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Ten Questions With Dave2112 - The Bandito!


Level of Cherry Feather
Apr 17, 2001
Greetings fellow ticklephiles! It has been a loooong time since the last installment of TQWD, far too long. Sometimes things happen in life we have no control over, and other things get left behind for a stretch of time. However, many of the things that have happened lately have actually turned out to be for the better, and I'm very shortly off on the adventure of a lifetime. I might be out of touch for a little bit while making the transition, but did have the opportunity to have a cyber-sit-down with a very special individual in the community and I'm pleased to be able to get this interview up before everything gets hairy.

The timing on this one really worked out well. This individual has just released one of the greatest tickling fiction/comic combos I've personally had the pleasure of reading/looking at/fantasizing over in a very long time. And, he's also a personal friend to boot, someone I've shared a lot with in the fetish art realm. I actually just got done reading over this interview, and it's already become one of my favorites. We seem to have a lot in common.

So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy these ten questions with the male half of the team that brought us the Bounce Chix...

...The Bandito!

1) Although you've been around for quite some time as an artist, you've become extremely successful with your Bounce Chix characters and comics. How did this unique storyline come about? How did the Bounce Chix originate...as in the thought process behind creating three girls with alien toe rings who pop in and out of alternate realities?

Hoo boy, that one will take a long time to answer, so I’ll just give ya the short version.

I always liked stories, shows and comics that revolve around multiple main characters, instead of just one. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, A-Team, Charlie’s Angels, Southpark, etc. I have often felt that a group dynamic can be more fun to watch evolve, and has more possibilities. That said – for a tickle comic I wanted to have some variety of character, so that there would hopefully be a little something for everyone. And I also liked the idea of having a lot of chemistry within the group. Would they tickle each other? Try to be cool around each other? Plot against each other sometimes? So many fun opportunities.

As far as the magical alien toe rings are concerned – they were more an invention of necessity. I wanted to be able to change settings, themes, villains, and moods with each different issue. I also wanted the Bounce Chix comics to have a certain tongue-in-cheek feel to them (you know – not take themselves too seriously)… so something over the top like the rings seemed to work well). I also love the idea that the Chix have no idea how they work, and that these rings constantly get them into trouble, but they don’t take them off. I feel it subtly implies that even though they’d never admit it – the Chix secretly LIKE getting themselves into these situations.

2) You actually work as a team with a colorist, known as White Lotus. Give us a little insight into how this works. The large majority of artists work alone, so what is the dynamic of your relationship like? One is an artist, the other a colorist; one is male and one is female. How do these things affect the final work and the creative process?

The truth is that Lotus does every bit as much for our projects as I do. We are a total team. Here’s a little insight into our system.

We talk a lot, hang out, and watch the same movies – she’s my best friend. The Bounce Chix personalities are really based on Lotus and her girl friends.

I come with a tickle pic idea, or Bounce Chix idea, and I bounce the idea off of her (pardon the horrible pun). As the most honest person that ever lived, she gives me solid feedback, and we either 86 the idea, or we start working out the details.

At that point I bust out a lot of quick pencil sketches – Lo Lo checks them out and help steer me in the right direction. Once we have a decent gesture on paper, we get the reference we need for the final.

Sometimes that means going through tons of pics, sometimes Lotus or one of her friends models for digital photos (I always push for that opportunity – some times the modeling sessions are the best part), sometimes we use a combo of both. Then I go create the pencils, and finally the finished inks. Lotus and I do the hand off and she goes to work on the final colors. We always see things eye to eye; it’s like she knows what I am thinking about the color work at all times.

If I am the brains of the Bounce Chix then Lotus is their soul. She inspires every pic, and always makes me want to top my recent work. She is very persuasive.

3) A final Bounce Chix question: I myself publicly noted the unbelievable "leap" in the quality of your work. Not so much that "it got better" (as it was great to begin with), but there has been a serious evolution in how you're creating the look of the characters, going from a more "comic" look to a very sensual, erotic "smoothness" and sexiness. Was this a conscious decision? Did Lotus have much to do with it? Basically, what's behind this shift/evolution?

Well yeah – Lotus had a lot to do with that one, too. Her color work is too good to be wasted on a multi-panel strip… it’s just not enough of a showcase for her specific skills.

I have also wanted to flirt a bit more with writing – so we decided that our little project might benefit from a format change.

So I started to do a more illustrative style with tighter line work. Because of the new format I could make a more realistic body type, and better faces, and Lo Lo could really explore the world of digital painting.

We did a ton of reference sessions (oh happy day for me), and then got working on switching up the style a bit. We liked the result, and ran the idea for Bounce of Aces by Morandilas at MTJ… and it looks like BC fans liked the results. So expect a lot more illustrative work from us.

4) Ok, getting off of particular works but still staying in the tickling realm...tell us a bit about The Bandito in real life as it pertains to your fetish. Are you a "player" in real life, and if so, what kind? How does tickling/fetish relate to your life when you "put down the pen and pick up the feather"?

