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Female "Problems" on TMF

I read this post when it first came out, and didn't have any replies. I didn't say anything because I really didn't have anything to add at that point. However, scanning through the replies has caused a few thoughts to pop up, so I'll just give some of the random things that came to mind as I made my way through this thread.

To some extent, this is a 'lee/'ler thing as opposed to a male/female thing---though it IS to an extent a male/female issue. Lees probably do often exhibit different patterns of behavior when searching for lers versus the other way around. The reason should be obvious: if you offer yourself up as a 'lee, you are in a much more vulnerable position as opposed to someone who is offering to be a ler to someone else. If you are going to meet someone, and allow him or her to tie you down (assuming you're looking for a tickle session in which the 'lee is tied up, which most people here seem to be looking for), then you DO need to make sure you are comfortable with that person and trust that person. This goes for both genders regardless of which gender is doing what. I am saying this as a male 'lee. I will ler if I feel like it, but for the most part, I am a 'lee. I have been hanging around this forum in hopes of finding a cool female 'ler to play with, I'll admit. However, if I were to strike up a correspondence with one, I would probably want to chat for a while before going any further. In fact, I am not too sure that I would want to jump right into a tickle session the first time we meet, either. I may want to meet just for lunch, dinner, a movie, coffee, or whatever and get to know her before we did any "playing." I wouldn't draw it out for an unreasonable amount of time---let's be honest, at some point, you need to either trust or distrust someone---but I wouldn't want to rush right into it, either. I may be a guy, but that doesn't mean that I am prone to doing things that are careless, irresponsible, or flat out stupid---contrary to what some women seem to want to think. A woman may only be 5'0" tall and 100 lbs soaking wet, but if she has a guy tied up nice and tight, she can pretty much do whatever she wants---even if he is 6'4" and carrying around 250 lbs of rock solid muscle. That is not an accurate description of me, might I add---just using that to make a point. And I hope I made the point pretty clear. I don't want her to get me tied down and decide to do some other weird stuff, or walk out the door with my wallet, laughing all the way down the hall while I am left there tied to the bed.

Now, to some extent, it is a male/female thing. I may take some heat for saying this, but it sort of seems to me that, on average, men tend to enjoy the company of women more than women enjoy the company of men. By that, I mean that men will usually enjoy talking and chatting with women, in general making friends with them. However, women for the most part seem to prefer to hang out with other women. I think that's why you tend to see more women's clubs and groups versus men's clubs and groups. Now, I could be wrong (and to be perfectly honest, I kind of hope that I am), but from my observation of the people I have been around up to this point in my life, that is what it seems like to me. Then again, maybe it's just the people I have been around.

I know I've been kind of random--and I may have even gotten off the subject just a little. But those are just some of the things that occured to me as I skimmed through the responses.
Get Out

Stop looking at this forum as a place to meet the love of your life, or to meet anyone. For most of the participants, it's just a place to find jerk-off material. I know lots of people will pipe in with their holier than thou attitude about how this forum is a communtiy, support group, blah, blah, blah.... it's all a bunch of liquid CRAP.

In the end, this is just a place to exchange pornography of a niche fetish. That's it. Get it through your head.

Get off your fat ass, start running/lifting, shave, comb your hair, take some communicational skills classes if you have to, and go find someone in the real world. If you live near a city, you can attend speed dating events. You go to singles bars. You can start taking up interests/hobbies where you'll actually MEET PEOPLE.

