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What are you thankful for?


Apr 12, 2006
Regardless whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, it's useful now and again to take stock of those things in life that you're thankful for.

For those who'd like to share what they're thankful for this year, I open this thread. I'd love to hear from any and all of you. :)
Well... I'm thankful for YOU and Mina and Greg. I'm thankful for Viper and Irish and Max. I'm thankful for Jeff and Lee and Andy. I'm thankful for Mike and Linda and Jonathan and Vanni. I'm thankful for Rob and Drew and Ann and Ray and Tracy. I'm thankful for Danimal and Tracy and Dave. I'm thankful for Terry and Susan and Steph. I'm thankful for Ed and Trixie and Jamie.

I'm thankful for my parents - giving me an upbringing that instilled a solid work ethic and made me appreciate working for a living. I'm thankful they taught me how to truly love with all my heart and soul. I'm thankful I had them in my life and I miss them both very much.

I'm thankful for my brothers and their families who maintain such a strong sense of family.

I'm thankful for Love. I'm thankful for the love of a wonderful man who gives his heart and soul to me every day. He gives me more than I could ever want or wish for in every possible way. I'm truly blessed that he is back in my life. I feel like the luckiest lady in the world with him in my arms.

I'm thankful for my son and his wife who are a loving couple with a loving son and another little one on the way. Their love is contagious and their relationship excites all who enter their circle.

I'm thankful for my great career and all the wonderful folks I get to work with.

I'm thankful for good health.

I'm thankful for all the teams, drivers, crew and officials I get to work with at the race track. Their dedication to their sport is inspirational.

I'm thankful for our service men and woman who give of themselves every day so I am allowed freedom in this beautiful country of ours.

I'm thankful for our neighbors who make living in Florida so enjoyable and who will make leaving here so difficult. I'm thankful they all love to travel so they can come to California to see us.

I'm thankful to God for giving me this life. Every day is a lesson. Every lesson is a step forward. Challenges have been many and not always enjoyable yet every challenge is another lesson. I'm thankful I've been able to open my heart and mind to learn from each opportunity. And I'm thankful for the gift of forgiveness in my heart to forgive those who have been part of my learning no matter how difficult it was at the time.

I'm thankful for Chocolate.

And I'm thankful for you... reading this. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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I'm thankfull for

My wife Ellen :cupid:

My job at Airtran Airways in Boston :D

The friends that I have made here on the TMF :xpulcy:
My little sisters for whom without I wouldn't have been able to get through anything.

And a few special people I know from here who've proved that family isn't always biological.
I'm thankful that Jan's inside my head. I'm thankful for the love. It's all about the love.

Thankful for life, for friends, for the time to spend, and to share.

Thankful for more than I care to list, and enough that I'm grateful of such a list.

And for you, lady. Ya know who you are. ;)
My little sisters for whom without I wouldn't have been able to get through anything.

And a few special people I know from here who've proved that family isn't always biological.

Speaking of family, this board is full of my true family, alongside my fellow artists at Renderotica. The family I've been under the impression of being related to ceased to exist long ago.

Since joining this forum back in June, no internet community has welcomed me so lovingly and warmly like the TMF!.

I am thankful for having friends here, and here for me in my rough period, even though we have yet to meet in r/l.

Thanks for being my friends and family. I love you.
I am thankful to still have my mother and brothers still around. I am thankful for my daughter. I am thankful for my friends and family. I am thankful to have lived to be old enough to know the values of a good life and yet be young enough to still steal a kiss from a lady friend.
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I'm thankful for my wife who somehow tolerates me and still loves me. I'm thankful for my job, that pays the bills. I'm thankful for my friends, neighbors and relatives. I'm thankful for my peaceful country home, with the woods out back. I'm thankful for my animals, the sheep, goats and dogs. Most of all I'm thankful for God who watches over me and those I love.
I'm thankful for the past that made me who I am today, the present, that tells me who I am right now and the future that is yet to be determined...........Pretty damn exciting eh!
Ohhhh...Darn you darling QB for making me cry!:cry1:

Here I was gonna post this long, dull thread about how much I hate this stupid holiday, (shouldn't we be thankful EVERY DAY?) give my usual schtick about how my pop was Cherokee and that the white man stole the Indians' land, killed them and then threw a party and declared it a national holiday! How I rarely eat meat and I'm allergic to pumpkin. Then I realized that the REAL reason I hate it is because sometimes I have to share my birthday with it and people always get you ONE present and say (as if this is cute) "This is for your birthday AND Christmas!" WHAT?:eek: You cheap bastard! I bought you a Christmas gift AND one for your stupid birthday back in July~get out there and spend some money on me you penny-pinching schmuck!:jester:

