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CALIFORNIA GIRL (m/f, sexual)


TMF Regular
Sep 16, 2003
WARNING: This story contains some sexual content. Do not proceed if you are under 18 years of age.

Note from the author:
Hello friends. This is the first tickling story I’ve ever written. It is M/F. Since today marks my 1 year anniversary with TMF, I thought it would be appropriate. I’ve come a long way since then. Please feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!


Day 1

Michelle had been waiting in the airport for John’s flight to arrive. She nervously paced in front of the electronic arrival board, checking the time on her cell phone every 30 seconds. His flight came in 20 minutes early, so she luckily didn’t have to wait for long. It felt like forever, though. They had been planning this trip for 3 months, counting down every single day, and the big day was finally here. Michelle paced a few more times, and then walked to the bathroom, giving herself a once-over in the mirror. She had picked out the white miniskirt that he liked, and paired it with a cute pink top that was soft and snug. To match of course, were the white flip flops, which also showed off the silvery-pink toe nail polish she had applied just the night before. She didn’t normally wear nail polish, but for an occasion like this, she thought it best to cater to the audience. Everything looked fine, so she took a deep breath and chose a corner seat in the terminal to wait for John.

Before long, people began streaming down the escalator, and Michelle stood up to scan the crowd for someone she had never met before. Then, her cell phone rang. It was John.

“Hey, I’m here.”
“Cool. Go down the escalator,” she replied. “I’m on the ground level. Oh, I think I see you.”
“I see you too.”

They were both smiling as he walked up to her. “Welcome to California,” said Michelle.
“Thanks.” They both laughed, and walked out to her car.

The ride back to Michelle’s apartment was mixed with anticipation and nervousness. Michelle was a worrier, but John was convinced that he’d put her mind at ease very quickly. Still, they were both shocked that they let something as crazy as this happen. Two TMF members who lived over 2000 miles away, this was the gamble they took. Michelle had summer school classes to attend and even had to go in to work, so she did most of the planning and scheduling for that week. He’d have to accompany her at times. It was something they laughed about, it was like dragging along a pet. It’s ok, thought John, when we’re behind closed doors, I’ll have all the control.

They arrived at the apartment at about 10:30, and she let him get settled. Michelle’s roommate was gone for the summer, so they’d have the whole apartment to themselves for the week. Just as he put his stuff down and they closed the door, John snuck in a quick tickle on Michelle’s left side when her back was turned. She squealed. “Hey! That was a cheap move!” There were still two hours to go before they’d have to go to campus. But since John had already been awake for eight hours, the two of them plopped themselves down on the couch to relax. Of course, it was the world’s most uncomfortable couch, and it would be the last time they sat there. But for the time being, John intended to do what he came to do.

He grabbed at her side once more. Michelle squealed again and jumped up from the couch. “Don’t make me chase you,” warned John. She looked around the room.
“I have nowhere to go,” she admitted, and cautiously sat back down.
“Put your feet in my lap,” he told her very seriously. Michelle was smiling, but shook her head no. “Do it,” he said again. She complied this time, warily placing her size 6 feet in his lap. It was at this point that the gateway to submissiveness was unlocked in Michelle’s conscience. No turning back now.

John took one finger and traced it down her sole, starting at the ball of the foot and ending at the heel. He did the same at the center, and then at either side, just going up and down. Michelle giggled and squeezed her eyes shut. Now he had both of her feet at his fingertips, and raked all fingers across her soles, trying to elicit a laugh from her. She was just smiling and giggling softly when she opened her eyes.

“Wow, what if I’m not as ticklish as I thought I was? You must be disappointed.”
“Hmmm,” John said out loud. “What if we try this?” He pushed her feet off his lap and suddenly attacked her sides.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA” she burst out laughing and squirmed in an attempt to get away. But John’s position over her made it hard for her to go anywhere. Her only defense was her hands, which she used to cause great deal of problems for John. He continued to tickle her sides and ribs as she tried to stop his hands from touching her.
“HAHAHAHAH. John please stooooooop. Hahahahahahaha. You just got here!!!! Noooooooooooo!!!”

The resistance was getting annoying to him, so John grabbed both her wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand, continuing to tickle her body with his free hand. Michelle went ballistic. He dragged his fingers from her wrists all the way down her arm, and stopped to dig into the hollows of her armpits before making the journey back down to her extremely ticklish sides and waist. John lay down lengthwise next to her, still holding her wrists high above her head and pinned her lower body down with one leg. She bucked and wiggled, but was trapped between the back of the couch and his body. When he clawed at her tight stomach she sunk as far into the couch as she could to avoid the tickling. But John kept tickling her, and Michelle kept laughing. Her eyes were closed tightly, but she could still feel his face close to hers. As she giggled, the smile on his face grew wider and he drank in the beautiful laughter. He took pauses every now and then to caress and lightly brush his fingers across her body.

