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Tell me if your experience and private thoughts are anything similar to this:


I'm only a NPC to you, so I fully realize that little I say has any weight. I can say that dismissing me as thus is classic Incel philosophy. If you don't like what someone says or it doesn't fit into your own view trivialize the speaker as not 'real' or valid. You also thought I was female so that means you were viewing my words through a different perspective also. So most of what you said shot off into the rough as a result. That certainly makes for a poor basis for decent conversation.

You seem to be very heavily invested in selling us the idea that your life has sucked, and will always suck. Period. Forever and ever 'til death do you part. That's a pretty dark place to crawl into and zip up behind you. I regret that you feel that way, and feel like you'll feel that way forever. That is very much a definition of an unhappy life. I don't like to see anyone living there.

Why do i have to endure every rejection while she got to experience a wonderfull adolescence, being the one who rejected and still managing to find several guys despite her social problems?

It seems that you have some unresolved feelings toward your sister going on. A touch of jealousy for her female privilege perhaps? In any case another factor that must make you feel even more isolated. Hopefully you can resolve this and strengthen an important relationship at some point.

So yes, you've convinced us that things are sad for you.

Lets step back and access. You are not an Alpha. As a result you can't find partners. You didn't get the looks, or personality, and have failed to garner the money or power that could compensate for lack there. So you are rejected by every woman on the planet (including all those you've not asked, and all those yet to encounter you going forward) because women are judged by different standards, and hold the power of choice in relationship formation. And they ALL share the exact same ruleset when making those choices. That is the picture you've painted for us with your words.

Yes, pretty grim looking future there.

However perhaps we've accessed wrongly.

Perhaps you are an average looking guy, who has a unique set of hobbies and interests that cover a variety of topics. Perhaps while you may lack money and power you have kindness and an ability to sympathize with others who share some of your traits, and a work ethic that while it's not made you rich, has made you comfortable. Perhaps every woman on the planet does not follow the EXACT same set of rules when picking who they choose to spend time with. Perhaps one of Infinity - (some number probably less then 100) of them might like you because of who you are. You just have not found them yet.

Thats a more hopeful perspective. It's not as dramatic as the one you've staked out, but it's certainly nice to have the secret ingredient of hope rather then eternal gloom, no?

I don't have a girlfriend yet? You know what "trends" are? You know what "observing a trend" means? I don't have a girlfriend and i can't for sure foresee the future but i can analyze my lived experience (i'm not a kid anymore and i lived enough to notice stuff) and see how the trend was, why it was like that, why it will probably never change due to low possibilities at work, aging, being more and more lonely and socially incapable so i can make a quite good prediction even if not 100% sure (like every other prediction)

You consistently pick the negative perspective for your situation.

We change over our lives. The you of high school is not he you of college or your 30's or 50's and so forth.

Countless people in their 60's and 70's find partners at that later stage of life. And they are not bringing looks or even wealth to the table. They connect based on who they are, and what they offer.

That past is not a predicate for the future. You can MAKE it one though by giving up however.

The issue that I, and many others have with your position is that you have given up responsibility for your situation. Perhaps the universe tossed you into the shit end of the pool. That blows. But what you DO after you surface and spit that lungful of shit out matters. You are not struggling to eat, have a warm home, and so forth. You have the resources to change yourself. That could be as simple as trying a new hobby, or as complex as entering therapy to sort out your head so you can get better perspectives on yourself. But it's power you have. Looking mournfully at a world you feel you cannot have, and deciding you never will simply makes that future true.

No one is promised anything. Especially another person to be with you.

You do yourself huge disservices by painting all woman with the same brush as to how they choose, and as to what motivates them. Your perspective on what you or women will want in decades ahead as you age is limited. And most of all, you fail yourself when you give up and say this is how it is and will always be.

Is it unfair that you might have to move a mountain to achieve what another guy does with a cocky smile? Yup. But nowhere is there a scroll of rules that say the game doesn't work that way. Sometimes you need to do twice as much work to get half as much reward.

That is one of the choices adults learn to make. Work though it's hard. Even hurts. Or... don't, and just be unhappy. It certainly takes less energy, though it's nowhere near as rewarding.

