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NEST, I Saw Things, Seriously.


Dec 27, 2001
I can't tell you how amazing NEST was. And I admittedly didn't even take advantage of a lot of the things there was to do either. A rainy weekend in Philly put no damper on the festivities. I saw amazing people again, I met new amazing people, and just had a good time like every human should get to experience at least once in their life time.

I saw things.... seriously...

I saw an amazing hotel with such a cool atrium with comfy couches and chairs to lounge in, into the wee hours of the morning, filled with relaxing, great conversation, and tickling. Yes, tickling, in public while other guests roamed around, some repeatedly, clearly interested in what they saw. Each "normal" guest, clearly the outsider in our world, NOT the other way around.

I saw a dedicated NEST team, put on an event of epic proportions. This event was well executed and if mistakes were made they were minute, or so small and insignificant, as to be overshadowed by the absolute joy of the world that was created in that "tickle cave" of a building.

I saw a lost sheep, in a random place, longing for his family. This sheep was surviving on it's own, but allowed to really grow as it accidentally found it's family. He was surrounded by his own, and welcomed home. Welcome again Michael.

I saw a black man have two birthdays in two days. I didn't think it was possible in the universe in which we share, but it happened.

I saw a fantastic workshop put on by the legendary Libertine and Kittentoes. I wish it had been filmed and put on dvds for those looking into the world of beginners bondage. Thank you both for your time all weekend, not only at that workshop, but for DM'ing, the demo, the theatrics, being there to answer all questions, and just being friendly, welcoming people.

I saw ducks. Seriously, ducks, in the hotel. They roamed freely, "talking" to us as we occupied couches a mere 5 feet from their ponds by the bar.

I saw
a man dressed as a moth......seriously, no, really.
I saw the most AMAZING suite-mates a guy could ask for.
I saw Catchphrase become one of my favorite games of all time.
I saw two people take a chance to reach out to talk, and become two people I'm now very fond of.
I saw my "little" sister come into her own, do things she once said she'd never do, push her limits, exceed them, come back for more, and learn a lot about herself. So proud in many ways of you.
I saw someone so close to me, travel from soooo far away, when they could have gone many other places, but chose Philly, simply for the fact we were there. Love you so hardcore.
I saw the Lean of Extraordinary Gentlemen induct 3 new members.
I saw so many trips down stairs and outside to smoke, that ran you into "the smoking crew" where memories were made through stories, visiting, and just sharing space under the sky together without tickling....well there was some tickling out there too. ;)
I saw the longest drive in the world to nowhere, lead us somewhere; to kickass cheese steaks and phenomenal milkshakes.
I saw Ruby Tuesdays take entirely too much time out of my life, regardless of what we ordered. But with the company I shared it didn't matter. It also hosted an awesome farewell party.

I saw so much more, seriously. For a play by play of the days, check Bagelfather's thread. The above were a few things that stood out at the time of writing this. This may be edited for things as they pop up. I always love to give a few shout outs to people that helped make, change or enhance my weekend. It's never a complete list. Writing these things make for a tired brain, a reminiscing and nostalgic brain, and a longing for wanting to be back there. So if I forget anyone, forgive me.

LeeAllure & Team NEST- Lee, Max, all involved, you put on a show to be envied. I was blown away by all there was to do, see, and experience. Your hard work and dedication shown through brightly like a strong light on a dark day.

Rhino - To the "Enforcer of the Lean", you have quickly grown into a great friend. I should have known we'd be making epicness from the start when we randomly were assigned the same shuttle to start the weekend. We basically did everything together, from workshops, to dinners, purveying the lean, to speaking the word of "The Bits". You are awesome my friend in every way.

Sidrablem - You have a great head on your shoulders, and opening up instead of shutting down to look for answers shot you straight to the top of the list in my respect book. You are a great guy and fun to hang with and I can't wait to see you and do it again.

