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NEST: I miss you all more than I can say


3rd Level Green Feather
Mar 8, 2008
Lee: First and foremost, thank you so much for your time and effort into putting on such a memorable event. I don’t even know how I could go to another NEST and top how amazing I felt at my first one. You’re kickass at this gathering stuff, completely fluid with the hotel’s mistakes, getting my bigass quote to fit on my nametag, and pretty much running the behind-the-scenes like a MADWOMAN. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Pokey: I could not have asked for a better road trip partner. Thank you SO much for inviting me to ride with you. (Also thank you to Tortuga and Darkhand for their offer!!<3) We had a blast and I would NEVER say no to doing it again. You’re the nicest man I have ever met, and the most at peace with themselves. I was so glad to hear you had a wonderful time at NEST. See you at the wedding!

Skipadeedoodah: Wife, I don’t even want to know what my life would be like without you in it. I’ve been telling people you’re my other half!! You’re the best friend I could ever have, and it’s ridiculous how close our sense of humor is. I loved spending every minute with you that I did, and wished I could’ve multiplied that by 1 billion. I can’t wait to see you again! COME TO MY HOUSE THIS SUMMER PLOZ. I can’t wait until Bella’s to see you again. :(

Euphoricy: Wife Dos, you’re ridiculously beautiful! Lyz described our living quarters as “the hotel room throwing up clothes.” I think I found your pants in the shower!! And I didn’t take them out and showered anyway!! (Sorry, bad friend.) Session. Next time. We’re penciled, you hot mamacita.

Zach: I was trying to use everyone’s screen name since I don’t like my own real name being used, but for the life of me I have no idea what you’re screen name is! So now you’re Zach. I loved hanging around you because you crack me up to the 20th degree times 1 million and 4. <3

Tklee88: Homygod. I can’t even believe that pre-NEST we never spoke. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? You’re an amazing human being. You’re beautiful and talented and WHY THE HELL DIDN’T I HAVE THE COURAGE TO SAY HI AT BELLAS?! We became married so quickly…IT ALL WENT SO FAST! I LOVE YOU, WIFE TRES!

Entangled Mind: Dude, we make the best car riding team EVAR. It was ridiculously fun and your car is our new steed. And thanks for being my bondage partner in the class! We make a devious bondage scarf pair.

Natural: Holy shit Chun Li is going to make you cry, and Lee WILL be getting a hold of you. Thank you for the wonderful massage, and treating everyone to humoring us yet again with the best birthday EVAR. I don’t think I’ll ever forget how amazing that night was. And for the record, no, I haven’t practiced yet. HAVE YOU??

Korastus: Hey peanut, I hope you came out the other side this weekend, smiling and thinking good things about it! It was wonderful to see you, annnnnd we need to share more music. NEXT TIME I’m bringing my laptop and showing YOU artists. But we probably have all the same stuff since literally everything I mentioned, you had!!

Kraziedog: HUSBAND. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSBAND. Dude. You do the most ridiculous shit that has me laughing weeks or MORE after you do it. The infamous Cookie Tits will live on for ETERNITY! AND you’re the only person in the entire world who would be so friggin amazing as to buy me crab rangoons!!! <3 We need a hangout…pretty much nao. :(

MusicRoxMySox: Lover, your dry humor delights every inch of me. “Hey, shutup, he’s trying to talk.” YES!! You make the most wonderful cuddlebuddy and I’m very sorry I broke all your ribs. Next time I’ll try for less than half!

Slacker: Holy shit, I can’t even believe you thought of me enough to remember to bring the scarf so we can take pics! And Wife and I are like that all the time, we don’t need booze for our cruise. :D You are so mother effing funny I don’t even know WHY we don’t hang out more than we do. Next time it’s ON. Ploz…

Falcon: You are a real sweetheart. I’m glad we finally got to meet one another, and thanks for a great and funny session! Must do again! And next time anything you say can only be in the Peewee Herman voice. And then? NEVER AGAIN! LOL I hope everything worked out okay with “the happening”. So just hoping everything is okay. :)

CapnMad: What can I say, we love the same things! TABLET DEMO STILL NECESSARY. I’m sorry we didn’t session. We’re penciled in for next time. And thank you so much for being my karaoke buddy! I feel as though…WE ARE AN AMAZING TEAM! Also being my car buddy…and NEST intro buddy…and…what weren’t we buddies for, really? LOL

Big Dogg: What can I say sir, but you were the newbie I hung out with the most-est! And what the hell ever happened to Bullshit?? I’m guessing it was my fault…but still. LOL. You are such a sweetheart, I can’t even fully express it in words. BEST CUDDLER AND FOOT MASSAGE ARTIST EVAR! Make it to more gatherings, ploz? Booty-full. I miss you in the worst way.

