cords in the other as he walked back into the living area, the buckets contents a mystery. "What were you in there for? It was atleast half and hour."

"Yeah, Stan was out in the club still and had no idea where I'd dissapeared to." Harry turned back to Tom and attempted to wrap up his tale. "I never managed to quite get her shirt off but she fell to the floor after a minute and I was crouching behind her with my hands on her tits just squeezing away, hell knows what anyone out in the rest of the toilets thought was going on...by the time I let her go she was crying and all the rest of it but man did she ever laugh..."

"I figured he'd gotten laid." Stan said placing the bucket on the carpet half way between the couch and the kitchen. "Anyway, bring old sooky Jen over here and stand her up...tie her wrists and ankles together first though."

"N...no more! No moooore!" Jenna screamed, her thoughts still not quite clear after the previous ordeal.

In nothing more than her pee stained jeans Jenna struggled weakly beneath Tom and Harry. Tom began carefully loosening the cord that bound the topless brunette's feet to the coffee table, caustiously not to get kicked. Stan passed Harry one of the spare cords he'd just bought in and without shifting his weight Harry turned his neck as far round as possible and began looping the organge lead around Jenna's slender wrists.

Stan helped Tom with Jenna's legs, her arms were easy enough to bound up but the young woman had a strong pair of kickers. Holding her shins in his arms, almost like a forced hug, Stan held Jenna steady while Tom wrapped the cord around her ankles. Before long the terrified girl's ankles and wrists were securley bound by seperate extention cords.

"Here..." Stan said pulling an almost spent roll of silver duct tape from his right pants pocket and throwing it to Harry who still straddled Jenna's arms. "Get her mouth, I'm sick of hearing it."

"No! No guys that's enough! You dommm! MMM! MM!" Jenna shook her head as Harry spread a few inch long piece of tape over her full lips and turned her desperate pleas into incomprehensonable hums. "MM! MMM MM MMM!"

"Right." Stan said with the confidence that came from being fully in charge of a situation so extreme. "Stand her up, take her over by the bucket."

Standing a foot from the intriguing blue bucket with the black handle, Stan threw the remaining cord up and over one of the thick dark oak beams on the ceiling. Lowering the cord so the two ends were hanging at an even level, about head height, Tom and Harry held the topless girl's bound wrists up toward the hanging cord which Stan then began to tighten around the wrist restraint. Stepping back the three young men admired the near nude girl hanging from the ceiling, her feet barley touching the fluffy white carpet beneath them. Jenna practically had to stand on tip toes.

"What are we ganna do?" Tom asked examining the contents of the blue bucket that consisted of warm soapy water a floating white scrubbing brush. "Clean her?"

"Yes indeed..." Stan said reaching down into the bucket. "...she's all sweaty."

"MMM! MM MM MMMMM!" Jenna tried to wail desperate protests but with her body stretched and tape covering her pouty lips her only freedom was the ability to shake her head rapidly from side to side.

"You...." Harry said placing his index finger directly in the middle of Jenna's slender chin. "Don't have a say in the matter."

"Heh hah ha ha!" Stan chuckled as he stood back to full height brining the scrubbing brush with him, the soapy white bubbles dripping of it back into the bucket.

"MMM! NNMM!" Jenna's eyes went wide but remained focused on the menacing tendrils of the brush as Stan manuevered the brush toward her quivering tummy. "NEEE! NEEHMMM MMM!"

Placing a hand on the small of Jenna's tanned bare back to keep her from swinging too far, Stan pressed the brush into the bound girl's belly and scrubbed the warm bubbles up and down. Muffled squealing was the result of hundreds of tiny tips caressing up and down the near nude girl's abdommen. Up and down, with the center of each brushing delving the terrible points into Jenna's sensitive belly button.

Tom and Harry stood back and watched Jenna swing helplessly in the little space she was allowed to move. Harry watched the bound brunette's face closley, her red cheeks and the way her eyes would shoot wide open one moment and then clench tight the next. Tom was more interested in Jenna's boobs, the magnificent melons that wobbled and bounced with every tormented screech.

"Tom, get her jeans will you?" Stan asked bringing his scrubbing up around Jenna's ribs and underneath her jiggling fleshy boobs.