Mammers - "OMG I so got pwned!". Your words babe. You were nothing but a blast to destroy for... the fruit writing fiasco of '09. (3,2,1, CLEAR!):firedevil: On a serious note, you guys joining us Sunday night was one of the highlights of the weekend for me. I hope it helped. You are a sweet and fun person and I look forward to hanging out again at the next gathering. Remember, you have friends going in next time to, "lean" on. Oh and don't lose that ler twinkle in your eye, even if it doesn't work on him 99% of the time, that 1% still makes it worthwhile. ;)

Chey - So glad you were able to come and it was a blast to hang out again. Thanks for Sunday night, it also was really fun, and I've missed it. Congrats again on the big step you took. I'm happy you enjoyed it.

Karate Girl and Sanhael - It was fun having you two around. While we didn't get to talk very much, it looks like you guys had a good time. KG you gave the main event room a run for its money. Glad you guys could come.

Falcon - While we didn't really hang out and talk, it was good to meet you my man. We will catch up next gathering.

RobAce - Rob we're friends outside the forum and after having your back keep us from meeting in Ohio and Albany, I'm so glad we were able to finally meet here. You have a big heart and are appreciated.

Tortuga - You know what? I'm so glad you stayed Monday night instead of hitting the road. Cuddling with you on the sofa bed and talking and watching tv together was another highlight of my weekend. I saw a side of you I love. You has an awesome. :)

Euphoricy - Always great to see my cotton gin. I'm glad you reached out to share what was on your mind. I've missed you and we'll see where it goes from here. I can has a duck squeek! Take care of yourself sweetie.

Venray and Raya - Both of you guys rock so hard in my book. It is always like having family there when you two are around. Thanks for being you....*dances on Raya while staring at Ray". :D

Bella - Always great to see you Mama B. I'll soon start making calls to the hotel in Ohio and getting things moving on that front and let you know.

IrishGirl & Kretelis- I was glad to achieve two things I had on a to do list. One was meet Lil Rob and the other was to meet you. You are as sweet and beautiful as everyone has always said. Thanks again for introducing me to Keane in a round about way and remember to delete your "starred websites" from Firefox when you get home to solve your problem. lol Stay sweet. K you are just as cool my man and you guys make a great couple. Next time you come for a visit to Bald and I's suite we'll have to put down the pawning of Sarah to actually talk. lol You guys stay cool!

Lite and Kwill - I missed you first time around but had to come back and edit my post that I put together at 3am. You guys are such lovely people. Eating dinner with you guys day one provided the now legendary, "Hey Chris, look straight ahead" *SMACK* bwahhaha. Every time we crossed each other it was still funny. Both of you are beautiful people.

Libertine and Kittentoes - Epic bondage class. Thanks again for all the helpfulness with anything anyone had questions about.

Rui - Sir you rock and I'm really glad you came up and hung out with us on Monday. You are a really kind guy and you know what the gathering is all about. See you again in the future.

Tim and Emily - Two sweet people that I'd love to get to know more at another gathering in the future. You guys were always warm with a greeting anytime you were passed. Take care you two.

Little Rob and Laura - Holy smexy man sauce! You are too awesome for words. Laura you are beautiful and always were able to make me snap my head back when you were wrestling with someone on the atrium floor because it always "looked" like a real fight, and most of the time you were winning. lol You guys are awesome.

HDS - You have a good heart A-rod and are always a pleasure to be around. You keep that smart head screwed on tight and don't change.

Tamia - Tamtamtamtamtam! Yaaay I finally get to meet you. You keep holding down the OK and I'm going to do the same here and eventually will split KS. lol You are beautiful and a sweetheart.

Amnesiac - Good to finally meet you Amnimaniac. You are as wild as you come off on the forum. Hope to hang out and yap it up some more at a future one when you aren't video taping the whole time . lol

Skippy and Homer - Yaaay for graduation!!! And then to come back to NEST to continue partying was just awesome. It's always a blast to hang with you two!

Classy - My little cawwfeee, dawwwgie, sawwwwce maker you. You are too sweet to put into words and I had a blast with you Sat night on the trip to nowhere and making you scream to the sounds of Dave and Pat telling you to shut the hell up while they tried to make us , unlost. lol Talk to you soon.