“John,” she whispered during one of his pauses. “How badly do you want to kiss me?” He could sense hope in her voice.
“It’s not something I talk about,” he answered. “Why? Do you want to?”
Michelle blushed, and didn’t look at him directly when she said, “I’ve thought about it.”

With that, he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. Her body melted as she returned the kiss, each second getting more passionate than the last. Michelle was still pinned down in her helpless position, and only became aware of it again when John finally pulled away from the kiss and resumed to tickling her upper body. He alternated between fast light tickling all over her body and concentrated prodding and poking in certain areas. The spot right below her ribcage drove Michelle up the wall. After a while, he finally let her go.

They took a break at this point and drove to Michelle’s school. While she was in class, John explored the campus and walked downtown. For four hours, Michelle tried to pay attention to her professors but could only think about how intense of a week it was going to be, with John tickling her insane whenever he wanted. She smiled to herself sometimes reflecting on how nice that kiss felt. Meanwhile, John found a bookstore and read a book by one of the greatest Texas Hold‘em players. Every now and then, his mind would revert to the tickling session he had just had with Michelle and his imagination ran with what was in store for her.

They returned to the apartment after the long day and a dinner at one of Michelle’s favorite places. Although there would be many more hours of tickling ahead of them, the two were exhausted. Michelle took this opportunity to postpone her impending doom of tickle torture by capitalizing on John’s other passion: poker.

“Teach me to play,” she begged, tossing a deck of cards at him.

He happily obliged and dealt out the first hand. Michelle caught on fast, but John was still the expert card player. He would push for more chips and get her to fold, just the way he liked to play it. Learning this as the minutes wore on, she became more aggressive, calling and raising. As a result of luck and careful betting, Michelle managed to take almost all of John’s chips with a full house on the flop. She smiled gleefully to herself as she gathered her winnings.

“Oh, don’t get all cocky now,” said John, with a smile. “That was cute, but you’re going to pay for that.” Sure enough, he beat her pretty badly in the next few hands, and she was left with nothing. “Alright, now that we’re done with that…” John suddenly grabbed her from her sitting position and threw her over his shoulder.

“No wait! John, stop!!! What are you doing??” Michelle began to get panicky. “Come on, don’t tickle me!”
“What a great idea…” he answered as he threw her down gently on the twin size air mattress they had set up. Michelle landed on her stomach and immediately began crawling away. “Oh, no you don’t,” he said. John was intent on tickling her out of her mind, so he straddled her hips, pinning her down. He started drilling his digits into her immobile body, sending shrieks of laughter from her mouth. His 10 fingers scribbled up and down her sides, often kneading into that sensitive spot at her hips.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Pleeeeeease stoooooooooop!!! Hehehehehehahahaha. No more! NOOOOO!!” She knew she was trapped and there was nothing she could do to get away; the tickling just would not let up. John wasn’t showing any mercy. A feeling of empowerment swept over him and he loved every minute.

John leaned down across her body so that his lips were close to her ear, his body parallel with hers. His hands were resting at her pelvic bone, threatening to tickle at any moment, but massaging softly for a bit. Michelle could feel his warm breath on her neck, and though she was tired from continuously laughing, it was comforting…and strangely erotic. John nibbled on her left ear, sending shivers down her spine. She let out a soft giggle and a moan.

Then in a low, deep voice, he instructed her, “Put your arms above your head. And keep them there…or else.”
“Or else what?” Michelle implored.
“Don’t ask questions,” was his firm answer.
She hesitated at first, but complied with his wishes after a few seconds of thought, knowing that her punishment would be much worse if she didn’t. Arms stretched straight out, her body tense with anticipation, Michelle could only hope that John would tire quickly. But this was not the case. Seeing her small 5’3” 100 lb. frame exposed before his eyes was excitement in itself, and he would stop at nothing to get her into total submission.

His fingers darted into her underarms just on the outsides of her breasts, tickling so hard as if to dare her to bring her arms down. Michelle, being a good ticklee, tried her hardest not to resist; her arms remained outstretched, sometimes grasping at thin air in attempts to distract from the pressing (no pun intended) feeling of losing complete control. John just kept at it, without mercy. He poked at her sides and reached under her body to claw at her stomach. Michelle bucked and writhed, begged and screamed, though any efforts at verbal communication were mired by her spastic laughter. Amazing, he made a mental note to himself, I’ll have to get her on her stomach more often; she’s so much more ticklish when she can’t fight back.

The fervor of John’s tickling fingers slowly subsided to a soft touch. Michelle felt his weight shift off of her as he slipped an arm around her and lay down next to her quivering body. Though out of breath, Michelle still smiled warmly at him.

