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Old Man Orville's Farm: Part III (M/f, Adult)

Black Widow

TMF Poster
Oct 20, 2009
Orville's Farm III

Part I can be found here
Part II can be found here

Cassie finished her chores by bringing in the four Belgian horses from the pasture, where fresh oats, hay, and water awaited them in their cleaned out stalls. On her way out of the barn, she hit the lights and was startled to see the sun hanging so low in the west.

“Holy cow! Is it that late already?” she wondered aloud and dashed into the farmhouse to get a quick shower before running off to meet with her best friend, Lilah.

The hot water felt amazing streaming down her aching, toned muscles after a hard day's worth of chores. Remembering that she didn't have much time, she rinsed away the shampoo from her hair, begrudgingly turned off the soothing water and quickly towel-dried herself. With her long, dark lashes and clear complexion, she needed no makeup. To avoid having to dry her hair, she just fixed it back into a french braid and tied off the end, which rested between her shoulder blades. She fumbled through her panty drawer and slipped on a sexy black thong, followed by her favorite pair of short, daisy duke shorts; full of snags and rips which showed how long she'd had them. She didn't bother with a bra, which she rarely wore anyway. Instead, she just flung a thin light blue tube top over her head. She pulled the stretchy material down until it lay as low as it would reach; right at the level of her navel. With a quick glance out her 2nd story bedroom window, she saw the brilliant colors of the sunset starting to form. Rich hues of reds and golds, along with a brilliant splash of magenta and periwinkle made for a breathtaking sight. Cassie smiled and ran down the stairs, quickly stepped into her black calf high boots and kissed her grandmother goodbye as she ran out the kitchen door.

“I'll be spending the night at Lilah's tonight, Gram. I'll call if anything changes!” Cass called through the mesh window as the door closed loudly behind her.

“Have fun, love, and be careful.” called out her grandmother as she rocked in her chair and continued knitting.

Cassie reached Mr. Morris' cornfield in no time. She was excited to meet with Lilah, as they had planned before the ornery Perkin's boys chased them through the cornfield earlier that morning. Since the incident, she hadn't talked with Lilah, but assumed she was safe at home finishing up her chores as well, and she looked forward to laughing with her best friend about how they'd once again evaded the redneck morons who lusted after them. Cassie waited about 10 minutes near the entrance to the trail which led to their hangout place by the spillway, but Lilah didn't show.

“Well, I am a little late in getting here. Maybe she already started up the trail thinking that I didn't wait for her.” Cassie thought, not entirely loving the fact that Lilah may have gone up the trail alone. Her friend was a lot more naïve and trusting than Cassie. She always teased Lilah that she would be the ideal kidnapper's target, and Lilah would laugh and retort that with Cassie's smart mouth, any kidnapper would pay her grandparents to just take her back.

Cassie started up the trail, walking a little more hurriedly than usual. The wild birds were flying about and chirping as they were settling in for the night. A couple of squirrels were chasing each other up and down a few tree branches before disappearing from sight in an old hollowed out log of a long ago fallen tree. After about a mile, she reached another trail hidden by several low hanging pine tree branches, which she and Lilah used to get to the spillway. As she pushed back the branches, she got a sudden spine tingling feeling that she was being followed. She also realized the chirping birds and chattering woodland creatures of the forest were suddenly ominously silent.

Cassie looked around for a few seconds and inspected the woods around her before pushing past the branches and cautiously proceeded down the trail as fast as she could walk without running. As she carefully stepped around roots and plants that sometimes grew so tall they jutted out into the trail, the sound of a snapping twig from behind prompted her to take off at full speed along the fern bordered path. She ran for at least half a mile until she arrived at the old stone bridge which offered passage over the flowing creek below. She decided to take a chance and hide under the bridge to catch her breath and see what – or whom – was following her.

Cassie crossed the bridge and quickly kicked off her boots, leaving them behind a boulder in the tall grass near the creek so they wouldn't get wet. She quietly tip toed into the cool stream water which came up to her mid thighs, and ducked her head as she stepped under the bridge, putting a hand over her mouth to keep quiet as she sucked in much needed air to refill her burning lungs. It wasn't a full minute before she heard the several loud, fast footsteps slapping on the hard, stony surface of the bridge above her. It sure as hell wasn't an animal, and whomever it was, they weren't alone. Cassie pressed her back against the cold stone structure to support her shaking knees and risked peeking her head out from under the bridge to watch her pursuers continuing at full speed along wooded trail. There were 3 tall masculine figures, though it was hard to tell for sure as they were covered head to toe in black clothing with ski masks on their heads.

