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A secret truth

6empty6empty6, I solemnly promise to read this when you re-edit to paragraph it. I strongly suspect others feel the same way. Otherwise it will forever remain 'A secret truth'.
Hey bud, looks like you put a lot of work into this, so I tried to edit this for you.

I tried.

It's too much, bro - I got halfway through and stopped. I'll be honest, it looks like you're trying to say something heartfelt and poigniant here, and I think something is in there. However, it's so stream-of-consciousness that I got crosseyed reading it. Try editing it down a bit, and I'm sure people will be much more receptive. Thanks! :)
Why do I have the lingering impression that I have just stumbled upon one of the killer's notebooks from David Fincher's film Seven? :laughhard:

I read it all. I usually like reading. And my conclusion is thus: you sound like a deeply troubled person who needs help. And maybe get back on your meds for a little while.
The only response I can think of here is that I'm actually ticklish and I never fake it. In fact, the only time I've lied about my ticklishness is when I've pretended to NOT be ticklish for various reasons. Sure I don't speak for all women, but I'd be willing to bet a year's salary that I'm not alone in this.

The other thing I'll add is that I've personally never faked a reaction for the sake of a ler. Maybe in fact you have tickled a woman who wasn't ticklish and she was so generous that she went along with if for your benefit. I, on the other hand, am not quite that magnanimous. The way I look at it, if I pretend that a ler is doing a good job when they're actually not, I'm not helping them in any way. They'll just continue to be bad at Lering. Being an accomplished Ler myself, I'd rather give them some ideas of how to improve for my sake and their's.

Now to your point about porn, yes, I'm sure plenty of women fake it in those videos. In that case, they probably fake it because they're paid well to do so, not because they want to make the viewer feel better about their fetish.

I can tell you put a lot of time into this post, and I don't wanna be unkind, but I think the biggest misconception you have about women is that we cultivate our reactions just to please men. Have you considered that maybe we want to derive some pleasure from tickling and/or sex ourselves?

Again, maybe some of what you're saying has happened in isolated incidents. But given how unscientific your findings appear to be, I think you're painting with very broad strokes.

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As a gay woman who engages in tickling with other women I can safely say that none of mine nor any of my partner’s ticklish reactions have ever been for the purpose of appeasing men...women are human beings and we all respond physiologically the same to stimulation or pain. I’m ticklish....my gf is ticklish and she hates it so she ain’t doing me any favors by acting in that regard. I feel as though you have a very warped perception of the world and women in general and this is concerning
Okay, I've read your post through three times, and believe me that wasn't easy! Now this is just my opinion but I think you can take this post one of two ways, either you actually believe all that stuff you wrote or you posted that with the express purpose of seeing what kind of reaction you could get from the men and women on this board. Whichever one it is I urge you to talk to a professional because my friend you really need help. Have a nice day!!!!
So...you created this account just yesterday, and this was one of the first ideas you wanted to share with the TMF? Feels like you're really just doing this:

Interesting to read, and apparently I find that more difficult than you to accept as the truth, 6empty6empty6. You've employed what might appear to be a healthy measure of skepticism in hypothesizing and considering the evidence of what you've apparently previously accepted as a scientific truth pertaining to eye movements. From that you've drawn a conclusion about – apparently – the motives of all women on the planet, regardless of age, circumstance or culture.

I'm confused about why you wouldn't have employed similar skepticism about that scientific premise itself, particularly bearing in mind that forensic and investigative experts seldom espouse total confidence even in lie-detector tests – whereas you're confident enough for it to outweigh the thousands of examples of apparent ticklishness in women after having taken one class. Having thought through everything you've presented, to me it seems like there are other more plausible explanations for your observations, and if you really believe what you've shared, then I hope you give them some consideration in the future. ^ _ ^
There's nothing wrong with your fetish, but it's not anyone's responsibilty to react to it in the way you want.
I've met too many women who've been too ticklish to make me think they are just pretending. Now, I've also met women that can "stop" or block out the sensations (if they think they're being watched/walked in on, I've had those incidents, or if they're not in the mood). Life is too short to get down on people that don't work out for you. Get out there, meet people, keep the ones you like, let go of the ones you don't. Be direct. You'd be amazed how the "awkward" ones warm up with a little diligence.
Okay, I've read through this post and all I get from it is someone who is either unhappy and bitter, or just desperately wants attention. I can understand having a bad relationship or two - but when ALL of your relationships are bad, maybe the problem isn't women in general - maybe the problem is you. Several people on here have suggested you get help. I strongly urge you to.
There are too many people outside of this subculture who hate being tickled and aren't shy about saying so for women on the whole to be faking it to please men.