“That was wonderful!” she exclaimed. She drew closer to him and softly kissed his cheek, running one hand across his chest.
“I told you that you’d enjoy it,” reaffirmed her tickler, content with his success.
“Well, I didn’t enjoy it WHILE you were tickling me…”
“Then what?” he looked puzzled. “Oh, you mean you crave it more now…don’t you?”
Michelle just blushed, giving herself away. She nodded slowly. John became more interested. What an amazing girl, to love being tickled just as much as he loved tickling her!
“So then,” John took a stab, “tell me some of your fantasies.”
She blushed further, hiding herself in his arms. “Oh, I can’t tell you that!” But when she saw a look of disappointment, she ventured a suggestion. “Well, I do know a way that you can tie me…but I don’t think I want you to know…EEEEEEE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Noooooooooo stop!!” Michelle was suddenly cut off by a surprising tickle attack at her tummy and waist.
“Come on, tell me how I can tie you up,” John persisted, continuing to tickle away.
“Hehehehehe. No, I can’t.” Their bodies were close enough, so Michelle drew herself close once again, wrapped up in his embrace, and they locked up into another passionate kiss. He dropped the bondage question for now.

Michelle didn’t forget, however. After saying their goodnights, she went to her own room to sleep. Unfortunately, her head was swimming with a million thoughts about the tickling she’d just experienced, practically the first time ever in her life to this extent – and it was only day 1! But still, John was a wonderful, skilled tickler; she was just glad that most of her anxieties had dissipated at the beginning. She was so comfortable with him now.

Getting up out of bed, Michelle quietly fished for something near the back of her closet. Ah, there it was. She felt the warm fuzzy fleece bathrobe that kept her warm during the winters. Michelle pulled out the long blue sash that tied around the bathrobe and examined it, thinking of what John would do to her if he used it. It was about six feet long, soft and a bit stretchy, and completely dangerous for a girl as ticklish as Michelle. She stood in front of the mirror, watching herself, as she wrapped the material snuggly around her left wrist with her right hand. It looked strangely…right. She sighed. Yes, Michelle thought, if we’re going to make the most out of this trip, he’ll have to tie me with something. She tiptoed out to the living room, checking first to make sure John was sound asleep on the floor. She then draped the blue fleece sash over a chair in plain view, and went back to bed. This time, she slept soundly.


Day 2

The flop came out: diamond Ace, club Jack, diamond 2.
Michelle glanced again at her suited Ace/Queen and bet small. John called and dealt the turn.
Queen of hearts. Michelle bet again, a little more this time. John raised her, and she called, not wanting to lose her footing. Just one more Ace or Queen and she’d beat him with a full house again.
The river: 6 of diamonds. Darn. Oh well, two of a kind wasn’t bad. She checked, he raised, she called.
Just then, she realized her mistake. John flipped over his cards to reveal the diamond suited King and 7. A flush!

“Aw John, don’t you know how to play easy on me? I’ve only been doing this for a day!”
“Nope,” he stated matter-of-factly. “I am playing hard on you. But you’ll only get better if I push you with uncompromising hands.” Michelle eyed him curiously, not sure whether she detected the play on words, or if it was just her imagination.

The two of them had been playing Texas Hold’em on the living room floor for an hour already. Michelle shifted in her sitting posture and opted for a more comfortable position. She laid down on her stomach, facing John, using her elbows to prop herself up. Her knees were bent so that her dainty feet pointed upwards. He stopped himself from staring.

“Your deal,” John said has he placed the cards in front of her. “I’m going to get a glass of water.” As he walked behind her towards the kitchen, Michelle began to separate the cards to shuffle them back into one pile. She shuffled once, then twice.

All of a sudden, the cards went flying out of her hands.

“EEEEEEEEEK!!! AHAHAHAHAHA John STOPPPPP!!!! What are you doing???” Michelle was completely caught off guard when John pounced on her and dug his wiggling fingers into her sides, hips, and reached under her body to tickle her lower stomach. She was trying so hard to get away, arms flailing and feet kicking. But John held her down, tickling all her worst spots over and over again. Armpits, sides, waist, ribs, stomach, hips, and back to the beginning again. “HAHAHAHAHAHA. You have to stop!!! PLEASE! I thought you were getting water!!! HAHAHA stop tickling me!!!” She was laughing up a storm, but John knew he could do better.

She was already out of breath when he leaned in and whispered, “I was lying. Now, stay here and don’t get up.” As much as she wanted to make a bolt for it, Michelle obeyed, lying still on the floor as John grabbed the nearby blue sash and began tying it around her tiny wrists. They were secured tightly and her arms were stretched out before her. She protested only slightly, but being flat on the ground, couldn't do much to get away.

Michelle turned her head to look up at John. “Please go easy on me?”
He calmly sat back down, straddling her butt, and placed his fingers in her armpits. Withholding from the tickling she was expecting, he leaned down, nibbled gently on her ear, and whispered with deliberation, his voice hot and heavy, “Absolutely not.”

Her mind went reeling a thousand times per second. Absolutely not. No mercy whatsoever. Begging was not even an option it seemed. All Michelle could do was squeeze her eyes shut and brace for the impact. Sure enough, it came, and Michelle’s body may have shot to the ceiling if it wasn’t for John’s weight holding her down.