Stop living your life on a fucking computer. This is not the answer. Get out.
Many here have stated Excellent Facts , TklCouple,Ticklkitten and I agree. My 02 cents on the matter is that I live in a small town with majority of the residents in their 60's and Older and the TMF is a Outlet where I come to chat,meet others who also love Tickling and I would retiriterate Tklcouple words that if Someone is sincerely interested in meeting others in person,Attend a Gathering If you can... Gatherings are held all across the country so I don;t buy the excuse "it;s too far", I live in on the west Coast and I travel across the Country to attend a gathering for a 3-4 days usually over a weekend.. I am not Rich,I work full time but if I can save money as I do to attend Gatherings,I believe Anyone Can if they are determined!...
ON another note, I used to be so anxious,over eager to meet others who share the same love of tickling,being tickled that I would consider meeting someone in person one on one and not have the network of a Safety Net . From listening to one particular friend who I have met in person from the forum ,she opened my eyes and since that discussion,I have made a rule to myself that I will not meet anyone one on one basis .
Honestly.... I haven't had a problem meeting females on the forum. Females who are even willing to play. But a lot of time and discussion goes into each one. Girls aren't all the same. They are individual. You have to find out what drives that particular person.

i.e.We have guys on here who love feet.... but not all the girls on here like their feet played with. This does not mean she is "jerking you chain" it just doesn't happen for her. That's okay. Keep the lines of communication open and situations like that will be less likely.

More honestly: I just wanted to see my user name under a thread entitled female problems. I'm funny like that.

Even more honestly: I was hoping some of these girls might PM me also.

That's enough honesty for one day.
Illtcklu said:
Honestly.... I haven't had a problem meeting females on the forum.

You're a pretty good example of what can happen when a guy is nice, respectful and courteous to women. Thus, no female problems! :)
FINALLY !!! I get a great reply and it makes sense.

This reply from TklCouple is a good example of what "Thoughtful" adults
can accomplish if they just read someone's post without being narrow-
minded. Thank You.
> Now , I want to say this. I was told that I shouldn't come in here
and right away start looking for a Lee. That I should try to make friends
first and that our common interests would lead to tickling if it was going
to happen at all . So Twice , I posted that I will write a customized poem
for any Lady in here , or any guy who wants help with a poem for his girl.
Just PM me and give me a topic for your poem. HOWEVER . . . I got
no response at all , just the same as I got when I asked for a Lee.
>>> Any more brilliant ideas ???
I'm not trying to be a wise-ass , I am just a reasonable guy trying to
understand this community.
>>> AND , BY THE WAY . . . I have met and tickled a very nice Lee
who is a member of this site. We had a few lengthy tickle-sessions over
the course of a few days , and it turns out that we were not perfect
for each other , but it was fun and we were still friends after I flew back
home. I approaced her the "Wrong" way that everone is scolding me
for doing , but she didn't get all bent out of shape. We had phone
conversations for a few weeks and we arranged a meeting in her town.
So . . . take this into consideration when you say that my approach
will never work. There may be room for improvement , but it does work

tklcouple said:

Allow me to clarify that I was not pointing to you or anyone in particular having their hands in their pants but rather that if one expects to have some bombshell email you out of the blue with a burning lust to fulfill your tickling desires that one has a better chance of hitting the lottery- twice! That said I do NOT think that is what you implied that you expect when you made your post and in fact I think that there are a number of people who share your feelings in some form. I do also think that sometimes (perhaps not you, but frankly I do not know you) we guys can be very naive and socially retarded as regards the fairer sex. The comment was a satire, so please do not take it either literally or personally.

Secondly, my point about not giving time or response to people jerking you around has to do with a response to when people deliberately act with deceit and manipulation - the very thing you complained about! What I am responding to here is an idea you posted, not an attempt on your part to be manipulative and deceitful. In fact, I would venture to say you were being very honest and seeking an open clarification. Had you been posting just to be a selfish, malignant boor I would have likely disregarded you. If in fact that was what you were doing and I missed it then was in error and decent discussion took root anyway. If anybody is jerking you around, they are not worth your time or aggravation, no matter whether you are here or anywhere else. That is all I meant by that - plain and simple.

So don't take to personal heart any satirical comments, fellow ticklephile, as they were not directed at you personally nor any one individual. As to the time spent on this - this is a subject worth a little time if it helps us understand one another a bit better.


Professor Tkl
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2tickleU said:
Hello Everyone ,
There are MANY females on TMF , who are saying things like this:
1. It is my fantasy to be tickled.
2. I wish that I could find a Ler.
3. I am so ticklish , but I hardly ever get tickled.
4. Maybe some day my tickle fantasy will come true , a girl can dream
can't she ???
5. Tickling turns me on , when I can find a willing partner.

