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  • hi
    don't feel obligated to look at the pictures, you don't have to go out of you way (so to speak) just to see them.
    just to say that i noticed your comment, about an Iron man vs Mandarin picture......
    well guess what i just sketched?
    i am just about to scan it in and shouldn't take long to color it.
    thanks for the idea!
    Sorry for the tardy response. I've had a taxing work day and an unbelievably involved evening! I will have a look at the new pictures before I turn in, though.
    thanks for replying so quickly!
    i have recolored my iron man and added 3 new pictures to the thread.
    just to let you know.
    Hi Wishfoot!

    Thanks for sending word about your new work! I'll head there right now to have a look! And for heavens sake, don't apologize to anyone about sending in non-tk art! You should be exploring all avenues of graphic expression, not simply tk. Such range will help you grow artistically!
    just been readin thru ur stories been away awhile.... love the spriful and sluggish one... the boots soles being pulled off... great! love ya stuff
    Hehe. I had to click twice too. But I just woke up so I'm still sleeply. At least it worked this time. Thanks for accepting. 🙂
    thinking of doing a new peice as i have the week off and i am not doing anything!
    maybe do one about the film "mirrors"......hmmm.......
    anyway, glad to see that you are doing good and i cannot wait to see your new low roads chapter.
    bye for now😀
    i know that you wanted to know about any new art work, but that will probably be out tomorrow.
    but i have just written a new story.
    not sure if you like stories, but i though i would say.
    not got much planned in the way of art but will probably have some new stuff my next weekend!
    very busy week is about to happen🙁
    but i will do some more soon!
    Thanks Izzy! Friendship request seen and acted upon, by the way. Thank you for the honor! As to the avatar, that's Cheshire Cat's excellent work! So many nice people have complimented my characters with fine likenesses, I'd hoped to cycle through them regularly (each receiving weekly focus). But I've had severe trouble with avatar pictures lately... at present, this is the only one I can get to load. Much as I appreciate Cheshire's wonderful art, I'd prefer not to appreciate it solely... another problem to fix someday, once I find the time.
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