Then I realized I was just being petty, thanks to your lovely post Janipoo! :Kiss1:
So, ok, here goes...I'm thankful for family, for all of my amazing friends both IRL and here at TMF, though quite a lot of you are both (waaaaaaaaay too many to mention here but you all know who you are!) For my job which teaches me each day that every moment is precious, my home which I'm fortunate enough to own, my pup and cats who are silly crazy cool. I'm thankful for a strong, healthy, able body, a clear and (usually) sharp mind. For a big heart and kickass sense of humor (so I'm told!) ;) and of course I'm thankful that QB is "Going Back to Cali"! :rotate:

Have a fantastic day, one and all! :justlips:
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I am thankful that my brother’s deli is successful enough (after less than a 1 year open) to offer 100 free Gourmet Dinners (Jumbo shrimp cocktail included!) to folks who could use a little reminder that there are people who have been there and care.

And, I am thankful that I will get to be a part of that. :)
After reading through the posts...

I am thankful that people like Jan exist!

Good God am I ever thankful for the wonderful people I know because of this place. I could go on a freaking "thank you frenzy" but will limit myself to the one who made me choke down a happy sob in this thread.
(Insert QB's post :) )

From gentlemen friends like yourself, Capn, and others here,
family, too easily taken for granted,

those idealists who sacrifice themselves for others here and overseas,
those who work to stop those who'd exploit them,

basic human rights... (and those of other animals as well).

I won't be forced into a marriage with someone I can't stand, even if he's not 25 years older. And I can wear whatever I want,
walk whereever I want, whenever,
talk to whomever, drive a car, and hold any job
without fear of being tortured or stoned to death because I'm a woman.

Death squads or mercenary tribal horsemen will not be tearing down my front door
to hurt, kill and scatter my family, taking our possessions,
because a rival tribe is in power.

There are no gunshots in my neighborhood, and I've been given access to adequate education
so I have the capability to support myself, and if I get off my butt, my family as well.

I'm not homeless, nor dependent upon medication I can't get in order to
live a normal life.

QB covered all of this more eloquently, but when in a warm, peaceful bed
this is what crosses my mind.

A safe, happy Thanksgiving to you all :grouphug:
I;m thankful that my mom and I both have our health, knock on wood. I'm thankful for the roof over my head, the food I have on the table, the clothes on my back, and the money I have in my pocket. I'm thankful for the good friends I have, both in real life, and on the net. I'm thankful for the opportunity to do some of the things I enjoy, such as going to movies, going out to eat, and my time spent on the net with friends.
As I look at my list, I realize I have many things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

Going through a painful divorce. I have four very good friends who each have been awesome to me through this - inviting me to eat with their families, calling to make sure I'm cool and not lonely.

So I'm really thankful to have these four guys. They say you can judge someone by the friends that they have. I am indeed fortunate.
thanksgiving is a time for friends and family so i know this sounds a bit shallow, but i am about to finish a degree in culinary arts, and am looking forward to becoming the next iron chef (in aproximately 20 years) ....but im thankful my turkey kicked friggin' ASS! might have been one day early, but it was worth it...........it really was all that and a bag of chips...........:triangle:

This a short poem on what I am thankful for

The well being of friends and family,
The bright lights we may not see,
The little things that matter truly,
Or any bloody,gory horror movie,

Much love for friends that stick tight,
Through everyday and every night,
For music,green bud and heineken light,
For every classic mma fight,

So fast the days disappear,
There it goes,another week,another year,
Another turkey,another beer,
Best wishes to everyone here. :grouphug:
I have had an abysmal year and really had to dig deep to find things to be thankful for because I'd prefer to be angry and resentful instead of grateful! However, I'm choosing not to pout and bellyache and think of things that I have in my life to appreciate:

I have two healthy and happy children who love me
I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, and a reliable car to drive.
I have finally found work (at least until April 08) but it beats the hell out of the alternative
I have managed to complete 6 out of 10 classes in my Grad School program; I'm actually beginning to believe that I might make it all the way.
I have forum members who have become RL friends and have helped me in ways unimaginable (one of them is helping me with some of my grad work; I wouldn't make it without him)
I have people here who keep me accountable for my actions, good or bad. I'm glad folks even care enough about me in that way.
I'm thankful that I didn't do what I planned on doing over the summer because things had gotten so bad in my life. I'm thankful that I made it past that horrible dark place because the alternative would've been permanent.
I'm thankful for anti-depressants because the right one rocks!!

So you see, I do have some things to be grateful for and thanks to the OP who created this thoughtul and insightful thread. I needed to get my head out and see that there are things I can hang onto when stuff gets bad.
Since Thanksgiving isn't a religious holiday, I have no problem celebrating it[*], or contributing to these threads.