A player? LOL – I wish. If anything I have the privilege of hanging out with a few player chicks, and am kinda their body guard.

I got into tickling as a young guy because of one amazingly sensational older girl that I knew (my best friends big sister). She taught me sooooooooooooo much. I’ll have to tell that story sometime. But not yet :p

But she was very very into girl on girl tickling… and she got me VERY into it as well. Tickling has played a big part of my love play ever since. Sometimes with amazing results, and sometimes with disastrous-relationship-ending results (some gals apparently don’t like being tickled relentlessly until they orgasm – go figure).

My personal tastes are pretty damn close to what I portray in my comics (in fact that’s why I started doing tickle comics – no one else was doing quite what I wanted to see). Tickling for me is a big part of foreplay, getting to know my lovers body, getting her to react (even despite themselves), and turning them on, out of their minds. I’ve also learned to integrate it into my actual lovemaking. Each gal reacts differently, but once you know their spots, and their weaknesses, getting them to build to unrestrained orgasm again and again is pretty much heaven to me.

All I can really tell you about my situation right now is that I am hooked up with the most incredible gal of all time who likes kung-fu movies, tickling other naked girls until the climax, two player hack and slash, and adventure sports. She has some sensationally hawt friends with similar taste. We have experimented with her friends a lot, but I can’t claim any Casanova status. Not even close.

My gal is the one in charge. Women are drawn to her like a magnet. She has the whole sexy naughty librarian geek thing going on, and she meets the most incredible people. I can’t really say much more than that, because she is also very private about our love life.

But before you ask – yes, she also loves to be tickled in bed, but only during lovemaking. She never lets anyone tie her up. She likes to be in control. But tickle her in certain places at the right time, and it’s amazing what one can make her do. I’ll give you a hint… Andi (from the Chix) is directly based off of her, so if you can figure out Andi’s spots, then you’ll have it pretty much figured out.

That was probably waaaaay too much information, lmao. I wish I could say I am some kind of bondage tickling master, but I’m not. I am simply lucky enough to have an amazing partner, and have similar tastes in every aspect of our lives.

5) Do you have any true passions outside of tickling and the like? A cause, maybe? Something that you devote time to? What's important to The Bandito that has nothing to do with squirming ticklish girls?

Honestly… not really. I work a lot, but my career is more of a means to an end, then the end itself. I have a few adopted kids in Peru (like, as in, I sponsor these 5 adorable little Peruvian rug rats so they don’t die of malnutrition – but I’ve only been there once, and don’t write them as often as I should).

I still workout a lot, even though I am not actively boxing anymore. But again – it’s more a means than an end.

Obviously, I love to draw. Lo Lo and I both adore music. We are huge music addicts. I have always wanted to play the guitar, but have never found the time for it. Maybe someday ^^
I guess my cause is Lotus, and our few close friends. I’d do anything for them, and often do.

And I also love our dog and cat. Even when they are bad little pets.

6) Ok, here's a Dave Hypothetical of the type I like to throw in just to screw with people. You are offered 10 million dollars. However, if you accept it you must sacrifice fifteen years of your life. Do you take the money?

Hell no. You can earn all the money in the world, and then lose it and make it again. But you can never get back one second of lost life. Live every inch of it… and when they tell the story of you, let them tell it to the very end.

7) If you could live and work in any foreign country outside of North America, where would it be? What particular culture intrigues you?

I don’t know. Hmmmmm…. I’m huge in Japan. LMAO. Just kidding. I love France, but I am not sure if I could really live there. Let me do some more traveling, and I’ll get back to ya, lol.

8) The point of many of these interviews is to extol the virtues of those in our community. Honesty time. What fault or flaw do you have that you would love to get rid of if you could, but may not happen because it's too big a part of you/too long a habit/just probably ain't gonna happen?

I can only list one??? Well, I am terrible at taking criticism. It’s really difficult for me. That’s one way the Bounce Chix has been good for me. When you publicly post your work (as you well know) you often get someone tearing it apart. It’s made me stronger.

I also get REALLY defensive of my friends. I am not a violent guy at all, but I have been known to throw down when I feel like my friends are in trouble. Sometimes the authorities get involved. Not a good thing to say about one’s self. It has complicated my life on more than one occasion.

And um… I have big thighs. It really sucks. They’re huge. Too much soccer and cycling. Completely disproportionate to my waist. Shopping for pants is not my idea of a good time :p

9) I'm not sure if you're a bigger reader or film buff, so I'll let you answer with either one, or both if you wish. What was the last book you read/movie you saw that really moved you? Gave you pause to think and reached you on a fundamental level?

Great timing actually. Lotus and I just finished watching Angel-A last night, un film by Luc Besson. Sensational and amazing film. And he has the best eye for female talent I have ever seen. He discovered Natalie Portman, basically made Milla Jovovich, and has now introduced this Rie Rasmussen (the main star in this Angel-A film – technically she was also in Femme Fatale, but this is her staring debut). Great flick. Loved it. Amazing acting, beautifully written. And the lead start is sooooooooo unbelievably hot! Lotus leaned over like halfway through the flick and said – “if we ever need a 4th Bounce Chick – I nominate Rie”. I am inclined to agree with her.