RobAce: Robby Bobby! Cabana Bob! Thank you so much for being the sweetest person ever! Literally every time I saw you, you were running around like a chicken with your head cut off either helping newbies get acquainted, getting people drinks, giving the girls gifts, guarding doors, setting things up, DJing…YOU’RE A HUMAN HURRICANE!! Thank you for making it a wonderful experience. See you at MI hopefully!

DarkHand: Hellllllooooooo nurse! It was WONDERFUL to see you again! And sir? You win the award for the best shoulder massager in the HISTORY of mankind. If you ever find yourself in a desperate situation, hire yourself out as a masseuse, because HOLY SHIT. SKILLS. PS: Can we session next time?

Tortuga: Can I just say, I didn’t see you much but I wish we hung out WAY MORE?? You looked RIDICULOUSLY beautiful and so happy. :) And I can’t BELIEVE I missed your guys’ class. Whatever your next one is and WHEREVER IT IS, I’m going to sit like Voyeur-Skippy and watch.

Subtle_Feather: It was awesome seeing you again! Did you and wife plaayyyy….THE GAAAAAAAAAAAAME?? :D I have entrusted you with the crow call, be wise and use it well, for it shall aid you in your hour of need. See you soon!

Amnesiac: You crack me up, oh expert o’ the camera! :D Good eye on the native, btw. (My students usually ask me if I’m Japanese.) We didn’t get to talk much because I was prancing around like a fairy, but hopefully we’ll get to talk more next time!

FilthyWeasel: I cannot express to you how sorry I am that you didn’t sleep that first night. LOL. I’m sorry for my excessive body heat, my laughing anytime Skippy said ANYTHING, and also for my boobs in your back. It was unavoidable, truly. BUT WE ALL MADE GREAT CAR BUDDIES! AND BUNKY BUDDIES AT SKIP’S! And it was a trip listening to your siren song when you were in the shower. :D

NG02: If I aim a camera at you, GETCHO SHIRT OFF YO FACE! You must flash me a dazzling smile and possibly even wink! Why did we not talk more? MUST FIX!

FireGuardian: WIFE QUATRO! I HEART YOU TO THE NTH DEGREE! You are so fucking adorable it should be ILLEGAL. You make ME want to turn ler on you just to see your reactions. :D:D And you looked so beautimous in your sexy Sunday garbs. I cannot WAIT to see you again!!

Kered: You are the smoothest talker I know, and IT WORKS ON ME EVERYTIME! *Swoons* I want to get to know you better!! Next gathering ploz!

Baldadonis and Sasaxrah: I wish I got to hang with you both more. Bald, I had no idea you had such mad karaoke skills! And Sasaxrah, please teach me the ways of Guitar Hero. <3 Hopefully I’ll be able to get to know you both more next time!

Kassilei: I have to hand it to you, that karaoke thing? Stroke of effing GENIUS. And somehow you managed to pick the coolest place ever. If we ended up in some skeezy open bar, I would have practiced karaoke denial. But no, OUR OWN PRIVATE ROOM WITH TRANSLATIONS AND WEIRD KOREAN VIDEOS!! It was RIDICULOUSLY amazing and hilarious all rolled into one burrito. I heart you mamacita!

BrucetheShark/Bella: I loved seeing you both! Bella you looked drop dead damn GORGEOUS in those heels. Can I just repeat that I want them and am jealous? Red is thine color. Also Bruce, AMAZING SESSION! My eyes have been opened. More please at Bellas…?

Alchemy: Why is it the first time we talked was in the restaurant?? And why did we only talk twice? JESUS, MAN! LOVE the shirt. Love the conversation! Must do again, you mad scientist, you. :D

AsuTickler: It’s okay…a lot of guys have that problem. If you see your doctor, there IS a pill. :D AND AGAIN. HOW DID WE NOT END UP TALKING. RAWR. MOAR NEXT TIME. NO PLOZ’s. NAO.

Kittentoes and Libertine: You both have an amazing dynamic that would make the gatherings less without you. I felt like I walked out of your class as a bondage genius with a scarf specialty! I can’t wait to see you both again!

And now it’s like a million hours into the morning and this is a million MORE pages long, so I really do need to clip it down, but a mass shoutout to:
Viper and Sapphire

We’ve all met before but I barely got to speak to ANY of you, suffice a hi or just a wee bit more. Tjack and Kilitinko, I’m SURE I’ll speak to you both more at the MI gathering if you plan on continuing going. Kayaker, it was good watching the weather with you! LOL. Viper and Sapphire, I think I saw you both that ONE day when we spoke, and then I didn’t see you anymore! Where didja go?! Jpie, I wanted to talk to you more and then didn’t get the opportunity! Or was too chickenshit when I did! :D You look beautimous in your dresses, and surrounded by at least 3 guys at a time. YOU DAMN FOXY MAMA!!