It wasn't 30 seconds since the first 3 figures passed before another set of footsteps were sounding from above. Only this man, dressed like the others in mysterious dark clothing, stopped at the end of the short bridge. Abruptly, he looked out to the right at the bubbling creek, as if he'd heard something. Cassie caught herself before letting out a gasp, and with her hand still over her mouth, she jerked quickly back under the cover of the bridge before he could see her. He traipsed down the little dirt path which led from the bridge down to the creek. Cassie didn't dare to move in the water, afraid to risk being heard. She saw his shadow approaching as he drew nearer to where she was hiding. Seconds felt like hours, then, in the distance, someone let out a whistle. After a few more deliberating seconds, the man turned and ran back up the trail in the direction where his fellow comrades believed their blonde haired prey had gone.

“Oh, Good lord, that was close.” thought the alarmed Cassie, briefly closing her eyes and still trying to catch her breath. She kept cover under the bridge for a few more minutes, just in case any other stragglers of their group were bringing up the rear. After a few minutes of silence, she determined it was safe to emerge, and was about to turn and run back to her grandparent's house for help, when she realized that this trail led directly to the spillway, right where she was supposed to have met Lilah. There was no time to waste. By the time she even reached her grandparent's house, the masked men would have already reached the spot where the unsuspecting Lilah would be waiting. Figuring she'd be wise to be as quiet as possible, she decided traveling in the woods along the trail would be safer than running along the trail itself. She went to retrieve her boots, when with shock, she found them gone.

“Well, they sure as hell didn't walk away themselves. That prick must have taken them!” she scoffed resentfully.

She silently kicked herself for removing them in the first place, but figured that was the least of her worries now. The forest floor should be soft enough that it won't matter much, in fact it may work to her advantage as she could walk more quietly without the boots.

“I'm either really stupid or really brave.” thought Cassie. “At any rate, I can't run away knowing Lilah might be in danger.” she decided.

With that, Cassie took off running parallel to the trail where, just minutes ago, four men had passed through in pursuit of her. As she cautiously ambled through the woods, she wondered to herself who they were, and what they could possibly could have wanted.

The 3 men arrived at the girls' secret meeting spot where another man dressed in black was crouched over by the big Oak tree. He was evenly distributing the leaves to camouflage the tree spring noose trap he'd set for Cassie, which, if she fell for it, would send her flying upwards by her ankles, and leave her hanging helplessly upside down. Just the thought of her helpless young body trapped and vulnerable to his ticklish clutches made him salivate. The last of the darkly clothed men arrived just a few minutes after the rest of the group had. The sun was getting very close to setting.

“We lost her on the way up here, but I have a hunch she was hiding under the bridge.” Tommy informed the still crouching Wilbur as he walked over to the big Oak tree. He held up the girl's black boots and both men grinned a crooked smile as Tommy dangled them in the air.

“Well, that's certainly a bonus in the plan, now isn't it?” replied Wilbur evilly as he scattered more dead leaves over the large slipknot on the ground before him. “If I know Cassie, and believe me, I've studied her for a long time, she's too bold and stubborn to just run away knowing Lilah could be in trouble. She'll come sneaking up here shortly, and we'll be ready for her. The trap is set, and now we wait. Everyone take your places.” ordered Wilbur as his friends, who also worked for Old Man Orville, went to their allocated areas.

Tommy and Jackson climbed trees on either side of the trail's opening to the small patch of grassy meadow. They had a perfect view of the old Oak tree, which now was sinister looking as the sun's light diminished. They were prepared to stop the unbeknownst beauty if she decided to turn and run before she could be snared at the ankles by the trap set especially for her.

Eli and Bo hid in the brush on opposite sides of the clearing with lassos in hand in case Cassie tried to dart off in any other direction. They were the fastest of Orville's employees, and were as enthusiastic as the rest of them about Cassie's capture, and the delicious torture that would ensue.

Wilbur was hidden in the bushes just behind the big Oak tree. High above him was a sturdy yet flexible branch pulled back and held taut with the end of it tied to a strong, nylon rope, which was tied off at the other end to one of the tree's massive roots. Attached to the powerful branch was another rope end, which was armed with a large slipknot on the ground and covered with leaves to blend in to the unsuspecting eye. Wilbur's job was to immediately cut the rope as soon as Cassie was in the right position. To lure her over to the trap, they attached a note to the trunk of the massive tree. As Cassie would be suspiciously looking for clues as to the whereabouts of Lilah, she couldn't miss it. As soon as she was positioned under the note, Wilbur would cut the rope. Then, at long last, his fun would begin. He smiled to himself again as he heard the subtle crunch of leaves over the hill and knew it must be her.

Cassie shivered even though she was far from being cold. On the contrary, she was covered in a misty layer of perspiration from running as quietly as she could to where she thought Lilah was awaiting her. With the sun in the process of setting, all that remained in the sky were the traces of dark reds and oranges mixed with the hazy blues and purples as day shifted smoothly to the oncoming darkness of night. Even though the hot Georgia temperature managed to cool a few degrees, the summer air was still thick and muggy; making breathing quietly a challenge. Perhaps the difficulty in breathing was more attributed to her anxiety. As she crept forward toward the trail's end, shadows danced around her and did nothing but serve to heighten her paranoia and taunt her nerves. She knew the masked men who'd been chasing her were somewhere in the forest, and while she knew it was foolish to continue walking around there– barefoot, of all things – she knew she couldn't turn back until she found Lilah was safe.