“Hahahahahahahahehehehehe. NOOOOOO!! Oh God, please stopppppppp!!!!” She squirmed and twisted as much as she could to get away from the ten tortuous fingers. Rolling around from side to side only gave John more access to her helpless body. “HAHAHAHAHAHA. You gotta stop, please John!!!! I can’t take anymorrrrrrrrre!! HAHAHAHAHAHA.” He ignored her pleas. His fingers continued to dance up and down her sides, reaching under her also to tickle her belly and that dreadful spot right under her ribcage. Michelle squealed and screamed into the pillow that John had placed at her head for comfort. He kept at it for over 10 minutes, never letting up, and never letting her laughter die down. But seeing her completely helpless, stretched out, and under his control, made him grow harder with each passing minute. The bulge in his pants was getting hard to ignore. It was torture for him too! He wanted to take her right then and there. Tickling her so intensely while giving her the best orgasm ever.

Then, he snapped out of it. Michelle was kicking her feet, hitting him in the back with them. Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you, thought John. He grabbed her left foot as it swung back and forth like a metronome. With her ankle gripped in one hand, John’s fingers went completely crazy on her sole, tickling from the heel all the way to the tips of the toes. He scribbled at the ball of her foot, making sure to run his fingers countless times in between each cute little toe. He raked his fingers up and down her sensitive arch, making Michelle strain to get loose even more. She was still laughing her head off, but John didn’t care. He was in heaven! He tickled her left foot more, then did the same torturous routine to her right foot. “We don’t want it to feel left out now, do we?”

“HAHAHAHHAAHHAAHHA. STOPPPPPP. I just can’t take itttttttt!!!” was her pitiful response. John just chuckled, knowing that she’d have to take it. He twisted around in his sitting position and held both ankles down with one hand. The other shot to a brand new spot – the backs of her knees. “Oh no!!!! NOT THERE!!!! Hahahahhahaha. PLEASE NOOOO!!!” The electricity swept through Michelle’s body, but there was nothing she could do to stop the sensations.

John alternated between tickling her upper body, the backs of her knees, and her feet, before getting an even better idea. He faced front again, and slid back slowly till he sitting on the backs of her thighs. Even through the skimpy shorts she was wearing, Michelle’s butt was highly sensitive and way too ticklish for John to pass up. So his fingers dug in, tickling her with abandon. She shrieked and tightened all her muscles to attenuate the maddening sensations. It wasn’t any help. He roamed the sides of her butt, back up to her hips, and reached under her body again. This time the target was the V crease, where (when one sits down) the legs hit the rest of the body. John squeezed there a couple times.

They both knew it. He had hit the jackpot.

“AHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOO!!!! OHMYGOD PLEASE!!!! JOHN DON’T!!!! HAHAHAHHAAHAH” Michelle went crazy. It was definitely her worst spot. She thrashed all over the place, but couldn’t get away from his eager, sadistic fingers. When he tickled her, it was as if he was on an unstoppable mission. He showed no mercy and would tickle her to insanity for as long as he wanted. The amazing thing was…they both loved it. Perhaps it was seeing her body under his complete control, her ass wiggling in front of him as he tickled that secret crease spot, or the fact that his fluttering fingers were so close to another hot spot that he guessed would be just as ticklish if not more…if she ever let him cross that line.

Still tickling that crease right in the area between her legs and her lower abdomen, John lay down on top of her body, making it all the more immobile. He used his knees to wedge between her legs and spread them apart. Knowing that her legs were spread wide and still helpless before him, Michelle began breathing deeper. John could feel how hot she was already. The tickling was a workout, no doubt, but it had *other* effects as well. One hand brushed down her butt again and made its way to her inner thighs. “Oh God no…”

John teased and tickled her inner thighs for quite some time, getting her to giggle and moan with each touch. He loved verbally teasing her too, whispering with his lips so close to her ear. “I could have you in this position for as long as I want. So helpless and exposed…” he said deeply as he dragged a finger slowly across her inner thigh. She drew a quick breath before letting out a soft moan. “You like that, don’t you? You want to be totally helpless for me.” She closed her eyes and just nodded. The heat inside her was killing her. “Well,” John continued, “you will be. And there will be…nothing…you can do about it.” Another sharp inhale. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t think.

And she almost didn’t notice when he started untying the sash around her wrists. They were both exhausted and undoubtedly aroused. But Michelle was swift to apply the brakes. They would have to save that for later. John and Michelle fell asleep in each other’s arms.


Day 3

“You really want to try that?” Though he was genuinely surprised at her suggestions, John tried to hide his enthusiasm.
“Yeah sure,” she replied. “It can’t be that bad. And besides, I’m willing to experiment. Neither of us has ever done this before after all.” Something was changing in Michelle. With each day, she was more willing to get the ultimate tickle torture from John, and sometimes even offered it without incitation from her tickler.
“Okay, let’s do the mummy wrap first then. What should we use?”
Michelle, always a resourceful gal, pointed to the bed sheet.

