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Interview With Yaqi

About the article and Yaqi's statements....

:sowrong: NO COMMENT!!! :sowrong:

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slacker2114 said:
1. I never thought highly of Yaqi. He always struck me as nothing more than a pompous egomaniac who felt everyone should bow down and kiss his ass. Just my personal opinion.

I don't know of Yaqi too much but I saw him on Stern once. He seemed to be making a fool of himself by thinking he was God's gift to whatever. My impression of him pretty much matches your opinion.
MadKalnod said:
Now, if I were a borderline sociopath with a narcissistic streak that made Michael Jackson look like St. Francis of Assisi

Ummm......Frank was shorter and had darker skin than MJ now does. :p

Concerning the mainstream adventures of yaqi,let's see:

A show on MTV,which you have to know when to view,with one episode
that you have to know about to view,on a cable tv network that many don't watch.........I rarely ever see it at all.

A few episodes of Stern,viewed in this area on a small cable station
late at night.

One main network show,one you had to know about to view,one episode you had to hunt for,viewed in this area at 2AM.

Somehow,this doesn't sound like some major mainstream achievement.It is the start of something new,but it's like comparing minimum wage to CEO salary and saying you're on the way.
Ode to Yaqi... :angel:

The exalted Mister Yaqi,
Is really rather whackqi,
much like the chief Iraqi,
Who is named Saddam Heussein.

Although like us he's sorta kinqi,
His view of us is rather stinqi,
He needs to chill and eat a Twinqi,
Because his ranting causes the rest of us no pain.

Unless this interview was tongue-in-cheeqi,
Putting it on another site was not too sneaqi,
For eventually to us it would leaqi,
And relations it would strain.

I thought the interview was merely kooqi,
But some found it rather spooqi,
But sure as my Bike is a Suzuqi,
Someone certainly sounds insane.

Perhaps it's just a little personal quirqi,
Like the crank calls by the Brothers Jerqi,
But I still think he's a turqi,
For flushing his business down the drain.

Now if the mods are feeling cranqi, :p
They might see this as a flame and give me a spanqi, :whip:
But I'll indulge in no hanqi panqi, :Kiss2:
To get my post to remain...

Ok, that's enough... My head hurts! :imouttahe

Holllyyyyy Crap asutickler....i was'nt going to even post in this thread , but now i have to. That was a masterpiece. Your a poet and just did'nt knowit. Masterful use of the "qi" as well. Thanks for the laugh.

Have to second Primes comments asu...beautiful...just beautiful...

ASU, I always knew you were a clever little pup, but that was INGENIOUS! WTG pal, WTG!

Mimi :)
His comments smack of the Napoleon Complex.
He certainly does have delusions of grandeur if he
thinks he is even close to the tickler that TIB is.
Yak had a few really ticklish girls that he blew it with as
he 's little more than a poker and prodder.
Considering I've never seen so many edits on a post not involving the Shriners, I'd say it's safe to say that people feel a bit strongly against yaqi :rolleyes:
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Aw, jeez! Stoppit, y'all! You're making me blush! :blush:

Thanks, though! :p

Boy does he know Kujman!

Originally posted by MadKalnod
This is what's so interesting about Yaqi and Kujman's Manifestos. They seem to be the ones most guilty of the crime of which they accuse the entire TMF: Not having a life beyond their fetish.

You are so right! Having lived with Kujman for almost five years now, I can divulge that all he does is tickle. All day and night, 24/7. When he's not tickling me, he's tickling the neighbors. Then he tickles the cat. Then he goes out to the backyard and tickles the robins' big red breasts! When the animals are all gone, he goes out into the street and drags passersby into our dungeon, strapping them to the bench and tickling them senseless. When there aren't any joggers to kidnap, he sits on the livingroom floor and tickles HIMSELF silly. It's a real sight to see!

Both have all but stated that Tickling (Capital T) is the center, be-all and end-all, of their existence;

This is correct also. When Kuj rises in the morning, the first words out of his mouth are "Thank God I'm alive and tickling!" Then I really get it! After tiring me out, he goes back into the dungeon and rakes the helpless soles of the kidnapped jogger until she passes out. Then off to the office where he logs online and posts to TMF like mad-- as you can see, his posts are EVERYWHERE. He tries to answer every single thread at least twice. Take a look, underneath his name it says "1st Level PURPLE Feather" (That's even higher than RED FEATHER, you guys!) He just can't get enough tickling! In between posts, you'll see him in the chat room, talking away about his favorite subject and soliciting meetings with anyone who answers his IMs. And those that don't answer, well.....he just hunts them down.

And remember those several months when Kujman wasn't online? People thought it was because his father died, but that's not really true. He was actually flying all over the country (and overseas) to meet ticklers. He has been seen at the Memphis gathering, Hyena, NEST, CHEST, WEST, Ohio, Mid-west Nest, Arizona, Italy, London, Tokyo, Afghanistan and who could forget the wild stories generated after the first Russian gathering-- RuST?!

that all acts are to be judged solely on the basis of whether they advance or retard their personal vision of Tickling;

Boy, you hit the nail on the head there. Kuj and I saw "Road to Perdition" the other night and I said, "Boy what an actor that Tom Hanks is!" Then Kuj said, "Yeah, but he hasn't really done anything for the tickling cause lately has he?"

and that their having made some tickling videos and tossed some scraps to the insatiable Crotch-Potatoes is a mark of moral superiority.