“What am I going to do if they did find her?” she suddenly realized, and for a moment, she let a gasp slip through her lips. She immediately bit her lip and looked around wide eyed, hoping she didn't give away her position. She gingerly picked up a small but solid stick and held it like a club, prepared to first hit anyone that tried to sneak up on her, then ask questions later. While she approached the end of the trail which led to the small meadow by the spillway, she held her breath and looked rapidly to her left and right, and even behind her. Too bad she didn't look up. Partway up the trees on either side of her sat two of her pursuers, Tommy and Jackson, ready to pounce on her if she decided to run back down the trail. Jackson threw Wilbur a silent hand signal, and Tommy alerted the other two men, Bo and Eli, who dared not shift a muscle.

Cassie walked cautiously through the threshold into the clearing. Tightening the grip on her makeshift club, she proceeded deeper into the small meadow. As she took slow, gentle steps, the long blades of soft grass lightly tickled the bottoms of her bare feet. God, how she wished she had her boots. Cassie listened carefully only to hear the loud roar of the spillway thundering from below. She turned to look over her shoulder to ensure no one was creeping up behind her. Though her senses were still on high alert, for the first time in what felt like forever, she exhaled. Meanwhile, 5 pairs of eyes were following her every move; just waiting for the moment she'd let down her guard and fall into their skillfully placed trap.

The sun was fading quickly now, and Cassie blinked a few times and jostled her head to help her eyes adjust to the oncoming darkness. The crickets were starting to chirp as the moon and stars became more visible, and a refreshing warm breeze shook the tree leaves and made the grass and wild flowers dance against Cassie's sensitive skin as she searched the area. She made it to the edge of the 15 foot cliff which overlooked the river below.

“Hmm.” thought Cassie; her lovely facial features fixed in a confused expression. “Something's not right.” she whispered to herself.

She turned and headed back toward the entrance of the wooded trail, when something white and crinkling in the wind on the Oak tree caught her eye. All of the men who'd been watching her readied themselves in case she decided to bolt. Cassie stopped in her tracks and slowly turned her head toward the sound of the flapping folded up piece of paper, and cocked her head to the side in curiosity. With one more quick glance around her, she tentatively stepped over to the trunk of the massive tree. She cautiously approached the Oak, releasing, with one hand, her death grip on the stick she carried with her for protection, and reached for the folded piece of paper.

“Just a little closer...” thought Wilbur impatiently as he held the cold steel of his pocketknife against the threads of the nylon rope; ready to slice through at any moment.

Cassie, taking two more steps forward, exhaled sharply and yanked the note off the nail from which it hung, and examined it before setting down her stick to open it. She had stepped right into the center of where the slipknot was placed by Wilbur. She looked down at the folded paper, and written in elegant letters was “Cassie” in Lilah's handwriting. Without further delay, Cassie squinted her eyes and bit her lip as she unfolded the paper which read one word:


Panic set it immediately and left her standing frozen where she was, even though her head was screaming for her to run away as fast as her feet would carry her.

“Wha...?” was the last thing she thought a split second before her ankles were pulled tightly together and she was lifted into the air upside down.

She let out a loud yelp as she was raised by her ankles six feet into the air, and struggled to understand what in the world had just happened. Below, she could see the letter used as bait and her useless club laying near the base of the tree. As she strained to look up at her feet, she realized with horror they were held together tightly in a slipknot. She tried to reach up and remove the rope from her feet, but the nylon noose was held fast around her ankles with her soles turned up toward the sky. When she anxiously looked back down to the ground, her eyes widened in fear as she saw 5 dark figures looking up at her with smiles on their faces.

“Nice catch, Wil.” commented his dirty blonde haired friend, Eli. Wilbur looked up smugly at the trapped, dangling blonde in the tree.

“Oh my God! This can't be happening!” Cassie thought as she frantically looked around and impossibly tried to think of what to do. There was some masculine chuckling coming from below, and Wilbur began climbing up the Oak tree to where Cassie was hanging by her ankles.

Cassie was trying her best not to hyperventilate as the dark figure climbed closer to where she dangled helplessly upside down. She had to try something - anything - to prevent him from reaching her. Luckily, she still had the use of her arms. She hurriedly shot her head left and right and groaned out of frustration. There was nothing within her reach that she could grab onto in order to pull herself upright. When her pursuer was just a mere 3 feet away from her, she realized that if she swung herself, she might be able to grab ahold of another branch to pull herself away from him. Awkwardly at first, she found a rhythm by swaying her arms dramatically side to side. By the 5th swing, she was able to touch the branch she was aiming for with her fingertips.