I understand. I don't know of anyone who shares this interest in my area. But then because of the stigma for all I know I may actually know several, just that neither of us dares to speak about it.
Anyway between that and the fact that I'm one of the older members here, i'ts been a very long dry spell.
1 Those males achieve relationship through social dominance, status, money. It has been proven again and again. Also, women ARE de facto biologically noble since it only takes one men to breed with several women while a women won't breed successfully with a lot of men. Also, wanna talk about gametes? Male gametes are only aviable some days at month for 25 years while male gametes are available ALLWAYS every day by the billions from puberty to death. Women ARE biologically noble simpel because the male gametes are hyper inflated and this is why nature designed men willing to mate to nearly every woman while woman pick the best man since they have inner consciousness about the fact that they are risking more and investing more when it comes to sexual intercourse since their eggs are terribly limited in relation to male gametes

2 No, this has been answered several times and it's frustrating even to start answering it again: we do not reject women that don't fit our stereotypes, we tryied with several women and allways got rejected and with times we started being isolated even by normie men so we formed our own circles with people with the same experiences and the same unluck

3 As stated in point 3 inceldom is NOT an ideology, rather a group of people with different backgrounds, different political ideology, different age, differen EVERYTHING that share a common problem. Saying "I'm an incel" is STATING A FACT not an ideology. Is stating that you can't have a partner no matter how hard you tried (and you know nothing about me but i can assure you i've tried several times and been rejected even by fat ugly women why they enjoyed multiple partners. SImply i wasn't able to compensate my aspergerism with decent amount of look, money, social status, labour skills and so on and so forth). If a man doesn't share my belief (which belief? LoL) and he is not able to find a partner, guess what, HE IS STILL AN INCEL, wheter he likes that or not, he is de facto an INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE by the mere definition of that term

4 Lol, again, ignore all the evidence i gave especially about my life and start the NPC talking with the same catch-word, catch-phrase and so on. "Entitlement" allways the same fucking words (then wonder why they call you npc) even without a single evicende of "entitlement!!!111" or even without knowing shit about my life and the hardship i went through. Same lack of understanding and compassion and capability to analyze stuff instead of going full-ideologist.
I don't have a girlfriend yet? You know what "trends" are? You know what "observing a trend" means? I don't have a girlfriend and i can't for sure foresee the future but i can analyze my lived experience (i'm not a kid anymore and i lived enough to notice stuff) and see how the trend was, why it was like that, why it will probably never change due to low possibilities at work, aging, being more and more lonely and socially incapable so i can make a quite good prediction even if not 100% sure (like every other prediction)

5 My sister isn't "getting laid" she has friends, companionship and a well off partner who will probably marry her. She is 100% like me in looks and very similar in personality. The only discriminating factor is SHE IS FEMALE. This is something even her admitted and even my parents did. She has higher SMV thane me for being a woman and social insecurities aren't seen as a turn off or "lack of femininity" (like they are lack of masculinity for me) by male partners that instead find them quite interesting since they feel like they are helping a cute girl. That's soooo simple. Why do i have to endure every rejection while she got to experience a wonderfull adolescence, being the one who rejected and still managing to find several guys despite her social problems? LoL reality denying at its finest here.

6 Typical woman shaming male incapability. You are hardwired to do so and to despise male weakness so i won't blame you for it, i'll just understand it's impossible to even have you to understand our position. Maybe you should try to do the same experiment Norah Vincent did (read her book) disguising herself as a man for 2 years and being at risk of a nervous breackdown because of that realizing how hard it is to be a low status feminine looking men. Guess what? The first ones to discriminate against her for her feminine looks were WOMEN not other men (rejecting her sexually). She even stated that women "has absolutely no clue" of what actually means to be a man (i'm not talking shit, search for her interview online, she exactly stated this). So maybe a little try would be appreciated instead of blaming even tho you'll never understand us seriously. Lol, many of my young male friends are incels with no jobs, in USA in the last yaer nearly 30% of youn men under 30 never had sex and 27% are virgins. 51% of 18-51 men are single. Do you really think it can go on that further after it explodes in serious phisical violence and violent revolution (maybe the only way we have to be noticed and loved by women)?