As far as porn goes, there's a mix of fake and real, depending on each producer and model. I read a blog some years ago from a model who did a video for Tickling Paradise who was schooled in fake laughter and reactions, but during the shoot where she was restrained under a bed and her feet sticking out, she described it as "literally being tortured."

And, sorry to say, studying eye movements isn't admissible in court for a reason. Even veteran cops can't always tell a truth from a lie during interrogation; and this is a casual conversation you're having, not L.A. Noire.

Also, I'm taking the high road here and treating your post as legit, but it does come across as a little trollish. Breaking down your thoughts into paragraphs and really thinking about them as individual bullet points for discussion would be more productive.
If you honestly believe that all the women in the world fake being ticklish because you've seen some eye movements that someone's told you are indicative of lying, I'm going to put it out there that I think you're barking up the wrong tree.

Your extrapolation, that because you've seen some women move their eyes nervously when they're asked if they are ticklish, that they are universally not ticklish and therefore liars who need to give extra sympathy to men, is dangerous dehumanising nonsense.
People who have a nut allergy require extra sympathy from people who don't have a nut allergy. Same logic. And how is it dehumanising unless you're saying men and women who are not ticklish are not human? I'm saying they are human and they helped me out whether they intended to or not. Either way, this is just a philosophical way of looking at things. It's like saying don't go out of your way to find someone who is ticklish, because being ticklish can be a choice for some people. If you find someone who cares they'll choose to be ticklish for you even if they're not naturally ticklish. Therefore being ticklish doesn't matter because it's a trait you can cause yourself to have. If a non ticklish male or female showed interest in me in the past I probably would have rejected them, but now I'd give them a chance but I'd ask then if theyre willing to be ticklish for me. That's my test, if they says yes I know they're capable of sympathy if they says no then I'll find someone else or just be alone. In a way I think a non ticklish person is better for a ler, because being tickled is less likely to bother them, so they're more likely to be willing to be tickled on a more frequent basis, therefore is more fun for someone like me to be around. Either way, this is turning into a pretty stupid conversation at this point. TBH If I am wrong I'm making myself look like an idiot and I apologise if anyone took offense because none was intended. Reality is a crazy thing, can't blame me for saying something crazy on occasion.

Clinical adverse reaction vs neuropsychological reaction to touch....keep going.

It CAN be a choice...but if that's the case and you don't like it, why not move on to the next? There's variables. Like trying to meet ticklish girls at a pub (for obvious reasons). As for asking if someone's "willing to be ticklish" for you...why not skip over to "actually ticklish"? Reality is a really dumb fucking thing, but we're all stuck in it, and I don't see any reason to choose between living a fake life with someone you're not satisfied with vs living life on your own until you find someone who does satisfy you. If your tickling fetish depresses you, it's clearly not benefiting your life. I'd go out and find a gal who does other things well and warm her up to tickling.
No I'm not trolling I've been here before I just don't usually post I'm not much of an author. I just thought this would be an interesting this to discuss here cos I couldn't see anyone else discussing this topic. I do believe it genuinely to be true but I'll admit its possible that I'm wrong. It's just an interesting thought to me, if it's wrong then just have fun lolling at my misconception, if it's true it's cool cos I was smart enough to figure it out, if it's false then at least it's pretty funny that I'm so convinced it is true. It's a win, win situation either way. I think outside the box that the box is in.

When I read your posts a couple weaks ago. My eyes became wide as saucers. Jaw dropping shock.

As someone into this, I love seeing the reactions induced in people. The only time I try to study when one is faking it... is when it is blantantely obvious. Or even 50% of a MAYBE obvious. Overall though... I'm waiting for the tickish spots to be revealed as the Ler goes over the lee's body. Exploring it. And when those spots are found... it's an amazing and pleasurable high for me. A sadistic high too. I don't watch much tickle porn. Hardly at all. I have many reasons for this of which I will not go into here. But I do watch one on occassion.

I sat here though and tried to figure out some sort of response to help you understand that... not only is your theory absolutely wrong. But to give you examples on why I KNOW you are wrong. There are a great many errors within your thinking. Your judgement is skewed from the roots of where this began in your childhood. Including how you view Religion in context with Tickling overall. So, as you have included further thoughts on what people have said to you/ posts here: I acknowledge you in the fact that, you realize you may be wrong. You don't really think you are... but you are willing at least to say you might be. That is a good start for you.

I though NEED to tell you something for your own clarity or else I would feel I could have helped someone and didn't. As a woman... (forget the tickling aspect for a moment). As a woman with no other agenda. A clear mind, no judgement going into this thread. Only to focus on what you had to say. And I have NEVER had an agenda to lie about how ticklish or not ticklish I am. Tickleness levels aside... I am a Tickling Fetishist. So I usually enjoy theorizing about some aspects of this fetish. For wrong or right... it's fun to theorize. And appealiing to engage in it with others.