The bubbles were worked into Jenna's ribs and up onto her taught silky smooth underarms and no amount of thrashing or muffled screams would do any good. Tom began to fidgit with Jenna's belt, she was moving around a lot and it was difficult to work his fingers around the buckle, the threat of touching the pee soaked denim also prominent in his mind. Releasing the belt and letting it open Tom looked up briefly to see two large soapy boobs bouncing before him before returning his attention to the zipper. Quickly Tom tugged Jenna's jeans down over her long smooth legs until reaching the ankle restraint, at which point they would go no futher.

Stepping off to the side Tom looked upon the near nude soapy girl and was a little surprised to see a sun shine yellow thong. The thin damp material covered what was clearly a suculent smooth mound, the panties so delicate the camel toe effect left nothing but the colour to the young men's imaginations. Looping around her slender hips was the almost string like strap that curved down inbetween Jenna's cheeks and framed the curvey tanned butt making for a most impressive canvas.

"Okay." Stan said handing the brush to Harry who took it and waited for instruction. "Who wants to see something really funny?"

"Hhhmm...hhh hh..." Jenna breathed heavily now hanging in nothing but her pee covered thong as she tip toed vunerably on the carpet with Stan walking behind her at a predator's pace.

"You know by now that Jenna's more ticklish than most..." Stan said making standing behind Jenna and flipping his hands so the palms faced the ceiling. "But I bet you never met a girl..."

"MMM! MM!" Jenna whipped her head hard from side to side and strained her eyes to look over those perfect shoulders when she realised what Stan was about to do. "HHMM!"

"...ever..." Stan kept up the suspence for Tom and Harry and the agonizing anticipation for Jenna as he titled his up turned hands foward and began opening and closing his fingers like a venus fly trap, never quite making a fist. "...with a butt as ticklish as this!"

"EEEEEHHEMM!" MMMEEE!" Jenna danced her big toes foward but could only go a few inches before gravity cruely forced her back into the clutches of her wicked boy friend's tickling fingers which clawed at her awfully sensitive cheeks. "HHHEEE! NNHHEE!!!"

"I think she's going to pee again!" Harry said enthusiastically as he saw tears roll down the cheeks of the near nude bound bubble soaked girl.

This was indeed, as Stan had briefly explained, quite maddening for Jenna. To be tickled anywhere was a most undeserved torture for the young beauty but there were certain places that the likes of friends and family members dared not go. Certain places, among them her gorgeus breasts and plum like butt, were simply not used to be touched in such a childish and surprisingly effective manner. Worse still, about the situation as a whole, was Jenna's inability to do anything about the tickling attacks being bought upon her. Many times had the stunning brunette been pinned down and poked mercilessly but even then there had been some semblence of freedom, now she was tied, gagged and almost totally naked. Jenna's body ticklish, wet and helpless.

"Stan!" Tom shouted suddenly when he noticed the droplets of yellow liquid escaping the sides of Jenna's thong and streaming down her long legs toward the already pee stained jeans. "There she goes!"

"Okay." Stan said with a methodical cool that Jenna had never witnessed until this day. "Let's take a break."

"...What?" Harry asked holding the brush up slightly as if to offer the idea more so than the object itself. "She...we better get her down or something, I mean...she's got pee all down her leg."

"If you're that worried about it clean her legs and then take a seat." Stan said opening the fridge door and grabbing a six pack from within the large white applience. "I need to refuel and she's going to pass out if we keep this up...and it's no fun if Jenna's not concious to enjoy the experience with us."

Pleading with her eyes Jenna looked down at Harry who knelt before her long legs with the scrubbing brush in hand. A squeal let rip when the brush was dunked into the bucket followed by Harry wrapping one arm around the back of the trapped girl's knees, the pony tail sporting lad didn't want a broken nose after all. Pressing his chest into her right knee Harry bought held Jenna relativley in place and bought the soapy brush to the brunette's upper thy, the first of the brush tendrils lightly stroking along the panty line.

"MMM! MMFFFF!" Jenna wailed beneath her make shift gag as Harry began lightly cleaning the inner sides of Jenna's long smooth legs removing any and all sign of pee, unfortunatley for Jenna the side effect of cleanliness was out right ticklishness. "MMMFF! FFMM! MM MMM!"

