Buttons was my first cat......I adopted him August 29, 1995, twelve days after my mom died. He was a healing to our entire family by giving us someone to love as we went through the grieving process. He was the only adult cat the shelter had that day and my daughter wanted nothing to do with kittens.
In our 16 year friendship, he was there through many ups and downs including:
The ending of my marriage
My children leaving home way sooner than they should
Getting two degrees
Buying my first home on my own
He was surrogate father to the many kittens that passed through my temporary kitty foster care system, and was a partner to Brownie, Bobby, and Baby (now named Timmy).
Buttons was 18 years old and died at 12:54 pm today. He will be sorely missed........
In our 16 year friendship, he was there through many ups and downs including:
The ending of my marriage
My children leaving home way sooner than they should
Getting two degrees
Buying my first home on my own
He was surrogate father to the many kittens that passed through my temporary kitty foster care system, and was a partner to Brownie, Bobby, and Baby (now named Timmy).
Buttons was 18 years old and died at 12:54 pm today. He will be sorely missed........