Are you kidding? He's done WAY more than that! He INVENTED tickling. He is immortal...no I mean literally, he was hanging with the cavemen in the Stone Age and he actually taught them how to tickle!!! The rest is history.

They brag about being "Open" about their fetish while others hide in shame. Unfortunately for them, however, there's a big difference and a thick line between "Being open about one's sexuality" and "Being confrontational about one's sexuality." I admit that I enjoy tickling and feet if asked, but I don't make it the first piece of personal information with which I introduce myself.

You're telling me! I can't tell you how many times I've introduced him at parties as "Kujman, the inventor of tickling" and he just HAS to correct me with, "Actually Honey, I'm inventor, creator, sustainer and proprietor." It's so embarrassing!

Kujman and Yaqi, as well as the Crotch-Potatoes above, seem to think that Tickling is the most important criteria by which all decisions should be made, but it just doesn't trump all of their unsavory characteristics.

Boy, you sure know Kujman. I wish he could have seen this post before he flew off to Washington this morning to hang out with the President. He's getting a bill passed that makes all non-consentual acts of tickling exempt from assault and battery violations. (For those of you who are wondering, the First Lady's most ticklish spot is the small of her back! Kujman found that spot himself! Isn't he cool?)

THIS IS NOT A FLAME -- I agree with the guy %100!!! :smilelove:

Toni aka TickleGal
Krokus said: I see my post was deleted. How could you defend that Ego maniac??? You know, the "Golden Rule" is reeeeaaaalllyy starting to piss me off.

This deserves an answer.

The golden rule is not designed to defend any one individual. It's in place to defend the atmosphere of the forum in whole. Thus it gets applied across the spectrum of posters regardless of who gets defended by it in any one given application. This is regardless of if the person who benefits from the defense is someone who has been positive or negative towards us elsewhere, or here in the past.

Your comments were direct insults. Thus the basis for flames. Thus removed. Period. You've been here long enough to know the drill. Direct insults don't tend to last long.

A lot of this thread has walked the fine line of being removed, and as you can see it's been edited more times than any other that I can remember. Time and again we've removed directed insults, and tried to preserve opinions. Flame free does not equal opinion free, but it's a line that many have a hard time seeing.

Here is an example:

"Myriads is a fucking idiot."

That's an insult. It's flame bait (or could be if I cared) it will be removed under the golden rule.

compare to:

"I think Myriads is a fucking idiot because he always edits my posts"

That's a crudly worded opinion. While we would prefer users to be a bit more civil in stating an opinion, it's still a valid expression of an idea that is more then an insult. There is a point to debate beyond simple feelings. People can discuss and debate the merit of why my editing makes me a fucking idiot.

That's why opinions that look insulting often stay on the forum. They are valid discussion points. We do kill them sometimes though, simply because some folks use their opinions as flame platforms. It's a judgement call at that point, and it's why we have a thread removal process to be sure that the calls being made by mods are good.

As I said above flame free does not equal opinion free.

Discussion and debate are good, it leads to better understanding between people with different views, and it needs to be fed with ideas and informed opinions. Argument is bad and divides, and we will take away it's fuel so it will find no home here. It's that simple.

Be well,
gig1965 said:
His comments smack of the Napoleon Complex.
He certainly does have delusions of grandeur if he
thinks he is even close to the tickler that TIB is.

Totally agree with this point. Put aside his cruel comments and everything and just look at Yaqi. What you have is a guy who really is not a very good tickler at all. From the clips I have seen of him he kind of turns into a freek when he starts tickling and kind of pokes and prods in a painful way with his knuckles. And his face gets a really weird frightening look on it. For being the king of all tickling, shouldn't he kind of know how to tickle first????????????????
I read this thread when it first was posted. I got real pissed off too but signed off instead. I was gonna rip Yaqi a new one but my anger has long passed.

Such arrogance is his to own for himself, it's not the first time I've read such self love since another thread going on.

No flames here (raising my hands up) I just appreciate the true heroes of the tickling community, the ones that say little mostly... but also those that continue to contribute when there is little thank yous given.

Stay on your little island Yaqi, we prefer non-backing stabbing compadres.