They laid it on the floor first. John rolled Michelle in the sheet, pinning her arms tightly to her sides, and leaving her head and feet poking out at the ends. She ended up lying face up, a soft grin on her face. He tested her bound situation by squeezing and poking at her sides. “Oh nooooooo!! Hahahahahahaha. DON’T!!!!” The sheet made Michelle’s attempts at squirming more difficult, and all she could do was absorb the tickling feeling provided by John’s evil fingers. He was feeling especially evil toward her disposition that night, and dove at her most ticklish spot, though it was covered by the sheet. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO PLEASE!!!!!” Michelle went wild when he tickled that spot right above her thighs where the legs ended. She continued squealing, “NOOO stop!!!! You’re supposed to be tickling my feet!!!!”

“Alright,” said John, happy to get to his favorite part of her body. He knelt down on either side of her legs, facing her delicate feet, while pinning her body in place. My feet are trapped and have no where to go, Michelle suddenly realized her predicament.

John took the bottle of lotion that he had strategically placed nearby and squirted some into his palms. He spread the lotion all over each of her feet, rubbing in the cream over every inch. The lotion smelled so nice; Michelle delighted in the little foot rub John was giving her and giggled when he brushed his fingers along her soles. They were more slippery now, and far more ticklish. He started with the right foot. He spread her toes apart and pulled them back, tightening the arch of her foot. This made it impossible for Michelle to curl her toes up or otherwise escape her fate. With the flesh stretched out before him, John tickled away.

He raked four fingers from ball to heel, very slowly at first, then speeding up as Michelle’s laughter got louder. Pretty soon, the tickling was madness, and she could think of nothing other than the nonstop tingling sensation in her feet. “HAHAHAHAHAHAH EHEHEHEHEEHE Ahhhhhhhhhhh stoppppppp!! HAHAHAHH John!!!!!!!” He went back and forth to each foot, making sure not to deprive one sole from the tickling any longer than he had to. He wiggled his fingers in between each toe, sending her body into spasms. His fingers poked and danced about her soles, always seeming to hit the worst spots, to which he spent the most time at. Over and over he tortured her poor feet for longer than Michelle could keep track of. All she could do was keep on laughing and take it.

But he did stop. She sighed aloud, “Oh John, I’m so glad that’s over.”
“Heh, we’re not done Michelle,” he said decidedly, rolling her out of the sheet.
“The hogtie now?” she asked him timidly. Though they were both eager to see which position rendered her most helpless and ticklish, Michelle was still in the disadvantageous role.
“Yes. Lie on your stomach and give me your feet,” John ordered, ready to tie her ankles together with the long sash. She did as he asked, also surrendering her wrists, which he tied strongly to her ankles. “Okay, now try to get out of it,” he suggested. She tried to twist her hands out of the binding, but was unsuccessful; her feet were also stuck. John admired his work. “Do you know what this means Michelle?” She didn’t say anything, so he continued. “Your ticklish body is…all…mine…”

“Ohmygod, no,” breathed Michelle. Her heart was racing and all the nerves in her body stood on edge, ready to fire at the slightest touch. He brushed her hair off to one side and caressed the soft skin at the nape of her neck. The tips of his fingers wiggled about there, at the back of her neck and around the sides, making Michelle giggle like a child. “Oh, hehehehe. That tickles!” He lightly stroked behind her ear too, before drawing his tongue across her earlobe. It drove her absolutely insane. She was growing hotter and hotter with every second, extremely turned on, but he kept teasing her.

“You’re all mine,” he let her drink in each word. She closed her eyes, knowing how right he was. “I’m going to tickle your petite, helpless, ticklish body…for as long as I want. And there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.”
“Oh…” Michelle breathed out in a quiet moan. Making her anticipate the torment was almost worse than the tickling itself. Without the laughter, it was just John’s strong voice and her own wild imagination that combined to form an array of possibilities in which she would most undoubtedly surrender to his sadistic wishes.

Then, the tickling began again. John had eased his fingers below her hips, where four fingertips from each hand rested in that special crease. Knowing this, he rapidly vibrated them against her sensitive skin. Since her legs were tied back and her knees bent, there was no room for escape. She couldn’t fight her way out of this one. Michelle erupted in another violent fit of laughter.

“HEHEHEHEHEAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO. STOPPPPPP!!!! LET ME GOOOOO PPPLEEEEEASE!!!! JOHN!!! S-S-S-S-STTTTOP!!!!!” Her body was betraying her. Except for throwing her head side to side, Michelle was completely immobile, which made her all the more hypersensitive to the torture John was dealing.