Over several agonising minutes, or intensley enjoyable depending on ones perspective, Harry scrubbed the soft upper thys, behind her knees and down to the point the pants were resting idolly around Jenna's ankles. On occasssion, such as when the brush would slide over her shin or knee cap, the hundreds of tickling points would have little or no effect however those moments were fleeting and never last a fraction long enough for Jenna to rest of recover.

"All done?" Tom asked already sitting on the couch a person's width away from Stan, both young men with a beer each and their socked feet on crossed on the same coffee table that previously held Jenna captive.

"She's clean...except for one spot." Harry said standing up with a satisfied smile as if he'd really earned that beer before tossing the brush back into the bucket.

"Don't you gents worry..." Stan said leaning foward and casually chucking a full closed can toward Harry. "...We'll get to that."

As the minutes stretched by Jenna tried to weakly free herself with hopeless fantasies of leaping to freedom and then locking herself in the bathroom until the snow melted away or rescuers dug the trapped young people from their icey tomb. Knowing they were coming back was horrible, watching them sit silently on the couch, Stan sipping at his brew and acting way too smug. He was cool as a cucumber, Stan just sitting there, not even glancing at his bound, trapped, frightened lover. Tom and Harry on the other hand weren't quite as comfortable, the two of them tried looking any which way but at Jenna, however their lust for her soapy sweaty figure was all to obvious and their gaze often found it's way over her stuning frame.

"Tom." Stan said finally breaking the silence that had been clawing at everyone except him for the past twenty minutes. "Why don't you go grab a towel from the bathroom? Harry how about you go grab a scarf from my room if you don't have one of your own?"

"HHH...hhh hhh" Jenna began breathing quickling and shooting her eyes from side to side rapidly at the new movement, a thosound questions rushing through her panicked mind.

"Oh quit your panicking." Stan said when Harry and Tom had both left the room. "You're going to love this next part..."

It was thrity seconds before the two lads returned, a moment too long for the assigned tasks Stan figured. The two had obviously stopped long enough, probably on the way back down the hall, to exchange a quick comment each before returning. Stan imagened it was something positive, 'this is so cool' or something akin to that nature.

"You want me to dry her off?" Tom asked holding up the large white fluffy towel slightly.

"Sure thing. Once she's dry wrap that scarf over her eyes." Stan hadn't even moved from the couch as he orchestrated his two friends who willing obeyed his every command.

"HH! NNHH! MMMNN!" Jenna hadn't even been touched but she certainly began to scream under tape when she watched Tom advance toward her with what was no doubt the single fluffiest towel he could find.

"Wait." Stan said suddenly capturing everyone's attention as Tom was crouching down and preparing his drying session.

Stepping foward and leaning town Stan grabbed the soapy scrubbing brush once again and pulled it from the bucket. Dripping water over the carpet Stan twisted around and with his free hand swiftly grabbed the elastic top of Jenna's panties and pulled them down. Crossing her legs as best she could Jenna screamed but it was little use as her suculent smooth woman hood, curiously with a light tan, was revealed to all. Her panties now around her slender ankles Jenna was totally nude and therefore totally vunverable.

"You...um..." Tom struggled for words being almost hypnotized by Jenna's stunning mound as he crouched before it.

"EEENNNNN!" Jenna tried swinging backward but it prooved little good when Stan planted the warm brush against her pee dampened pussy and began scrubbing lightly producing a great deal of hysterical squealing. "HHHNNN! HMMEE!"

"There." Stan said tossing the brush back into the bucket with a splash as he stepped back and joined in the admiration of the brunettes soapy peach. "Now you can dry her."

Surprisingly the towel didn't tickle, not much anyway. The fluffy strands did graze her inner thys and cause a slight tingle but for the most part Tom simply dabbed at the skin and soaked the soapy water up. After a minute, probably longer than was actually needed, Tom stood back and threw the towel behind him where it landed on the floor. With an approving nod from Stan, Harry took a couple of steps and got behind the hanging nude and now dry girl. Holding the scarf tightly near the ends he waited for a moment and when Jenna's head was facing foward enough Harry pounced, the thin wool covering Jenna's eyes. Shaking her head would have delayed the process except the pony tail sporting fellow was a lot faster than expected and soon had it tied securley around the poor girl's head.

