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Thread for discussion on The World Trade attacks -post here


My thoughts are with you all on this appalling day, and I am sure Britain will do what we can to help if needed. Its so hard to find the right words to fit this horrific act of violence on so many innocent people, and the devastation caused to their famillies my thoughts go out to them.
Need to be>

I know this is totally off subject. But I think are thoughts and prays need to be with all the victiams of the world trade center crash. The passggers on the airlines.
that is all!
I cant believe.....

I cant believe this shit. I am sorry about my language but I am an American and I live in Texas and this is an outrage! Thousands of innocent people were killed......if this starts WW3.....then so be it.....I would rather fight and die than see all those defensless people die.....may we fight back and bring death to our enemies.
Don't Forget

I think we all should not forget those unfortunate people who happened to be onboard the planes that were used for this horrific tragedy. Yes there are thousands of people in NY that have been injured or killed and my hopes go out to those people and their families. But please don't forget that the people in the buildings were not the only ones involved today.
Well, Nightfall returned about half an hour ago, shaken up but otherwise well. Thanks to Jeff, arion30, Cosmo_AC, Rhys, and those others who offered us your sympathy.
An unfair death.....

One of my close friends......jboarder, you may remember him from the old ez boards TMF......he was a regular contributor to the stories section.....was in NYC this morning and I just recieved the message, and I am deeply hurt and enraged......he was on vacation.....he always said that he wanted to go to NYC.....and when he finally got to, this is what he gets.....no one deserved this.....this has gone beyond personal for me.....I cant express the shock I am in.....It just goes to show that your here one minute and gone the next.....I want to dedicate this post to my dear friend......rest in peace jboarder.....you will be missed. Once again, may we fight back and bring death to our enemies.....I may not post for awhile.....I know his mother very well.....I am going to help her in this time of mourning.....my thoughts and prayers go out to all the family's of the lost......peace
This is going to be one of those catastrophic, "where were you when you heard events." I know I have 8 family members that live in NYC, but fortunately they are all okay. I think if it starts World War III depends on one thing: was a country responsible, or a terrorist group? If it is a terrorist group (and hijacking planes to fly them into buildings sounds more like terrorists than a country to me) than we will take revenge however Bush sees fit. If it is a COUNTRY, well... then it is an act of war. I don't think we would have any choice at all if a foreign nation committed it. Prayers for everyone in NY and DC right now.
empty revenge

Shem, thanks for cluin' us to Night's appearance. I was worryin'. I remember her from when she visited us out here, on the west coast, and you both from NEST. It's good to know she's safe.

Folks, I know we're angry, worldwide, about this whole horrific nightmare. We don't yet know, concretely, who did it, though. Yes, we've seen the nasty video, with folks heartless enough to celebrate the faceless enemy they see in our country. Yes, some mad weasels attacked us. Yes, we're going to put a hurtin' on someone.

Let's just make sure it's the right one.

My pal, from gradeschool, is worrying about his grandparents, who have Arabic blood, and appearances to match. Those fine old folks have been here for decades, and bounced me on their knees.

One of the MidWest NEST crew is misfortunate, at this time, to be with skin of a paler shade of brown, and she's already getting treated poorly, and she's not only not related to such enemies, SHE LIVES IN FREAKIN' OHIO.

Keep wary, Americans, that we're all colors, creeds, races, religions, etc., and work to avoid judging those that MAY or MAY NOT be related to whomever was heartless and soulless enough to do this to so many Americans. Don't join what we despise.

Yeah, this is ugly as sin. Uglier, likely. Just share the love for our own, while you're at it. There's a lot of US, here, that are worth lovin', and that's really more important than anything. Else. Love ours first, defend them second, and crush the fuck outta whomever misstepped third.


My heartfelt thoughts and condolences go out to the victims and the families. Mu, I'm truly sorry for your loss.

you have a good point...DONATE BLOOD!

Doing what I can to provide you with recent information:


WTC Buildings number 1, 2, (The towers) and 6 are down, and building 7 is burning uncontrolably on its east side and is also expected to come down shortly.
im very comforted and happy that this forum is actually more of a family than just a tickling forum, we've come together to support each other in need, and truly... hard times bring the worst of friends together.
And #7 just went down.