And then one more mass shoutout to:

Thelemitian – Great talk on bdsm! LOVE the accent! :D

CrystalLight – Baby, I REALLY wanted to spend more time with you than I did. But I think it ended up being NEST syndrome where we end up getting lost wanting to talk to the people we haven’t seen forever and a day. So if it’s alright with you next time I see you, I wanna boobytrap some of your time.

Gigglemaker – Said hi to you a few times but we didn’t talk too much beyond that. But you seem like a WONDERFULLY sweet man. And someone told me later you have the energy of 10 20 year olds. And I believe it!

Impaler – Holy shit, I could tell seeing you interact with others that we’d get along FAMOUSLY, but then…we didn’t interact! WHAT HAPPENED?! LOL.

ReIgnS – What can I say about hanging out with you, but that again, I’m chickenshit! LOL. If you plan on going to more gatherings, we’ll definitely have to talk more than just saying the obligatory “Hi”.

SnailShell – Sir, we MUST get to know each other better at future gatherings. You seem like a real sweetheart. :D

TexasTickler – It’s a shame the first time we said hi was when we said bye! Everyone had NOTHING but AWESOME things to say about you. Hopefully you’ll be going to future gatherings and we can talk it up!

Tickle_Emperor – You. Are. SUCH A CUTE PEANUT! I’d love to talk to you more!

Lamashtu – Anyone who can wrestle Natural and kick the shit out of him on the hotel floor gets pretty much 1 MILLION a pluses in my book. THE BEAST! I don’t even know you and already I can tell you’re AN AMAZING WOMAN! MUST TALK MORE!

BrightEyes – I had literally EVERY intention of getting the nerve up to walk up to you and start a conversation, but again…-sigh-…chickenshit. So NEXT TIME I REALLY WILL. And now that I’ve typed this it has to happen. I might have to give you something Hello Kitty though as an ice breaker. :D

Venray and Raya – It was great meeting you both, then I never saw you again! Next time, we chat! :D

Classy – You crack me up EVERY TIME I SEE YOU! The guys LOVE to rip on you but you just smile, look at them, and say something snappy that makes them all laugh and love you more. I’d love to hang out with you more at future gatherings.

Bratgirl – You and Classy looked like two halves of a whole! We really only ended up seeing each other/chatting on the couch that first day. But I look forward to seeing you in the future!

Ann and Drew – And again, I think the only time we saw each other was OUTSIDE the hotel when you first got there! Lovely to meet you!

Milagros – Ahhhh, the famous Milagros! Wonderful to meet you!

Camel: You are so adorable it should be illegal. And we talked so little, but I wanted to talk so much more. :( Next time!!

HDS – I honestly think we WOULD have chatted more had you not been FLYING EVERYWHERE WORKING YOUR TAIL OFF! Honest to God I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a person doing so much at a gathering in my life. Every now and again I’d hear, “He’s bringing things in, then setting this up, then helping with that, then…” Holy cats man. If I CAN talk to you more the next gathering, I’d like to.

In closing, there were others I wanted to mention, but as bad as this sounds, I have NO IDEA what your screen names are. All I can picture are your faces and our conversations! I kind of did a cheat to remember screen names and look at other’s shoutouts. LOL. So my DEEPEST apologies if I missed you somehow. It’s truly not my intention.

I love you all like a close family and the readjustment from coming back has been one of the hardest things I’ve experienced in a long time. I literally have to keep myself busy every moment so I don’t drive myself crazy missing everyone. I hope you’re all doing wonderful and I shall see you soon.


The Inappropriate Librarian:justlips:
Kraziedog: HUSBAND. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSBAND. Dude. You do the most ridiculous shit that has me laughing weeks or MORE after you do it. The infamous Cookie Tits will live on for ETERNITY! AND you’re the only person in the entire world who would be so friggin amazing as to buy me crab rangoons!!! <3 We need a hangout…pretty much nao. :(


The Inappropriate Librarian:justlips:
I'll love ya till the earth dies. When you come visit my home, bring the cuddles and I'll supply the rangoons. The fact you signed off like you did just made it total win! :smilelove
Need. To. Go. To. Library. Now!!!!!

Missing you more than you know my lovely Harem #1A. Yes MI is in the cards, will be EPIC!


aka only for you Robby Bobby
I miss you so much, my lovely wife. I love you so hard!!! ps....what is this game you speak of??? Lmao! ily!

