I'm a little surprised...
...Surprised that this discussion hasn't yet really touched upon some of the "qualitative" differences that exist in the tickle fetish experience at different age levels. I've had exciting and gratifying adventures in tickling at every age of my life, however the experience strikes me as being like a good wine; it gets better with age. At least to a point.
What was thrilling to me in my teens and twenties just wouldn't cut it now that I'm in my fifties. But looking back, I sure wish I had thought of a few things back then which didn't occur to me until much later. Accumulated experiences, insights, evolving tastes (AND expertise!), trial & error practice, ... and patience... all combine to make the later years' experiences much more compelling,.... more substantively intertwined with who I am as an adult human being,.... more creative certainly. When we grow, everything grows with us.
More importantly, when undertaken in an actual relationship - and I'm thinking of my wife - the shared experience becomes a fascinating mirror of the overall relationship,.... actually plays an important part in it, I think. And that is so much more rewarding than the nervous, often too hastily-contrived, sometimes comically out of control events of my youth. Don't get me wrong, now,.... there are a lot of metrics wherein nothing beats youth. I think those metrics are pretty obvious, eh?
So all you "youngsters" out there,.... you have good reason to be vastly encouraged. It's only going to get better.