My suport to all Forum members who have lost someone to this act of terrorism. If any one needs to talk drop a line through the forums contact links.

Just because I can't really concentrate on much else, I wanted to post some thoughts:

First off, I've got to tell those of you who don't know what the World Trade Center (and that entire area) is like at 9:00 in the morning on a weekday. You feel like an ant. That's how many people are around. That's how many people are going to work and that's how many people work in and around the vicinity of the World Trade Center (and the World Financial Center). Their timing was impeccable. They couldn't pick a time where there was more people in the building. Ironically enough, there wasn't one time I was there where I didn't think to myself about the threat of a terrorist attack. When I think of the people trapped in the wreckage that had a fighting chance until the buildings collapsed....it's as bad as putting myself in the position of the poor folks on the hijacked planes...who KNEW what was going to happen....if not just until the moments before the crash.

DVNC, I am totally with you. Though "they" dehumanize us and so celebrate in the streets at our tragedy....let's not fall into the trap of dehumanizing others. Ultimately, we all are merely pawns in the game.....both us, the victims, and the people in Palestine cheering in the streets. The situation in the world is very complex and EVERYBODY'S hands are dirty, and that includes the US, and when we have a global system that is fueled by greed and exploitation with alot of lip service paid to "higher values" then you are bound to create situations of great resentment. Those responsible deserve to be hunted down and punished because to rob someone of their life is the greatest crime but let's not take the racist, kill-em-all tact....I say this because today I saw real, genuine grief from people of all nationalities, including those from the Middle East. I hear they attacked some guy's deli and I don't know that that's fair. (For instance,Bin Laden is a multimillionaire because of his business acumen, not because his family were working in New York delis and cabs, sending him back their earnings!) I would just hate to see things get too ugly, when what we're really fighting are multi-national individuals with an extreme ideology versus a country like Germany in World War II, or even Iraq in the Gulf War.

I am NOT going to talk about the politics of this and how it relates to Bush and Clinton (neither who I like, by the way)..but believe me, I have very strong opinions indeed!!!

Shem, I'm really so happy your girl got home safe and hope she's calming down.....I'm not a usually a praying man, but I said one for her. I also am hoping my friends, particularly a sax player I know named Lars is okay and definitely all the different people in the different offices I'd worked at as a temp, I hope they somehow made it out okay.

I hope this post did not offend anybody. (and by the way, I am not anti-American in any way, I am definitely OF America, but I am pro-Earth!)

Living in upstate NY, I have many friends in NYC. But I think that after something like this, we must all be friends. We must come together and not allow a faceless coward ruin what this nation has fought for. The attack on the Pentagon may have been a military issue, but to destroy the most recognizable feature of the most popular city on Earth is a personal attack on us, the people, on our freedom, our dreams, and our way of life. Let us all pray for the families and friends of those killed in this horrific act. Pray also for God's intervention in our lives. I know this sounds like a soap-box sort of thing, but we ALL need to join together for the sake of our own survival. We are all brothers and sisters and this has irrevocably changed us all. I have more thoughts on this, but I'm just too upset to write anymore. God bless all of us:(

Kabul, Afghanistan is under attack. CNN has live footage. Planes flying overhead, explosions consistent with missile fire. Tracer fire and anti-aircraft fire has begun in response.

No idea who's attacking them, but somebody is.

US government denying that it is us at this time.
Anger Management....

Good point dvnc...I found myself staring at the guys who run the local 7-11, and was ashamed of what I was thinking. Painting with too wide a brush in matters of this import isn't smart, but I and a few million others aren't feeling smart, merely blindingly angry and yes, vengeful. As I write, Afghanistans government center is ablaze, sources unknown. Doubt this was our work, we tend to be more...careful, and much more time consuming. The point of my post s is this...our reaction should be of such a dramatic nature that the NEXT idiot who thinks about advancing his "cause" at the expense of American lives will realize that all he/she would actually be doing is dooming their faction to a speedy inevitable extinction! I don't WANT to see more innocents harmed, either in this country or even in the abode of the terrorists, be they an arm of the government or merely supported by several rogue governments, but....this needs to be avenged, in a manner that sends an unequivocal message to the world regarding our tolerance level for acts of this nature. Anything less is a disgrace and unworthy of our past history and those who died defending and protecting our rights. Q
Having watched various programs about events such as the assassination of JFK and the attack on Pearl Harbor and having spoken with people that were alive when these events took place. I thought I understood the impact these actions has had on history, people and the world.