>>> Unless these are just a bunch of Teasers who like to "Yank Our Chain"
every single day , there are too many willing Lers out here for these
ladies to go on being "Unsatisfied".
I have always been very passionate about tickling and I am self-employed
and single , so my schedule is my own. I will go anywhere , invite any
nice ticklee , or do about anything that it takes. I have had many woman
in my life , but none of them were what I would consider as a really good
ticklee, even though most of them were beautiful and lots of fun.
>>> LADIES . . . here is my proposal. Message me and tell me what's
stopping you from getting the perfect tickling whenever you want it.
Or . . . just walk up to any guy you like and tell him that you can give
him the "Sensual Jackpot" of a lifetime , because any woman who craves
tickling is just "Off The Hook" when it comes to passion and he would
be a lucky guy. Michael Jay

"I wish I could find a nice guy."

nuff said.
Im a female, well anyway I am extremely shy so i havent had a boyfriend or a guy friend, i have nothing against guys just shy around them and i get annoyed with my shyness and i know it really isnt safe meeting people on the internet but for some reason i keep thinking this is the way to meet guys which i know is stupid. Also i have a tickling fetish and like to write stories those are the main reasons im on here i didnt come on here in the first place to look for a guy but then i was getting guys asking me if i was single and etc and then they started asking if i could meet up with them and that they would like to tickle me, i havent been tickled by someone on this forum yet who is in the same country and city as me but i have meet someone (i mean on here) from the same country and city as me and he seems pretty nice but i could wrong so im abit nervous to meet him and also the distance is putting me off abit as im not confident when it comes to driving on the motorway or road i havent been on and etc. Anyway I do want to be tied and tickled by someone, like i have this need to be tickled but because of my shyness and etc it probably wont happen but i would like to experience getting tickled by someone either someone from here or someone i eventually meet in the future not from a tickling forum:)

Anyway i do agree what the guys are saying about fake woman but im not trying to be one of them but i probably make myself sound like those woman, i do really want to find a male tickler and get tied and tickled. I want to experience it. I think it sucks there are more male ticklers in america than in new zealand but anyway what im trying to say is some of these woman are probably shy and nervous about meeting up and getting tickled, im shy and nervous but would like a guy friend or partner in the future that also had a tickling fetish as i sort of hate and like tickling and i have tickling on my mind and i dream tickling lol. I sound crazy dont i lol, anyway since im shy and nervous it would take me awhile to finally meet a tickler but it doesnt really mean i dont want to be tickled or that i was lying to him because i do really want to experience getting tickled while tied up and i want to be tickled for more than a few seconds, the person i have meet on here and who i might meet face to face knows im totally shy and understands why im taking a long time to to met up with him, hes been very patient with me which im happy with.:)

Anyway im sorry for the long random message but i am extremely shy and nervous but i would deffinitly like to be tied and tickled by someone, tickling is fun, i also would like to tickle someone while they are tied up. I also wish i could feel a feather on my bare soles. These things i wish for and and wish it would happen so tickling would be off my mind lol but im not trying to be fake and I dont like to lie about me, i would tell the truth about myself and i dont like to lie, its wrong to lie.

I hope i havent offended anyone and if i have im sorry and i dont want to start a fight im just saying that im not trying to be a fake woman on here im just extremely shy and nervous but really want to be tickled as it is on my mind and it is driving me crazy but if i dont find or meet a male tickler then i will just let it go and wait for my perfect man to come along in the future. :)

Once again sorry for this long random message, just felt like saying something but i didnt want to start a fight and that i do agree with the guys about there being fake people on the internet and that it is wrong.
It really is a safety issue.

To many men here seem unable to grasp this basic concept,which leads to a shortage of female lee's. :(
there IS a difference....