7 As stated in the thread and in point 6, I AM NOT SEEING WOMEN AS OBJECTS TO CONQUER (holy shit, americans, why did you dumb down so much?) i'm actually saying that i can't get women SINCE I 'M NOT CAPABLE TO BE THAT KIND OF MAN THAT THEY FEEL AS A STRONG CONQUEROR AND A RICH PROVIDER AND A STRONG EMOTIONAL HELPER. Women do love strong powerfull men. Again: thousands of studies and many ftm transexuals (and even the aforementioned Norah Vincent) experienced that. Women. Love. Powerfull. Men. The more they are free the more they tend to go for the bigger men, not the "egalitarian" or equal ones like i've allways been (or worse, men who are lower than them). Why do you think career women can't find "a good man" and just live alone and miserable. THERE ARE PLENTY OF GOOD MEN but they refuse to date down with a lower status man and they can't find an upper status man since they are at the top and have virtually no man over them. SIMPLE. BIOLOGY. Things are a little more complicated and biologically rooted than YOUR obvious ideology wants to make you believe

8 You entire post is a projection of what you want me to be and what you want INCELS to be, yet untrue, unaware, superficial and really irritating. How do you manage to match your beliefs with the facts that criminals have tons of women while good men, if weak, have often none? Or the fact that many incels love femdom stuff, weren't they male supremacists who only wanted to enslave women? Or the fact that the more sexually free women are the more they go for top tier men and leave the normal ones alone? Or the fact that the more sexually free our society becomes the more we see men going to prostitutes (in my country something like 50% of adult men admitted having been to a prostitute for erotic services or sex, a percentage that become higher and higer with time)? Don't you see the terrible contraddiction, the terrible dissonant paradox?
If you can't i swear this is the last message because i fully realize while they call all of you NPCs. You country, your generation and your gender just built you an ideological mindset simply impossible to question (and it is totally not related to reality, the worst part) and discussing stuff like that is simply wasting time. Only thing i have left is cheering about the fact that you are loosing more and more cultural power and your country is becoming more and more irrelevant.

Also you: proceeds to spew a wall of text that's word-for-word shit you hear in Incel Youtube vlogs

It's like you understand "incel" is a dirty word and thus it shouldn't be applied to you.

And look, the "NPC meme" and everything! Fuck, for someone so pissed off about "dumbing down!" ideologies, you went out of your way to hit every fucking checkmark on the list.
Let's chage things

I asked the title of my user to be assigned as "Tickle Activism Officer" as a statement of commitment to act with others – you guys - to change this reality;

Yes, the difficulties are real. However, I urge you to consider, that on top of the work we all do to better ourselves personally – we also need to pull our efforts together, and work as a community to change this reality. This means activism. This means a collective, creative, and bold effort, to do some things differently than the way we did them so far.

This is why I am working on the Tickling Communities app - which is in fact a project that goes way beyond the app.

I will not repeat what was already said, but countless threads on the boards here highlight the problems, and the patterns that create these problems.
There are things we can do to facilitate growth, and even achieve an at least near-balance between genders (and sub-preferences in regards to tickling).

But it will require investing time, and efforts, and resources, in things that are not for one’s immediate self gain.
The intermediate up side is that people who join forces to act for a common cause find companionship, and empowerment in their actions. The long term upside is that things can change dramatically for the better. Why dramatically? Do you think I am saying this because I am intoxicated by hope? I may be – but this is not the reason; It is because they are currently so bad – that there is sooooo much room for improvement.

My goals here:

  1. To convince as many of you as possible, that while some parts of the solution to our problem is here, among us – a large part of the solution is outside of the TMF’s and Fetlife’s walls.
  2. To have a friendly hosting space we can invite the less graphically inclined potential members of the community to, so we can all hang out, form communities, and continuously work together to facilitate growth. This is what I am building the Tickling Communities app / website / project for.
  3. To convince as many of you as possible, that we need to be active outside of our inner circles – to generate content, create curiosity about our fetish in “mainstream” places, and leave a breadcrumb trail to the said hosting space for curious people to follow.