Natural - Happy birthday big daddy!!, Twice! And THAT my friend is how we roll. Seriously cutting up with you was a blast and the updates can never stop now!

Artoo - Ru I'm so glad you were able to come man. You always had a smile on your face, and catching up with you in the smoking area was always cool.

NG02 and Vinnie - Both very cool guys who are always smiling and looking to have fun. You guys rock. And as Sarah said NG, I'm still wearing the bracelet.

Kered - My Curator of the Lean. It was so nice to finally meet you Kered. You are every bit the nice guy in person that you are on the forum and it was truly a pleasure.

Music and Chaneda - We never did really just kick back and hang out but it was still a blast to meet you guys. Mel you've always been a positive influence on TMF Radio as a listener and contributor and a cool person. It was nice to finally give ya a hug.

Jo - *joeyjoeyjoeyjoey* Thanks for being you. That 10 minute talk Sat morning, IS part of why we are who we are. Hope to see more of you next time. Seriously. :redheart:

DVNC and PennyLane - Thanks for all you do D in and out of the forum.
It's always a blast to talk to you and Penny and I'm excited to see you down the line, probably at Bella's birthday.

Impaler - Numero uno as far as the Upright Citizens Brigade goes. We've gotten a lot closer in the last 3 gatherings and it seems where there is one of us, there is all of us, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Hanging with you is ALWAYS a good time man...... by the way, look straight ahead. ;)

Pat - Man your Philly driving skills are top notch and the ride to nowhere Sat made for history. Thanks for toting us around. You are a scholar and a gentlemen.

Slacker - My co founder of the Lean of Extraordinary Gentlemen. You are truly a solid guy in every way in my book man. I spent more time with you than anyone else and for good reason. It was a blast being in the same building with you again and look forward to doing it again first chance we get.

Katie - I missed you sooo much and could not believe that it had just been a month and a half since we seen each other. You ROCKED NEST 09 and were "mascot" in my opinion. You were like a little kid on a toy shopping spree! I was blown away by the amount of people that ran up to me within 20 mins of you getting there and saying "OMG I love Katie, seriously!!!!" All I can think of to say is "duh, you are all seeing what I've been knowing since Aug". It was so fantastic to see you again Herna and I was so proud of you all weekend. If anyone milked out every drop of fun out of NEST, it was without a doubt you. I love you so much.

Dave and Sarah - Both of you already know. Dave, when you aren't around, half of my family is missing. Sarah, you continue to be one of my favorite people in the entire world, and saying goodbye to you today hit me harder than any other goodbye to date. Don't either of you ever change and I look forward to the next gathering we rock together as suite-mates.

Sanna - Not sure where to start on this one. You. Are. Epic. It's been a great year for us both, especially in that it brought our friendship into each others lives. I can NOT tell you enough how excited we were that you chose to spend your visit to the US to see us. Having you here really made my weekend like you'll never know. Hanging out with you at almost every turn made the weekend such a blast. I think you are an adorable, funny, sarcastic, mischievous, and loving person. There was rarely a time that we weren't laughing. Playing with you as both a lee and ler is too much fun to be legal. As a lee, you are a blast, and as a ler, well, you rightly pwned my ass, and that took a lot on both parts,and that will always mean a lot to me. Thank you for being the awesome friend you always are every single day. I love you a lot and you'll always have your own special place in my heart. AHH's is proud of itself. :rowfull:

Blood, Rupert, Morgan, Christina, Jonathon, etc that I didn't get to hang out with a whole lot and so many more, and I still know I'm forgetting people. You all rock.

So NEST was everything I thought it would be. Fun, loving people, there to have a great time, and a great time we did have. All along the way, I saw things.... people waving, people smiling, people laughing, people hugging, people crying, people tickling, people loving, people talking, people sharing. At NEST, I saw things, seriously.