Like a ruthless tickler, he paid no attention to her cries for mercy. In fact, he paid attention to nothing other than the body of ticklish flesh before him and the sweet laughter he induced. He was like a man on a mission, determined to push Michelle to her limits, and then push her even further. The focused, sadistic look on his face at that moment would be frightening to anyone that didn’t understand the wonders of tickling. And the more he tickled her, the more aroused he became. He knew it had the same effect on her as well. The tickling was driving her crazy, especially at that spot! Their heads were close together once again. Though it was difficult, Michelle took the chance to quiet her laughing and strained her neck as far as the bonds would allow her to kiss him. Maybe then, he’d stop. “Please, kiss me,” she begged with hunger in her eyes.

But John saw right through her scheme and pulled just out of reach, smiling broadly. “You can’t get out of this, Michelle.” He stopped tickling the crease above her legs and swiftly seized her tied ankles in his grasp. She must have grown more ticklish as the night wore on, hour after hour, because one touch on her tiny soles almost sent Michelle into another dimension.

“Oh nooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaahah. No John DON’T!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA.” The hogtie was proving to be quite wonderful, the tickler decided. She was unable to kick or protect her feet; they were his for the taking. He bent her toes back and skillfully dragged his fingers back and forth across the length of her foot. He sent one finger wiggling at the peak of her arch, scribbled all over the ball of her foot, then the heel. When he got to the instep of her delicate foot, he tickled first with his expert hands, and then began nibbling at it with his teeth! Neither had any idea that Michelle’s laughter could get any louder, but it did. “NOOOOO STOP THAT!!!!! AHHHHHAHAHAHA” John continued to tickle her soles with his tongue, darting in the little crevices between her toes, making her squeal in protest. “Oh, please stop. Hehehehehe. I can’t take anymore!!!”

“You can, and you will,” John stated. His hands returned to her upper body, finding every single spot he reached to be extremely ticklish. He began at the waist and wriggled his fingers about her sides, up and down, squeezing at the hips. If Michelle could buck, she most certainly would, but the bondage position prevented her from going anywhere. Instead, she just screamed with laughter. He went back down again to that special crease spot, just to torment her further, before tickling back up to her stomach and abs. Then, his fingers wandered up further to her armpits and the sides of her breasts. She giggled madly. Please don’t find the other spot, please don’t find the other spot, she prayed.

Interesting. If she’s so ticklish here, John thought as he poked again at the sides of her breasts, I wonder if

He had to try that next. His hands went back to her ribcage and tickled away. Michelle was relieved that he hadn’t tried to tickle under her breasts, but then, was it just her imagination or was he moving his fingers upwards? Oh no! John could feel that he was on the right track and getting closer; her laughter seemed to increase the closer he got to his destination. Then, it was as if he pushed her over the edge.

“OHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. NO DON’T DO THAT!!!!! STOOOOOOOP!!! HEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA.” Was she kidding? There was no way he was going to stop now. He prodded unrelentingly, sending all her muscles into convulsions. “HAHAHAHAH PLEASE!!!! NOOOOOO!!!” That spot under her breasts was a golden discovery. He tickled there for several minutes, going up to the sides again and back down to the underside. The rest of her upper body wasn’t ignored either. John tickled and tickled. Michelle screamed and laughed whenever he hit the worst spots on her body, which could now accurately be described with “everywhere.”

He finally stopped and untied her wrists and ankles. The two of them collapsed next to each other, worn out and exhausted. Tired though they were, the kisses that followed demonstrated just the opposite. They were hot with passion. If only Michelle hadn’t made him promise not to cross any boundaries. But she kept quiet for now, and they fell asleep.


Day 4

Was this his idea? Or hers? She couldn’t remember. All Michelle knew was that this position left her body unbelievably exposed. They were lying on the air mattress in the living room and John had decided that he was going to tickle her again. She was in her PJs which consisted of a white tank top and short blue cotton shorts. This time, he had her lay directly on top of him, both their bodies facing the ceiling. She had pulled her long black hair into a ponytail to keep it out of the way and laid her head to the left of his. John had tied her wrists together with the blue bathrobe sash and drew her arms up and under, placing them securely behind his neck. She couldn’t release herself from this bind since his head kept her from moving her hands anywhere. The backwards pull on her arms also elevated her chest slightly and she was completely pulled tight from her elbows to her abdomen. Ah, what a perfect position this was turning out to be.

John couldn’t give her lower body any means to fight back either. He slipped his legs in between hers and pushed them apart. Bending his knees slightly, he prevented her from re-closing her legs. He wrapped each of his lower calves up and over her left and right ankle, which were now spread as wide as she was flexible. Michelle pulled, trying to bring her legs together or raise them up. Neither worked. John was far stronger than her. He held her in that open vulnerable position for several minutes, watching her squirm futilely. The beauty of this was that he held her in his complete control and still had both hands free to do as they wished. She had no escape.