TaraToes25 said:
Seriously, stop focusing on the "fetish thing" and asking yourself if it is too weird, adn will women reject it... i personally attest that my firends and i, not all of us, but most love to have out toes sucked and nibbled, or even to have our sides tickles gently while making love...it's ecstacy.

Ha ha......I understand what you are saying, Tara, but for better or worse, I am what I am, and it is what it is, and I always tell ladies about my laugh/tickle/ foot "fetish", or "paraphilia", or whatever the appropriate term is of the day, if the subject arises....

If the topic of our personal "quirks" come up in conversation with a lady acquaintance or date, I always tell her of my fetishes, and I have never received a reaction worse than ardent curiosity....perhaps it is just in the way it is presented.....

But I just prefer tickleplay with ladies into the "tickle thing", over "vanilla" ladies......and believe me, the difference between tickleplay with a lady REALLY into tickling, and one that is "just curious" can become readily apparent when that "kinky battery operated tickle toy" crawls out of the tickle bag under its own power.....the lady with our "tickle fetish" gets that "cheesy" grin on her face, while the "vanilla" lady jumps out of your bedroom window, screaming and hopping away down the street still wearing your leather ankle cuffs!..... :manicd:
Stugots said:
Dude...it's a good thing you're financially stable, because you're going to have to pay for a lot of quality female attention and stimulation.

What are you talking about. You fork out cash no matter what your situation is. If you in a dating relationship your paying for dinner, movies, b-day gifts, valatines day stuff, and annaversry crap. Try dating a woman and not spending any money on her, and see how long she sticks aroud... yeah about that long.
Slaver Said it All >

Slaver is exactly right .
Women usually expect a man to pay for everything.
For me , if she is a kind lady , this is no problem.
Hawaii , shopping , swimming , gifts , dining out , etc.
as long as when we get home , I can snuggle-up to
a ticklish woman and please her for hours.
Wow and all this time I've been trying to spoil my guys to the best of my ability. Maybe I should stop doing that... I think it's getting me no where! :p
GirlsDoIt' - What ???

Dear GirlsDoItToo ,
I mentioned that if I had a ticklish female to snuggle up with ,
that she could have Hawaii , shopping , swimming , gifts , dining out , etc.
Then your reply says that you have been spoiling your men all along
and it was getting you nowhere.
Yet , in your profile you say that you have all of these things and more ,
so what gives ???
Would everyone look at her reply , then look at her profile before you
argue with me . That way we can settle any duspute.
2tickleU said:
Dear GirlsDoItToo ,
I mentioned that if I had a ticklish female to snuggle up with ,
that she could have Hawaii , shopping , swimming , gifts , dining out , etc.
Then your reply says that you have been spoiling your men all along
and it was getting you nowhere.
Yet , in your profile you say that you have all of these things and more ,
so what gives ???
Would everyone look at her reply , then look at her profile before you
argue with me . That way we can settle any duspute.
Wow, have we not heard of sarcasm?!

sar·casm /ˈsɑrkæzəm/ –noun
1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

Everyone here knows me, thus knowing my relationship status and in turn would all find the humor, sarcasm and irony in that post along with many of my other posts. There is no argument and there is no dispute, so there is definitely no need for you to direct everyone to my profile. To clarify, the fact that I am happily taken and that I have been spoiling my men to the best of my ability and saying that is isn't getting me anywhere is a joke in itself. Meaning, it obviously did get me somewhere. Thanks for playing.
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Then what's the problem?

2tickleU said:
>>> AND , BY THE WAY . . . I have met and tickled a very nice Lee
who is a member of this site. We had a few lengthy tickle-sessions over
the course of a few days , and it turns out that we were not perfect
for each other , but it was fun and we were still friends after I flew back
home. I approaced her the "Wrong" way that everone is scolding me
for doing , but she didn't get all bent out of shape. We had phone
conversations for a few weeks and we arranged a meeting in her town.
So . . . take this into consideration when you say that my approach
will never work. There may be room for improvement , but it does work

So, then, what are you complaining about? If you think the approach works, I don't see the problem here....
Hey Morpheus

I said that there may be room for improvement .
I said that I was disputing what everyone else told me
when they said that it would NEVER work.
You are just like the other "Snipers" in here
who don't read the post before you complain.
Some of these boys should honestly try to act like men before trying to pick up women.