"Of course it's raining, because the day itself is sad. Even the sky is crying" ~tklee88(Katie) on the weather while hugging people goodbye at the end of NEST '09
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*lowers head in saddness*

Im gonna miss getting to see you and the rest of the "smoking crew" every time i walk outside....

great post of such an epic weekend
Awesome post, my brother... It was SO good to get to see you and hang out again. You're one of the friendliest, coolest, biggest-hearted guys I've ever met, and its an honor to count you as one of my friends.

LXG for life!
It was great to finally meet you, too, brother!! Some people were a little scarcely seen this weekend but that's ok. The opportunity to finally meet you was good enough for me. Now I can say that I finally have. Take care, bro, and glad you got home safe!!!
*lowers head in saddness*

Im gonna miss getting to see you and the rest of the "smoking crew" every time i walk outside....

great post of such an epic weekend

What Mike said.:)
I HAZ A LUV FOR MY HERNAS!!!!!!!!!! OFINOENIFOQIBFOIENBQ:OFIQOEIFHNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get so giddy reading all of these threads! :D I love you, big bro!
it was good to finaly meet ya did not get to hang out put u seem like a real cool dude mayby next time
I'm in the LXG!!! I feel so honored. And I want to make tshirts.

Love you so hardcore.
Such an awesome review, such an awesome weekend! It was great meeting you too, you're such a friendly (and apparently perceptive :lol: ) person! :D
Kraziedog....how could one not love you! You are such a sweet man and I am always happy to see you and get a big hug from you!
Jay! I wish we had found some time to chill. You are a total sweetheart and you give awesome hugs. :)
Tell it on the mountain, my brother!!

For real, this past weekend was nothing short of epic. And hanging with you made it all the better. You're my brother and I can't wait to hang with you again. But if you pull one of your "I'm not coming" stunts for NHLee, I swear I will beat you to death with Mondy.

Keep leanin', bro.
Awesome times. It was great meeting you too. There will always be next time, and remembering the good times had before. We're tearin up the town next time.
Chey - So glad you were able to come and it was a blast to hang out again. Thanks for Sunday night, it also was really fun, and I've missed it. Congrats again on the big step you took. I'm happy you enjoyed it.

Jay, you know I love you! You're one of my favorite people ever.
Sunday early Am with you was tons of fun! Miss you already! *hugs*
Brother, twas brilliant as ever. Wherever next, it'll be good times, as they were before. :)
It was great to see you again. And again we didn't get to hang out too much (so sad) There was just so much going on. I want to see what ever pictures you took. Make sure you send me some. I an't wait to see you again

I'm sorry that I didn't make a lot of time to spend with you. I love you and want to thank you for that talk and for putting up with me. :)

- Jo
A post this great only could be read one way. Leaning the laptop. Jay for the first time I truly see what I missed the past couple of gatherings I could not go to. You are a great guy and an awesome friend. I must have done something right down the line. Talk to you soon bro...and thanks for keeping me up so I wouldn't fall and keeping it on the DL. I do appreciate that more than you will ever know.

It was awesome meeting you too! Hopefully next year I can win more then one fight though :p lol. Peace ^^
Broke my vow to live life without regrets...

:objection:I will never forgive second year law school finals :sowrong:for keeping me from a NEST gathering so enjoyable as to prompt a thread this full of joy, celebration, and the fondest of memories:community:. Look out for me next year people, I will be wearing a raid shirt with "NYvice" on the back, so run up and say hello:wavingguy--it will be my first time there!:woot:
Sounds like you had a great time baby! I'm glad the lean of extraordinary gentlemen shpiel took off! hehehe
Wow, seriously cool post, dude.

You have no idea how much meeting you in person exceeded every imaginable grand expectation I had going in. Welcome to the world of NEST "oldbies." See you nest, I mean, next year.


Wow, seriously cool post, dude.

You have no idea how much meeting you in person exceeded every imaginable grand expectation I had going in. Welcome to the world of NEST "oldbies." See you nest, I mean, next year.



I don't mean to hijack here,but it was great seeing you and Lite again.:yourock:
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