I did not until this day.

I am overwhelmed with grief like I have never felt my entire life. I truly wish that I have not had to experience this in my lifetime. My sympathy goes out to all of the victims, their families, and friends. I selfishly hope as I type this that all of my friends, customers, and members of this forum are safe and well.

My heart sank when I read Shem's first post, I desperately scanned the rest of the messages looking for news of "Nighfall's" safety. I was very relieved to find that she was safe but the post had brought the full impact of today's events directly into my life. While I have never met "Nightfall" she has written for my magazine and I had met Shem several years ago at a NEST gathering. The small thread the connected them to my life had magnified the horror of today. A horror that had already deeply effected me.

Those lives lost today will not ever be forgotten. Those responsible should be given no quarter.

Jim a.k.a. Morandilas
Expressing one's sympathy and prayers in this matter simply cannot be overdone.

It's a terrifying thought . . . one day, the most devastating news you can hear is that the Broncos lost Ed McCaffery for the season . . .then you wake up and your country is at war.

The City of Chicago has been shut down from more or less top to bottom. Downtown has been evacuated completely and most of the city has been closed, including Lincoln Park and Navy Pier. Columbia, Northwestern, and DePaul have cancelled classes. Wrigley Field is barren. It's frightening to think that if any further attacks come, I'm living in one of the most likely targets.

I must also agree with the comments made by dvnc, nontkl, and some others: this tragedy has left our nation angry, hurt, grieving, and simply numbed. But we must not let it foster hate and persecution of more innocents, or else not only have we sunk to the reprehensible level of the perpetrators, but we have handed them a victory. Those that would seek to undermine the Free World would do it through inspiring fear and division.

Let those who committed this heinous act burn on Earth and in Hell eternal. Let those who may share their skin color, ethnicity, or religion remain in peace and recover, as we all must, from this attack on not only America but humanity at large.

to expand a little on the WTC, its also a major commuter intersection, where people from all 5 boros and jersey stop and switch trians or disembark for work, adding a lot more to the casualty toll. PLUS there a huge shopping mall underneath it.

Theres also an arab-run gas station/convience store around the corner from me. when I was there to get a pack of smokes, all the workers were gathered around the TV wondering how anyone could do this. Please dont judge other in your community by their skin color. Alot of them are just as shocked and dismayed as you are, and taking it out on them will just prove the terrorists who did this correct.
I hope and pray that anyone here that had a family member or loved one in or near the tragedy are alive and well.

Let's hope these people behind this are found and punished...quickly.

I'm deeply saddened by today's events. I still sit here shellshocked as I ponder who? why? what's the root cause?

Death at age 85 or 90 from "natural" causes is terrible. But death much earlier in life and by murder is so very hard to deal with for me. That is what happened today to probably 1000's & 1000's. My heart and thoughts are with them and their family members.

And while revenge is sweet momentarily and those responsible must pay, I'm very sad to realize as I sit her now that it will not bring any lasting relief to the families with now dead loved ones. I am sorry for not being a pillar of hope, and a "think positive" preacher, but there is nothing positive about this, nothing.

But once again, my thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved.

I had posted in another thread about the attacks.
I just wanted to add, I did not forget the people that died
that were on the planes.

I'm glad to hear your fiance is ok Shem. I can't imagine what was running thru your mind as you couldn't reach her.

My thoughts and everything to all those affected by this inhuman act.

I don't know what else to say...

Time to fight back

I might not be on here for a while. My buddy and half owner with me of a hockey board sadly was one of the thousands that did not make it. Just found this out and I am in deep shock and can't believe this is going down.
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