I sat there... must have been around 15 minutes after the initial shock to consider what you wrote. I went back and forth to specifics you wrote in that first post. And I realized quite quickly there was absolutely no way I felt comfortable responding to you. Even NOW I feel I am taking a huge risk to my safety.

You SCARED me. I even put you on my ignore list. As more people have responded to your post... today I decided to continue reading you and everyone's post's here. But you're still on my ignore list. I actually am afraid of you. And I did go back and forth on if you may be a troll or not. I don't think you are. I just think you have severe critical thinking errors about Tickling. Other thoughts I have are my own thoughts and will not share them. I risk forming a false opinion with not a lot of information to go on further with.

I'm not writing this to upset you. And I'm not being overly emotional in how I felt when I read what your thoughts were. Because this was the genuine response I had: FEAR. I wonder if you would have seen that fear if you were sitting in front of me. Maybe you would have, maybe you woulden't. It doesn't matter, you weren't. So you will have to take me at my word. If you so wish to.

There's absolutely nothing funny about what you wrote here. People do not say "Please go to therapy" because they think it would be humorous to say something like that. And I am in agreement with them. What you do from here on out is your choice. But... the point of all of this was... if you scared ME... you probably scared others here. And that should be a HUGE wake up call to you to let go of this far too vast and misinformed thinking/ theory of yours. And if I had the theory you did... I would have been in therapy already. My boyfriend would have dropped me off himself at the doors of a therapist if I resisted.

I do wish you good fortune. And I hope you come to healthier conclusions about Tickling and the aspects you have written about.

So... I really feel this entire thread should come to a close. Before someone upsets him... and he feels further isolated. It will not help him in any way, shape or form. Only a therapist can do that. (obviously I cannot control what other do or say... but if it were up to me I would close this thread at this point.)

Or... he re evalutes his thinking errors on his own. Though I suggest Sir you do not do that alone. Therapy being a very good option for you at this point. I would hate to think you would continue having these thoughts for the rest of your life. It certainly won't help you or your further relationships. Best of luck to you.
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Ok, I finally decided to read through this thing, and I have a couple comments. First off, you mentioned that there’s a certain direction you look when lying. First off, that is not really true, there is not one direction you look when lying 100% of the time. “The direction” changes with hand dominance for one, and for another there are a dozen different things people do with their eyes that can SUGGEST (not prove) they’re lying.

People could be looking “the lying direction” for a multitude of reasons. Perhaps the question embarrassed them, or makes them uncomfortable in some way. That can cause someone to avoid eye contact. Or maybe some of them are like me, where eye contact in general can be uncomfortable (although I expect this to be in a minority for sure).

I guess I could be wrong here, but if there was a worldwide conspiracy and all women aren’t ticklish, despite thousands if not millions of testimonies that counter that premise, then I’ll eat an entire couch (sorry for the bad attempt at something resembling humor).

Assuming everyone is someway because that’s all you’ve observed (even though I believe you’ve observed incorrectly) doesn’t make it universally true. If I’m my life I’ve only seen red apples, does that make all apples red?

I’m no expert on anything by any means, but I strongly urge you to at least start to reevaluate the way you look at life, and at women, and get some help as well, perhaps by seeing a therapist.
People who have a nut allergy require extra sympathy from people who don't have a nut allergy. Same logic. And how is it dehumanising unless you're saying men and women who are not ticklish are not human? I'm saying they are human and they helped me out whether they intended to or not. Either way, this is just a philosophical way of looking at things. It's like saying don't go out of your way to find someone who is ticklish, because being ticklish can be a choice for some people. If you find someone who cares they'll choose to be ticklish for you even if they're not naturally ticklish. Therefore being ticklish doesn't matter because it's a trait you can cause yourself to have. If a non ticklish male or female showed interest in me in the past I probably would have rejected them, but now I'd give them a chance but I'd ask then if theyre willing to be ticklish for me. That's my test, if they says yes I know they're capable of sympathy if they says no then I'll find someone else or just be alone. In a way I think a non ticklish person is better for a ler, because being tickled is less likely to bother them, so they're more likely to be willing to be tickled on a more frequent basis, therefore is more fun for someone like me to be around. Either way, this is turning into a pretty stupid conversation at this point. TBH If I am wrong I'm making myself look like an idiot and I apologise if anyone took offense because none was intended. Reality is a crazy thing, can't blame me for saying something crazy on occasion.

I have a nut allergy to this post. Where’s my epi-pen?
So what, when girls cross over into being women in their late teens, they say "welp, not ticklish anymore, but we guess we should continue the facade for men, because that's so important to them"?

90% of heterosexual men (conservatively) couldn't give a shit whether a woman laughs when tickled.
Has anyone mentioned that a person's reaction to tickling has a lot to do with how they feel about the person tickling them?
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