"Mmm mm mm! Mmmm mm!" Jeanna sobbed a little now rendered totally blind and her skin suddenly seemed to increase another ten levels of sensitivity bought on by the over whelming vunerability she was feeling.

"Is she crying?" Harry asked having only seen her cry whilst laughing and thus not having any real effect on his concious.

"Give it a moment." Stan said stepping toward Jenna and putting his hand on her cheek with his thumb under jaw. "She'll cheer up in a moment."

Being the foremost expert on Jenna's body Stan knew which spots did what and gave which reactions when manipulated in the right way. For that reason the crying ceased the second Stan locked his lips to her long delicate neck and began sucking. Moving her head from side to side Jenna tried her best to signal 'no' but when Stan's experienced fingers slid up her ribs, under her right breast and tweaked her nipple ever so carefully it was hard to ignore his skill.

"MMmm! mm!" Despite her ongoing protests, which were getting noticabley quieter, Jenna was enjoying every second of this.

It was just too hard to deny, it felt so good as Stan's lips glided sensually over her collar bone and he cupped her breast in his hand. That long wet tounge of his wrapping around Jenna's hardening nipple that generated pound after pound of pulsating pleasure. Yes she hated him for what he'd done, she hated being tied up and having Tom and Harry stare at her, she hated the fact Stan's smugness, confidence and alpha male status were the very things that attracted her to him in the first place...but Jenna loved the way he turned her on.

"Okay." Stan said stepping back leaving Jenna hanging with rock hard nipples and a soaking wet mound, this time from moist love juice, as she leudly thrusted her hips into the air. "Tickle her feet."

"MMM!" Jenna broke her almost silent moans of involuntary pleasure at Stan's unavoidable command but even that shock was bypassed when she felt, much to her confused relief, Stan's large manhood slide inside her.

Recipricating Stan's thruts Jenna couldn't help but go along for the ride even when she felt her ankles being grabbed and knees bending below. Around the back where her toned curvey butt motioned back and forth Tom and Harry had loosened the coil binding Jenna's feet and had taken an ankle each under one arm. With a hand free each the two young men began spider dancing their ten collective fingers over Jenna's wrinkly wiggling soles.

"Shazam." Stan said into Jenna's ear quite ignored by the hysterical girl who at that point didn't even know where she was.

With Stan's hands on her lower back and his manhood pumping in and out of her Jenna was being treated to a fantastic pleasure. In direct contrast was the torment of foot tickling, greedy fingers running over her toes and skating over her smooth arches. For Stan's part this was easily the greatest he'd ever had. Each stroke of Jenna's soles causing one involuntary spasm after another which caused her womanhood to tense and squeeze and do things to his pride that even one as intelligent as he never imagined possible.

"MMM! MMOO! OOHHGAWWD!" The sweat had done the inevitable and the tape turned gag fell away from Jenna's mouth when she tore her mouth open wide and let loose the laughter filled moans of a torrential orgasm.

"Christ." Stan gritted his teeth and pressed his forehead against Jenna's shoulder when her tickle fueled orgasm caused a tightening of her love muscle that he'd not soon forget.

Totally spent Stan zipped himself back up and practically stumbled back to the couch. Slumping into the cushions Stan sighed with satisfaction and starred at the ceiling before looking back over at his exhausted victim. Poor Jenna, she was still squealing and thrashing about, Tom and Harry hadn't let a couple of other people's mind blowing orgasms ruin their fun. In fact the two young men had gotten quite enthusiastic indeed, they were now using their teeth and tounges to lick inbetween her toes and scrape the post orgasmically sensitive balls of the bound brunette's bare feet.

"Um..." Came an unfamiliar voice from the front door which immediatley grabbed Stan's attention even if Tom and Harry were slow to catch on to the man standing in a bright orange coat with a shovel in his hand. "...we're here to get you out...?"

One year later...