I can't really believe this thread. Sure I don't like what Yaqi said, but i'm not gonna drag him through the mud and make myself feel horrible. It's not worth all of this. Around 5 pages of saying that Yaqi's an idiot. So let him be one. I ran across this forum when it started on ezboards. I don't even think it had a post on it yet. Back then the forum was truly peaceful, abundant. If Yaqi would have made this comment back then nothing would have been said about it. People spending thier time just to verbally abuse someone. I do know that there are some people who are just like what Yaqi described. Those few are sad. The fact that almost every video produced has people asking for a sample, it gets repetitive after awhile (I know this subject has been talked about many times before). People think children are cruel for they don't really know what they say hurts so much. Well if they are cruel then many people who replied to the article are ignorant. Nothing was ever solved by retaliation. Sure Yaqi's article made me think less of him, but seeing the flame-free TMF drop to this, over a silly article of a man who thinks a little to highly of himself. He is right that the forum has gone down hill somewhat. Maybe not to the point that he said, but it has gone down. Now I know I am probably posting this in vain, for many will not even read this, and many more won't care. But think back on all of this. Those of you who have been here for what seems forever, think back of the older days, like when this was an ezboard. This never happened. I feel worse about the fact that there were so many negative responses then what Yaqi said. Worry about what people call you will just put you to an early grave.

Im just sorry that Yaqi feels that way.
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I gotta say; readin that post of Toni's really annoyed my neighbours, because I kept falling on the floor every time I laughed! :blaugh:

People can say what they like about different actions of Kuj's in the past, but if any of the rest of his videos are like the first one I saw, then he's gonna be a millionaire from sales to me alone! The guy's style is eviiiiillllll and torturous, (in the nicest possible way of course:dogpile: ) and I've never seen a sole assault so concentrated and heavy. I know little or naff all about what went on when he had his original bust-up with the TMF, and perhaps I am lucky for that. It allows me to see his material without any bad feeling left in me. Long may that last.

With Yaqi, it's not really the same. Sure the guy's had more than his fair share of women in hysterics and his tickling is only minorly inferior to mine, ( :D ) but listening to that Graham Norton voice of his drives me nuts. I've never owned a video of his, but I've seen him in action a few times and that alone (without considering his attitude to "crotch-potatoes" such as myself :dogpile: ) is enough to make me look elswhere.
Myriads said:
Krokus said: I see my post was deleted. How could you defend that Ego maniac??? You know, the "Golden Rule" is reeeeaaaalllyy starting to piss me off.

This deserves an answer.

The golden rule is not designed to defend any one individual. It's in place to defend the atmosphere of the forum in whole. Thus it gets applied across the spectrum of posters regardless of who gets defended by it in any one given application. This is regardless of if the person who benefits from the defense is someone who has been positive or negative towards us elsewhere, or here in the past.

Your comments were direct insults. Thus the basis for flames. Thus removed. Period. You've been here long enough to know the drill. Direct insults don't tend to last long.

A lot of this thread has walked the fine line of being removed, and as you can see it's been edited more times than any other that I can remember. Time and again we've removed directed insults, and tried to preserve opinions. Flame free does not equal opinion free, but it's a line that many have a hard time seeing.

Here is an example:

"Myriads is a fucking idiot."

That's an insult. It's flame bait (or could be if I cared) it will be removed under the golden rule.

compare to:

"I think Myriads is a fucking idiot because he always edits my posts"

That's a crudly worded opinion. While we would prefer users to be a bit more civil in stating an opinion, it's still a valid expression of an idea that is more then an insult. There is a point to debate beyond simple feelings. People can discuss and debate the merit of why my editing makes me a fucking idiot.

That's why opinions that look insulting often stay on the forum. They are valid discussion points. We do kill them sometimes though, simply because some folks use their opinions as flame platforms. It's a judgement call at that point, and it's why we have a thread removal process to be sure that the calls being made by mods are good.

As I said above flame free does not equal opinion free.

Discussion and debate are good, it leads to better understanding between people with different views, and it needs to be fed with ideas and informed opinions. Argument is bad and divides, and we will take away it's fuel so it will find no home here. It's that simple.

Be well,

Not a bad lead in!
I posted a comment in support of a good point made by Venray. I just checked to see if there was any further discussion and noted that both Venray's comment as well as my response are missing. Given that both more than complied with the Golden Rule, may I presume that we are experiencing technical difficulties? :confused:
Havsoker said:
Not a bad lead in!
I posted a comment in support of a good point made by Venray. I just checked to see if there was any further discussion and noted that both Venray's comment as well as my response are missing. Given that both more than complied with the Golden Rule, may I presume that we are experiencing technical difficulties? :confused:

I 'spect you're correct, Havsoker, in that there's no record of any mod yankin' your post in this thread. On behalf of the capricious tendencies of network databases, I do apologize, sir. If I'm mistaken about this mistake, I'm bettin' a fellow mod will correct my correction.

dvnc said:

I 'spect you're correct, Havsoker, in that there's no record of any mod yankin' your post in this thread. On behalf of the capricious tendencies of network databases, I do apologize, sir. If I'm mistaken about this mistake, I'm bettin' a fellow mod will correct my correction.



Thanks for the reply. Just thought I would bring it to your attention.

I am reminded of a high tech variation on an old saying that I saw on a poster several years ago: "To Err is Human......................but to really screw up requires a computer". I've been the cause of such things more than once! :)

Havsoker what was it that you said? Type it again for us? If it disappears again than you know its not technical difficulties. :)
The post that Havsoker refers to was in a different thread. That thread was removed in total due to being flame bait. His post was not part of the problem, but was removed with the rest of the thread.

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