I am thankful for
  • my talents and skills as a computer technician
  • my knowledge of video/audio equipment, which enables me to produce TK videos
  • my upbringing, which taught me hard, painful lessons that have made my life much easier in the long run and allowed me to impart that knowledge and wisdom onto others
  • my mother, for being a bitch and not letting me have what I want, thus teaching me patience and an understanding of the meaning of a dollar
  • my mother, for raising me all by herself and doing a pretty damned fine job of it
  • my grandparents, for letting me make horrible, horrible mistakes so I might learn something from the experience
  • every idiot kid in elementary school who beat me up because I was the runt of the class, since it taught me how to take a punch and inspired me to learn how to fight properly
  • my boss, for giving me every opportunity possible to expand my knowledge and talents to become more successful
  • my co-workers, who fail time and time again and never quite live up to their resumes, so that I can pick up the pieces of their failures and garner even more respect and responsibility at work
  • my truck
  • my computer

This list could go on for pages, but you get the idea.

* Please note, I do not participate in organized religion, as I find the entire concept to be ridiculous and rather amusing. This is only my opinion and I do not fault anyone for choosing to believe in any faith of their choice. Also, even though holidays like Christmas are religious, I still celebrate them in a non-religious capacity.
I had to work tonight from 4pm to 11pm so I didn't celebrate Thanksgiving in the traditional way, but I still had a pretty good holiday because I realized some of the following:

I'm thankful for my boss for being such a kind lady and driving all the way to work on her day off to bring me some food.

I'm thankful for dating a guy who's making me realize that most of my past boyfriends have been assholes.

I'm thankful for the lady that gave me 10 bucks because she felt bad that I had to work on Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for my past experiences that have helped mold me into whatever kind of creature I am today.

I'm thankful that I almost went deaf, for had that not happened I don't think I would be able to appreciate little things like listening to music or hearing my friends voices and laughter.

I'm thankful that I'm still learning.

I'm thankful for the moments that help me realize I don't know everything.

I'm thankful for the moments that test my patience and maturity and I'm thankful that occasionally I'm smart enough to make the right decision.
i'm thankful for my family and friends, the woman that said she would be my wife, and being able to see the sun.
I'm also thankful I wasn't one of the many natives that were slaughtered for this day to come about.
Wow. There've been some excellent posts, here, and I thank you all for participating. Let's keep it going!

For me, first, I'll say I'm thankful for people who know they have something for which to be thankful. :) (Heck, without them, this'd just be a post, and not a thread!)

I think no one did or probably could say it better than Jan, and for those and many other reasons, I'm thankful for her, and Mina and Greg -- wonderful people all who've taken me into their family, and to whom I'm so very grateful.

There are so many awesome folks here, I'd be afraid of leaving some out if I tried to list all of those close to me by name, but I'd like to thank every host of a gathering I've attended who gave me the opportunity to enjoy their company and the company of others, every woman I've gotten to play with as I continue to learn, every person on here who is welcoming and interesting and interested in engaging with real people, every friend I've met in person or only gotten to know over PMs and e-mails, and even those at the other end of the spectrum -- you have all taught me much.

I'm a believer that how you conduct yourself in any given situation is at least a partial reflection of who you are in life, and so, for those in the P&R Forum and beyond, I'm thankful for those folks whose passion for truth moves them to seek facts and take action rather than remain ignorant; for everyone who embraces deliberation rather than prejudice, who engages inquiry before assumption, and for those who listen before they lecture. And among those who find themselves falling into traps like I’ve described (which counts for just about all of us sooner or later), I’m thankful still for those willing to use dialogue and an open mind to resolve their differences, come to a reasonable conclusion, and earnestly try to get at the truth. They are the ones who make civility and decency possible, and give honor to the term "human being".

I'm thankful for all of us who learn and decide to keep learning, who keep themselves free of strict ideology and engage ration and/or pragmatism instead.

I'm thankful to everyone who's had the time and willingness to listen to me when I was in need this year, especially regarding the passing of my mother from cancer.

I'm thankful for everything that she and my father taught me about morality, honor, compassion, responsibility, and the importance of being kind, wholly honest and decent, and I try to embody these every day.

I'm thankful that my remaining family is healthy and secure, and that I'm still my little nephew's favorite person in the world. :)

I'm thankful that I have honorable and challenging work.

I'm thankful to have been cast in a new play benefitting our local Domestic Violence Center, and for a cast who makes it a pleasure to attend rehearsal. :)

I'm thankful to everyone who's going to forgive me for not wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving in a timely manner, because I've been crazy busy... :D

And I'm thankful to have been given the brain that I have. I think it's done a pretty good job so far. :)
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