Honestly, the way some of you guys are reacting, I question your ability to socialize with the opposite sex in real life.

Women don't like pushy men. They definately don't like men with just sex or physical contact as the primary.

You need to show her who you are. That takes effort on the internet. It takes patience... you want to tickle someone, make them laugh and let go and go wild. Who would let a stranger do that? Who would want to succumb to someone they don't even know?

Learn some patience, some manners, and learn to become someones friend before trying to become their mate before you even know their real name.

I've had a few people PM me, wonderful women on this forum who I respect as writers of fiction, and contributers to this forum. They PM'd me, because I showed them who I was before I barged down their door. It took me, oh, about 6 years, to earn that, just a bit of effort.

However it's worth it, every bit of it, because these are people I want to KNOW, to be friends with...novel idea. So when I meet them at NEST or in a coffee shop at Barnes and Nobles or some crazy thing, I feel like I've met that person.

They're real women gentlemen, treat them as such...they deserve it.

...except for the oddball guy pretending to be a girl, in which case beware. ^_____^
GirlsDoItToo said:
You're a pretty good example of what can happen when a guy is nice, respectful and courteous to women. Thus, no female problems! :)
It's working! Then I'll keep the con going!

*tips hat* And I thank you for those nice words milady! *bows*

Want me yet?
Hey Guys . . . look whose calling us out !!!

Off topic
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I agree wit the prof....

I can only speak for my friends and me; we are pretty vanilla, relatively normal and sexual, and we love to have our feet touched.... sucking, nibbles, tickling is all very, very exciting foreplay... and more. Even bondage is vanilla... i love my hands tied and like a guy to be a little rough...

Viva the "TickleThing"

jaba said:
Ha ha......I understand what you are saying, Tara, but for better or worse, I am what I am, and it is what it is, and I always tell ladies about my laugh/tickle/ foot "fetish", or "paraphilia", or whatever the appropriate term is of the day, if the subject arises....

If the topic of our personal "quirks" come up in conversation with a lady acquaintance or date, I always tell her of my fetishes, and I have never received a reaction worse than ardent curiosity....perhaps it is just in the way it is presented.....

But I just prefer tickleplay with ladies into the "tickle thing", over "vanilla" ladies......and believe me, the difference between tickleplay with a lady REALLY into tickling, and one that is "just curious" can become readily apparent when that "kinky battery operated tickle toy" crawls out of the tickle bag under its own power.....the lady with our "tickle fetish" gets that "cheesy" grin on her face, while the "vanilla" lady jumps out of your bedroom window, screaming and hopping away down the street still wearing your leather ankle cuffs!..... :manicd:

I see your points... and i hope you have feathers in your little box of toys! I also grin when i see a feather or another "toy" heading toward any part of my body... i prefer guys to talk about what they are into... I have neen told by guys that they "like my feet" but no one has ever said "I like feet" to me. Or I like tickling... normally it either happens or not to me when we become intimate... One way to move it along a bit with men i like is to ask them to come for dinner... if i meet a guy at my door barefoot and with a fresh pedicure (and i seem to look good in jeans too) then i will know between drinks and dinner if he wants to tickle me.... flexing my toes while we're talking is a subtle hint, or stroking my own sole if my legs are folded under me is a hint too, but less subtle... One guy i dated a few months back saw me tickling my own foot while we talked on the couch, and he said it was the sexiest thing he had ever seen... Isn't that funny? This was a Friday night and he left Sunday AM...

Yes, he liked my feet, and tummy, and sides, and butt, and armpits, and ..... he was great! And he had a gf on the West Coast... his feet were very ticklish too by the way.... he told me his gf sucks his toes but i made no suck offer. No sucking a guys toes until after a month of passion.... tickling his feet can happen on the first date though in my dating rule book!

bb, Tara
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