Harry had fond memories of Sweden, even though he'd never actually been until after the avalanche and that weekend with Jenna. Now the dark haired lad, who had since cut it short, lived in the clean European country and while he knew the liklehood of ever finding the same girl from that night in the club was minicule it was no small consolation that Sweden had plenty of other blue eyed, blonde, big breasted and most importantly ticklish girls on offer. Unfortunatley for Harry some of those girls also had blonde, blue eyed, musculer and extremley agressive fathers, one of which took a twelve gauge shot gun and blew Harry's head clean off after catching the young man a top his daughter.

Tom never did quite get the taste of Jenna's soles out his mind. Over time the young guy who had licked and tickled those gorgeus toes on that snowy mountain hired a multitude of prostitutes and fooled around with a number of loose women. The only prerequiset for Tom's tastes being they looked, sometimes in the most remote way, a little bit like Jenna. Obsession was probably too lite a word, Tom had dropped out of college and spent most of his money on mostly incompitent private eyes in an attempt to find his lost passion. As it was, ultimatley Tom played the chance game with all those different working girls and women of ill reput and contracted a rather nasty disease of some sort that turned certain parts of his anatomy odd colours and caused them to fall off.

Stan, well Tom should have talked to Stan because he knew where Jenna was. Stan had moved from his home town to attend college in another state after returning from the trip to the mountains. Whilst at the college the masculene handsom young man had several girls on the go at any one time, all of which he would pin down or tie up in some fashion and tickle silly. Eventually, as is so often the case, the rumour mill began to churn and it was one sad night indeed for poor Stanley when he found himself face down on his apartment floor after unwittingly attempting to tickle an under cover cop. A month after his arrest the once proud king of cool found himself bleeding, bruised, wet and naked on the floor of a prison shower surrounded by six very angry looking members of the aryan brother hood. Worse than their anger however...was their lust.

And Jenna? Well Jenna too moved out of state, far away from any of the three young men, none which she saw physically ever again. There had been a fleeting moment when the soon to be lawyer thought she'd seen Stan on the six o'clock news but that was about it. The only other time Jenna ever saw Tom, Harry and Stan was in her nightmares. There were often nights, which thankfully grew less and less frequent over time, that Jenna would dream of those thrity fingers and three tounges lashing her naked body driving her mad with laughter. Of course there was solice to be taken when the academically successful brunette would wake suddenly with a start, slow her breathing and smile a little because she knew, no matter what, that it was all over.

The End.

wow, nice. the epiloge didnt have to be so grim, but whatever, still awsome. XD
Just My $.02...

Yes, this did become very engrossing! I've always been a total sucker for nonconsensual/interrogative-type tickling. This story lured me in slowly, started to nearly repel me for a bit inasmuch as it was almost too sadistic even for me, but then, without warning, absolutely hooked me until I finished it.

As far as the afterword, though, I agree--it's just a bit too grim. On a psychobabble note, it seemed almost like the author needed the three antagonists to "pay for" the merciless torture they inflicted on the girl, even though that was the initial intent of the plotline in the first place. I don't know that I would have taken it all the way to that level, personally; while they may have needed "comeuppance", as it were, I am always fond of the "eye for an eye" penance... :evilha: Or perhaps to have to girl actually develop her own fetish for submission and seek them out later for a recap...? :poke3:

Well done, at any rate!

Mistress Aura :justlips:
Guess I'm in the minority. I actually liked the epiloge. They were bastards and deserved it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the story, I enjoy non-con when it comes to tickling fiction. I say that as a "ticklephile." As a woman who escaped an abusive marriage, I say that what they did to her was abuse, especially on the part of her boyfriend, and they deserved a grim ending.
Considering Stan was such a jerk, you might call the trio of ticklers in this story Tom, "Dick", and Harry.
Considering Stan was such a jerk, you might call the trio of ticklers in this story Tom, "Dick", and Harry.


Though I wrote this a long time ago, I recall the intent behind the epilogue being more for the sake of variety than anything else. During the early years of writing tickle-fiction I tended to experiment a lot as I found what best worked for me, having the ticklers in this story get wacked so brutally by the karma-stick was part of that, I think. It's not something I've done since and probably not something I'd ever do again, but I'm glad I did it if for no other reason than as an interesting point in the evolution of my work.
Happy to see this story again, it was always one of my favorites. Wonderful work as always Ticklemantis!
Dark and hot! Still hoping for a sequel with Jenna in another ticklish situation.
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