The man was only a foot away from her when she finally grabbed ahold of the thick branch with both hands, trying desperately to climb with only the use of her arms. Breathing heavily, she successfully pulled herself up to sit on top of the seemingly sturdy branch. She let out a triumphant sigh, but relief didn't have a chance to set in for long. Cassie's eyes shot open and her smile faded upon hearing the dreadful cracking sound coming from her wooden perch. In the dark, she couldn't see that the branch was dead, and now she had to act fast. Above her head was a smooth, thick branch that still had leaves growing at the end, so she carefully lifted her arms above her head and reached toward it. Every move she made threatened to cause the old, dead branch on which she sat to crack and plummet to the ground.

“On the count of three, then.” she muttered to herself. “One...”

Wilbur was nearly upon Cassie as she quietly counted to herself. Hearing the unmistakeable cracking noises from the feeble branch below her, he grinned at her misfortune. “All according to plan”, he thought excitedly. He continued climbing up the thick branches of the old Oak until he reached his destination right behind her.

“Two...” Cassie continued shakily as the creaking from under her now became louder. Just before the branch completely gave out, she anxiously called out “Three!” and flung her arms up and around the strong limb above her head. As she tried to grip tighter to the new branch, she glanced down in time to see her dead wooden perch cracking loudly one last time before completely snapping from the big trunk of the old Oak tree and crashing 10 feet to the ground. She let out a feminine squeal and tightened her grip on the cool, smooth bark as her eyes searched for the other men who were watching her from below.

“I hope it took out at least one or two of em.” grunted Cassie under her breath. The blonde teen finally stabilized herself, her arms stretched above her head and naked legs dangling below. The bottom of her tube top lifted several inches above her navel, exposing her ribcage as her arms extended high above her head. Cassie was used to climbing trees, so holding herself up by her hands was nothing for her. Of course, she'd never been in a position such as this. Secretly she wondered how long she actually could hold on.

Cassie focused on pulling her feet out of the slipknot which held them together, occasionally adjusting and retightening her grip on the thick tree branch above her head. Eli waited for a brief moment when Cassie bent her knees in an effort to reach with one hand to grab the noose about her ankles. As fast as lightning, he successfully tossed a lasso around her feet and anchored off his end to a thick root at his feet. This immediately stretched Cassie's smooth shapely legs taut and aimed her feet toward the ground again. She was so taken by surprise that she nearly let go of the branch to which she clung for dear life. Every time she tried to pull herself up, the boys would yank back on the rope connected to her ankles, forcing her to grasp the wooden limb with only her hands.

“You can't keep me here forever!” she snorted vehemently.

“I don't intend to.” replied a deep voice from behind. With a yelp, she nearly lost her grip on the branch above her head again. She snuck a peek over her shoulder, and went wide-eyed with shock as a black masked man sat casually on a thick limb just inches away from her.

“L....leave me alone! I don't have any money, and my grandparents will kill you if you harm me!” she threatened, but her arms started to visibly tremble. “At least they don't have Lilah”, she thought thankfully.

“Cassie Jones. All tied up with no where to go, and still so proud.” rang the baritone voice as he ran a single finger from her neck down her back. Shivers were sent all through her body as the red-haired Wilbur lightly traced his fingertip between her shoulder blades. Panic overwhelmed her and her lungs filled with air, prepared to scream as loud as she could. Within a few seconds, however, fear quickly turned to anger when she heard a familiar annoying chuckle. She let out an enraged growl.

“Son of a..... Perkins?! You're behind this?!” Cassie exclaimed, craning her head so that he could see the rage in her eyes.

“Guilty.” Wilbur playfully responded. He leaned in close behind her and his eyes rolled back with the sweet smelling scent of her freshly shampooed hair filling his nostrils. As long as he'd known Cassie, he'd never been so close to her. He had to force himself not get lost in the moment. Oh, he would enjoy this.

“I should have known! What the hell do you want with me? Why can't you stupid hicks just leave me and Lilah alone?! We can't STAND you lowlife rednecks!” she spat venomously, her arms were shaking harder now.

“Oh, I wouldn't say that. Won't be long now before little Miss Watson will become Mrs. Chet Perkins.” he chuckled darkly.

Cassie shook her head and blinked her hazel eyes rapidly for a few seconds, refusing to take in the horror of what she just heard.

“That's impossible...” she said shakily. “She would never...” she was cut off when she suddenly realized how dark it was. The only light now shining down was coming from the full moon, yet Lilah never did show up as she had agreed to earlier. It was starting to sink in. Lilah wouldn't just ditch her. Something must have happened. Cassie sharply inhaled in an attempt to control her breathing, and her arms started trembling again.

She swallowed hard, and in a near whisper asked, “Where is she?”

Wilbur's silence caused a flood of thoughts to hit her at once. The letter nailed to the tree which was addressed to Cassie in Lilah's handwriting. The fact that Wilbur Perkins found their secret hang out place by the old oak tree. And to top it off, it wasn't like Lilah to agree to do something and then just not show.

“Oh no...” thought Cassie with alarm. “They couldn't have...”

“What the hell did you goons do?! WHERE is Lilah?!” she demanded loudly.