Currently, mostly everything the world knows about tickling fetishists is what they “learned” from the documentary “tickled”, and what they just saw in netflix’s “bonding”.

Let’s put our content out there. Let’s tell our story. let’s share the human side, of regular, good people, who just like it “different”, that many of them are struggling like hell for this. Let’s share easily digestible fantasies out there – where it is proper.

Let’s make it curious and sexy and naughty. Let’s share thoughts about boundaries and exploration, trust and adventure;

Let’s ask people in our blogs and social media pages what would they do if the person of their dream would turn out to like to tickle them? Or be tickled by them..? Not in a weird way like in “bonding”. Not in a violent, disrespectful, over the top way either. But as a naughty, sexy, exciting exploration.

Let’s tell a little story about a little tickle we experienced as adults, true or fictional. Let’s tell of our starry eyes when it happened.

And yes – Please – wherever you post - leave a link to https://communities.ticklingapps.com – and use it yourselves. Form local groups there, make discussions about how and where to promote your group locally. Act locally(!), and be present there – to greet others.
Do any of you have a normal social life and friends and a job and shit like that?

I get the sense that every one of these conversations starts off with this weird "We're all socially stunted freaks!" as kind of like the default...
I have a bona fide fetish: I have had it since my earliest erotic urges and it is difficult/impossible to achieve climax without enacting or imagining it. I am of average looks, build, and intelligence.

I have never had a problem developing new relationships, introducing my kink to new partners, and sustaining a rate of fetish satisfaction that meets my needs.

I don't want to make any assumptions about you and I can hear your pain and frustration in your words. I gently suggest you revisit your approach and see if your fortunes improve. If they don't, maybe talk to someone and take in their advice?
I think both Cyberknismo94 and Myriads both produce strong arguments.

I used to hang out on a love shy forum, which both love shy people and incels share the message board. On the front of the page, it said it gave dating advice. So, I figured cool, maybe I could get some answers as to how I can get over the debilitating social anxiety that I have.

The points they made were very interesting and informative. However, nothing was ever said about how to conquer love shyness or being an incel. Everyday, it seemed like a broken record of people just feeling sorry for themselves. 1 out of a zillion posts make one as to how to improve yourself. However, to actually go through with it, it was unobtainable by the average person, which is to say go to a plastic surgeon, buy a Mercedes Benz C-Class and go out to Nevada and hire yourself a prostitute, which any 1 of those, let alone all 3, would cost thousands of dollars. So, I eventually left because I got no answers and I was tired of feeling sorry for myself and stagnating. And that's what happens when you're at a standstill and fester over bitterness, animosity and ill will.

Besides, I don't want someone who only likes me because of the way I look or for what I own. I want someone to like me for who I am.

What has helped me is counseling and medication. Sure, this is something that I struggle with, which seems like an uphill battle. However, it's something that everyday it seems like it gets a little bit easier. I can now initiate conversations as opposed to relying on someone else to initiate them and every once in awhile, when the mood strikes, I'll flirt with a female.

And Myriads is right. It is hard. Even harder when you suffer from social anxiety. Some days I feel like it takes every bit of effort I can possibly muster. It takes a lot of hard work. However, it is worth it! Because before you try to find someone, it's very important that you like yourself. No one else can do that for you but you.

Can you overcome social anxiety? Yes.
Is there help out there? Yes.
Do you have to want help, want it for yourself and be open to change? Most definitely!
I understand. I don't know of anyone who shares this interest in my area. But then because of the stigma for all I know I may actually know several, just that neither of us dares to speak about it.
Anyway between that and the fact that I'm one of the older members here, i'ts been a very long dry spell.

I've only gotten older, and lost my "tickle buddy for life" (her words)
Great replies here representing several important and opposing viewpoints... Thank you folks, you've given me some food for thought.

However, I can read all of the advice folks have to give and still retain the same opinion, without acquiring a label of a "bad person". "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." No one can tell anyone else how they're supposed to feel about things.

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