His hands stroked down the length of her arm ever so gently, crawling like a spider at times, then raking his fingers faster and faster. She squealed, already jelly in her tickler’s hands. He moved to the hollows of her armpits and dug in, squeezing the flesh at the sides of her breasts. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOO AHAHAHAHHEHEHEH OH MY GOD STOOOOOOP!!!!” Unfortunately for Michelle, she wasn’t going anywhere and John’s fingers continued their journey. He clawed at her sides and madly poked at her ribcage. “HAHAEHHEHEHE HAHAHHHHAHAH!!! NO PLEEEEEASE!!!!” Her torso was so stretched out and exposed for his touch; there was no inch of flesh that John left untouched. He went to her lower hips and began tickling away, being sure to wiggle his fingers into that crease of hers. It sent Michelle wild. As an attempt to get away from his tortuous fingers, she pushed her hips down and wiggled them as much as she could. The effect couldn’t be worse for her. John noticed that her chest rose when she did that, giving him more reason to tickle her ribs and tummy again. With this, she screamed and shook, trying to get away, but it was no use. He went right back to that V crease and her hips bucked again. He loved it – she was grinding her butt into him.

He stopped tickling her and began lightly stroking the skin on her inner thighs. Her laughter subsided into soft giggles intermixed with deep breaths. With her legs spread eagle there was nothing she could do to evade the teasing. John kept one hand on her lower stomach, lightly tickling whenever necessary, while the other hand remained just between her legs. He could feel how hot she was. And when his fingertips brushed over her, he could feel the wetness through her panties. She let out a sharp gasp as he touched her.

“Mmmm, you like this,” John said, more of a statement than a question. He started tickling her there through the thin cotton, teasing her pussy. Much to his surprise, she moved her hips to meet his fingers. If only he’d stop teasing her. Both were breathing hard when he slowly pulled back the cotton material and slipped his fingers directly into her, shattering the innocence of this poor girl.

“Ohh,” she gasped. This was getting to be too much. Her mouth was dry as a desert and all she could feel was the intense pleasure of being touched. His fingers glided around expertly, zoning in on her burning clit. “Oh God…” was all she could say. John had more to say however.

“I could turn you into my tickle slave,” he breathed into her right ear, still teasing her with his finger. “How would you like that? I’d make a dungeon in my basement and keep you there for a year or more.”
“A year…?” Michelle’s imagination went crazy trying to put that time frame into perspective.
“Yes. And your job would be to submit to me whenever I wanted. Your ticklish ass would be mine.”
She breathed even harder, not sure whether this was something she wanted to hear, but intrigued nonetheless by the feeling of losing all that control. Yes, she did want it. She needed it. She craved it.
John continued, “You’ll be in positions like this, though none of them the same, all completely exposed and helpless for me. And every day for a year, I’ll torture your ticklish body till you beg me to let you come. Yes my little tickle slave, you’ll be all mine.”
Michelle’s eyes glazed over, her lips slightly parted. She was under his hypnotic and erotic trance, imagining the pleasures he’d give her, all through tickling! “Oh, please…” she started, not knowing what she was trying to tell him.

He began to pick up the pace and rub her harder and faster. Pretty soon her hips were moving with his, wanting just a little more with every stroke. His fingers made a circling motion around her clit, watching her body move under his control. But he wasn’t finished tickling her.

More suddenly than Michelle would have liked, John unhooked her legs and flipped her around. He spread her legs again, now on top of her, the two of them both face down. Since his legs were between hers, she couldn’t close them or get away. Her wrists were still tied back behind his neck, leaving her underarms very exposed. John placed his fingers in her armpits and lightly brushed the vulnerable skin.

“No…what are you doing?” She couldn’t believe he was actually going to tickle her again.
“I’m not done with you,” he said. With that, John dove wildly into her flesh, tickling as he’d never done before. He moved about from her underarms to the sides of her breasts and to the area right under her breasts. Michelle went crazy again.
“HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD HAHAHAHAHHAA HEHEHEHE EHEHEHEHE JOHN STOOOOOP!!!!!! PLEASE!!! LET ME GO!!!!!!!” No way in hell was he letting her go, not now. She was driving him crazy, just as he was driving her crazy. The more she laughed under his tickling fingers, the harder he became. He pressed up against her with his hips, grinding into her butt and already stimulated pussy. But it was difficult for Michelle to laugh and concentrate on the pleasure at the same time. She loved the feeling though. He kept at it, tickling her to insanity while their bodies rocked to a sexual rhythm.

“Ahhhhhhh hahahahah. Ohhhhhh. Oh John, please. Please let me cum.” Just the words he wanted to hear. Still lying on top of her, he stopped tickling and his right hand went back to fingering her treasure spot. “Oh yes…” Michelle was so out of breath, her mind not even thinking straight, but she knew how wonderful this feeling was. John had meanwhile untied her wrists with his left hand and freed her from her restraints. As he took his weight off of her, she turned her body to face his, throwing her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his body. The kisses that followed were nothing short of explosive. They spent the rest of the night pleasuring each other, both filled with animal desire.