“In very, very capable hands.” he said smoothly, and couldn't help adding to himself, “As are you, little rabbit.” A huge, smug grin spread across his freckled face as he eyed his victim up and down. With Cassie's arms fully extended over her head, Wilbur had complete access to her upper body. There was just so much tender flesh to explore, he was having a hard time choosing where to start. It took everything in him not to slide her straining tube top down right there and fondle her lush, curvaceous breasts; which would be much to the amusement of his friends waiting below. “All in time”, he thought evilly.

“I swear to GOD if you harm one hair on her head!!” Cassie bellowed, but quickly lost her concentration as she felt Wilbur's rough fingers slide from her bare shoulders along her forearms. She shifted her arms in an attempt to shrug off his unwanted touch.

“Don't worry, Cass. Ye'll see her again soon. Yer the maid of honor, after all.” Wilbur said mockingly as he continued slowly gliding his feathery touch up to her gripping hands.

Cassie made a disgusted scoff through her teeth as he lightly tickled up and down the tops of her arms. She tried to ignore his touch, which she found to be irritatingly difficult. “I would NEVER let her marry that loser. Nothing you could say or do could EVER change my mind about you or your screwy family.” she paused for a moment, “Or that no good, phony father of yours.” she added, saying each word slowly.

Wilbur immediately withdrew his fingers. “You little bitch. You're gonna regret your sour view of my family.” he hissed. Then he drew in a deep breath through his flared nostrils, and reminded himself not to lose his temper. He would make Cassie suffer dearly for what she said. He grinned arrogantly and added, “You're going to be one of us, after all.”

“You can go straight t....”, Cassie started, but couldn't hide her surprised gasp when she felt his fingers flutter from her wrists down the inside of her arms. Her erratic wiggling increased as his fingers lingered a little while around her elbows. She bit her lip to stifle a laugh, but her body twisted in response, and the light flicks of his fingernails on her sensitive skin caused her arms to twitch and jerk defensively.

Wilbur watched in delight as Cassie's body instantly responded to his touch. As much as he lusted after her, he loved more than anything that she despised him. Of course, she was the only one in town who'd really been suspicious of his family, other than Lilah, to a lesser degree, and it satisfied him greatly that he'd finally caught her. Her sharp tongue was both exciting as well as irritating as hell to him, and he knew she wouldn't be tamed easily, if that's even what you could call it.


She would offer him a constant challenge. But every time his tickling touch would make her face contort in an effort to conceal a giggle, he'd take pleasure knowing that she'd hate herself whenever she'd inevitably have to surrender to him. He knew she would never love him, but she would come to fear and submit to him. The thought of forcing her to wrap her long, shapely legs around his bucking hips, along with crying out his name with every thrust of his hard cock into her forbidden wetness was enough to make him burst in his pants right there. But there was work to be done, and he knew Cassie would eventually be his reluctant yet obliging sex toy, regardless. To make her humiliation complete, he would make her marry him so her grandparent's farm would belong to the very family she hated so much.

“What's the matter, Cassie? Ticklish?” he inquired with a smirk.

“NO, you idiot, I don't want yer filthy hands on me!” she shot back angrily. She sucked in a staggering breath as he descended his fluttering fingers dangerously close to her armpits. “What the hell am I going to do?” Cassie thought worriedly.

Wilbur breathed hot air on the back of Cassie's neck, causing the girl to go rigid. His fingertips slowly and deliberately stroked her soft underarms right above her intensely ticklish armpits.

“Is that any way to talk to your future husband?” he gruffly whispered in her ear.

His breath tickled her ear, and she shrieked as his tongue flicked at her defenseless earlobe. He brought up his hand and danced his fingers lightly around her neck, forcing frustrated grunts and growls from his captive hanging beauty.

“You must be DRUNK. I can't stand you, why the hell would I marry you? Stop it!!” squealed Cassie, briskly wrenching her head away from Wilbur's incessant tongue lashing along her neck and ear.

“Your arms must be gettin' tired, huh Cass? I'll bet you can't even hold on for 15 minutes.” laughed Wilbur.

“You'd lose!” she barked contemptuously. “I'd hold on for a month before I'd let you big oafs have your way with me!”

“I'll bet I know what could make you let go of that branch. Maybe if you beg me, I'll go easy on you.” he said, replacing the neck and ear assault with light scratches along her under arms.

“Go to hell, Perkins! I'm not letting go, and I'll sure as hell never beg you for anything!” she yelled, closing her eyes tightly to block out the persistent ticklish sensations right above her armpits.

“Well, if you say so. Good thing your armpits ain't ticklish, right, Cass?” sneered the mischievous Wilbur.