Big Dogg: What can I say sir, but you were the newbie I hung out with the most-est! And what the hell ever happened to Bullshit?? I’m guessing it was my fault…but still. LOL. You are such a sweetheart, I can’t even fully express it in words. BEST CUDDLER AND FOOT MASSAGE ARTIST EVAR! Make it to more gatherings, ploz? Booty-full. I miss you in the worst way.


The Inappropriate Librarian:justlips:

and you were the person I hung out with the most-est: it was so awesome to even have be'en in your presence but to watch how close we would become as the weekend went on... I cannot put into words how much you mean to me. The Bullshit fail was replaced with the Llamas Without Hats FTW.... CARRRRRLLLLLLL!!!

I know I will see you again, I couldn't imagine me not doing so. ;)

and I thought it was INNAPROPRIATE LIBRARIAN... your hat said so! :p :D
I miss you so much, my lovely wife. I love you so hard!!! ps....what is this game you speak of??? Lmao! ily!

Oh you know, that one I gave him and winked at you both mentally and said..."Something for you....TO PLAY TONIGHT!"
and you were the person I hung out with the most-est: it was so awesome to even have be'en in your presence but to watch how close we would become as the weekend went on... I cannot put into words how much you mean to me. The Bullshit fail was replaced with the Llamas Without Hats FTW.... CARRRRRLLLLLLL!!!

I know I will see you again, I couldn't imagine me not doing so. ;)

and I thought it was INNAPROPRIATE LIBRARIAN... your hat said so! :p :D

Caaaaaaaaaaarllllllllll that kills people!

and I thought it was INNAPROPRIATE LIBRARIAN... your hat said so!

It was a typo, damnit!!!! LOL
i was so honored to meet you, talk to you, get to know you and spend time with you over thew weekend, Bast. you have my heart, always!! thanks for making my weekend better and just for being the totally fucking awesome person that you are!! take care of yourself and stay safe!! keep in touch, too!!! :headbang:
Kered: You are the smoothest talker I know, and IT WORKS ON ME EVERYTIME! *Swoons* I want to get to know you better!! Next gathering ploz!

Smooth talker? No, just telling the truth. You are beautiful and soft spoken. So beautiful that grown men shed tears after being graced by your enchanting smile.
Purr, you can come hang and talk to me anytime!! And I LOVED your outfit the night we went to Nifty Fiftys. Want to talk about hot! I want one just like it! You were a blast and I did see quite a few guys by your side as well! :)...
Wife, I love you so much. I'm so glad you had such a good time, but I'm sorry it's making you feel so shitty after :( Move to PA. You'll never feel ronery again!! :ily:

I heard that you were around, but I was so busy meeting sooooo many people.:sigh:
I don't know about flying ... maybe hobbling everywhere. :p

All I knew of you before was that you were wife of many of my friends. Now I know the face behind the wife. :D It was a pleasure to have met you, if only briefly. From what I saw, it looked like you had a grand time and helped many folks have a grand time as well, both excellent. Next time, if I manage to slow down, we shall have our chat. :)
Too shy to talk to ME? Are you fucking kidding me? You
sat next to me for a half hour while we all dicked around
with Would You Rather? :D I'm so approachable. Get over
it! :slapfight: :ily:
Love you can have my ribs to break anytime, I don't need them.

Miss you hardcore and you best come visit. :)
It was an absolute pleasure. Hopefully we won't have to wait another year to do it again. I might just have to try to make it out to other events!
Wow now thats a thread.......I think you named just about everybody that registered this year.....good work. Well my fire breathing beetle spawn imma save my comments for my rundown I plan on doing after work tomorrow(well today) and running stadiums(FML!!!!) yayyy!!!!!!
You beautiful, amazingcal bitch. I heart you so hard. Next time we shall have many o' conversations and it SHALL BE GRAND.

Love you. <1234
They weren't my pants. xD

Seriously, you're amazing. Favorite rooming buddy evar. I love you, Wife! Next time there will be major pwnage. <3
Ummmm, hang on...you're apologizing for the boobs in the back? You were awesome to hang out with. I feel bad that I sorta ditched all you guys. Can't wait to see you again next time dahling.
Ummmm, hang on...you're apologizing for the boobs in the back? You were awesome to hang out with. I feel bad that I sorta ditched all you guys. Can't wait to see you again next time dahling.

We spooned for half the night and you didn't even know it. LOL. Forced spooning on pullout.
It was *awesome* to hang with you, and Bruce is still talking about how much fun he had with you and how ridiculously gorgeous you are ;)
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