Day 5

“Would you ever come back?” Michelle asked hopefully, helping him pack up his things.
“I’d consider it,” he replied. It was quite an investment to make a trip this far west, but it had definitely been worth it to him. He just had to win a few more poker tournaments and he’d be at her door in a heartbeat, ready to take her again. “Next time though, we’ll have to get some real restraints,” he said further, “so I can really torture you properly. You won’t be able to move a muscle, and you’ll be in total submission to me.”
She smiled. “Sounds intense.”

Back at the airport, they hugged and said their goodbyes.
“Thank you,” Michelle whispered in his ear. John tickled her side one last time, making her giggle aloud.

Then, she got in her car and drove away. John and Michelle would never forget the amazing week they had together as dom and sub. Now, they just had to come up with crazy new ideas to try out for…next time.


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Great work!

I just wanted to take a sec to thank you for putting the effort into posting such a great story for us to read. I loved it! I loved the details, and the realism in this story. This almost seemed as if it were a true memory of yours, or at least someone you know. Either that, or its a fantasy that you'd love to live out. Either way, I found it entertaining and sexy all at once. By the way, Happy 1 year A!!!

Keep up the excellent writing! :wavingguy
Neat-o, person who's name i dont know! :angel: It was a good story. Cant wait for the second year anniversary! lol
Wow! Awesome story. Very good with the describing the scenes. I truly hope this gives you the confidence to write more.
Sultrybrunette said:
Wow! Awesome story. Very good with the describing the scenes. I truly hope this gives you the confidence to write more.

YEAH, definately best said..this story is the best that ive read yet. Great Job STG. Hope to read more!
If I didn't know any better I wouldn't have believed that was your first story. Very nice work.

I like the creative bondage at the end escpecially, one I'll have to try one day for sure. :D

STG....was this the story you were talking about on the chatroom? nice...
I'm glad you reposted this story, as it was a true joy to read again.

I loved the set-up and the motivation. A great story. :triangle:
STG after bringing up the story in the chatroom I had to take a peek. The whole weeks story was awesome. Damn good fiction story, but I dont know it had a bit of reality to it ;) :rolleyes:
you mean this story wasnt true???? omg i loved it. everything in the story is exactly what i would like, he said things i imagine being said to me in that situation. congrats on your one year anniversary, and please write some more. you have a great imagination and a way with describing which placed me right there .

isabeau :happyfloa :bunny: :happyfloa :bunny: :happyfloa :bunny:
thank you all for the kind comments! wow, i feel so loved, so warm and fuzzy inside! lol :redheart:

you have no idea how shocked i am to have over 2,000 views. i really haven't had time to write anything new, but i want to so much now! my imagination just runs with scenarios sometimes lol. but i would like to know what types of things people generally like to read. i think i'm going to stick with m/f stuff because i know more about it from that perspective, but what else?
-consensual vs. noncon?
-playful tickling vs. torture?
-feet vs. upper body?
-friend ler vs. stranger?
there's a million options i'm sure. but thanks for all the great feedback everyone!! :cool:

invisible ink: that's really encouraging, thanks! i'm glad the realism had an impact.

tscribe: i could say the same about your stories as well, which are very good.

corey: thanks! at least my name's not michelle, right?

sultry: it does, so thank you. i appreciate your comments.

navel: i'm flattered...but you should read more then! lol (and thanks for posting again, you must be re-reading it!)

mantis: hehe i've got a lot more creativity where that comes from! maybe i'll try the non-con stuff like you suggested.

macphisto: "hot" huh? wow, didn't know it actually had that effect. thanks.

dae: yup, this was it. funny, i actually feel more comfortable talking about it and stuff...

dave: this was the 1st time i posted a story, and i'm so glad you enjoyed it. thanks!

nontkl: that's nice of you to comment, i appreciate that.

ng02: glad you liked it. just too curious, huh?

isabeau: how encouraging to hear that. i'm so happy that the story was able to put you into the lee's place. being a lee myself, i focused more on her feelings than i did his.
not a problem for reposting it. Infact, I did re-read the story, I wasnt gonna, I just was gonna bump it so others got to enjoy, but i said to myself, Its too damn good to pass up so I read it again! Anytime I can help out a friend, I'll do it! Ill have to pop back on msn sometime so we can chat again. Later Supr!
Ottimo lavoro

Ho avuto modo di leggere solo ora la storia che hai scritto...
Ovviamente la lingua x me e' un po' un problema ma volevo farti i miei complimenti... sei molto brava
Ciao :bouncybou :bouncybou
What an amazing story. This was a joy to read, and sounded very realistic. Was this fiction? If not, you're a lucky girl. It actually reminds me of a recent experience I had. Anyway, I liked it.
loved this! i'd like to hear about another meeting between these two! VERY HOT!!!!
Ok I know it's selfish, but just wanted to bump up my own story. I haven't read this in a long time, but it brings back fun memories. :)

Hi old friends! Miss you all!
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