Cassie's eyes flew wide open, and just as she opened her mouth to speak, Wilbur sharply wiggled his fingers into her vulnerable smooth hollows; eliciting from her a bout of surprised, agonized laughter. Her shrieks and giggles were ear piercing as he used his fingernails to slip and slide around her wide open underarms. Her body jerked as if it was being electrocuted, and she tried desperately to pull herself up onto the branch to protect her ticklish underarms. With her ankles held fast to Eli's lasso below, she was completely stuck in her helpless position with her arms extended above her head. The only way out of it was to let go of the branch and hang vulnerably upside down again, and she didn't even want to think about what this lunatic would do to her trapped bare feet. As Wilbur's soft yet sporadic ticklish attack continued to torture her armpits, Cassie cackled, bounced and uselessly shook her head left and right in an effort to distract her from the horrid sensations Wilbur was administering.

Wilbur maniacally pinched the soft skin of her sides, sending the giggling blonde into absolute hysterics. He'd cruelly scuttle his fingers all over her naked flat belly, letting them linger at the low waistband of her high cut jean shorts. She twisted and writhed her body around like a worm on a hook as he relentlessly clawed at her torso.

“I guess I was wrong, Cass. At this rate, you probably can't even hang on for 5 minutes let alone 15!” laughed Wilbur as he danced his cruel fingers savagely from her unprotected armpits down her ticklish ribs, and teased her assailable sides before always returning to her horrendously sensitive underarms. This torture continued for several minutes until the delirious blonde had tears streaming down her face from the forced laughter.

“Wiiihihihilllburrrr!! STOP it y...yyou sonuva!! I'll aahahahahahaha!! Ooooh God!!!! Aaahahahahhahahaha I'll kihihihihilll you I sweahererere!!!

“I don't think yer in the position to be threatenin' me, Cass, and I'm sure as hell willing to bet you're not as tough as you act.” he replied sarcastically, never ceasing his ticklish attack on her torso. Her pitiful girlish giggles continued in earnest as he played her body like a harp. He alternated wriggling his fingers along her sensitive arm pits before lightly dancing them around her neck, to suddenly shooting them hard into her vulnerable naked sides. She was nearly foaming at the mouth as she struggled to breathe through his merciless ticklish attack, but she still wouldn't release her grip on the branch above her head.

Wilbur decided to incorporate a little added humiliation, and he knew how to get Cassie good. While one hand occupied her left side, fingers dancing tirelessly up and down to distract her, he firmly gripped the bottom of her tube top with his right hand. Cassie didn't even realize Wilbur was peeling the clingy material up over her heaving ribcage. He repeated the process of lifting her shirt on the left side as he mercilessly scratched at her right armpit. All the while, more and more of the lower full curves of her breasts were revealed, leaving her bunched up top to rest just an inch below her juicy nipples.

Wilbur attacked her sides simultaneously, causing Cassie to thrash and shriek with every ticklish jab. Every bounce Cassie made, in her useless attempt to make the tickling stop, threatened to completely expose her exquisite breasts to the rednecks below. More than anything, Wilbur wanted access to those tender pink morsels which punctuated each jiggling mound. Cassie's helpless nipples would be completely ripe for the taking once the remains of her conforming tube top was stripped from her sweaty body. He slipped his mischievous hands down along her hips, where the curves sleekly turned down towards her groin area. He wiggled his fingers madly along her lower belly, forcing Cassie's bucking body into convulsions as she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her partially naked breasts shook and swayed much to the delight of the salivating onlookers on the ground.

“Nnnah! No no no! Oohohohohoho Stahahahap! Pleeeeheheheaase!! OH! For the lohohohove....of...GOD! Wilburrr!!! I caahahahan't staahahand it!!!”she managed to squeak out in between bouts of anguished laughter.

“Careful now, Cassie. Your titties are popping out of your shirt already from all your wigglin' around! I hope for your sake they're not as ticklish as the rest of ya. Let's see...” he said teasingly as he spider tickled his fingers from her tummy to her heaving ribs. He paused momentarily, tickling the space between each rib individually before moving up to the next one. He cruelly walked his fingers up to her arm pits and just let them rest there motionless to drive Cassie crazy with anticipation. Every 15 seconds, he'd let one or two fingernails deliberately but quickly graze her sensitive skin, keeping her frantically on the edge of insanity. Finally, after 60 tantalizing seconds, he flicked his fingernails all around the squishy flesh of the exposed bottoms of her breasts. They felt warm, supple and delicious to his rough fingertips. He couldn't wait to assault them with his tongue. As for an answer to whether or not Cassie's breasts were ticklish, the poor blonde responded in full by cackling loudly and flailing about violently as soon as his fingers delved underneath her sensitive, jiggling mounds.

“Cassie, I swear if you can't keep them titties under your shirt, I'm gonna tickle your pretty nipples until you piss yourself, and you can't stop me!” he goaded mockingly. Wilbur enthusiastically scuttled his fingers all along the bottoms of her quivering breasts. Then to renew the tickling sensations, he'd spontaneously attack her open armpits for a few minutes, but would always return to his new favorite jiggling toys. All the while, Cassie was shaking like a wild woman; causing the thin tube top to ride up higher and higher over her luscious tits. Her succulent nipples were threatening to be revealed at any moment.