I read a lot, but most of it is philosophy, and critical theory, and all that jazz, and ya get kinda numb to it after a while. I really liked Nagel’s What it’s like to be a Bat. I just finished rereading that the other night.

10) And finally, the Ever-Popular, Life-Changing, Oft-Copied Never-Equaled Obligatory Question Ten. But, in your case I'm going to mix it up a bit. Actually, quite a lot. I usually ask folks right about here which people they would invite to dinner for a night. What I want to know from you is this (and yes, I actually am crazy...) If you could invite any three fictional characters from tickling comics or fiction, who would they be and why? (And, no cheating! Even all three Bounce Chix only count as one!)

Okay – you asked me to be 100% honest, so here it goes. I hope I don’t offend anyone with this. Realize that there are dozens of characters that I would like to have over, but if I could only choose three for diner tonight? I can have the chix anytime I want them, so they don’t count.

I would have to choose Yenny Lopez, her sister Yessy Lopez, and Secret Agent Sonya.

There are a lot of artists in our community whom I admire, but Ozzy’s characters have been a part of my personal fantasies for such a long time. And I have SUCH a crush on those three. Especially Yessy. She has only appeared ever so briefly, but I would love to get to know her better. Hee hee.

I love the humor of his characters, and how they secretly love to be tickled, but can’t bear it. And I love their bodies, and the way the react so explosively to the tickles. Especially with them forever leaving the scene… I would HAVE to take the opportunity to have the three of them over.

I can only hope that the night would develop into a game of strip tickle twister in which I could exploit my knowledge of their individual weak ‘spots’ (or ‘buttons’, in Sonya’s case), and get each of them tied up while the other two helped me tickle them to the blissful climax that they were never allowed in the comics. I always felt so bad for these three that they never were affectionately teased and tickled to the point that they came in their panties. It would be such an amazing fantasy achieved to be in that position.

Not that I’ve thought about this scenario a lot or anything ^^;


I would seriously like to thank The Bandito not only for his time but for his unbelievable honesty and openess. This was a great interview for me, and it turns out that the Big B and I are actually on quite a few of the same pages...

And on a personal note, if you're reading this follow-up, Bandito...I seriously want to meet Lotus one of these days! Really. :triangle: In fact, knowing what I do now, I'm interested in getting the other half of this great team "in the chair" for an interview.

See you next time, folks!

Click Here for Previous TQWD Interviews!

Man, I learned a lot about a great artist who's work I enjoy immensely.

Great to hear the things he does and to learn about how he came up with the Bounce Chix.

I must say truly one of the greatest interviews ever Dave!

Kudos to you and Bandito!

Let me also add to everyone to look at all of Dave's past interviews as well..they all are excellent and are located in his story archives..or you can click on the link in his post.

Very informative and interesting review. Always good to hear from Bandito, great artist and bloody nice chap.
Quite a bit about the bouncy master I dinna know, despite replying to his threads so often at the TT. I could have guessed his dinner guests, though; el Bandito's admiration for the Ozzman is well known. Kudos on a splendid interview! :)
Good interview. Hopefully, now that your move's settled, 10 questions can go back to being a semi-regular thing; I really miss reading them.
....and I've missed doing them. I realized awhile ago that TQWD was not going to be the weekly thing I once thought it would be in my early naivete...but I'm looking forward to doing these on a far more regular basis now.

I'm glad people are still interested in them, and I hope to get more and more members of our community...producers, artists, writers, moderators, gatherers and the ticklephiles themselves...introduced to us all.

Again, big thanx to Bandito for the honesty and openness of this interview. It really was an interesting one for me.
I'm ready for my close up Mr. Dave...


Ouchie! Too close!


Just a quick message to say...

First off - a huge thanks to Dave... I appreciate it my friend. This was a lot of fun. Thanks for all the PM's back and forth. And I have to admit - it is hard for a Bandito to be open and honest, but it was very different... I kinda liked it. lol. Seriously - thanks Dave - it was a lot of fun. I am seriously looking forward to reading the future TQWD's!

Thanks also to everyone who read through the interview. I always very much appreciate the kindness and support of this community.

I just want to cuddle and spoon with you all....

How's Friday sound.

Hee hee hee... lmao.

The Deet
I only found "10 questions with Dave" after hearing it being mentioned on TMF radio some time ago. A fascinating thing it is, to get an in depth look at the people of our beloved community. It makes them all less virtual and more like the real people they are.

This particular interview was very interesting to read for me, as it concerns my good friend Bandito, who is also an artist whose work I greatly admire. It's always fascinating to get some insight into what drives a fellow artist. :)

It is my hope that many more artists of the tickling community will get the chance to tell their story this way.
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