“Oh WHY didn't I listen to Lilah? She always told me these damn tube tops would get me in trouble one day!” she thought regrettably. “If... no....when I get out of this, I'll never wear another one in my life!”

After just a few more excruciating minutes of torture, Cassie's uncontrollable bucking finally made her top roll up and over her bouncing breasts, and she felt a new sense of dread as the sultry summer air hit her pink, unprotected nipples.

“Oh shit!! No no no no!! Keep your hands off my breasts!!” she squealed. She almost made the horrible mistake of attempting to cover her naked boobs with her arm, but instantly remembered the price of letting go. It was such a vulnerable, sickening feeling hanging from the tree branch several feet in the air, completely topless, as a hated maniac was tickling and fondling her from behind. She was really panicking now. She knew there was no way she'd be able to hold on much longer if he tickled her nipples like he had her armpits. Even more prominent though was the embarrassment she felt as the men below were hooting and hollering from the display of the half nude girl from above, anxious for her to fall upside down toward them so that they could have their turn with her.

Wilbur finished raising the rolled up top over her head, and with his pocketknife, sliced through the flimsy material. The shreds of her ruined top fell in ribbons to the ground where the cheering men below were laughing and high-fiving each other. Wilbur turned his attention back to his half naked bride to be. Fingers wiggling, he lustfully delved his hands into her armpits again, involuntarily forcing her to throw her head back in tortured laughter as they danced and scratched inside her deliciously ticklish underarms. Her body shivered as he danced his fingers lower down her armpits, until she felt his expert touch flicking just millimeters away from the outsides of her plump breasts. Momentarily, he paused, allowing the anticipation to once again build up and drive her crazy. Against her better judgement, Cassie looked down in time to see his fingers poised and wiggling in the air just inches away from her heaving chest.

“Oh NO. No no no! Please don't do this, Wilbur! You've had your fun, just let me go! I'm begging you!!” whined Cassie. All traces of haughtiness in her voice were now gone.

“The fun's just starting, baby.” he said in a rough voice, and sharply connected his tantalizing fingertips to her excruciatingly ticklish pink buds. The reaction was electric. Cassie briefly lifted herself a few inches by her tired hands and kicked her tethered feet violently; laughing so loud her echo bounced off the trees. Wilbur slipped and slid his fingers all over her luscious tits, but his flicking fingertips always returned to her incredibly ticklish nipples. She was helpless to escape him, no matter how she twisted and swore. She shook so harshly that her bouncing breasts actually helped Wilbur tickle them as they rocked back and forth against his fingers. Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, Wilbur briefly stopped her nipple torture. Or so she thought. Wilbur licked his fingertips and returned them in front of the dark pink hostages. No sooner had she sucked in a staggering breath of much needed oxygen, Cassie shrieked and screamed bloody murder as he mercilessly wriggled his saliva dripping fingers crazily around and across her hard and silky smooth nipples. It made it so much easier to tickle them when they were slippery and wet. Her voice was getting hoarse as she pleaded for mercy from her sadistic tormentor.

“Nohohohoho! N..NNNOT there! Not my nipples! PLEASE Wilburrrrrr!!!!” she screamed as she fiercely shook her head side to side. Her exhausted arms were barely able to hang on to the branch, but she was determined not to let go.

With one hand he kept her nipples busy, while he trailed his other hand toward her short denim shorts. She was so preoccupied with the nipple torture, she didn't even feel him loosen the button at the center of her hip hugger waist until she heard the undeniable “zzzzzzzttt” sound of her fly being unzipped. Protest as she tried, she couldn't stop laughing as he continued slipping and sliding his fingers around and across her hardening nipples. He flicked his index finger relentlessly across her left dark pink bud as he slyly scooted her shorts down over her writhing hips. Every jerk and bucking move was unintentionally helping him remove her little jean shorts. She was in tickle hell. There was nothing she could do but concentrate on the unfathomable sensations that shot from her nipples through her entire nervous system. By the time she could actually choke out a protest, her shorts were down past her shapely thighs and quickly slipping past her knees.

“NOhohoho!!!! Ahhahahahahahaha!!” was all the giggling blonde could get out. Wilbur removed Eli's lasso from her ankles as he proceeded to slide the shorts down to her feet. Within 20 seconds, he pulled off the remaining slipknot from her ankles, removed the denim shorts, then once again secured the nylon rope about her ankles before she could even tell what had happened. Cassie was left wearing only her black silky thong and was still shaking with laughter.

“She won't be able to hang on much longer.” he thought with a grin. He immediately went back to tormenting those lovely nipples. Wilbur wasn't holding back this time. He squeezed, pinched, and raked his fingernails up and down her jiggling breasts, and without warning, he'd flitter his fingers all over her ribs and armpits. He loved watching her rounded ass cheeks shake from behind as her body convulsed and twitched from the merciless tickle torture. He let his relentlessly wiggling fingers explore the surface of her gyrating hips, which just about sent her into orbit. Wilbur fingered the thin black material around her waist and whispered into her ear, “Marry me, or you lose the panties and I let the boys help me to convince you.”

As drained as she was, Cassie still couldn't bring herself to agreeing to such a disgusting thing.

“I <pant> will never <pant> marry a pig like you!” she scoffed with the last bit of energy she could conjure up. Her exhausted arms were giving out, and she couldn't stand his torture another second. Cassie finally lost her grip on the branch above her head and fell toward the ground. She closed her eyes tightly and let out a feminine scream as gravity pulled her down, when the unthinkable happened. As a loud “Ooof!” escaped her lips, the rope which held her ankles together stopped her head from hitting the grassy floor by roughly 2 feet. She dared to open her eyes one at a time to examine what had happened. Surrounding her were 4 sets of black pant covered legs. One dark figure came up and bound a length of nylon rope around her wrists while another pounded a metal hook into the ground below her head. As soon as the knot was tied, effectively binding her wrists together, the other end of the rope was tied off around the hook in the ground. It was much like having her arms over her head in the tree, only this time they were stretched taught below her head, and even if she wanted to, she couldn't just let go to bring her arms down and protect her vulnerable body. She could barely squirm as she tried in vain to pull her feet down from the slipknot to which they were bound.

Wilbur jumped down the last 5 feet from one of the old Oak's thick branches and smugly strode over to where his prize was held incapacitated just a few feet away. The men were all chuckling and huddling closer to inspect the helplessly bound beauty.

“Let me down now!” yelled Cassie. “I can't take it anymore! You'll go to jail, every single one of you fucking rednecks!” she hissed.

Wilbur knelt down inches away from the hanging blonde's face and stared into her frantic hazel eyes. Her cocky attitude significantly changed as soon as he came into view. She remembered the horrible torture he'd put her through just a few minutes ago, and what he'd promised would happen if she didn't agree to marry him. Not wanting him to realize how much he'd gotten to her, she tried to scowl at him, but he could see the glimmer of fear behind the hatred in her beautiful eyes.

Wilbur sneered proudly, and with the snap of his fingers, the 4 other men closed in on the suspended, nearly completely nude and frightened 18 year old blonde. Only the thunderous roar of the waterfall could have drowned out her screams for the rest of the night.


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Ms. Widow, you are very character and detail oriented, just like me. This was so hot, and I love the way you toyed with Cassie before tickling her, giving her an appitizer before the main course lol! I love your writing and would love to write a story with you someday!
Well you took your time but it was worth the wait. I can't wait to see what you have cooked up for chapter 4!

Great work BW. I love your devious mind and your tantalising tales. :firedevil
Thanks mates! Chapter 4 is in the works as well. Won't be as long before this next one is unveiled. It's going to be rather exciting. ;)

This Is Quite Good

My second favorite story by BW.
Widow, you are...ohhh, fantastic of a writer :pounce:
Never stop, okay dear? :upsidedow
Wow, more than worth the wait. I love the attention detail - especially regarding the natural surroundings :) Bravo!
Love the attention to detail BW!!!! You are definitely a fantastic writer and your stories are well worth the wait!!!!!! I am so lookin 4ward to chapter 4!!! Fantastic Job!!!!
Black Widow said:
Wilbur sneered proudly, and with the snap of his fingers, the 4 other men closed in on the suspended, nearly completely nude and frightened 18 year old blonde. Only the thunderous roar of the waterfall could have drowned out her screams for the rest of the night.

Ahh, a cliffhanger....you jerk! I can't wait for more! :D
I'm a workin' on it. ;) I don't want to put a set time on it yet, lest I stifle my creative spirit. I'm aiming for within a 2 - 3 week time frame. ;) It's going to be so sultry and unforgiving, that you're likely going to feel guilty just reading it. That I can promise you. :)

Until then.... I encourage you to let your imaginations get the best of you. Rawr!


Ahh, a cliffhanger....you jerk! I can't wait for more! :D
I'm a workin' on it. ;) I don't want to put a set time on it yet, lest I stifle my creative spirit. I'm aiming for within a 2 - 3 week time frame. ;) It's going to be so sultry and unforgiving, that you're likely going to feel guilty just reading it. That I can promise you. :)

Until then.... I encourage you to let your imaginations get the best of you. Rawr!


Please don't stifle your creative spirit! I would rather wait a while and get another classic from you! I really truly love your work!

Any thing for you, Great Widow! Write On!
*breathes sigh of relief.

I thought you had forgotten about us. :D
What a story. I would love to encourage you to continue with whatever part you have.
Wow. U have a wicked mind Black Widow. Don’t want to be an annoyance but is there any chance to share whatever there is of chapter 4? I bet Iam not alone if I say: dieying to read this!
Your Storys are awesome but knowing this Story is unfinished drives me crazy. Please show mercy and finnish part 4 :woot2:
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